54 replies
I received an offer today about a product called Auto Coupon Cash. Has anyone purchased this or know anything about it? I look forward to all of your feedback. Thanks...
#auto #cash #coupon
  • Profile picture of the author Joe118
    Originally Posted by musiclyons View Post

    I received an offer today about a product called Auto Coupon Cash. Has anyone purchased this or know anything about it? I look forward to all of your feedback. Thanks...
    Yeah same, I received an offer. I'm also curious.
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    • Profile picture of the author jprano
      Originally Posted by Joe118 View Post

      Yeah same, I received an offer. I'll send you a private message with some more info on what I found out, which *isn't much*..
      Hey Joe, do you mind sharing that info with us even though it isn't much.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
        There will be a review of this product on the blog in about 5 minutes...(no affiliate links)


        There is a long review there on the blog, but here's a short one for you.

        I didn't get through much of the sales video, so I'm not sure of all the claims and all the other stuff that were made, but the name of the product should give you some insight as to what it's about...

        Finding people on the net that are looking for coupons, comparisons, etc...Inside the members area you get some software and a 140 page training guide...I don't think that people who have made any decent money or have a strong direction to go in would get a lot out of it...but, those that havn't made any money, and want a simple plan to follow to get them going, it might be worth taking a look at.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Pettit
    Brian Koz is co creator of this product and it looks like he included his same 4 keyword software tools/scripts here that he included in Jeff Dedricks Automated Traffic Product a year ago(Brian is co creator of Jeff Dedricks product also). I'm not saying these are bad keyword tools, but if you bought Jeff Dedricks product a year ago theres no need to re-purchase this. Same thing...just re-packaged for a new product and a different person ;(
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3288466].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author makingitreal
      I don't own either products. I am considering the autocouponcash though...is it any good and can a newbie really make money as indicated? Using free traffic? How much money has to be spent after the initial purchase to be able to produce your first buck?

      Thanks for any insite you can share!
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      • Profile picture of the author jprano
        I know coupons are highly competitive and growing every day.
        I believe there is an upsell with a monthly continuity program after the initial purchase of this program.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kom
    Like to hear more from you guys
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  • Profile picture of the author Guv
    Hi Guys,
    I had a quick look at this and if I recall there is mention of limited places and all the usual.
    BUT, already the players are promoting it!
    One reason could be the $20k they are giving away for the top affiliates.
    Hmmmm. That's an aweful lot of 'limited slots'

    All the best,

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3290610].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author typhoon
    Is this something like autoblogging software that will pull coupons from various places and put it on your blog attracting search traffic for keywords?
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  • Profile picture of the author briankoz
    Sparkie, you said:

    looks like he included his same 4 keyword software tools/scripts here that he included in Jeff Dedricks Automated Traffic Product a year ago(Brian is co creator of Jeff Dedricks product also). I'm not saying these are bad keyword tools, but if you bought Jeff Dedricks product a year ago theres no need to re-purchase this. Same thing...just re-packaged for a new product and a different person ;(
    That couldn't be farther from the truth. Auto Coupon Cash has a guide that is about 140 pages long where about half of that is devoted to coupon marketing and insider tricks there -- something that's rarely ever talked about anywhere yet if you look at any of the affiliate networks, the top ten affiliates are almost always coupon marketers -- while the other half are methods that work great with or without coupon marketing.

    Then it comes with about a dozen software tools -- several of which are brand new and made for this product. Sure, we threw in some keyword tools that I had in another product of mine (although we did update those keyword tools), but saying the entire package are the keyword tools repackaged is a joke.

    The keyword tools are a small part of the total software tools that you get for free, and are a bonus on top of the 140 page guide -- the majority of the extra software tools and the guide you won't find anywhere but here. I don't see anything wrong with including some extra tools from outside of this for free, and I think it's kind of an insult to say it's just repackaged based on that.

    Some of the methods inside of the guide are extremely powerful both to coupon marketers and affiliate marketers, and it's actually what first got me started online (coupon marketing).

    For the price we're asking to get a 140 page guide on new stuff not really taught elsewhere plus about a dozen tools isn't a bad deal in my eyes, but we'll let our customers decide that.

