58 replies
Any reviews? The Software System
#software #system
  • Profile picture of the author HiAbby
    Looks pretty awesome. I hope it isn't too overpriced.
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    • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
      Originally Posted by HiAbby View Post

      Looks pretty awesome.
      Yeah that why it's called Internet marketing

      It's also a great lesson in how to turn a 6 page free .pdf into a $2700 course,

      Oh and a 30 day Refund period on a 5 week course which probably won't be rolled out for another 10 days..

      None the less it was great for getting rid of lists I'd subscribed to...

      this is what i really think of it.

      Internet Marketers – How much Is your Soul Worth?

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      • Profile picture of the author sammoro
        Originally Posted by M Thompson View Post

        None the less it was great for getting rid of lists I'd subscribed to...
        True dat!

        I think that was the single best advice I remember getting when I started out - clear the distractions and focus on core tasks and opportunities. Too many lists are a killer - UNSUBSCRIBE!!
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    • Profile picture of the author ThomPhelps
      The cost is:

      $2,700 or you can make payments of $450 per month for 7 months.

      Not really sure if it is worth the price or not. You never know I guess until you buy it. Trey says you can get your money back within 30 days for any reason if you feel it is not for you.

      I am interested in getting into the software field I just wish I knew more about this.

      Hope this helps!
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      • Profile picture of the author Bill_Z
        Originally Posted by ThomPhelps View Post

        The cost is:

        $2,700 or you can make payments of $450 per month for 7 months.

        Not really sure if it is worth the price or not. You never know I guess until you buy it. Trey says you can get your money back within 30 days for any reason if you feel it is not for you.

        I am interested in getting into the software field I just wish I knew more about this.

        Hope this helps!
        Save your 2700 - You'll need it to pay the programmers.

        Listen, I haven't seen the product, and frankly don't really care what it is. I can tell you that the hardest part about software is finding good programmers at a reasonable price. That is probably 90% of your battle, in my opinion.
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        • Profile picture of the author pjblanch
          Originally Posted by Bill_Z View Post

          Save your 2700 - You'll need it to pay the programmers.

          Listen, I haven't seen the product, and frankly don't really care what it is. I can tell you that the hardest part about software is finding good programmers at a reasonable price. That is probably 90% of your battle, in my opinion.
          I assume true dat. That seems reasonable to me.

          In the vids he stresses that making the software is the easiest part. The hard part is the marketing. Either he has a really good handle on sourcing programmers, or he isn't quite up front with how hard it is to source. I don't know the guy, seems super nice (but that doesn't mean anything I suppose).

          For the $2700 you get:

          # 5 Week Training with Videos, Software & More.
          # An invitation to "The Software System Network".
          # I'll have access to Trey's personal programmers!
          # The option to propose a "Partnership With Trey".
          # An invitation to the Live Event (first come first serve).
          # The full recording of the Live Event.
          # Over 10 hours of live Q&A calls with Trey.

          Live event lists your regular cast type. One guy (Chad Mureta) claims he makes $10,000 a day on iPhone apps. Really? I would really like to know if this is true.

          Others are Mike Koenigs (Traffic Geyser fame), Kern, Christian Weselak (PPC ninja, $8000/day [really?]), and Jeremy Shoemaker (Shoemoney fame, good guy).

          My thoughts are: Doing apps can't be that hard. The hard part is the Rolodex as always. For example, where is the best site to get app ideas (and make what is already selling)?

          In general, anyone out there know how to do this easily? Apps are kind of new, been searching on the WF, still looking. Any suggestions would be cool. Thanks ~paul
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    • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
      Originally Posted by BarberShop View Post

      more like made to make money for the maker first. another guru.
      Well duh. Do you think they sell these things to lose money?
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      • Profile picture of the author Aj Wilson
        Originally Posted by Black Hat Cat View Post

        Well duh. Do you think they sell these things to lose money?


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  • Profile picture of the author IM nice guy

    You have to be kidding me mate.

