Stealth Profit Machines

101 replies
I've received several emails promoting Stealth Profit Machines by Chris Freville.
I'm wondering if any of the warriors on board tried this product and willing to share his/her opinion?

#machines #profit #stealth
  • Profile picture of the author aclacy
    I am not sure too..

    does this have anything to do with facebook advertising?

    Also is there a video of the software in action?
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  • Profile picture of the author J.Agnew.JD
    If you exit the offer, there is a $10 discount... and then a message that it's sold out!?? I received the offer less than an hour ago from affiliate Todd Gross -- and Chris says he's selling "only" 300 "beta" copies.

    Update: I went back through and it can be still be purchased for either $37 or $27

    Jack Agnew, JD, PhD

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    • Profile picture of the author stevorino
      I purchased this to review for my customers.

      My initial impression is thumbs down. The sales letter isn't just the usual over-hyped pitch. I'm counting the blatant lies.

      The software that the author supposedly paid 50,000 to "genius" Russian programmers is nothing more than a Wordpress installer with a built in content scraper. The program also allows for the setup of contextual keywords with affiliate links.

      That's it. That's the incredible 50,000 stealth software program. The Stealth Machines are Wordpress blogs.

      There is quite a bit of educational material included that I haven't had time to look over. Maybe the author is hoping all the extra downloads will help customers forgive the deceptive sales letter that promises the creation of "Stealth Machines in 7 clicks".

      This is a typical bait and switch. Promise push button money making software and follow up the sale with multiple persistent up-sells. Charge a low enough price that may keep many from seeking a refund when the truth about the product is revealed.

      That's my take so far.

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      • Profile picture of the author jayuk76
        the dulcet mundane tone and way he was speaking was enough for me to delete the email.....the rest in terms of hype was also another reason to bin it...50,000 lol yeh right - in Monopoly money maybe!
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  • Profile picture of the author niceweb
    The software is a wordpress builder, and an article finder so you can post content on it. Thats about it
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    • Profile picture of the author Scott Saylor
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      • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
        Originally Posted by Scott Saylor View Post

        So, has anyone actually tried this and can give a real review? I could use a good content scraper and if it's bundled with a WP installer that's cool
        WP Robot - Premium Wordpress Autoposting Plugin is all you'll need I think.
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        • Profile picture of the author Byrt M
          Thanks pal - I am looking into the link you sent, just what I need - appreciate it. There are so many shady offers these days my scam radar keeps beeping all the time.
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        • Profile picture of the author zigstonk
          Originally Posted by cypherslock View Post

          Agree with this. Have it. Use it. Works as promised. Little pricier, but you get a ton more with it.


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        • Profile picture of the author biggame5

          In your opinion is auto blogging good to use? I am asking because I see a lot of mixed reviews on this subject.
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      • Profile picture of the author Janet Sawyer
        Originally Posted by Scott Saylor View Post

        So, has anyone actually tried this and can give a real review? I could use a good content scraper and if it's bundled with a WP installer that's cool
        Well, I guess it would be if it worked, but, having spent a Looooooooong time today trying to add it to an existing blog I think there is room for improvement.
        {And yes, I do know what I'm doing.}

        There are other programs out there that do this, but you have to buy them all seperately, this is the first one that offers,
        a *content scraper (don't use those I write my own articles)
        a link cloaker (do use those )
        a blog installer (I'll use fantastico thank you)

        So essentially you are getting 3 programs and a great plugin for $27 (yes there are still 9 left at that price )

        The additional stuff that Chris is offering is probably worth the $27 but having spent an hour downloading, I've not had time to unzip it or let alone watch it.

        I've had a play with the content scraper and whilst I can't get the thing to post to my already installed blog, the articles are quickly accessed, (I used a really minute niche to test it - ) and they are good. I like the fact too that you can chose to keep the original authors bio box. Which is what everyone should do.

        If you are lucky enough to be one of the "300" beta testers (:rolleyes then the $27 will not really be a waste of money, it'll be an investment in your business, not probably from the software, but from the bonuses and other information provided on the download page.

        Hope that helps at least one person here.
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      • Profile picture of the author ukstar
        I'm still using EWP by Alex and Dmitry and that's free, but I don't use the quickinstall, always set up a database. Then add caffeine and Utility Poster and use UP daily, backlinks gone through the roof. Thanks to members for their reviews, another $27/37 saved.
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    • Profile picture of the author snapcontent
      Originally Posted by niceweb View Post

      The software is a wordpress builder, and an article finder so you can post content on it. Thats about it
      Post content BY HAND???? OMG. Stone Age.

      Originally Posted by kenwarrior View Post

      Don't forget the coder spent the rest on Vodka LOL
      Hope it was Smirnoff!!!
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      • Profile picture of the author barryc
        OK, has anyone who bought this actually started it & made money?

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        • Profile picture of the author g2114
          Originally Posted by barryc View Post

          OK, has anyone who bought this actually started it & made money?

          I would like to know as well. Saw the email today and glad I saw this thread. I wasn't sure if it was worth the investment.
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          • Profile picture of the author steveblum
            Let me start out by saying that the software is a little buggy. I bought a .com, that indexed in a couple days. It took me a couple hours to figure it out but I eventually got things set up. The important thing to remember is patience. It takes about 1/2 for your blog to show up so don't freak out if you can't see it right away.

            My big concern is I also bought a .info and uploaded everything fine, until it came time to post the articles. It gives me the message to install autoblogger but won't let me move forward. Still working on this and not sure why it's doing it.

            I've had to re-install a couple of times because, like I said, it can be buggy. I think the software is pretty cool and fairly easy to use. Now I play the waiting game. If you do buy this product make sure to read 'everything' related to it or you may miss something.
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        • Profile picture of the author John Morrod
          Good Luck if you can get this to work, I've wasted hours and hours on it. Even when you check your FTP connection using Filezilla the plugins are still tempermental when you try to access them through the SPM interface. In the end managed to get all the plugins installed but the auto posting one which is supposed to go and get articles based on your keywords than highlight links to your clickbank products, it just refuses to do anything.

          The message says no articles found even for simple words. I use Hostgator and Hostmonster and have never struggled so much with a program. On the other hand Wordpress Mage by Greg Jacobs is doing exactly what it says on the tin and Greg gives proper support. But then there is a massive price difference, maybe it's a case of getting what you pay for.

          For those of you that do manage to get it working, you may see some income if you put the blogs on Aged Domains that already have backlinks, page rank and traffic. You can get them from Godaddy from about $8

          Clear Step by Step Roadmap
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          • Profile picture of the author DreamShaper

            I bought this and it did not work right.
            The software tries to access the cpanel installation on your hosting service.
            Whether this works will depend on the setup at your host.
            My isp was hostgator and the software failed to install blogs with some error like 'CPANEL undefined' somewhere.

