Nick Xavier's "Internet Cash Today"?
Seems too "sales-y" for me, but I'm open to hearing your experience with it.
PS Not an affiliate link .. at least not mine
PPS OMG. After posting this, I exited his sales-y page ... or tried to ... because I got a "Hey Wait!" message. So just out of curiosity, I canceled and stayed on the site. And sure enough, he reduced the price from $37 to $27 .. "But hurry, as there are now only 2 packages left!" ... whereas a minute ago, on his regular sales-y page, there were 14. (LOL)) So I exited again, but again I got an offer .. a reduced price of $17 ... and now there was only 1 package left. This time, though, I actually got to exit without any further price breaks. I was just curious whether I could get it to the point where he'd pay me to buy it! (LOL)
Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com