    Seriously, the so called "difficult marketing" is going to be like pretty much the same methodology as the marketing for a big product launch.... funnily enough, like "The Software System"

    Seriously though, the price seems just a little on the arrogant side to me...

    I agree that finding high quality coders can be the toughest part of this. In my experience the best you can do to narrow down your options, and get the best possible coders is to be extremely specific as to what you want, AND to use "feedback questions" in your project ad.

    For example, here is a template that I use on Freelancer.com:


    High quality worker filter requirement.

    Please do not bid if you " "


    Hi and Thanks for visiting.

    Your job description here, including videos, images, etc, to be as detailed as possible.

    Please type this in your private message to me... "change here" so I know you read and understand the requirements.

    Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you

    Warriors - Try LINKVANA For Just $14 First Month, Including Credits To Try Out The System! Check it out!

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  • Profile picture of the author Dexx
    Don't forget 50% of it goes to affiliates...maybe the secret to getting something promoted...is just to pay others a crap-load to do it for you! lol

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  • Profile picture of the author LarryC
    I've gotten so cynical about these huge launches that now, when I start getting a bunch of emails promoting the latest one, I don't even click on the link but check this forum first. At least I can exit here without getting a bunch of pop-up screens
    Content Writing, Ghostwriting, eBooks, editing, research.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3344353].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author salegurus
      Originally Posted by LarryC View Post

      I've gotten so cynical about these huge launches that now, when I start getting a bunch of emails promoting the latest one, I don't even click on the link but check this forum first. At least I can exit here without getting a bunch of pop-up screens
      I second that..
      Why $2700? Here's my take
      It's much easier to make a killing from a launch
      All he needs are 1000 desperate buyers and bam $2,700,000

      Trey talks about an app he had done on Odesk for $80, that may be
      true but i've had some simple programming jobs done on Odesk and i paid way more than that for decent quality work.
      He may have some secret methods but for $2700 i'm willing to live without it.
      Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

      ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author steveniam
    My mailbox was very busy during the last 2 weeks. Philip Mansour has been spamming my inbox with Auto Click Profits and now there is another few marketeers spamming me with The Software System.

    Just hope there will not be another JV launch - let me have some peace.
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    • Profile picture of the author Global365
      They sent a list of there top affiliates and its a whos who of IM. Kinda hard to fight against a crowd like that, and it doesn't hurt to be Franks cousin..kinda nice to see a woman in the bunch, you go girl!

      1 Frank Kern
      2 Ed Dale (Just 9 behind Frank!)
      3 Amish Shah (Just 3 behind Ed!)
      4 Eben Pagan
      5 Jeff Walker (Just 2 behind Eben!)
      6 Andy Jenkins (Just 2 behind Walker!)
      7 Mike Koenigs (Just ONE behind Andy!)
      8 Shoemoney (Closing in... 2 behind
      9 Josh Bartlett (TIED WITH SHOEMONEY!)

      THREE WAY TIE with

      Ryan Deiss
      Michelle Macphearson
      Brett Smith


      Harlan Kilstein
      John Chow
      Jeff Schwerdt
      Brendon Burchard
      Jorg Schmidt
      Lawrence Loik
      Matt Trainer
      Marketing Pros
      Adam Black
      Mikhail Solovyev

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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3344975].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ibconsultants
        Originally Posted by Global365 View Post

        They sent a list of there top affiliates and its a whos who of IM. Kinda hard to fight against a crowd like that, and it doesn't hurt to be Franks cousin..kinda nice to see a woman in the bunch, you go girl!

        1 Frank Kern
        2 Ed Dale (Just 9 behind Frank!)
        3 Amish Shah (Just 3 behind Ed!)
        4 Eben Pagan
        5 Jeff Walker (Just 2 behind Eben!)
        6 Andy Jenkins (Just 2 behind Walker!)
        7 Mike Koenigs (Just ONE behind Andy!)
        8 Shoemoney (Closing in... 2 behind
        9 Josh Bartlett (TIED WITH SHOEMONEY!)