            Support pointed me at paid options by a 3rd party.
            Also this url Stealth Profit Machine – Known Issues has lots of info on problems and fixes for the software.

            After reading about its weaknesses in supporting keywords in domain/titles etc. And about its problems in retrieving articles ---- I decided it was too much trouble for me to continue working with it.

            Got a refund. Although there were loads of videos and pdfs and other resources the key for this purchase for me was software that worked. Even if beta - can stil expect it to work. This software did NOT work for me and it looked like it needed a lot of work to even work as stated let alone work well.

            Hope this useful.
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  • Profile picture of the author neodarth
    The copywrite looks just like the same of all recent crappy launches.

    I've miss the "$500 back from my pocket to your paypal" guaranty though...
    ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

    ==> Internet Marketing Newbie Created for IM virgins
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  • Profile picture of the author AndrewStark
    Now I have put a proper review up on my blog, but overall I think Chris is charging a fair price for some excellent software.

    I told him the blind copy was a bad idea, but he told me that this what converts best for who he thinks is his target audience. If it puts you off then don't buy and when the conversions drops off everyone will revert back to proper copywriting.

    Use the exit pop-up to grab your discount and try it on a non IM niche for the best results.
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    • Profile picture of the author stevorino
      Originally Posted by AndrewStark View Post

      Now I have put a proper review up on my blog, but overall I think Chris is charging a fair price for some excellent software.

      Use the exit pop-up to grab your discount and try it on a non IM niche for the best results.
      Proper review? Sorry... I read it and it's just another lame JV affiliate review.


      Let's analyze a portion of the sales page shall we?

      "If you've never made a dime online before, imagine being able to create a profit-pulling machine in just 7 clicks of your mouse..."

      THIS IS A LIE. This implies that you just click 7 places and your stealth profit machine (Wordpress Site) is ready to go. There are no 7 clicks. It's a Wordpress installer so there are 16 fields that have to be filled out not including theme installation, plugin installation and content scraping decisions with 9 additional fields or choices to be made. And don't forget you have to have a hosting account purchased and setup with a domain in your niche which you need to research.

      Now all of those chores may be reasonable. It's just the deception stating that it's as easy as 7 clicks that is unacceptable. Stop lying!

      "It runs silently in the shadows and can quickly catapult you into that small circle of internet millionaires in no time."

      BULL****. It's just a Wordpress installer and scraper with contextual keyword links and you are not going to be a millionaire using this software.


      "You don't need an existing website... "

      Oh except for the Wordpress Installs but we will just call that a blog even though you still need to buy web hosting services and domains.

      "You don't need any money to get started..."

      Except for Domain names and hosting.

      "You don't need to learn about SEO, link-building, Twitter, CPA, PPV or any of that..."

      At your own peril

      "No Work Required...
      No Time Required...
      Just Plug In And Profit!"

      More fibs.

      Bottom line the entire sales letter is over the top hype with ridiculous income claims and the software is nothing special.

      I've noticed a trend in several scam products that have been released in recent months. They are all using the same deceptive sales pages promising 3 click push button income with over the top hype with a bait and switch piece of software. And strangely they have all been marketers from the UK. Sounds like they all went to the same seminar in the UK to learn how to fleece people using these deceptive sales tactics.

      Now, if you need a piece of software that installs Wordpress, scrapes content, hyperlinks keywords with your affiliate link, and you don't want to use what's already available for free, then this software may be useful. Just don't fall for all the hype.

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      • Profile picture of the author AndrewStark
        Originally Posted by stevorino View Post

        Proper review? Sorry... I read it and it's just another lame JV affiliate review.
        How is my review lame when it has the same points that you make?

        I openly state that I don't like the way that the offer is presented, hardly the copy & paste reviews that are dominating the top spots in google! I mention 3 niches that the software will work in, and that it does actually work in ~ 7 clicks.

        Sure it does take a domain & hosting, time, and some effort, but if we all accepted reality then no-one would buy anything in the IM / diet niche every again. The reason people write copy like this is that people buy magic bullets expecting them to fail, but still buy hoping this will be the one.

        Compared to the other crap on clickbank at the moment this product is actually good, so it's a sad reflection of what was taught at the affiliate X seminar.

        People here will go in with their eyes open, and discussion like this will hopefully encourage potential product owners to avoid misleading and blind offers if they want to get warriors onto their buyers list and giving them glowing reviews.
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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by AndrewStark View Post

      I told him the blind copy was a bad idea, but he told me that this what converts best for who he thinks is his target audience. If it puts you off then don't buy and when the conversions drops off everyone will revert back to proper copywriting.
      What Chris says here is telling, as it very clearly reveals that all this recent drivel (automated pushbutton software programs) is aimed at a very specific target market, i.e. clueless newbies searching for the magic bullet that makes them rich overnight.

      I just read this rant by Frank Kern, and I truly feel that this is solid advice that ALL internet marketers need to live by!
      You: The Best Guru EVER | Frank Kern Internet Marketing
      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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      • Profile picture of the author AaronSnider
        Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

        What Chris says here is telling, as it very clearly reveals that all this recent drivel (automated pushbutton software programs) is aimed at a very specific target market, i.e. clueless newbies searching for the magic bullet that makes them rich overnight.

        I just read this rant by Frank Kern, and I truly feel that this is solid advice that ALL internet marketers need to live by!
        You: The Best Guru EVER | Frank Kern Internet Marketing
        I got this from Frank a few minutes ago...


        I meant to send you this earlier, so I am truly
        sorry if it already sold out, considering it's
        so CHEAP for an awesome piece of Software!

        I actually can't believe he's not keeping this
        Software to himself, which is probably why
        there are less than 300 available.

        Click here to get Your Copy

        Chris Freville spent a lot of money to have this
        Software developed by scary genius
        Russian programmers, so that YOU can
        make a LOT of money online.

        The best part is that no one will see how you
        are doing it.

        Click here to Download Software

        Seriously, all you have to do is download the
        software, click 7 times and brace yourself for the
        flood of traffic and sales, and money.


        Download Here Now

        4091 5th Ave. - G5, Lake Charles, LA 70601, USA.
        Click here to unsubscribe

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2684556].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author paulie888
          Originally Posted by AaronSnider View Post

          I got this from Frank a few minutes ago...


          I meant to send you this earlier, so I am truly
          sorry if it already sold out, considering it's
          so CHEAP for an awesome piece of Software!

          I actually can't believe he's not keeping this
          Software to himself, which is probably why
          there are less than 300 available.

          Click here to get Your Copy

          Chris Freville spent a lot of money to have this
          Software developed by scary genius
          Russian programmers, so that YOU can
          make a LOT of money online.

          The best part is that no one will see how you
          are doing it.

          Click here to Download Software

          Seriously, all you have to do is download the
          software, click 7 times and brace yourself for the
          flood of traffic and sales, and money.


