20 Minute PayDay-Russell Brunson And The Midwestern Couple

57 replies
Hello Warriors,

Has anyone used this yet?

20minutepayday = Not affiliated

Another case of a non-transparent method utilizing curiosity and bold claims.

This one even throws in a nice young couple winning a Corvette!

Is this another one of the dime-a-dozen products that incorporate a sales page that cost more than the research and development of the product?

Any experience with this would be great!

#brunson #couple #midwestern #minute #paydayrussell
  • Profile picture of the author OnlineMasterMind
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    • Profile picture of the author Thirty3Down
      Going through it now...
      I'll let you know ASAP.

      Russell's stuff is usually pretty top notch.
      In anything I've bought from him in the past.... there are always 2-3 tips that are worth the whole cost of the program... and then you get alot more.
      Just my experience with the past stuff.

      There are several hour long movies in this one... As soon as I get through it... I'll let you know!

      Want to see How I'm running a Multimillion dollar online business from a backpack? Follow my journey here.
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      • Profile picture of the author Blazon1
        Russell Brunson And The Midwestern Couple

        Sounds like a good name for a band, if he ever starts one.
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  • Profile picture of the author novac
    No, Blazon 1.... 20 Minute Payday would be better for a band.
    Thirty3Down, don't let us Down. Come back and report, OK?

    Hard to believe I forgot about being a member for so long.

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    • Profile picture of the author rahulchandra
      It follows the new "in thing" in recent IM launch trends...

      Original offer at 37$ followed by a 10 $ discount at 27$ followed by 1$ 7 day trial( which is a little bit different because others would take you directly to the order page), I'd say it's a low entry buyer list builder, that's all...

      And any "system" or "loophole" or "back door" that promises instant riches without involving any or very little work sounds like a promise too good to be true, and fortunately I am way past being a sucker to these.

      It exploits a very common trait in human psyche, laziness, and the first rule is, there are no shortcuts.

      Use your heads, why would anyone sell a "system" that makes 100$ a day for only 37$, what's the point?

      Even the screen shots are from last year....

      Buyer Beware!
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      • Profile picture of the author Daniel Brock
        Originally Posted by rahulchandra View Post

        Use your heads, why would anyone sell a "system" that makes 100$ a day for only 37$, what's the point?

        Buyer Beware!
        Oh for goods sakes you haven't even seen the product and you are already bashing it? wtf?

        And please, is that all you could come up with???

        Here is why someone would do that:
        -$37 to get you into the sales funnel
        -Upsells to monthly continuity
        -back end high dollar services

        All with the knowledge of knowing that 99% of your buyers won't do anything with the information in the product.
        Clickbank #1 Best Seller: The Deadbeat Super Affiliate.
        Click here to learn how to make money online in your bath robe and gym socks!
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        • Profile picture of the author rahulchandra
          @Daniel Brock

          Originally Posted by Daniel Brock View Post

          Oh for goods sakes you haven't even seen the product and you are already bashing it? wtf?

          And please, is that all you could come up with???

          Here is why someone would do that:
          -$37 to get you into the sales funnel
          -Upsells to monthly continuity
          -back end high dollar services

          All with the knowledge of knowing that 99% of all buyers are lazy addicts who won't do anything with the information in the product.


          With that said, here is an explanation

          The promise of instant riches is to lure the customer into a sales funnel of upsells and continuity, I am not bashing the product, I am only saying that it has become a trend, do you know how many launches have recently applied the same tactic? I have seen at least 4 this month alone.(Thankfully I am way past my buying cycle)

          It's just like when video sales pages were hot, everybody was using them(Add to cart button would pop out at the right time, remember?), right now the trend is a hybrid sales page containing both video and add to cart button at the top( I guess they are doing it because the user doesn't need to scroll down to find the order link),followed by text, may be it increases conversions, I don't know, but the point is, they are everywhere, and poor newbies are suckered into buying, sometimes the product is worth it, most of the times it's not!

          I do agree with you that 99% of IMers are just information junkies who just jump from product to product without ever implementing what they learn, looking for the magic bullet, and the instant riches in next sales page they read, it's a vicious cycle and there is an end to it, but it results in someone going broke(HINT HINT), I know this because I have done my share of hunting the magic bullet myself, so suffice to say, I speak from experience.

          All in all I just wanted to contribute my share of knowledge, if that saves a poor sucker 37$, I'd consider it a job well done,but I guess you misinterpreted it as bashing, but then again, those are just words and we all think and act to them differently...

          One last thing, I have purchased some of Russell's products in the past, and he does share some golden nuggets now and then, and the guy makes millions a year, so he probably knows what he is doing, probably much more than me and you, but the point I was trying to make is, the sales page follows a trend, which is working most probably for the benefit of the vendor, so the buyer should be beware, I never said anything about the quality of the product in question, I haven't bought it yet, therefore I don't know!

