Membership software that is non-wp

3 replies

I see many clickbank sites that uses membership to get the product so I assume when they pay they will be redirected to a page and be given a username and passoword?
Are these a custom script they did? If not,

what is the best non-wordpress membership software are their?
#membership #nonwp #software
  • Profile picture of the author ina696
    Hi, dags. There are several. Three of the most popular ones that I can think of off the top of my head are:

    Digital Access Pass (DAP) is a plug-in that works with or outside of WP (i.e., static html site or WP platform)

    Rapid Action Profits (RAP)

    Easy Member Pro

    I'm sure others will come on here and add to the discussion.

    Happy New Year to you, dags (and all you fellow Warriors)!!!

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  • Profile picture of the author Zubair Zm
    Check this WSO at
    Hope this helps

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  • Profile picture of the author ravijayagopal
    dags, (DAP) can protect plain HTML web sites.

    I also gives you a ready-to-go page right out of the box, that has all of the member information on one page - download links, product information, affiliate information (can be turned off) and profile information.

    Can protect any kind of files with the built-in download protector. So you can protect videos (.mpg, .mp4, etc), audio (.mp3, .au, etc), zip files, pdf files, just about any kind of file.

    Feel free to ask if you have any other questions.


    - Ravi Jayagopal

    Originally Posted by dags View Post


    I see many clickbank sites that uses membership to get the product so I assume when they pay they will be redirected to a page and be given a username and passoword?
    Are these a custom script they did? If not,

    what is the best non-wordpress membership software are their?
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