        THREE WAY TIE with

        Ryan Deiss
        Michelle Macphearson
        Brett Smith


        Harlan Kilstein
        John Chow
        Jeff Schwerdt
        Brendon Burchard
        Jorg Schmidt
        Lawrence Loik
        Matt Trainer
        Marketing Pros
        Adam Black
        Mikhail Solovyev
        This is a list that is consistent with their buddy system but Eben Pagen seems to have gotten a late start since he isn't showing up. I appreciate your comments here and will look over your Iphone app system. You are in this business so you can truly evaluate Treys offer. I am off to check your product.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3346791].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
          Originally Posted by ibconsultants View Post

          This is a list that is consistent with their buddy system but Eben Pagen seems to have gotten a late start since he isn't showing up. I appreciate your comments here and will look over your Iphone app system. You are in this business so you can truly evaluate Treys offer. I am off to check your product.
          ahh that must the the Other Eban Pagan in 4th place then

          If you are serious about online marketing come and Join our free community The Foundation
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          • Profile picture of the author ibconsultants
            Originally Posted by M Thompson View Post

            ahh that must the the Other Eban Pagan in 4th place then
            I completely missed that... no coffee...
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            • Profile picture of the author jimmel196
              Does anyone really think that this guy with The Software System is really going to give you his secrets to designing, making and marketing software? I am not a optimist or a pessimist, I am a realist and reality tells me that he is going to sell you his $2700.00 coarse and by the end of it he is still going to be making money off of software and off of you. You will probably be left $2700.00 poorer and scratching you head trying to figure out to use this new information. I haven't even joined the War Room yet and some of the best information that I have acquired has been on the WF. Save your money because none of those guys are going to give you the secrets that are making them rich; Would You? My opinion only, of coarse.

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        • Profile picture of the author abs007
          The system looks cool - I also love the waqy the videos have been done -

          I actually followed the drip email releases - think there were 3 altogether and I was on the fence to buy - but when i saw the price tag I walked away

          Im sure whoever buys though will do great with the system - but paying $2k+ for it - then having to pay to get the app coded etc was just not worth it for me

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  • Profile picture of the author dspa72
    This is my point of view about this kind of products

    I'm a software engineer and my products are of course softwares.
    The big problems with software are 3

    1) making the software
    2) promoting it
    3) mantaining it

    1) First you need to have a good idea or your software simply will not sell. And if you are a not a programmer, it's difficult to "see" what people need to help them in their daily work.
    Once you have the idea, you have to program it. Making a good software requires time, many time, because you have to build it and test test test. If your software is not stable, you'll have serious problems with your customers. Do you really think that you can do a good software for cheap? I don't agree with you

    2) If you are in the IM, promoting a software is as difficult as promoting any other product. If you have a good product, your job will be easier: if you have a good list of JV, you will rich in few hours

    3) This is what few people know. Once you have a good software, your customers will find bugs, will want new functionalities etc...
    If you don't have your programmers always available, you'll get tons of refunds

    This is the reality from my point of view (a programmer which sells software)
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  • Profile picture of the author Bill_Z
    ^^^ all true what dspa said...in fact IMO in some ways software is HARDER to sell than info products because you don't have that "use this to get rich" crap in the sales copy. Software provides a purpose and fills a need. For many of the products, you don't HAVE to use it, but it makes your life easier.

    And as far as what he said regarding maintaining the software... Most programmers, they will give you a low price on the initial bid, because any fixes/bugs/additional features is where they will bang you out. They know it would be a serious pain to move to new programmers for new features and bugs, so their prices for those are not nearly as friendly as the initial bid.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel LaRusso
    I tell y'all what. I am just about to launch my own e-book about how to make and promote iPhone and Droid apps, along with an MP3 of the e-book, and a few other bonuses. I'd be glad to give a couple of review copies if you'll PM me. I've got to limit it to about 3-5 copies, and I'd like for you to open a dialogue with me about possibly using a quote from you on my website once it goes live in Clickbank.

    I was thinking of a price for the whole kit of $97 or $77.

    But, like I say, if a few of you want to help me out with a review, I'll give it to you.