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  • Profile picture of the author fsweet
    This guy makes 10 Mil per year!
    I just bought it But I also bot another program of his that looks even better
    called micro-Continuity
    So far, it is first class!!
    I'll be back

    Shortcut Your Path to Internet Marketing Success

    Read this Amazing FREE Report

    Click Here to get Your copy Now

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  • Profile picture of the author Adam Roy
    If someone promises the world, the money, and all of this 'virtually instantly', STAY AWAY!

    If someone promises a particular method, new system, or a 'tactic' which makes sense, go ahead and take a dive. They all offer guarantees anyways.

    I look for method explanation, not 'dream' income explanation.


    I had a look through this system...and I have to say that I do not recommend it.

    Another course based upon 'taking action' and it's 20 minutes work per day, until it pays off. There's nothing instant about it.
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  • Profile picture of the author kudosone
    For any offer you receive, click on the 'affiliates' link.
    That will often tell you the upsells, downsells, etc.
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    • Profile picture of the author kd777
      Hi kudosone,

      Yes, you're right. It's a good advice. I also always do that. And sometimes you'll get some good markeitng tips too. The promotion methods described in the affiliate sections often are really useful, because the owner of that website has a strong interest in helping his (or her) affiliates to market the product as effectively as possible.


      Originally Posted by kudosone View Post

      For any offer you receive, click on the 'affiliates' link.
      That will often tell you the upsells, downsells, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author REW72
    Just checked out the affiliate page on this one. Expect 2 upsells $97 and $197 and continuity.

    I expect (though haven't seen in this case) that as with most launches recently you "really need" the upsell to get the most out of what you actually bought in the first place.
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  • Profile picture of the author REW72
    Quick update. I've just watched the affiliate video and whilst there are some upsells there is a lot of value in the main $37 package.

    That said, Russell does mention that the original course this is taken from is 2 years old so some sections may be less relevant today than in 2008.
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  • Profile picture of the author frankwyatt77777
    In some of my other posts i have said what I am about to say. Why are we worried about making $100.00 a day? A big part of us are not even making $10.00 a day if we are honest.
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    • Profile picture of the author damonclyde
      Thank you all. I never buy a new product now without waiting for 10 or more comments on the warrior forum related to the product. I have a weakness (just like an alcoholic) to these types of sales letters. The hype is often too much to bear and I buy. This has led to many refunds and I sometimes worry that Clickbank will eventually ban me from making purchases.

      I have so many systems and methods that may have worked previously but now need new twists. I therefore an trying to build a hybrid system using all the pieces I have. It is tedious and hard work. I have to learn various codes, programs, blogging platforms, etc.. (we all know the drill) If I ever do get this working and "make it" (whether that means 10 dollars a day or 10,000) I would under NO circumstances sell such a working system to the general public. Such a sale would render any such method useless or nearly so. I have crossed a Rubicon of sorts. It is all about content, and I intend to provide it, even if it kills me and I don't get rich next week.
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      • Profile picture of the author CanuckWarrior
        Originally Posted by damonclyde View Post

        ... I would under NO circumstances sell such a working system to the general public. Such a sale would render any such method useless or nearly so. I have crossed a Rubicon of sorts. It is all about content, and I intend to provide it, even if it kills me and I don't get rich next week.
        Hooray, another person has swallowed the red pill.

        Most people on this forum seem to choose the blue pill and then perpetually kiss the butts of the ones who dispense them.

        Internet marketing is not rocket science ... unsubscribe from every guru spam list you're currently on ... they just want to rape your wallet and make you co-dependent.

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  • Profile picture of the author TheWealthSquad
    The biggest issue I have with the marketing of this product (don't have the product so can't comment on that.) Russell normally puts out very good information.

    Website states only 250 copies available. Russell just sent out an email today saying they had averages 10 sales a minute for 24 hours. Now I am slow at math but

    10 sales a minute
    60 minutes an hour
    24 hours equales nearly 14,000 copies.

    Be honest. Don't create false scarcity. I may have been interested in the product (low price means if I get just one item that helps it pays for itself) but won't buy something that presents a false scarcity.

    Just my two cents.
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    • Profile picture of the author drnet
      Originally Posted by TheWealthSquad View Post

      The biggest issue I have with the marketing of this product (don't have the product so can't comment on that.) Russell normally puts out very good information.

      Website states only 250 copies available. Russell just sent out an email today saying they had averages 10 sales a minute for 24 hours. Now I am slow at math but

      10 sales a minute
      60 minutes an hour
      24 hours equales nearly 14,000 copies.

      Be honest. Don't create false scarcity. I may have been interested in the product (low price means if I get just one item that helps it pays for itself) but won't buy something that presents a false scarcity.

      Just my two cents.
      Well, this is where we warriors know better. There is not really alot of need for discussion of this, most of these product launches and sales pages are designed to do one thing...SELL

      The tactics are proven and have worked for 100's of years and will continue to for the most part....