          Download Here Now

          4091 5th Ave. - G5, Lake Charles, LA 70601, USA.
          Click here to unsubscribe

          Unbelievable! I have a strong feeling that these Gurus segment their mailing lists meticulously though, and only mail offers that they think are suitable to their target market on that list. I am on one of Frank's lists also, but I never received that email which you got!
          >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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          • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
            Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

            Unbelievable! I have a strong feeling that these Gurus segment their mailing lists meticulously though, and only mail offers that they think are suitable to their target market on that list. I am on one of Frank's lists also, but I never received that email which you got!
            I think they are confusing Franks. Frank Kern doesn't write like that.

            And that's not his address either. He doesn't live anywhere near Louisiana

            "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

            Super Affiliates Hang Out Here

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2685665].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author wordwizard
              Originally Posted by jasondinner View Post

              I think they are confusing Franks. Frank Kern doesn't write like that.

              And that's not his address either. He doesn't live anywhere near Louisiana
              I agree. In fact, I think there are several "Frank" clones out there, including "frankcontrol" -- trying to mooch off of Frank's name.

              FREE Report: 5 Ways To Grow Your Affiliate Income

              Let Me Help You Sell: Sales Letters, Email Series, Pre-Sell Reports... PM me & we'll talk!
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2686372].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author paulie888
              Originally Posted by jasondinner View Post

              I think they are confusing Franks. Frank Kern doesn't write like that.

              And that's not his address either. He doesn't live anywhere near Louisiana
              Thanks for pointing that out, Jason. There are probably at least several people out there who attempt to do Frank Kern impersonations so as to leverage off his name, lol.
              >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2687346].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
                Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

                Thanks for pointing that out, Jason. There are probably at least several people out there who attempt to do Frank Kern impersonations so as to leverage off his name, lol.
                Anytime Paulie888

                "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

                Super Affiliates Hang Out Here

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2687596].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author CharlieGosh
                  RE: "Frank" (not Kern) -- He also sent me a pitch for SPM. His email is, but his 'address' is in Louisiana. A quick check on Google Maps shows an apartment complex at 4245, the one south of that is 4247. His address puts him in a clump of trees :confused: halfway to a fitness center.

                  4091 5th Ave. - G5, Lake Charles, LA 70601, USA

                  So much for truth in advertising. I'll stay on his list just so I'll know what to avoid in the future.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2688026].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kanga
        Hi Paulie888,

        I just wanted to say thank you for sharing such an awesome information.Despite the truth of the expose of Frank Kern, the real truth is only ready/prepared mind will act upon this simple yet powerful information of success, which touches absolute all aspects of life.

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        • Profile picture of the author jerico
          Here's an update.....

          Another review website about SFM

          Stealth Profit Machines REVIEW-A Product by Chris Freville | Review

          Stealth Profit Machine |

          I'm not affiliated with any of these sites.
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          • Profile picture of the author r0cc0
            Originally Posted by jerico View Post

            Here's an update.....

            Another review website about SFM

            Stealth Profit Machines REVIEW-A Product by Chris Freville | Review

            Stealth Profit Machine |

            I'm not affiliated with any of these sites.
            Ummm... those look like the typical affiliate-promotion sites you see when Googling for "Stealth Profit Machines review".

            The info here is far more trustworthy where you can read about the problems with the software/system, not just how great it is.

            If you're capable of setting up your own WP install (domain & hosting), is this reallly any different from something like SEOLinkVine that gives you free articles on topics of your choice that are rewritten to certain percentages?

            If just having a lot of content is all that's needed to (eventually) get lots of search traffic, then that's a FREE way to do it. Yes, the articles have links to other sites, but it's FREE and gets you lots of content.

            Just my two-cents' worth... now to check out Utility Poster and WP Robot to see if those are worth paying for - thanks to all for the reviews!
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            • Profile picture of the author cloakmaster
              DO NOT BUY THIS

              I bought this last year, and now that the ezinearticle site has changed their format Chris is UNWILLING TO FIX THE PROBLEM, its a simple format of the articles in the application and he just refuses to fix or do any updates.

              I have sent in countless trouble tickets and all i get is BS answers about how they wont be doing any updates EVER!

              So its a waste of money now that the article site has changed their format and screws up every single post as of a few weeks ago this app is completely useless and he just doesn't care hes only after your money and will leave you dead in the water after purchase.
              Need Massive amounts of gmail accounts? PM me!
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  • Profile picture of the author 32paul52
    I dropped in after checking out the sales page, I have to say afetr owning a couple of his products, this seems like a total change- not his normal style...........
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  • Profile picture of the author imguru
    What's the main link for this? I only get a million review sites when I google for Stealth Profit Machines
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  • Profile picture of the author neodarth
    Despite the hype of the sales letter and the blind copy issues you have in SPM a great product. there are 2 upsells with its respective downsells.

    The core product is a software who install wordpress on your site, adding the theme and the plugins and a content scraper.
    The SPM plugin is a link cloaker.

    The software and the plugin are not "the greatest thing on earth" but get the job done, and if you add all the really good content that Chris added you have a really good deal.

    the content include videos and pdf that cover topics like:
    - Affiliate Marketing
    - List Building
    - hosting and domain names
    - Clickbank
    - niche research
    - Traffic
    - email marketing
    - product creation
    - outsourcing
    - Jv
    - Product launch

    As you can see is perfectly set for newbies and average marketers. More advanced users probably will not find any use of this and there are more advanced training and software in the market that cover all this in a more intensive way... But for $37? ($27 if you exit once). Perhaps if Chris make a split test using different sales copies, one with all the hype, scarcity, proofs, mistery and bold claims for newbies and other without the hype with a clear wysiwyg statement of what the software is and what the buyer will get.

    PS. yes, I bought it, I'm testing and these are my first impressions (don't blame me I have a broken leg and plenty of time...)
    ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

    ==> Internet Marketing Newbie Created for IM virgins
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    • Profile picture of the author stevorino
      Incredible. Does honor, professionalism and truth in advertising mean nothing to marketers? We should just look the other way and allow a marketer to use sleazy, untruthful sales copy and sales techniques? I see several in here are just shills for the product making excuses for this behavior and overlooking the deception.

      The software is misrepresented and weak but let's forget about that because the author uploaded a pile of content that may or may not be useful.

      Let's forget about the fact the author has sucked you in with bald faced lies on the sales page. How can you trust anything in his content after that outrageous sales letter? Do you understand what being lied to means? Your intelligence is being insulted. You are too stupid in the eyes of the author not to recognize the lies and hype.

      This is indeed a good thing for newbies. It's a lesson about unethical marketers and deceitful sales tactics that you should avoid if you want to preserve your reputation.

      Part of the sales strategy is to charge a price low enough that will cause many to be too lazy to seek a refund even if they are disappointed. Ahh... it's just $27.00. Let him keep it because he loaded up a bunch of mediocre content to cover the deceptive advertising, hype and weak software.

