New Money Masters anyone

3 replies
I am curious about any thoughts from those who also use the program. I joined at the start and the interviews are honest and good material BUT, I am not finding anything " Earth Shattering " .

Also, I expected much higher quality from Tony Robbins, some of the DVD's have poor quality audio.

Trying to decide if it is worth continuing with the program, I fully understand it is my decision and am just curious what other's are finding.

#masters #money
  • Profile picture of the author oneplusone
    I was a member of Money Masters, however when one of my cards expired I didn't get round to updating them with the new card details - so my membership ended.

    I enjoyed the interviews I watched, although as I have many of the IM courses from guys like Eben Pagan and Jeff Walker, a lot of the material was the same but watered down, if that makes sense.

    I'm sure a lot of the information would be useful to newbies, but I wasn't motivated to keep my membership going when my card expired.

    Tony Robbins is more in his element with his self improvement material, which I find far more beneficial.
    'If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint," then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.' Vincent Van Gogh.
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  • Profile picture of the author ThomKenton
    I love Tony's material, but from what I've heard from my friend that tried out New Money Masters, it wasn't anything groundbreaking. More entertaining than insightful.
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  • Profile picture of the author enterpryzman
    is that it ? only 2 others here ? I listen to the CD's and also watch the DVD's a couple of times when one arrives, and have given it a fair evaluation.......just not thinking it is worth the 99. monthly.
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