      It doesn't equate to integrity selling that is for sure, but it is the way things are sold and not just from internet marketing...

      It's tough to NOT go this route as it works and works well. Psychology is a big part of selling...trigger words, fear, scarcity, promises of big money...ect..

      If you have been around the block a while, you know that these items are needed to make the sale...it is business....accept it as part of business...

      Now that being said, you can choose to be different and stick to your guns...I have chosen that route most of the time and it has served me ok. Now I am not making the kind of money that Russell makes as well as others and that has caused me to re-think some things and to get to that level, I know I must observe what works and follow it. Keeping integrity is imortant to me and I do not want to make false promises or false claims in what I do or say...just for a sale.

      I have purchased From Russell and most of the time there is good value in what he offers and I guess from a Warrior standpoint, it is not about what we don't get out of it, or looking beyond the hype..it is what we can get out of it and as it was stated above, if there a couple nuggets that will help us in our business...then $37.00 may be a good purchase. Now I have not purchased it, and won't because I am focused on my own products and do not have time for the distraction quite frankly. That is probably the biggest killer of these launches one after another. Gesh they all look good because they are SUPPOSE TO LOOK GOOD.......People who are making alot of money can afford REALLY good copywriters. There job is to do one thing. Get you to open up your wallet and pay for it.

      Are we to Knock Russell for doing what as internet marketers we are taught to do?

      We are all smart enough to look at what he is doing and say..."Hey he is using marketing and copy tactics that work"

      I have bought alot of products that are still sitting on my shelves or on my hard drives that I have not used...I was sold by good copy...just like you...

      Why scrutinize or tear down what we should also be doing and learning?

      Go to these sales pages to observe, not to buy...if the product fits into your game plan then buy it..if it does not then don't...but each of us can learn from what others are doing.

      As far as scarcity goes, that one is a tough one for me to make a claim and NOT stick to...but that is me and you have to make your own choices as to how you run your business.

      That being said, I don't know about the numbers that were stated as I have not paid much attention to this launch. I am busy on my own sites and services....

      But I think you would all agree that these tactics work, and have worked and will continue to work.

      NO one wants to work, they want easy street on a silver platter, but business for the most part does not work that way. Sure there are exceptions to every rule and sometimes people hit it big without alot of pain. But for most of us, it comes down to a strategic game plan and STICKING to it long enough to see if it works....Most of us do not stick to it long enough as the new shinny offer comes trotting into our inbox daily pulling us away from what we should be doing....Building content and building links...that is all there really is when it comes down to what works and what does not....

      Google wants good content....and they want to see that you are legit...by finding others or other places where you are linked too..

      Russell? I admire what he has done...he is twice as young as me (well maybe not twice) and he has done VERY well for himself. Financially I am sure he is very well off and can do what he wants and go where he wants..isn't that why we are all here? Freedom? Freedom to choose?

      So how do you get there? All the information is here, I believe it comes down to focus and a plan.

      The rest will take care of itself.

      DR NET
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  • Profile picture of the author Doiron
    The 250 purchaser limit rubbed me the wrong way, too.

    I bought the product and the upsell. The upsell is a trial membership and was worth a look. I'm not sure if I'll continue with that or not.

    Unfortunately, the system won't allow me to log in to the main product so I don't know how valuable it is yet, or if the continuing membership would be a useful complement to it.

    Odd that my login info works for the upsell but the same username/password combo isn't recognized on the main login page. I submitted a ticket almost 24 hours ago but I assume they've been too busy to look at it.

    I guess it takes a lot of time to process 250 orders
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  • Profile picture of the author Doiron
    I read with interest Dr. Net's comment on the stated 250 purchaser limit, "Why scrutinize or tear down what we should also be doing and learning?"

    It reminded me of a conversation I had with a business major in university, many, many years ago. We were watching a TV news broadcast of a building that collapsed injuring several people. It turned out that the builder had used inferior materials in the construction.

    I was distressed but my friend claimed that it was just business, and the only thing that went wrong was that the builder got caught.

    We pretty much stopped being friends after that.

    I may be an internet innocent, but I don't think we should tell outright lies on sales pages, or copy falsehoods on those of others.

    There's lots of opportunity to make a good living honestly. How rich do we need to be?
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  • Profile picture of the author Focused Action
    If I made $100,000 per year doing this "20 minute per day" - I think I would work at least 8 hours a day and retire in a year or so
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  • Profile picture of the author TheWealthSquad
    There are ways to develop scarcity without being dishonest.

    Do you really want to be deceptive in your sales copy? The FTC is always looking to make a nice case against someone. From a long term business standpoint and for my own integrity, I prefer to be honest.

    Would it make one bit of difference if he changed it to available for the next 10 days only? Then take it off the market. Or it is available for $37 for the next 14 days then the price is going up to $997.

    Both of those create the scarcity effect and can be honestly followed through on.