      It's time to put an end to this behavior that makes legitimate marketers look bad. You can do that with your wallet. Don't buy it in the first place and if you've already purchased it, and you are unhappy with it... get a refund and let the author know why.

      One final point about the software. Even if it does work for you as an installer, this is the wrong way to install Wordpress. Wordpress should be installed manually with certain security precautions taken during the installation. Wordpress is one of the easiest scripts to install manually and anyone can learn to do it securely. You are leaving your site open for hacking with basic automated unsecured installs.

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      • Profile picture of the author magill
        Chris Freville has a B+ rating on IMReportcard. I actually found the sales page to be entertaining. There were no pictures of a mansion with a swimming pool surrounded by scantily dressed women leaning on rented expensive Italian cars.
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      • Profile picture of the author Byrt M
        As I said earlier, my scam-radar keeps beeping more and more these days. But I also want to encourage you that amongst all that manure a rose grows every now and then
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    • Profile picture of the author Organizationer
      Hmm..I have just purchased. With 7 clicks in about less than 5minutes, my website setup.

      Within 2 hours, I got 18,000 visitors, now I got $2,930 commission.

      This software is awesome. Please buy from my affiliate link.

      (above is some of the typical affiliate review that you may find, not an honest review)

      These domains are for sale: , (keyword: Clogs),,,

      PM me for best price. Above are domain hacks just like other popular sites: (Google), (youtube), (blogs), (

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2684315].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author la dominatrix
        Originally Posted by Organizationer View Post

        Hmm..I have just purchased. With 7 clicks in about less than 5minutes, my website setup.

        Within 2 hours, I got 18,000 visitors, now I got $2,930 commission.

        This software is awesome. Please buy from my affiliate link.

        (above is some of the typical affiliate review that you may find, not an honest review)
        I'd love top see the Google Analytics on that
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2721621].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Calvin Tan
        Originally Posted by Organizationer View Post

        Hmm..I have just purchased. With 7 clicks in about less than 5minutes, my website setup.

        Within 2 hours, I got 18,000 visitors, now I got $2,930 commission.

        This software is awesome. Please buy from my affiliate link.

        (above is some of the typical affiliate review that you may find, not an honest review)
        IS it TRUE? how do you do that? I ahd not made a sales yet! What is the duration of your domain names? Mind if I take a look at your site???
        Secrets 2 Profit - Internet Marketing Blueprint Revealed "Make Money By Copy The Easy Methods To Dominate All Marketing Strategies"
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2898975].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author jacksonlin
          Originally Posted by Calvin Tan View Post

          IS it TRUE? how do you do that? I ahd not made a sales yet! What is the duration of your domain names? Mind if I take a look at your site???
          I am pretty sure that guy was lying. And I think you were too blinded by your excitement to realize that he was an affiliate just trying to sell more stuff to you.
          Want a 13 Part FREE Internet Marketing Course - Taught By A PREMIER CLICKBANK SUPPER AFFILIATE? Did I mention taught through VIDEOS?
          Yup, I'm not hyping things up for you. Click here to check it out!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3049236].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author gcintermed
    I'm with you Stevorino...The unethical marketing of IM products hurts everyone, as it a) makes it difficult to know who to believe and what to trust, and b) makes it harder to sell anything without making outrageous claims.

    These marketers are the modern day equivalent of snake oil salesmen. They travel around without a brand or reputation, looking to make quick bucks.

    A marketer's first task should be to establish trust. Let's reject over-hyped marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author AaronSnider
    yeah I really like frank, i'm not sure why he sent out this one...
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  • Profile picture of the author davemiz
    LOL thats DEF. not kern.... but his last blog post is a MUST-READ.

    what i find interesting.... is all the talk about the lies on the product... yet you guys all celebrate and kiss all these copywriters rear ends like they're some kinda wizard or something.

    the copywriters are the ones writing this stuff.... not the product owners (but both are to blame).... go give them crap about writing this.

    “Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.”
    ― Dalai Lama XIV

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  • Profile picture of the author magill
    Originally Posted by lior1970 View Post

    I've received several emails promoting Stealth Profit Machines by Chris Freville.
    I'm wondering if any of the warriors on board tried this product and willing to share his/her opinion?

    I downloaded it as a beta tester and have gone through most of the videos. They are
    detailed and fairly easy to follow. Chris has also included some very useful bonus information.

    I don't think I could get a site up in one day -the lag between grabbing a good domain
    and getting it forwarded to my hosting account is at least 24hrs - but if you already have a blog in a niche you're happy with and can find some offers on clickbank or where ever, you could get a good start in one day.

    If you have the link to become a beta tester and are willing to risk $37 for a 60 day trial,
    I say go for it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2686050].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sallycev
      Originally Posted by magill View Post

      I downloaded it as a beta tester and have gone through most of the videos. They are
      detailed and fairly easy to follow. Chris has also included some very useful bonus information.

      I don't think I could get a site up in one day -the lag between grabbing a good domain
      and getting it forwarded to my hosting account is at least 24hrs - but if you already have a blog in a niche you're happy with and can find some offers on clickbank or where ever, you could get a good start in one day.

      If you have the link to become a beta tester and are willing to risk $37 for a 60 day trial,
      I say go for it.
      Hi Magill,

      I don't know who you are using for hosting but I've used probably 4 diff. ones both for my own sites and some for offline clients and can say that with Hostgator (and yes I am an affiliate for them but not promoting them here) has been the fastest for me.

      In fact I just set up a new domain yesterday and within an hour after pointing the new domain to my hosting had the site installed and up and running. One thing that seems to make a big difference is putting in the nameservers at the time of buying the domain name.

      I have had to wait for much longer with other hosts though.

      Sorry to get off topic here but thought that info. might help.

      All the best!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2728626].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author steveblum
        OK Warrior Members, here is where I'm at with Stealth Profit Machines. Both the .com and .info domain names are indexed in Google. The articles are being indexed 1 by 1 every day. It has been over 5 days since I set up these blogs and had them running. My grand total for both of these sites as of today is... wait for it... $0.

        Now, something could magically pop up in my Clickbank account, but I'm not holding my breath. I will keep everyone updated if something changes but as of now I'm staring at a big old goose egg
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2735084].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author lefty359
    Matt Garret sent a video on how to use setup the software. Actually it looked pretty
    good because it sets up a WP blog without using Fantastico so it I'm thinking it may be a more secure installation. I've read more than a few experts say Fantastico is not
    a secure installation.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2686678].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author stevorino
      Originally Posted by lefty359 View Post

      Matt Garret sent a video on how to use setup the software. Actually it looked pretty
      good because it sets up a WP blog without using Fantastico so it I'm thinking it may be a more secure installation. I've read more than a few experts say Fantastico is not
      a secure installation.
      No. The installation created using the SPM software is not secure. It's a standard installation. It will be a roll of the dice for getting hacked. You can secure it after the install if you know how, but it's better to install it manually and securely the first time.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2686843].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Dulisse
    $50k in software development?