    WebFire.com -- Over 25 Tools to Get Free Traffic, Rankings, Leads, and Exposure!
    MobileAutoresponder.com -- Build a Mobile List and Send Unlimited Text Messages!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3293198].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Clubland
      Originally Posted by briankoz View Post

      For the price we're asking to get a 140 page guide on new stuff not really taught elsewhere plus about a dozen tools isn't a bad deal in my eyes, but we'll let our customers decide that.

      I beg to differ about not taught anywhere else. I know it wasn't as detailed as the 140 page guide. But, didn't you teach it in something called "4 Minute Money"?

      With scripts as well.

      But, i would like to find out more, and will be buying, because it wasn't exactly detailed in 4MM.

      "Affiliate marketing has made businesses millions and ordinary people millionaires." - Bo Bennett

      "The Internet is the Viagra of big business." - Jack Welch

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      • Profile picture of the author Gary Pettit
        Great...so I am buying double products from brian(at least to some degree)if this is true. I own Jeff Dedricks & Brian Koz Automated Traffic Product and 4MM is included as one of the months scripts which is $37 a month...hmmm

        Originally Posted by Clubland View Post

        I beg to differ about not taught anywhere else. I know it wasn't as detailed as the 140 page guide. But, didn't you teach it in something called "4 Minute Money"?

        With scripts as well.

        But, i would like to find out more, and will be buying, because it wasn't exactly detailed in 4MM.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dirk Wagner
    Hi Brian,

    I would like an answer to the same question Typhoon asked if your product
    also provides a script which creates coupon code websites and maybe that
    the coupon codes will be automatically added from a source or if you have to
    do anything manually which could take very much time.



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  • Profile picture of the author briankoz
    Hey Dirk,

    We have several scripts in the members area, and a couple of them are used to help find coupons (as well as leads of people looking for coupons and places where you can post messages to find people looking for coupons). One of them specifically will list off some of the latest sites with affiliate programs that have coupons.

    The guide also teaches you how to find these deals manually as well.

    We do have an upsell where we make several auto-updating blogs for you that uses unique content from our U.S. writers that they mix in with "money makers" / promotional stuff like amazon links, adsense, clickbank ads, a special contact form to capture leads and get coupon seekers, opt-in forms, etc. -- they mix it up with each of the posts to make it more relevant.

    However, even outside of that, the basic package still includes several tools that will help you do a lot of that stuff, including get blogs that rank well.

    WebFire.com -- Over 25 Tools to Get Free Traffic, Rankings, Leads, and Exposure!
    MobileAutoresponder.com -- Build a Mobile List and Send Unlimited Text Messages!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3293598].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Gary Pettit
      Originally Posted by briankoz View Post

      Hey Dirk,
      However, even outside of that, the basic package still includes several tools that will help you do a lot of that stuff, including get blogs that rank well.
      Hi Brian,

      I purchased Auto Coupon Cash because I've been a fan of your scripts from purchasing from you before and also because the coupon market is diffently of interest to me. I do think it's a good product and stands on it's own but I just wanted to make it clear that a handful of the scripts and software ARE the same as Automated Traffic membership. The "getting your blog ranked well" is another script thats the same as Automated Traffic membership, as well as 3 or 4 other keyword tools included. Yes...some of them are new and half of them are not.

      PS: I'm just hoping that the remaining months of payment to Automated Traffic doesn't include the Coupon Scripts thats being sold here. Other than that I'm a BIG fan

      PS: Brian...It's also always nice to see you here on the forums communicating with your customers as well...unlike a lot of marketers who don't
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      • Profile picture of the author TimNesbitt
        Jeremy Kelsall is right on this, if you have been in internet marketing for a while then this is probably not the product for you because you are not going to learn much more, however if you are new to internet marketing or just needing a thorough guide one how to make some money online then this may be just what you are looking for.

        The only other benefit someone who is already doing well in IM would get from this is the software. Also at the moment I do not have time to do a detailed review I may do one later but Jeremy's is pretty good on his link.

        For honest internet marketing product reviews as well as tips for how to make money online go to Online Internet Marketing Business
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      • Profile picture of the author briankoz
        Sparkie, even the blog ranking one is different for this -- this one does a fair amount more, but both of those specific scripts are blog ranking tools. But you're right, some of the tools are from other products (as we threw them in as a bonus), but several are new specifically for this. And of the old ones, the majority of them have updates on them or were re-written to be much better.

        And I'm glad you're a fan of my scripts.