    I met Russel a couple of years ago and have been impressed with him and his work. This one may convert very well but won't be one I am promoting.
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  • Profile picture of the author michgil
    Has anyone bought and used the product that can do an honest review of it? The false scarcity doesn't work with me any more and quite honestly, I don't know how some of these people sleep at night especially with the current state of the economy.

    Becoming a millionaire (and I wonder how money of them really are), to me is useless if you got there screwing people. It's kind of like winning a marathon when you cheated and cut half the route out.

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  • Profile picture of the author jempub
    And still NO real reviews!
    FREE: "How To Make $200 A Day Online Fast!"

    **Click here to download!
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  • Profile picture of the author Doiron
    I'd love to review it but it's been two days since I bought it and I still don't have access to it.

    No response from support tickets and no answer when I call the support desk telephone number.

    I'm just a little frustrated. I had planned on giving this a close examination this weekend.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve Wise
      Originally Posted by Doiron View Post

      I'd love to review it but it's been two days since I bought it and I still don't have access to it.

      No response from support tickets and no answer when I call the support desk telephone number.

      I'm just a little frustrated. I had planned on giving this a close examination this weekend.

      Says it all really doesn't it?

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    • Profile picture of the author jpkitta
      I know how you feel. I've been waiting four days, and I still can't access the product. So far, there's been absolutely no response from customer service. Frustrating ... very frustrating!
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  • Profile picture of the author docmatt
    This is probably the best comment I can make regarding this "opportunity"- If anybody has studied Dan Kennedy at least, as well as the other marketers but we all know Dan is really the "Godfather" of information marketing, and at least "one" of the Godfathers of copywriting- We all know that one of the most important principles when selling any kind of information product at least, is to present your offer as a "MAGIC PILL" - If anybody here as a marketer is NOT aware of this crucial component in your advertising, well...

    But what amazes me is, after all this time, and reading different Warriors experiences through the WSO's for example, which can become a definite "ADDICTION" for some- Why are we so surprised when every offer that comes down the pike, is presented to us as a "MAGIC PILL??"

    WHY are we so surprised???

    GOOD question...............
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  • Profile picture of the author AndrewStark
    The salespage is perhaps like most these days a little misleading.

    The first part will basically tell you that you need to have a website online selling an information product, and then with 20 minutes a day traffic generation you will be able to make the number of sales, and if you are good at affiliate marketing to this new list of buyers then you will make a lot of money.

    Bottom line if you buy it and take no action you'll get no results.

    Buy it absorp the content and go out there and follow the plan then you could be like the couple who feature in the video.
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  • Profile picture of the author 32paul52
    anybody bought this yet? am still waiting............
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    • Profile picture of the author gabriel moisescu
      So all you need is a web page as they said and that's it?You can start earning money?

      Originally Posted by misterpines View Post

      I am going through the product now, like the other products I have received from Russell, it is top notch. Compared to other similar products I have purchased, his remain the best in terms of proper instructional design and a distinct lack of "fluff." It really is as simple as he makes it sound and if anybody bothers to really pay attention and actually apply the steps he lays out, if they have a shred of talent, they will make some money. Survey your customers, create squeeze and landing page, I mean there are only so many ways to skin a cat, but if you want it laid out in very clear and simple language, you would do a lot worse by not getting this. I mean, I like Mass Control and Product Launch Formula and all that, but this is more of a blueprint and action plan, more practical application and less theory.

      Hope that helps and if there are any actual questions for somebody taking the course, hit me up.

      Video Marketing Services

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      • Profile picture of the author imguru
        Originally Posted by gabriel moisescu View Post

        So all you need is a web page as they said and that's it?You can start earning money?
        From what I understand the idea with 20 minute payday is to find a niche market, target keywords for the niche, poll people what they want and then create the product?
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  • Profile picture of the author Terry Ross
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    • Profile picture of the author pydy9916
      Well I did buy it..I guess I am going thru a phase. i purchased several of the new hot clickbank products this summer (which I won't mention here as off topic) and 9 out of 10 were returned.

      I spent a few hours reviewing Russell's videos and yes it is a blueprint on how to create and sell a product in a niche..like anything else you must have a plan, an idea, and a niche.

      The couple who won the corvette followed his plan to the letter (according to their interview) for two months and basically worked their *** off. Hey...it paid off! They appear to be doing well and are building on the formula. It is not quite clear as to how many hours per day they put in up front but I would assume it would have to be almost full time to get the results they did.

      Also...the $47 after one week goes on for 6 months for complete membership. I too could not get into other areas on the site, but perhaps they are locked out until you make the first $47 payment.

      Russ does talk veeerrry fast on his videos. Most people won't like that but I do (I talk fast too!) but you do need to keep notes and draw up a plan.

      He does have some problems with his resource page. Several of the links are "404" or no good anymore and if he reads this I would highly recommmend he clean that up. In fact it should have been cleaned up before a launch. I really hate that and returned another product for that reason. If you don't have all your ducks in order before a launch...don't launch. He really should have had someone outside his company test it first.