    I do a lot of software development.

    Do you realize what you can get developed for $50k? Basically, you can hire the best coder for almost an entire year for $50k. And all you get is a wordpress installer?

    I would pay maximum $250 for development.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2688191].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kenwarrior
      Originally Posted by Mark Dulisse View Post

      $50k in software development?

      I do a lot of software development.

      Do you realize what you can get developed for $50k? Basically, you can hire the best coder for almost an entire year for $50k. And all you get is a wordpress installer?

      I would pay maximum $250 for development.
      Don't forget the coder spent the rest on Vodka LOL
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2692172].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by kenwarrior View Post

        Don't forget the coder spent the rest on Vodka LOL
        I know, I think he added that story about the Russian programmers for dramatic effect, LOL! I don't for a second believe that he paid anywhere near $50k for the software development.
        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author lefty359
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  • Profile picture of the author mario3
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    • Profile picture of the author wortell
      Originally Posted by mario3 View Post

      Guys, you should know it already but all these GURUS are the same. No matter which name they have but they do all the same. Building lists and promoting products...or creating hype products that don't work. They don't care about I would highly recommend to stop buying these Clickbank BS and go over to the WSO section...there are some cool things that really work.
      Well, i'm typically all for capitalism, and the 'i'll show you better' gurus... because there's a place for everyone...

      but when a product goes arie, is when the expected results aren't indeed even *close* to what the hyped up product/sales pitch was conveying.

      no, not the 'promised riches' - but the actual process, and the 'keys' that you think you are getting to "get" [or have an advantaged approach to] riches.

      every once in awhile I toe dip, thinking hmm... new guy, could be something unique, I'd like to have content sites as a way introducing alternative income sources to my business,... and I [gulp!]

      yes, I...

      bought it

      To put it bluntly - I'd rather pay 10x as much for something that not only looked better (the thing I paid for) but worked on a much more professional (non-home grown) manner in which this is built upon.

      I'm not going to go into details, but i've bought programs with price tags with commas online... and the Main Product purchase was worth *SO MUCH MORE* and I loved it...

      it didn't need to be piled high with fluff - so as to seem like i got my money's worth, they *were* my money's worth.

      unfort. i don't think this product matches - even close - what i could be, or what it's stated to be.

      if you like watching four-billion hours of video on the how-tos of basic internet marketing.... well all I can say is that you get what you pay for, but it's a go!

      if you're a hard corer like me... or more importantly - average marketer then I'd say it's an ix-ney on the buy-ey.

      (normally don't rant, but had to in this case, cuz I bought)

      oh yeah and the refund promptly ensued thereafter. Heck, after reading the pdf file, and taking a look at what I got... i never even *stuck* the product on my server, didn't even install it... that's how frustrated i was.

      re: @stevorino

      I didn't read your post - until about to submit this one... I *ditto* EVERYTHING you say!

      thanks for taking the time to address the detailed issues re: his salescopy and product results.

      to add to that and my above .... I sent a personal email to ClickBank (probably get ban*ned from it) addressing how I wish they'd take some time into looking at the actual product before pushing it to the marketplace.

      disgusts me... dang i'm frustrated right now.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2691602].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author lefty359
    Matt Garrett showed 2nd video he made himself on adding content. This looks pretty good to me for $27 and I'm going to buy it. I just don't think i'll use it right away, but be nice to have on hand for my next website.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2691277].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Buckley
    i think its quite ok im going to test it for a week like he says in the sales pitch.. its Basically A content scraper mixed with a wordpress installer Plus themes and a Link cloaker.

    Downside is it doesnt post tags on each post..

    Ní hé lá na gaoithe lá na scolb - The windy day is not the day for thatching.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2691819].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wortell
      Originally Posted by The16yearold View Post

      i think its quite ok im going to test it for a week like he says in the sales pitch.. its Basically A content scraper mixed with a wordpress installer Plus themes and a Link cloaker.

      Downside is it doesnt post tags on each post..
      right, plus - it's a very manually intensive setup....

      in fact, even cautionary statements like "careful not to tag words that are like your 'title' etc... cuz it'll link those too"

      a *truly* experienced coder would take 2-5 more lines (or heck a 1-2 liner regex negation) to exclude those words.

      would *love* to hear the results.

      It might be a good product for someone who wants to create content driven sites and then 'sell-em'
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2691952].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author lefty359
    16 yr old, it's also supposed to inbed affiliate links into the conent. Did it accomplish that task?
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  • Profile picture of the author boknows
    I have about 600 sites. I am always looking to automate and replicate, with value and uniqueness. So any tools that are not from the major crooksters out there are fair for me to buy and try.

    Right NOW his site is DOWN.
    This is selling better than he could imagine but the offer, the hard hype, the pop unders and oto's are WAY over the top. This is hypester gone wild. So, it has brought his site down in the last 10 minutes.

    Buy it an try it. There are many good concepts and features and you will find many things to discover. It is cumbersome, I like the integrated articles, links and cloaking with cool variables.

    However the videos and clunky nature are a bit lame and unprof. However, this is worth the 27 and you can even by it through your favorite affiliate and return it if you don't like it.

    Once the site comes back and I can iron out a few issues, I plan on keeping it. You cannot beat the price. Period.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2692963].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author neodarth
    I let it run for three days in two sites I build and so far I earned the amazing sum of $1.23... the downside is that that money is from adsense that I add to the sites...
    ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

    ==> Internet Marketing Newbie Created for IM virgins
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2701330].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author lefty359
    Actually, thee's quite a difference in price AND WP Robot is not a website builder. It adds content to an already built website.
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    • Profile picture of the author Profolegy
      Hi everyone I have come ascross this as well and also am interested in knowing if anyone has made any money yet. Looking forward to any replies. I am interested in investing in this
      First 10 Modules for Free.
      Online Business Building Academy
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2702679].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Buckley
    I Have made money through adsense but i have only recieved few hops from it. But its early days for me as i have it only 3 days on the sales page it says it could take up to 1-2 weeks

    Ní hé lá na gaoithe lá na scolb - The windy day is not the day for thatching.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2703522].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kenwarrior
      Originally Posted by The16yearold View Post

      I Have made money through adsense but i have only recieved few hops from it. But its early days for me as i have it only 3 days on the sales page it says it could take up to 1-2 weeks
      Can you post a link to your spm blog so we can see what it looks like?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2703995].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author boknows
    Return to Sender ~ Do NOT Buy This ~ It is not Beta ~ It is NOT even Alpha ~ It is too frustrating to work with, takes over your systems and is NOT to be trusted ~ My Advice ~ Do Not Use ~ And believe me I really wanted this to work ~ Quite Simply ~ Mega Rip Off of Time and Energy
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2703661].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Thomas Buckley
      Originally Posted by ztbinc View Post