        As for the guide, I can safely say that you probably won't find any other marketer talking about coupon marketing, especially not in the detail that I have here as it's what got me started online. Some of the tricks and methods in there are easy to implement but advanced enough that 99% of marketers out there don't do and even 99% of the coupon sites out there don't do.

        In fact, when I've shown this guide to some of my marketing buddies who've been top marketers for years upon years, they were blown away by how they've never heard of this market before even though they've used coupons tons of times. That's why I know that even for the more advanced marketers, you'll find useful information in this.

        Some of the methods (along with the scripts alone) like how to get sales even for non-coupons, how to find buyers, how to get buyers to come to you, etc. has been responsible for quite a bit of money in my pockets and past clients of mine.

        And getting all that for the price I can guarantee you that you won't find a better deal.

        Again, it just launched and the 140 page guide alone will take more than a few minutes to read, so I'm confident that once people go through everything and see everything they get, they'll see and understand the power of it all.

        WebFire.com -- Over 25 Tools to Get Free Traffic, Rankings, Leads, and Exposure!
        MobileAutoresponder.com -- Build a Mobile List and Send Unlimited Text Messages!
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        • Profile picture of the author ezyhelper
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          • Profile picture of the author RalphealJackson2
            Yeah you guys are blowing the grammer stuff out of proportion. Why be so judgemental who cars about if someone paragraphs is proper or not. What's important is getting your message across in an understandable manner.

            Direct Sales Company shares up to 50% of Daily Revenue with Qualified Affiliates - This Is Very Unique - Visit our team site Go Fun Places Team.

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            • Profile picture of the author rileyb
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              • Profile picture of the author Mr Ex
                Hey Brian,

                What is your Upsell and what is the monthly cost ?

                Thank You,
                Mr Ex
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            • Profile picture of the author J.Agnew.JD
              Raphael - Re: your comment above. No, what IS important is creating a positive business image with the PROPER use of the English language! Most buyers DO care. And in just your three sentences, I counted four errors!

              Jack Agnew, JD, PhD

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  • Profile picture of the author briankoz
    To answer all the questions from my last reply here:

    1. Yes, all the scripts work on a mac or pc -- they're web-based so as long as you can go online, you should be fine. And as a side note, even for desktop software, we always do mac and pc versions -- I work from a mac myself.

    2. Riley -- that's awesome that you did that well from coupons. They are indeed hot, and the biggest reason is that you don't have to be a good marketer or a good sales copy writer to make money off coupons. People click the coupons because they're usually already at the checkout or already decided that they want to buy, and it's an easy sale. The tricky part is the different ways to market it, how to capture those people, how to compete with larger coupon sites, etc., which is what the guide teaches.

    3. Mr. Ex (is that what your last girlfriend refers to you as?), the upsells we offer you don't need to do the coupon marketing. The guide and the included scripts / tools do a great job by themselves, but we essentially have some upsell offers that deal with us creating blogs and writing content for blogs, inserting several forms of promotions on behalf of the user (including ways to capture coupon seekers), updating the blogs with new quality posts, etc. as well as some other stuff. The pricing varies based on the number of blogs that they pick and the number of times they want them updated, but it starts at under $10 a blog if they get 10 or a bit over $10 if they get 5.

    - Brian
    WebFire.com -- Over 25 Tools to Get Free Traffic, Rankings, Leads, and Exposure!
    MobileAutoresponder.com -- Build a Mobile List and Send Unlimited Text Messages!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3296412].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author teak99
      Originally Posted by briankoz View Post

      To answer all the questions from my last reply here:

      3. Mr. Ex (is that what your last girlfriend refers to you as?), the upsells we offer you don't need to do the coupon marketing. The guide and the included scripts / tools do a great job by themselves, but we essentially have some upsell offers that deal with us creating blogs and writing content for blogs, inserting several forms of promotions on behalf of the user (including ways to capture coupon seekers), updating the blogs with new quality posts, etc. as well as some other stuff. The pricing varies based on the number of blogs that they pick and the number of times they want them updated, but it starts at under $10 a blog if they get 10 or a bit over $10 if they get 5.

      - Brian
      Hi Brian,

      The blogs that you create for those that buy the upsell, are they hosted by you or can they be self hosted so that ownership remains with the purchaser even if they stop the monthly payments (assuming that they are monthly payments)?