      So all in all...not sure yet. I am giving it a +/- until I can watch some more videos. The concept is good...but the details are lacking.

      Mary Kay
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  • Profile picture of the author neodarth
    I've just bought it, skip the upsell and decline de 1 on 1 coaching program AKA "The Call".
    There is a ton of material in there:
    - two interviews with the couple who wins the corvette in the 100 million dollar challenge.
    - The whole $100 million dollar challenge presentation
    - 18 videos about how to create a bussines model with different techniques.
    - 4 advanced modules don't know what they are about yet.
    - Bonuses - two softwares and two interviews one with Matt Bacak and one with Michael Filesaime.

    I've broke my leg a couple of days ago and now I will have plenty of time to go through all this stuff... so far seems pretty good stuff, very 'Brunson Style'

    So far I've seen the complete two interviews with the couple, who won a corvette in a challenge with a digital product on how to make hair bows - the story is pretty inspiring and make me want to find out especific details.

    The downside... There is no printable material, no ebook or transcription wathsoever... I'm a freaking reader! I need words to read for he concepts to sink in!, also there are no downloadable videos and with a poor Band width (the WiFi sucks here in my bedroom) the streaming takes forever.

    Anyways I'll keep posting as I pass through the modules.

    So far... for a measy $27 seems like a good deal.

    PS - forgive the mispells - blame the painkillers
    ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

    ==> Internet Marketing Newbie Created for IM virgins
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    • Profile picture of the author Avatar1728
      Originally Posted by neodarth View Post

      I've just bought it, skip the upsell and decline de 1 on 1 coaching program AKA "The Call".
      There is a ton of material in there:
      - two interviews with the couple who wins the corvette in the 100 million dollar challenge.
      - The whole $100 million dollar challenge presentation
      - 18 videos about how to create a bussines model with different techniques.
      - 4 advanced modules don't know what they are about yet.
      - Bonuses - two softwares and two interviews one with Matt Bacak and one with Michael Filesaime.

      I've broke my leg a couple of days ago and now I will have plenty of time to go through all this stuff... so far seems pretty good stuff, very 'Brunson Style'

      So far I've seen the complete two interviews with the couple, who won a corvette in a challenge with a digital product on how to make hair bows - the story is pretty inspiring and make me want to find out especific details.

      The downside... There is no printable material, no ebook or transcription wathsoever... I'm a freaking reader! I need words to read for he concepts to sink in!, also there are no downloadable videos and with a poor Band width (the WiFi sucks here in my bedroom) the streaming takes forever.

      Anyways I'll keep posting as I pass through the modules.

      So far... for a measy $27 seems like a good deal.

      PS - forgive the mispells - blame the painkillers
      Thanks Neodarth - This is the kind of review I was looking for!
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  • Profile picture of the author Doiron
    Just over four days for me now, too. Odd that I was able to access the upsell membership.

    The problem is that the trial membership is only for seven days and I'm not sure I'll have enough time to see if it's a good fit with the main product. At the end of seven days I get dinged with a $47 bill. Not a lot if it works, but it will rankle me severely if it doesn't.

    Has anybody here bought into the trial and able to shed some light as to its value?
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  • Profile picture of the author hawkhill88
    This part of the disclaimer for the product is a mini-course in IM and it's free.

    Results generated in the examples come from 1) entering a good niche, 2) entering at the right time, 3) intimate and unique knowledge of niche, 4) a compelling call to action 5) a truly unique selling proposition, 6) implementation of applicable parts of the information provided, and 7) repeated trial and effort. If you are unwilling or unable to perform all of the above, do not purchase this product. Even if you perform all of the above, it is no guarantee of results of any kind. Every business or marketing venture involves some degree of risk and your success and/or failure will depend entirely upon your background, dedication, desire and motivation, as well as other factors both known and unknown, as well as factors beyond your control. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money. It's up to you to decide what level of risk is appropriate for you. If you cannot afford, or will not use, this product, do not buy it. Please read all agreements, notices and disclaimers before purchasing anything.

    I'm not saying it's not a worthwhile product because I'm not buying it. I don't need another IM breakthrough. I'm too busy following the steps in that disclaimer up there.:rolleyes:
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  • Profile picture of the author Thirty3Down

    So I posted earlier in this thread that I had bought the product and I've been spending a little time going through it. So this is my synopsis.

    "20 Minute Payday" is for someone looking for an IM business model.

    If you already have a working IM model or you are one of these people who jumps from strategy to strategy.... STAY AWAY FROM THIS.

    This product is for the Internet Marketer who is trying to learn some creative ways to put a product together and then market that product.

    Can You Learn Everything that is being taught in this program in the warrior forum... Yep.... but will it save you alot of time looking through this (or any other) forum.... Absolutely. (which is what product creation is all about folks)

    For the price tag this is an amazing amount of content and for someone who is looking to "focus" and put in the time.... this product is amazing.