      Return to Sender ~ Do NOT Buy This ~ It is not Beta ~ It is NOT even Alpha ~ It is too frustrating to work with, takes over your systems and is NOT to be trusted ~ My Advice ~ Do Not Use ~ And believe me I really wanted this to work ~ Quite Simply ~ Mega Rip Off of Time and Energy
      Its working for me. It installed wordpress got me a theme and scraped content and put links in my post's + covered em to look like they were to my site..
      It only took me to click install on SPM and to install oher plugins then just choose a theme. all the work you have to do is type in your hosting details which takes a few mins and type in the content you want and choose it with a few clicks and post

      So its working

      Ní hé lá na gaoithe lá na scolb - The windy day is not the day for thatching.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2703869].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kenwarrior
    My experiance from reading a lot of these product review threads is that NOBODY ever comes back and says YES the product works as described (or even 10%) and I'm making money...

    I think that tells you a lot!

    Then the admin closes the thread so you can't follow up say 3 months later...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2703969].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Thomas Buckley
      Originally Posted by kenwarrior View Post

      My experiance from reading a lot of these product review threads is that NOBODY ever comes back and says YES the product works as described (or even 10%) and I'm making money...

      I think that tells you a lot!

      Then the admin closes the thread so you can't follow up say 3 months later...
      The Product functions but i havent made any affiliate commissions yet but adsense i have made 2 euro in 3 days
      better wait a week before i see any results ;P

      Btw can anyone access
      it doesnt work for me only got it last night :S

      Ní hé lá na gaoithe lá na scolb - The windy day is not the day for thatching.

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  • Profile picture of the author boknows
    It 'functions' but is quirky. Try and go back to change things, or eliminate dupes, or do any basic admin functions. Like even remembering your credentials. Many functions are there but less than elegant. In fact functionality is sketch. I feel that it has potential but there is also a bit of suspicion here too. It seems to take over my system and I am curious if any of the programmers out there feel it might be taking over your system or doing anything suspicious, even at the server level.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2705108].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Nolimits
      Not quite a piece of crap... I too went for it, and most things work as promised as far as installation of WP, but I cannot get the "Stealth Profit Plugin" to load at all... the other plugins upload and are in my wp admin, so there is something quirky about that particular plugin, which is supposed to be the heart of the product. It supposedly make live affiliate links from keywords, I guess.

      I have tried all kinds of associated emails for the seller, but no response, ???

      So far I would say it's pretty flaky and the support is non-existant.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2705635].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author 4success53
    I would like it better if I could get the auto blogger installed.

    I made sure that I had the correct ftp settings and still it is not working.

    Contacted support. They were no help, they said to put in the correct settings.


    Let me know if you have had any problems or if you can help.

    I really need the help!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2707864].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Thomas Buckley
      Originally Posted by 4success53 View Post

      I would like it better if I could get the auto blogger installed.

      I made sure that I had the correct ftp settings and still it is not working.

      Contacted support. They were no help, they said to put in the correct settings.


      Let me know if you have had any problems or if you can help.

      I really need the help!
      Sending you a pm

      Ní hé lá na gaoithe lá na scolb - The windy day is not the day for thatching.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2707875].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Greycap
    I bought Stealth Profit Machines in desperation, to augment my old age pension. Needed to earn some quick cash to help pay my credit cards early next month. Wasted three or four precious days on it, sometimes working, without any success, until after three am.

    Couldn't get it to upload, or FTP? as am very newbiesh, when it comes to tech thingies. Asked for help and guidance from their, so called support team and explained my great need to have it bring in a minimum of $300 by early November, or I'd be up 'that' creek, without a paddle, or shovel!

    One 'tech' came back with a suggestion I didn't understand, so I asked her to simplify it for me.

    Fat chance! Been totally ignored for several days.

    Even gave them permission to go into my HostGator and WordPress areas to see what I'd done wrong and supplied usernames and passwords. Offered to pay, after I made some money (being almost broke, at the moment), if they could make it work and then simply explain how they did it, of course.

    Nothing! No reply. No help.

    Perhaps support is there, but only if one does not need it, or one is an expert, able to follow their technical gobblydegook.

    It did say in their sales page that this would work for 'newbies'. Might, but only for expert newbies, named Einstein!

    Anyway, shall ask for a refund, but that cannot replace the precious and critical waste of my time, as I still fear for my credit card bill (and stuff like food), due early next month.

    If anyone can offer any solution, whereby I might be able to earn a few hundred dollars by early November, then please contact me, even by my email at, or telephone 407 965 1342, as I really am desperate and cannot afford false pride in seeking help from Warriors.

    My shame of asking for help and advice will have to wait until I can afford to be ashamed.

    BTW I would be happy to telephone anybody for assistance, if necessary, as I have the cheap Vonage telephone system and all calls are free for me in the US, plus 60 foreign countries. Vonage is great, unless one has a cable outage. Then they are dead in the water. No, no cell 'phone as a backup.


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2707972].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DA
      Originally Posted by Greycap View Post

      If anyone can offer any solution, whereby I might be able to earn a few hundred dollars by early November, then please contact me,
      I'll give you few ideas later tonight
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2711027].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Steve Wise
      Originally Posted by Greycap View Post

      I bought Stealth Profit Machines in desperation, to augment my old age pension. Needed to earn some quick cash to help pay my credit cards early next month. Wasted three or four precious days on it, sometimes working, without any success, until after three am.

      Couldn't get it to upload, or FTP? as am very newbiesh, when it comes to tech thingies. Asked for help and guidance from their, so called support team and explained my great need to have it bring in a minimum of $300 by early November, or I'd be up 'that' creek, without a paddle, or shovel!

      One 'tech' came back with a suggestion I didn't understand, so I asked her to simplify it for me.

      Fat chance! Been totally ignored for several days.

      Even gave them permission to go into my HostGator and WordPress areas to see what I'd done wrong and supplied usernames and passwords. Offered to pay, after I made some money (being almost broke, at the moment), if they could make it work and then simply explain how they did it, of course.

      Nothing! No reply. No help.

      Perhaps support is there, but only if one does not need it, or one is an expert, able to follow their technical gobblydegook.

      It did say in their sales page that this would work for 'newbies'. Might, but only for expert newbies, named Einstein!

      Anyway, shall ask for a refund, but that cannot replace the precious and critical waste of my time, as I still fear for my credit card bill (and stuff like food), due early next month.

      If anyone can offer any solution, whereby I might be able to earn a few hundred dollars by early November, then please contact me, even by my email at, or telephone 407 965 1342, as I really am desperate and cannot afford false pride in seeking help from Warriors.