    It is unwise to trust all you read on the internet.
    - Benjamin Franklin

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  • Profile picture of the author K_tir
    That was a expensive one...!
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  • Profile picture of the author sysmarketer
    How many WSOs can you buy for that price
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  • Profile picture of the author lifeonfire
    $80 for making an app, it's got to be a piece of crap.

    Apps can be anything stupid or they can be an effective application that actually DOES something beneficial or entertaining. For $80, you're not going to get much from a programmer on Odesk.

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  • Profile picture of the author lifeonfire
    Here I'll save everyone $2,680....

    Buy this instead,

    iPhone App Entrepreneur | Rockable Press


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    • Profile picture of the author garyk1968
      Ok, I'll post here what I posted on BTF forums which was prompted by getting an email from kelly felix saying he's made 2, yes two, affiliate sales of this product. Anyway heres my take;

      ok, I'll add my 2c here as this is a subject I know alot about. I've been a software developer for 20+ years and an iphone developer (with apps on the appstore) so its a subject I know intimately.

      Do I think Trey did a good job with the videos? Absolutely, almost too good! He gave away essentially the core of what you need to do so anyone smart could go away from what they learned from the free videos without spending any money so this *might* have hurt sales.

      On the software side like anything the key is finding a killer product. Ive worked entirely in verticals in the B2B sector so much smaller niches but typically higher price point. What was interesting is how he picked something that was selling well, got his own version of it made and done it. And it was a huge market. What I would say no cross platform is more of an issue now. If you are going to get something done make sure it covers windows, os x and linux.

      OK, on the apps side, I do have abit of an issue with this. Sure you can get a game made for $1800 and you can promote it as he says in video #2, in fact there isnt much more to promotion than that apart from making it sustained. He mentions that you should sign-up to become an apple dev so *you* can submit to the web store. Agree again. Of course what he doesnt mention is you need to pay $99 a year to be a dev, sure no biggy, but you have to have a macbook or imac to build the app So you are looking at spending $1200-$1800 if you dont have one to be able to publish your app.

      He says 'by next week I should break even'. Should being the operative word, I'm not saying it will tank but sales *could* drop off quick to the point where at best he's made back his money. There are 350,000 apps on the app store and growing, its getting harder to get noticed in the crowd!

      I'm not saying there is no value in this course just making people aware of *all* the facts.

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      • Profile picture of the author Dexx
        Originally Posted by garyk1968 View Post

        He says 'by next week I should break even'. Should being the operative word, I'm not saying it will tank but sales *could* drop off quick to the point where at best he's made back his money. There are 350,000 apps on the app store and growing, its getting harder to get noticed in the crowd!

        I'm not saying there is no value in this course just making people aware of *all* the facts.

        Funny you mention his sales Gary, one thing Trey didn't mention in his sucess story of "$2,000 in sales in two weeks" is that he emailed his list of 86,000+ several times letting them know if they BOUGHT his app they would receive a free report on how he created it etc. (basically the content of Video #2)

        How many people out of 86,000 bought the iPhone app? Dunno...but I'm sure it helped his results for the video (and explains why he did it...to have "social proof" for this launch)

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        • Profile picture of the author Tom B
          Originally Posted by Dexx View Post

          Funny you mention his sales Gary, one thing Trey didn't mention in his sucess story of "$2,000 in sales in two weeks" is that he emailed his list of 86,000+ several times letting them know if they BOUGHT his app they would receive a free report on how he created it etc. (basically the content of Video #2)

          How many people out of 86,000 bought the iPhone app? Dunno...but I'm sure it helped his results for the video (and explains why he did it...to have "social proof" for this launch)


          Now that just told me to never purchase anything from him again. That is pretty shady.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dexx
      Originally Posted by lifeonfire View Post

      Here I'll have everyone $2,680....

      Buy this instead,

      iPhone App Entrepreneur | Rockable Press


      I actually might check that out since eBook is only $19...that's WSO level pricing right there!
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    • Profile picture of the author maylene
      Originally Posted by lifeonfire View Post

      Here I'll save everyone $2,680....