    I have spent a ton of money on IM products and the key is....... spend money for someone to package information into an organized form....(make sure they are a trusted Marketer....which Russell Brunson is) and after you buy from them.... don't buy anything else.

    Tip: If your buying an IM product, you better be paying for someone to package the content. Don't buy an IM product because they promise a "secret" or "push-button method". This product delivers because it packages the content well.

    If you are looking for a package that will give you a nice step by step...this one rocks.... if you're looking for something easy.... Pass on this.

    I am an experienced IMer and I really enjoyed the refresher that was in this course (even picked up some unique stuff).

    Hope that helps guys!
    Ben Adkins

    Want to see How I'm running a Multimillion dollar online business from a backpack? Follow my journey here.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ken Strong
      Somebody was stuffing cookies in this thread. Their post is now deleted (and soon they will be, too), but if you viewed this thread during the last 8 hours or so you may want to delete cookies if you're planning to buy this product, so you're not giving your money to a scammer.
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    • Profile picture of the author imguru
      Originally Posted by Thirty3Down View Post


      So I posted earlier in this thread that I had bought the product and I've been spending a little time going through it. So this is my synopsis.

      "20 Minute Payday" is for someone looking for an IM business model.

      If you already have a working IM model or you are one of these people who jumps from strategy to strategy.... STAY AWAY FROM THIS.

      This product is for the Internet Marketer who is trying to learn some creative ways to put a product together and then market that product.

      Can You Learn Everything that is being taught in this program in the warrior forum... Yep.... but will it save you alot of time looking through this (or any other) forum.... Absolutely. (which is what product creation is all about folks)

      For the price tag this is an amazing amount of content and for someone who is looking to "focus" and put in the time.... this product is amazing.

      I have spent a ton of money on IM products and the key is....... spend money for someone to package information into an organized form....(make sure they are a trusted Marketer....which Russell Brunson is) and after you buy from them.... don't buy anything else.

      Tip: If your buying an IM product, you better be paying for someone to package the content. Don't buy an IM product because they promise a "secret" or "push-button method". This product delivers because it packages the content well.

      If you are looking for a package that will give you a nice step by step...this one rocks.... if you're looking for something easy.... Pass on this.

      I am an experienced IMer and I really enjoyed the refresher that was in this course (even picked up some unique stuff).

      Hope that helps guys!
      Ben Adkins
      Exactly my thoughts. Actually, many of the products being released recently are very good. Yes, of course some information can be found elswhere and of course the marketers try every trick to sell their product but if you pick one and take action on it, and follow through, you will very likely see results
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  • Profile picture of the author neodarth
    I finished my walkthrough the video series, good stuff indeed, too many stuff to watch just in a couple of days.

    Right now I fall into the information overload syndrome my head spin and my brain drains data... (part for all the info - part for Russell's fast speaking, man! seems like a freaking machine gun speaking!)

    I have so many ideas on how to undust old brainstorming proyects and turn them into a profitable bussiness model.

    Inside the modules there are somethings that I've already knew and used, others that I've Knew and didn't use, and somethings that I've plainly didn't knew a thing about it.

    As I always said, if you can get a tip or two that can help in your bussiness is money well invested.

    Disappointed with 20 minute payday? no, I can sleep well tonight.
    ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

    ==> Internet Marketing Newbie Created for IM virgins
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  • Profile picture of the author Doiron
    Well, I don't know what to do.

    If anyone has gone through something like this and can offer any suggestions, I'd be grateful.

    I bought the upsell for the 7 Day trial period to be billed $47 monthly after the first week.

    I canceled that membership four days later but got billed for it today anyway - six days and ten hours later, to be exact.

    The login information they sent with my cancellation request ticket confirmation doesn't work.

    I'm hoping someone from their organization might check this thread periodically and contact me. Slim hope I know, but what else can be done?

    Three tickets and three phone calls so far and still no human contact. I just sent an email to the support desk but I'm not sure if they read them.

    Any advice?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2607103].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Code64
      Originally Posted by Doiron View Post

      Well, I don't know what to do.

      If anyone has gone through something like this and can offer any suggestions, I'd be grateful.

      I bought the upsell for the 7 Day trial period to be billed $47 monthly after the first week.

      I canceled that membership four days later but got billed for it today anyway - six days and ten hours later, to be exact.

      The login information they sent with my cancellation request ticket confirmation doesn't work.

      I'm hoping someone from their organization might check this thread periodically and contact me. Slim hope I know, but what else can be done?

      Three tickets and three phone calls so far and still no human contact. I just sent an email to the support desk but I'm not sure if they read them.

      Any advice?
      If you still have your clickbank order receipt in your email account, simply forward that receipt to refunds@clickbank.com and you will be refunded.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2607346].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Doiron
    Thanks, Code64. I've done that as well as contacting Brunson's office directly.

    Fingers crossed.