      My shame of asking for help and advice will have to wait until I can afford to be ashamed.

      BTW I would be happy to telephone anybody for assistance, if necessary, as I have the cheap Vonage telephone system and all calls are free for me in the US, plus 60 foreign countries. Vonage is great, unless one has a cable outage. Then they are dead in the water. No, no cell 'phone as a backup.



      Unfortunately Ray, having read your post you are a classic example of the type of person that this product is aimed at. I don't mean any insult by that either. We've probably all been there at some point buying products with ridiculous claims that are basically a bunch of lies. My advice if you're looking to make some money is to spend your time in the Warrior Special Offers (WSO) forum and pick a product there that you can run with.

      I've bought a few recently for either $7 or $10 which were excellent. The people promoting their offers in there are usually really helpful too. Send me a PM if you need any help.

      Good Luck

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2716652].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Greycap
        Hello Alice,

        No offense intended, nor taken.

        I agree with your comments and suggestions, but my problem with Stealth Profit Machines is that I simply couldn't get the bally thing to work and the so-called support seems to be almost non-existent!

        Reading through some of the comments here, it seems that quite a few Warriors, who sound much more experienced than I, have been having issues with it and its vague support and even doubts about its practicability to earn money, in the real, hard world of internet commerce.

        Since then I invested a whole $7.00 (which is a great deal of money for me, at the moment) and bought a 54 page WSO from fellow Warrior, Garland Robinson entitled:
        "$100 a day the $7 Way" It teaches, as is obvious from the title, step-by-step, how to create $7.00 written products to sell over the internet.

        Sounds like a commonsense, no frills way, of building a worthwhile and growing income. Time will tell.

        Hopefully it will bring in enough to meet my credit card commitments, but I'm looking at a variation to speed it up, for my short term, quicker income, by..............

        Here's hoping, anyway. PM'd Garland, a few minutes ago, asking what he thinks of my little twist. Awaiting his response.

        Again, thank you for taking the trouble to care.


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  • Profile picture of the author niceweb
    The sales-letter make it sound like the software alone is enough to profit like crazy. When in reality it is just a simple wordpress installer. It doesn't even save the installations you do, i can't go back to my first installed blog and post more articles with the software.

    The software did work for me tho, so i will keep it. It will save me abit of time when setting up new blogs.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2710733].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author lvsniper
    I dont think this is a great tool.

    1. It just downloads articles from different article sites, no biggie
    2. It has the plugin which adds links to your content to clickbank links. The deal breaker is you should not have keyword as part of your domain name. Isnt that stupid? If i have a product selling widgets wouldn't I get a domain name with widgets in it. With this plugin you cant..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2714075].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author lefty359
    Once you get it installed, can you go to admin area and add more plugins?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2714460].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author steveblum
      Originally Posted by lefty359 View Post

      Once you get it installed, can you go to admin area and add more plugins?
      Yes. It's s Wordpress blog and can be customized anyway you want it.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2716684].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mblount
    For a newbie like me it helped me some but I have not put it to test yet and after reading some of the post I think I am going a different direction. Us rednecks down here in Fl. learn kinda of slow but once u Yankees get her let the good times roll. Just kidding about Yankees some of my best friends are Carpet Baggers from the North.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Ng

    Have anyone else make start making 1or few sales VIA this product?

    I wonder how it "REAL" work ...

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    • Profile picture of the author JimmyD
      I am very sad about all of this.

      I have met Chris and he is a nice unassuming guy. He has sold some great products but this is utter "guru" over hype bullsh1t. 50k? only 300 copies, so why does this have over 500 gravity on ClickBank in a few days? All the emails you recieve, "the site was hacked to stop me releasing this product" etc

      I reckon Chris is planning to make enough out of this launch to retire from the IM market altogether. Don't forget the product is only $27 if you buy it right, but upsells add up to hundreds by all accounts.

      As discussed 50k for the software? Obviously a typo he means $500. Put a clone request up on getafreelancer/rentacoder etc and you would get offers around $100 from some.

      But the biggest problem I have is how does this make you millions when all it does is install WP, scrape content, etc. How do you make the millions without traffic.

      Bottom line is I feel very sorry for the likes of Greycap who bought this in good faith with money they could not really afford to lose, but, as mentioned by others, this is aimed at newbies desperate to make a quick buck and the ssales page is made for them.

      Just my thoughts
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2721356].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Martin Percival
        Hi JD,

        I'd go with your analysis of Chris as a person, he is pretty much just a normal unassuming guy - but is obviously trying to climb the IM ladder.

        As for the "hacking" - well, I had a quick look round his site when it wasn't responding properly and I did find a load of Forex code on the page that I could get to, so maybe draw your own conclusions there.

        Greycap, I don't know if you refunded or not, but if you want me to take a look at the installation, I'd be happy to help the meantime, I'd recommend spending a lot more time in the war room (as you've already paid). There's plenty of free material in there - some of which you'd have paid $7 for out here - and a lot of good ideas for making money.


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  • Profile picture of the author ianbong
    Well actually the product works. There are a few bugs here and there, but it doesn't seem to affect the installation too much.

    I put it to work on a brand new domain, and got hundreds of articles scheduled so far.

    So far, traffic = 0

    Maybe I need to build backlinks before any earnings can be seen. But this tool is pretty handy to build multiple blogs quickly.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2721498].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author steveblum
      Originally Posted by ianbong View Post

      Well actually the product works. There are a few bugs here and there, but it doesn't seem to affect the installation too much.

      I put it to work on a brand new domain, and got hundreds of articles scheduled so far.

      So far, traffic = 0

      Maybe I need to build backlinks before any earnings can be seen. But this tool is pretty handy to build multiple blogs quickly.
      From what I've read it takes about a week for things to kick in. I've got a .com and .info up and running. You're right on the product, once you work through the bugs it gets your blog up and sets the wheels in motion.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2721528].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JimmyD
      Originally Posted by ianbong View Post

      Well actually the product works. There are a few bugs here and there, but it doesn't seem to affect the installation too much.

      I put it to work on a brand new domain, and got hundreds of articles scheduled so far.

      So far, traffic = 0

      Maybe I need to build backlinks before any earnings can be seen. But this tool is pretty handy to build multiple blogs quickly.

      Sorry, but why is anyone suddenly going to get traffic. I don't care how the software works. As others have said there are alternative free solutuions to installing WP, link cloaking etc. The money is only made when you get traffic. How does this system get you traffic?