      Buy this instead,

      iPhone App Entrepreneur | Rockable Press


      That indeed looks promising. Thanks for the pointer.

      edit: helps to include the quote. :rolleyes:
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Pettit
    Yeah....$2,700 is a ridiculous price for this....I didn't think it would be over $495...lol I feel sorry for the people who feel they need to pay this kind of money for a product especially when you can find just about everything here for free on the warrior forum. That includes good software programers and marketing traffic techniques.
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  • Profile picture of the author dannynz
    HI all, I have not posted on the forum here for sometime, but had to come have a look to see if there was a thread on the new software system or not ... sure enough there was.

    I work in the mobile space and have some projects in development. If you have your app made consider how to monetise and make money as a publisher/owner, connect it to a social network etc.

    I must say the marketing has been good, the videos are well done, a bit hyped and of course the success is driven by the guru's lists, ignorance on the matter and people seeking the next best/easy thing to make them rich.

    The price tag is pretty crazy, to some it might be ok to get into it for the first time if they have the spare cash. We need a review from someone who has brought the product.

    Many of his guru mates are offering to help with one-on-one development advise etc and one has offered 5% of from app profit for coaching for the year ... but you have to buy the software of course. Should email back and say ok I will give you 20% if you buy my copy of the software

    My feed back is - Yes mobile apps specifically for software development is a good move, but decide this is going to be your specific business move and put things in place to make it happen. Can you concentrate/focus? First generating a good idea then organising to get it done and not be distracted by another great offer/market.

    I would mastermind with from friends or peers in the industry, maybe a JV.

    ... but you need to focus!

    I see this all time as I own/run a mobile marketing mastermind community forum and offer some basic training, recorded webinars on mobile CPA (very low key, we are focused on mobile CPA at the moment) with membership levels.

    ... people join, ask a lot of questions and expect fast results and when they don't see massive easy profits they move on. note: I do have a core group were we mastermind on campaigns and make money and sometimes loss money, Nov last year we were hitting $1000 days. (I have been considering opening a thread on app. development on the forum if there is enough interest).

    Do more research is what I would say, as many have commented here, there are ways to do this without spending the $2700 on one program, use this money to pay a programmer or project person to get your project going or even for market research.

    The biggest issue I think is a good idea and for that you need to brainstorm - with others you can trust.

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  • Profile picture of the author garyk1968
    Interesting dexx that changes things for sure.

    What I didnt say as well as that submitting your app to the top 20 or top 40 review sites is no guarantee of success either, how many requests do you think they get for newly released apps? It was some time ago in one Steve Jobs keynotes where he was talking about the app approval process, apple globally get something like 16,000 (yes thousand) new apps submitted *every day*.

    Popping back Danny just reminded me to go back to your site, I joined some months back and then forgot all about it! Be interesting to see how you are doing with CPA, all my apps are paid ones but considering free+CPA.

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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Deegan
    Boy I got so much to say I don't even know where to begin...I actually have a book on creating software as a non programmer that I've been working on for quite awhile now. I also must say my experience is limited to a little more then half a dozen software products I have created and sold my self or with partners.

    First...anyone who tells that its easy to create software without being a programmer yourself is FULL OF SH*T. Can it be done, of course. But there are many "gotchas" that can really make the entire process REALLY freaking difficult.

    Second, not being a programmer your self makes things exponentially harder. Even if your not a programmer you still want a fairly high level of technical understanding and if possible you want a basic understanding of computer and software logic. (input, output, data storage concepts, etc)

    Even than you still got the chips stacked against you. The biggest problem you run into as a non programmer is being totally reliant on someone else to fix bugs and correct any issues that arise.

    You really only have a few options.

    1.partner with a programmer. (or create a real software startup)

    2.have a very large bank roll and resource pool for good programmers and developers.

    3.CAREFULLY design your software and spec sheet so you don't need many future upgrades once most bugs are found. (and designing things in a modular fashion so future upgrade can be introduced without breaking to many things.)