    I also asked for a refund on the main product which I was never granted access to anyway.

    Interesting times.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2607402].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Code64
      Originally Posted by Doiron View Post

      Thanks, Code64. I've done that as well as contacting Brunson's office directly.

      Fingers crossed.

      I also asked for a refund on the main product which I was never granted access to anyway.

      Interesting times.
      Trust me. You'll receive a complete refund from Clickbank soon.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2607423].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author njp
    I have this product and am now going through it after watching the Intro videos. Though I haven't completed all of the modules just yet, I can tell you that the bonuses alone are well worth the cost of the product. There's a software for market research, and some mp3s with Russell and Matt Bacak, and Russell and Mike Filsaime. I think the rest of the content/modules will be useful also. I'll let you know after I finish up tonight. (My hope is a bit renewed now..) Thank you.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2609699].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author njp
      UPDATE: I've gone through the materials all the way through the advanced video #1. So far. for me, the v-ladder is an excellent focusing tool and though the steps are not "new" just this one illustration makes an excellent "shortcut" for product creation conceptualization. So far I'd say the basic product is well worth the small investment. It is building a solid foundation for a scalable business. That's all for tonight. Will resume again tomorrow. (I think the basic course is enough for me, w/o the upsells and coaching if one is good at following through.)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2610067].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hebsgaard
    I got burned on Micro-Continuity (still haven't received my shuffle ), however, I took a chance on this.

    As far as I can tell from the material I have gone through so far the 20 minute payday title refers to the end result. The videos Xan and Jenn are worth the price of admission on their own. The rest of the material is just (rocking good) icing on the cake.

    I would say that this product is primarily aimed at those who are having difficulties making it in IM. If you are one of those it is definitely a product worth considering.
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    • Profile picture of the author john322
      Is this something that a raw newbie would be able to do?
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      • Profile picture of the author romolo
        By the sound of it this is especially designed for newbies, but if you go through the posts you'll have a good understanding of the product.
        Personally I just want to say thanks to all of you for the reviews.
        I am out


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        • Profile picture of the author DPSikes
          I must have been under a rock, but I hadn't heard of Russell Brunson before buying this product.

          Here's what I have to say about 20 Minute PayDay:

          Best Product I Bought This Year!

          I'm a recipe follower from way back -
          • Tell me the materials I need
          • Give me step-by-step instructions
          • Show me a picture of what it's supposed to look like when I'm done
          - and I'll buy from you again and again. Why wouldn't I when you make me look like Martha Stewart without wasting my time and money?

          That's the biggest problem/disappointment with all of these "instant traffic" products rattling around.

          "Here's how to make gravy!"
          "Best cranberry sauce ever!"
          "Pumpkin pie like Grandma used to make!"

          All well and good, but they only give you PART of the equation. What's more, they'll promise the "new" never-before-seen "secret" to something - say mashed potatoes - and then go on to reveal that the "secret" is...gasp! Potatoes, milk, and butter.

          20 Minute Payday is COMPLETELY different.

          It's like step-by-step instructions on how to shop for, cook, and serve your first Thanksgiving dinner. From shopping list and recipes to suggested wines and table décor, it's literally $5,000 worth of seminar content for the low, low price of $47 dollars. Phenomenal!

          When I saw the video of the couple making $16K a month 6 months into their online careers, tooling around the country in the corvette they won and managing their hair bow - HAIR BOW!! - infoproduct business from their hotel room at night, I knew I was doing something wrong.

          As in working w-a-y too hard.

          When I looked at the training videos, I knew what it was: no focus.

          Instead of running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying the latest-and-greatest traffic generation fad, I needed to take a step back, look at my sales funnel, better monetize my existing list, and then FOCUS on getting people into the funnel.

          I felt like I'd gotten 3x my money's worth by the 2nd training video. By the time Russell got around to the traffic generation modules at the end, I'd reworked my 12-month plan and felt more excited about my business than I have in YEARS.

          The "mining for gold" analogy when looking for leads? Priceless!

          The before/after JV partner search? Life-changing. That tip alone should put 6-figures in my pocket this year.

          And I haven't even gotten to the "advanced bonus" videos yet!

          So who is this product for?

          I'd say ANYONE could benefit from the material, from newbie to advanced. I consider myself an intermediate-level marketer with several 4 and 5-figure paydays under my belt, and I'd say at least HALF of the material was news to me. Which is probably why I've been working so hard, because I have no recipe to follow.

          I've bought several expensive IM courses over the years and have had some success with a few of them, but for whatever reason, the way Russell presents this is really clicking with me. He's a young, ambitious, successful entrepreneur who's also a devoted husband and father. He's not ignoring his family to build his business - he's striking a balance. I can't help but admire that.


          If you've been to tons of seminars and have already know how to build a multi-million dollar business, skip this.

          But if you haven't and you'd like to, grab a copy of 20 Minute PayDay. Your bank account will thank you for it!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2640608].message }}
          • I just received this email from Russell. How is your business going thus far following his blueprint?