      All those newbies out there setting up their sites and now waiting for the money to roll in. Pathetic, sorry.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2721561].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author imguru
    From what I understand this product does not bring the traffic which is required so for it to work it would require back linking and bookmarking.
    If you put up a LOT of blogs and combine it with traffic generation as such I could see it as a great auto blog system.
    Just putting up one or two auto blogs and wait for profits is not the way to go, unless you do it Every day and work them to get back links and traffic
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  • Profile picture of the author lefty359
    The sad truth is, until you get ranked on first page of Google or have some other means to drive traffic, then it's prob gonna remain at $0.
    I have some sites up for quite awhile now,(not built by stealth)and I too am at $0.
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  • Profile picture of the author excoder01
    Sadly, if TONS of people are falling for sales hype just for a software to build WP blogs and scrap content for $30, then no wonder there's tons of money to be made in the "make money quick online" niche.

    Does the product goes into keywords research, competition search, link building, etc?
    Affiliate Review Templates - get affiliate review templates every week. No tech or marketing skills required!
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  • Profile picture of the author lvsniper
    Unless you generate traffic there is no way to monetize this. You manually have to select the keyword and the cb url you wanna point too.

    Yeah there is a big but.. you cannot have the word as part of your domain. For example you had the domain name, you cannot use it to target the keyword "xbox". Doesn't that sound stupid since we spend so much time trying to get domains with the keyword in it .. but you cannot monetize that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mangozoom
    Okay I read every single post and apart from someone making a couple of euros on adsense have not read one single post from anyone who has made even just their money back!

    Therefore in the words of my 16 year old son

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    • Profile picture of the author JMM
      This is my take on the software....
      Please note
      50000 Russian rubles = 1647.5300 US dollars

      I need to say I do like the concept for SMP...But I have to vent this out,

      I wouldn't pay any more than I did for it and part of me still is thinking of requesting refund because ... it's costing more time to set up on of these WP sites than the auto blogging system I created. At the same time .... it is beta and if we are going to get upgrades then it's worth it... this is mostly because I spent over an hour downloading the system and then several hours trying to get it to INstall on my office computer.
      Yes people, you can make money with this program... if you can get it working with all it's bugs ... just be patient and work at it...
      Not being a technical idiot by any means nor tolerant with canned responses ... I took my SMP to the family computer Everyone in my house is way pissed off cause now Dad is working not only on the two office computers over the weekend but the house / family computer too
      SMP will not install on my business machines. It simply will not install. I have done everything I know ... I am more than angry about this but at the same time, what do you do, it's beta. Honestly, I would say, it's in Alpha state ...

      Even the installation for the program is sloppy and the uninstall, yeah um okay run CCLeaner that is the most slacker comment, I have ever read from a software support crew. IMO the programmers Rushed the job... even for a beta, Most Windows programmers know how to at the minimum how to set up an install file for a clean install /uninstall... (NULL SOFT Main Page - NSIS is a great start... it should install in the program files dir and then you can simply delete the folder ... that was a shock to find I had to keep the SMP dir where I installed it...

      Finally getting it to run on the family /house computer. (not in the office )
      The plug-in is not for me, I have a system already that works nicely already at least ... I chose not to use it at this time. For many, I think the plug would be an excellent way to link up and monetize their site, but after reading some of the support and warnings about using the plug-in... I opted to not even try it.

      Like I said, I like the concept for the system. I think this Could be an excellent program / system for making blogs and monetizing them... BUT it needs work it is a beta / alpha state.

      Here are a few issues / bug/ and feature requests you may find useful.... if it were mine this is what I would do with it....

      ISSUE with NICKNAME just so you don't get a 404 on author link do not use a space in the name either this is not SMP that is simply a WP thing... why don't know nor does it really matter. use an underscore if it matters to you. ___ ;-)

      Searching for articles is erratic and creates SEVERAL duplicate posts ... HOLY CRAP TON at least for the terms I used... I solved that issue for myself but The other plug-ins are neat I already use them so it was kind a of a bonus to have them uploaded already

      I found when allowing the resource/author the program grabs the html around it and sometimes included the Adsense code from that site... YIKES strip html minus the linkage or at the minimum not allow the java script. Also when this is done it screws up the layout of the blog /theme. It happened about 1 out of ever 100 articles

      Feature Requests... if it were mine
      be-able to add your own able to add your own plug-ins (beable to add plug-in with preset settings would be Great.
      Be able to add or remove article sites/
      Beable to add your own articles from a dir.. either html or plan txt THIS WOULD BE WONDERFUL
      Widgets: be able to add the basic txt widget on the blog... to help create linkage to other sites
      Beable to have blog profiles so you can come back to the blog again and add more articles.
      Beable to have an export of the articles list titles
      beable to set the Permalink system in the blog...

      For the $27 I paid. it was nice to have a blog set up in a few minutes, content articles back dated to the age of the domain and posting a set range of articles for the next year. I love that part. IF some of the other issues could be taken care of I would back it but right now it's like a used car that may or may not start and get you on the road to where you want to be... it is stated that it's beta software beta being it's in testing mode... So take that into consideration... I

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  • Profile picture of the author JMM
    I want to add...

    I knew what I was buying... software that installs WP (I didn't know it used fantastico) and grabbed articles from article sites.

    I bought it for adsense traffic clicking I knew my sites would require customizing...

    Just because we builda site it's not going to magickally generate traffic... Building any site no matter how much content you have will not suddenly start getting traffic you have to build your own traffic generating system... This program / software doesn't do any of that.

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    • Profile picture of the author Greenfatman
      Well Folks I've bought this software couple weeks ago but just decided to try on this weekend.I think it's perfect for adsense sites,you can grab hundreds of articles in minutes(with links to clickbank in every article,is a plus) and you can go back on the same blog and add more content entering just your ftp details+blog domain on the software anytime,now I have posts scheduled till end feb 2011(4 months) on autopilot,great to create some more blogs.My blog has been indexed on the next day.Now I have just to see if someone will click the links spread over the hundreds of articles.Traffics will come if you rank on the first page,with the blog posting articles everyday that should come in some point,I believe.I will do some backlinks as I don't have to worry about the site for 4 months.I'll be back here and give you some updates.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shakul
    That kind of s/w can be easily made under $xxx

    When I first read the sales page, I thought it should be really blackhat elated to some new technique or loophole, I never thought this is totally B*****t related to WP....

    I am glad I saved the money by first searching for this product here.
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  • Profile picture of the author takis76
    Don't purchase this, I have purchased months ago from other merchant not clickbank.
    The software wasn't worked and I had a lots of exception faults and my windows was crashed when I was run the program.
    I tried to get refund and the merchant (I am not remember if was clicksure) was refused to process my refund and told me to ask refund directly from vendor.

    The vendor was ignored me for very long time and my fake 60 days guarantee was over and "I ATE THE PRODUCT ON MY FACE". And I was PISSED OFF BADLY.

    And this was happened after 3 scam refuse refunds from other vendors in the row.

    I still reciving promotion e-mails even I have removed myself from these lists.
    And whole game is a vicious scam marketing circle.

    I complained many times in the past and I WARNED you and I became and annoying.

    Conclusion DO NOT PURCHASE any kind of products like:

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