    Stick with simple software that solves very specific problems using a very step by step structure. Armand Morin has a really good grasp on how to do this as a non programmer, but I'm not sure if he teachs its in a individual course.

    I could go on and on and have some great stories of what not to do as well as what to do when outsourcing software. If people are really interested maybe I'll make a more detailed post on the subject.

    EDIT - I want to add I don't know what Trey teaches in the course. If he does show you how to design software as a non programmer and how to get around all the problems and issues you might run into outsourcing software development, than honestly for the right person it might be worth the price tag.

    However, as someone who has first hand experience in what Trey is going to teach, I felt the dude was sugar coating things a little to much and he did something pretty questionable. As others have said, his iphone app only got so many sales so quickly because he got people with large lists in the IM niche to promote his app with a bundled ebook offer.

    Its good marketing, but he made it sound like his app just did well all by it self.

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  • Profile picture of the author Dexx
    I believe Trey stated that his course isn't much about the "how to create" as much as it will be about "how to market / make money" from software ideas etc.

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    • Profile picture of the author salegurus
      Originally Posted by Global365 View Post

      They sent a list of there top affiliates and its a whos who of IM. Kinda hard to fight against a crowd like that, and it doesn't hurt to be Franks cousin..kinda nice to see a woman in the bunch, you go girl!

      1 Frank Kern
      2 Ed Dale (Just 9 behind Frank!)
      3 Amish Shah (Just 3 behind Ed!)
      4 Eben Pagan
      5 Jeff Walker (Just 2 behind Eben!)
      6 Andy Jenkins (Just 2 behind Walker!)
      7 Mike Koenigs (Just ONE behind Andy!)
      8 Shoemoney (Closing in... 2 behind
      9 Josh Bartlett (TIED WITH SHOEMONEY!)

      THREE WAY TIE with

      Ryan Deiss
      Michelle Macphearson
      Brett Smith


      Harlan Kilstein
      John Chow
      Jeff Schwerdt
      Brendon Burchard
      Jorg Schmidt
      Lawrence Loik
      Matt Trainer
      Marketing Pros
      Adam Black
      Mikhail Solovyev
      Aha, good to see the syndicate all accounted for.
      Also thanks to the members with real programming experience who have shed some move light on the subject.
      Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

      ― George Carlin
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    • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
      Originally Posted by Dexx View Post

      I believe Trey stated that his course isn't much about the "how to create" as much as it will be about "how to market / make money" from software ideas etc.

      Let me guess, he doesn't say take a 6 page Pdf and apply some magic and sell it for $2700. That seems to me to be his current model

      Good to see that they are still piling on bonus's , that suggests that so far sales haven't been as expected.

      If you are serious about online marketing come and Join our free community The Foundation
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3355878].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Dexx
        Originally Posted by M Thompson View Post

        Good to see that they are still piling on bonus's , that suggests that so far sales haven't been as expected.
        Hah, I'm not the only one who noticed that?

        Went from 3 bonuses worth like $6,000 to now releasing 10hrs of live event footage for two products they were going to release but didn't...a $10,000 value!

        So on top of a 5 week training course, you have about 50hrs of additional product training you can get distracted with...no wonder so many people don't get results...

        Gotta pick one thing and focus on it...no distractions!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3357435].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
          Originally Posted by Dexx View Post

          Gotta pick one thing and focus on it...no distractions!

          If anyone is sensible enough to pay attention to that statement, they've got more value than any $3000 course

          There is actually a thread in here where someone was saying how good one of Eben pagans courses was..when asked if he read all the material the answer was... No there was too much.

          If you create a high ticket product you have to fill it full of fluff to give the impression of value...which pretty much defeats the aim...I don't have any desire to go through 50 hours of material just to learn how to do something that I could learn with 6 hours good quality material

          If you are serious about online marketing come and Join our free community The Foundation
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3357778].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author kellyburdes
            Thats not always true.
            One of the very early high ticket items was Jay Abraham's Stealth Marketing. Its just over 300 pages, a soft cover book. It was priced at either $1000 or $2000 when Jay put it out.