            Originally Posted by DPSikes View Post

            I must have been under a rock, but I hadn't heard of Russell Brunson before buying this product.

            Here's what I have to say about 20 Minute PayDay:

            Best Product I Bought This Year!

            I'm a recipe follower from way back -
            • Tell me the materials I need
            • Give me step-by-step instructions
            • Show me a picture of what it's supposed to look like when I'm done
            - and I'll buy from you again and again. Why wouldn't I when you make me look like Martha Stewart without wasting my time and money?

            That's the biggest problem/disappointment with all of these "instant traffic" products rattling around.

            "Here's how to make gravy!"
            "Best cranberry sauce ever!"
            "Pumpkin pie like Grandma used to make!"

            All well and good, but they only give you PART of the equation. What's more, they'll promise the "new" never-before-seen "secret" to something - say mashed potatoes - and then go on to reveal that the "secret" is...gasp! Potatoes, milk, and butter.

            20 Minute Payday is COMPLETELY different.

            It's like step-by-step instructions on how to shop for, cook, and serve your first Thanksgiving dinner. From shopping list and recipes to suggested wines and table décor, it's literally $5,000 worth of seminar content for the low, low price of $47 dollars. Phenomenal!

            When I saw the video of the couple making $16K a month 6 months into their online careers, tooling around the country in the corvette they won and managing their hair bow - HAIR BOW!! - infoproduct business from their hotel room at night, I knew I was doing something wrong.

            As in working w-a-y too hard.

            When I looked at the training videos, I knew what it was: no focus.

            Instead of running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying the latest-and-greatest traffic generation fad, I needed to take a step back, look at my sales funnel, better monetize my existing list, and then FOCUS on getting people into the funnel.

            I felt like I'd gotten 3x my money's worth by the 2nd training video. By the time Russell got around to the traffic generation modules at the end, I'd reworked my 12-month plan and felt more excited about my business than I have in YEARS.

            The "mining for gold" analogy when looking for leads? Priceless!

            The before/after JV partner search? Life-changing. That tip alone should put 6-figures in my pocket this year.

            And I haven't even gotten to the "advanced bonus" videos yet!

            So who is this product for?

            I'd say ANYONE could benefit from the material, from newbie to advanced. I consider myself an intermediate-level marketer with several 4 and 5-figure paydays under my belt, and I'd say at least HALF of the material was news to me. Which is probably why I've been working so hard, because I have no recipe to follow.

            I've bought several expensive IM courses over the years and have had some success with a few of them, but for whatever reason, the way Russell presents this is really clicking with me. He's a young, ambitious, successful entrepreneur who's also a devoted husband and father. He's not ignoring his family to build his business - he's striking a balance. I can't help but admire that.


            If you've been to tons of seminars and have already know how to build a multi-million dollar business, skip this.

            But if you haven't and you'd like to, grab a copy of 20 Minute PayDay. Your bank account will thank you for it!
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            • Profile picture of the author bhappy3402
              Originally Posted by SuperAffiliateRockStar View Post

              I just received this email from Russell. How is your business going thus far following his blueprint?

              Originally Posted by DPSikes- "I felt like I'd gotten 3x my money's worth by the 2nd training video. By the time Russell got around to the traffic generation modules at the end, I'd reworked my 12-month plan and felt more excited about my business than I have in YEARS.

              The "mining for gold" analogy when looking for leads? Priceless!

              The before/after JV partner search? Life-changing. That tip alone should put 6-figures in my pocket this year.

              And I haven't even gotten to the "advanced bonus" videos yet!

              So who is this product for?

              I'd say ANYONE could benefit from the material, from newbie to advanced. I consider myself an intermediate-level marketer with several 4 and 5-figure paydays under my belt, and I'd say at least HALF of the material was news to me. Which is probably why I've been working so hard, because I have no recipe to follow.

              I've bought several expensive IM courses over the years and have had some success with a few of them, but for whatever reason, the way Russell presents this is really clicking with me. He's a young, ambitious, successful entrepreneur who's also a devoted husband and father. He's not ignoring his family to build his business - he's striking a balance. I can't help but admire that."

              I totally agree, there's something about Russell that I like, I also like his teaching style and how everything is step-by-step so that even a newbie could understand it. I'm a "recipe follower" too!
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3042691].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bhappy3402
    I bought this program back in the summer. I still have yet to go through the whole thing. Life sometimes gets in the way. I've been a fan of Russell Brunson for a couple of years now. I have his Microcontinuity program. From what I have gone though so far, it's along the same lines as MC. I respect Russell and he usually has pretty good content to his products. He usually over delivers- in my opinion for the price he charges. I've learned alot of things from him. So, I'd say if you're considering purchasing it, it's worth it and you'll probably learn something from it. If you're still on the fence go to his website DotComSecrets and look around to see the free content he offers.
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