            I'm just starting to get involved in doing offline marketing for real bricks and mortar business, no success yet because my lead generation isn't so good and I look like a snowboarding hippie bum, which doesn't seem to be what bricks and mortar business want..but the guide itself is great and well worth the money.

            Originally Posted by M Thompson View Post

            If anyone is sensible enough to pay attention to that statement, they've got more value than any $3000 course

            There is actually a thread in here where someone was saying how good one of Eben pagans courses was..when asked if he read all the material the answer was... No there was too much.

            If you create a high ticket product you have to fill it full of fluff to give the impression of value...which pretty much defeats the aim...I don't have any desire to go through 50 hours of material just to learn how to do something that I could learn with 6 hours good quality material
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      • Profile picture of the author kellyburdes
        That may or may not have anything to do with how sales are currently going. One of the basic's you will learn in either PLF or MC is to pile on bonsus' as the launch goes. It could just be a well thought out, very well executed launch.

        Originally Posted by M Thompson View Post

        Good to see that they are still piling on bonus's , that suggests that so far sales haven't been as expected.
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  • Profile picture of the author kellyburdes
    I never really imagined I'd spent much time on this section of the WF and comment on the products. It seems to me that most of the stuff being reviewed is such obvious BS that I don't know why people have to come to the WF to figure out that it is.

    But "The Software System" comes packaged pretty well and I know Trey makes a lot of money, and overall Frank and Trey are about as honest as people get in the IM industry and good choices if your wanting to learn from someone.

    I'm sure that the launch for the Software System will do well for those promoting it. Frank and Trey typically work hard (in spite of the well crafted image they have) and put out great promo's. It's also a new and hot topic -so - I'm sure there will be a lot of buyers.

    I do question, however, if those buyers could experience the same level of success that Trey has had using the same system he used to achieve it.

    I seem to recall about a month and a half or two months ago that both Trey and Frank sent out offers to their lists to give away IM content if you downloaded the 99 cent Iphone ap. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me, and I wonder what % of the sales Trey got was as a result of that.

    Even if the overall percent of the sales driven to the ap by this offer was small, how much of the momentum created that drove later sales was due to this.

    I'm not saying you can't make money building Aps, I haven't a clue because it's not a business I've ever been interested in looking at. I am saying though that it's doubtful a person could do exactly what Trey did.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3355900].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author affhelper
      Here is my take on it. Maybe some of you wouldn't pay for the system
      itself that much money but if you even considered it, buy it through Shoemoney.

      Here is one of the things he offers which I think is the best bonus
      I have ever seen so far.

      "I will personally review and LAUNCH your software on Shoemoney.com. ($6500.00 value)."

      If you got a good software product it could go viral just from being featured on his

      So if you are considering buying it then let me tell that buying from him would be your
      best bet in my opinion.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3356581].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author garyk1968
        Originally Posted by affhelper View Post

        Here is my take on it. Maybe some of you wouldn't pay for the system
        itself that much money but if you even considered it, buy it through Shoemoney.

        Here is one of the things he offers which I think is the best bonus
        I have ever seen so far.

        "I will personally review and LAUNCH your software on Shoemoney.com. ($6500.00 value)."

        If you got a good software product it could go viral just from being featured on his

        So if you are considering buying it then let me tell that buying from him would be your
        best bet in my opinion.

        Yes *could* being the operative word, its untargeted so no real way of knowing without spending $2700! As others have said might be worth trying to get an app done for $2000 and spend $700 on PPC/PPV

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3357327].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author affhelper
          Originally Posted by garyk1968 View Post

          Yes *could* being the operative word, its untargeted so no real way of knowing without spending $2700! As others have said might be worth trying to get an app done for $2000 and spend $700 on PPC/PPV

          i think being featured on Shoemoney blog would be much more beneficial than dumping money into PPC or PPV
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3357407].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author lifeonfire
    Mike Long sent out email today saying Trey's launch bombed...
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    • Profile picture of the author ibconsultants
      Originally Posted by lifeonfire View Post

      Mike Long sent out email today saying Trey's launch bombed...
      I don't know who Mike Long is but would be interested in how he knows this information.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3374060].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ibconsultants
    Something of interest. Dangers of building on someone else’s platform « Kindle Review – Kindle 3 Review, Kindle vs Nook Very nice review of platforms, apps, etc.. This isn't an affiliate link.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3374075].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jesus Perez
    Another popular marketer alluded to this as well.
    Here's an email I received regarding this...

    My last promotion... well it sorta BOMBED.

    For those of you who think all of the "gurus"
    get rich easily, especially off of all those
    high ticket launches, I think this should put
    things into perspective:

    The recent launch that I promoted for Trey Smith,
    simply because I know his stuff is good, and I've
    personally used it, has netted me a grand total of...

    TWO sales so far.

    Weirdly enough, 2 sales puts me into the top 10
    affiliates! (as of this writing) LOL. Some very
    big marketers only have 1 or 2 sales, even with
    lists with hundreds of thousands of people on them!

    At least I know those 2 people are getting a great
    system that has already worked for me...

    But it used to be, when you send thousands of leads
    to a big ticket launch, you're looking at a fat
    payday. But I guess this is a sign of the times.

    It seems like high ticket items just don't sell
    very well anymore. And I thought for sure this
    launch would do well above others, because it
    seems much more realistic to create simple
    software and sell it for profit.

    And again, I've actually done it myself!

    I also recently read that during Eben Pagan's
    last launch, a few weeks ago, the #1 affiliate
    had 19 sales. I think Eben publicly announced
    it. (I may be slightly off)

    Am I the only one who is shocked by these numbers?

    I don't say this to put anyone down.

    In fact, I believe Trey's product is really high
    quality, and the presentation was good as well.
    But the fact is, people are sick of $2,000+ products...
    at least a lot more than they've been in the past.
    I've seen it first-hand.

    You may hear about $5-$10 million dollar launches
    every now and then... but without naming names,
    let's just say that many times those numbers
    aren't exactly true (or even remotely close).

    But some people have reputations to uphold. And
    when you add-in a 40-50% refund rate (common on
    high ticket stuff), as well as paying out hefty
    affiliate commissions... Yowza!

    Not much left over!

    So, let's be honest... you guys obviously
    don't want to pay $1k or $2k or more for
    IM products.

    And I get that.

    I hear you loud and clear.

    If this keeps up, its going to force sellers
    to work harder to provide more value, at lower
    prices. And that's good for everyone.

    Who woulda thought?!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3374085].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Woody C
      Originally Posted by Jesus Perez View Post

      Another popular marketer alluded to this as well.
      Here's an email I received regarding this...
      That is the same email that's alluded to in Post #28 in this thread and the one that started this thread:


      With that being said, that says more about the actual state of big launches these days rather than the product itself.

      It will be interesting to see if anyone comes back here in a few weeks and actually gives us a review of the course. That's what I'll be looking forward to seeing.

      Originally Posted by ibconsultants View Post

      I don't know who Mike Long is but would be interested in how he knows this information.
      Mike Long and Kelly Felix run Bring the Fresh. They were affiliates of The Software System, and being affiliates, they are privy to who's making sales and other information pertaining to the launch since there are competitions and bonuses for affiliates that sell the most products.
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      • Profile picture of the author HenryDicks
        Still getting mails about this, but I'm curious:

        It seems to me that Trey Smith created a somewhat decent game, then bribed his list into downloading it by giving away Landing Page Robot, thus getting a ****load of downloads, and once you're in the bestseller list, doing some basic stuff to stay there shouldn't be that hard.

        If anybody here bought the course, does it contain any info about how to market your app? With games or other entertainment software, I'm pretty sure that people aren't going to search actively for its title or genre.

        Want to know how to make millions of dollars with little work? Just sell books on how to make millions of dollars with little work!

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  • Profile picture of the author stufftheme
    i like the price that they has set up for this
    people will appreciate it and me too
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