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  • Profile picture of the author fsweet
    I bought it, I like it , it is good value. the coupon info is new to me ,but the other info is well presented. I'd recommend it to almost anyone
    The info is well presented, but it lacks a clear step by step outline; as most presentations do.
    You need to do that for your self
    It may be a rehash , but enough new info for me.
    I recommend it Thanks

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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Cote
    Hey Brian,

    Like your posts and how you explain things... I am pretty much a newbie at IM but have been studying it for a few years now (on and off). I've decided to go at it full time a few months ago and are now ready to dive into a product that delivers.

    The biggest thing I have discovered in my journey is pretty much everyone has great products to sell but TARGETED TRAFFIC is key to any success.

    Maybe I missed it but do you show or provide traffic with your product?

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  • Profile picture of the author briankoz
    Hey Dan,

    For the guide itself, which is about 140 pages, there's an entire section called "Traffic Tactics" that apply to coupon marketing as well as outside of that. I also like to teach that it's not about the quantity of traffic (a big mistake a lot of people make) but the quality of it.

    When you deal with coupons especially, you don't need a thousand visitors a month looking for a coupon from you. You don't even need 100 visitors a month. Even a dozen or so can turn into some nice commissions if you target them right, and that's one of the things that I teach (as well as how to go about targeting them right).

    There are also several tools available to help with getting traffic, as well as some available to help go straight to the coupon seekers instead of waiting for them to come to you.

    WebFire.com -- Over 25 Tools to Get Free Traffic, Rankings, Leads, and Exposure!
    MobileAutoresponder.com -- Build a Mobile List and Send Unlimited Text Messages!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3299580].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dan Cote
    Ok, here I go. Thanks Brian. I'm diving in!!!

    I'll come back and let you guys know how it goes...

    I appreciate it...
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  • Profile picture of the author HiAbby
    Koz is the man. I've been following him for a long time and he genuinely knows his stuff.
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  • Profile picture of the author www111
    Hi Brian,
    You mention about the upsells "The pricing varies based on the number of blogs that they pick and the number of times they want them updated, but it starts at under $10 a blog if they get 10 or a bit over $10 if they get 5."

    I have bought ACC and was interested in the upsell. However, there was confusing info in the upsell re the number of blogs in the silver option. I sent in a ticket and now I'm still confused. Is it 3 or 5 blogs for the silver package?

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  • Profile picture of the author briankoz
    Barry, ACC is all about how to make money off coupons. The majority of the guide is on how to get and market coupons from other businesses, but there is a section about how to run your own coupon offers well. There's tools in the members area to help you find coupons from other stores that you can market, but as for creating your own coupon, there's not really a software that makes a coupon for you out of nowhere.

    Abby, thanks! Much appreciated!

    Ray, the silver package is for 5 blogs. Originally we had it at 3 blogs for the first day or two but decided to upgrade all silver buyers to 5 blogs and keep it at that. If you bought it when it was 3, you'll have 5 in your members area that you can make.

    - Brian
    WebFire.com -- Over 25 Tools to Get Free Traffic, Rankings, Leads, and Exposure!
    MobileAutoresponder.com -- Build a Mobile List and Send Unlimited Text Messages!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3305537].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dirk Wagner
    Hi Brian,

    you should check the setting sof your OTO since it didn't show up when I bought
    ACC one day ago and after payment at Clickbank I received a page not found and
    only received the membership details from you so I haven't had a chance to see your OTO.

    Kind regards,


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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3305607].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author briankoz
    Dirk, at one point maybe two days ago or so, at night there was a brief span of time (maybe a couple hours or so tops) where something was going on with the redirect from Clickbank but it was fixed fairly fast and didn't affect a ton of people. I'll have the tech guys re-check everything, but people should be seeing the OTO's just fine because they're buying them. Thanks for the heads up, though -- I'll still have them check it all out even though I have a feeling you may have been during that short period of time.

    Let me know if you'd like me to get the support to let you check out the OTO's / special offers in case you missed it. Just e-mail me at brian [at] briankoz.com.

    Chris, to answer your question, we allow both of those options and a third one. You can either have the blogs on your own host where you just give us access to blogs there through our script, or you can host with us and we automatically take care of all that for you on top of the blog creation (you still get full control of the blog and can do as you please, and it's included in the OTO price so you don't pay extra for the hosting -- you can buy the domain names themselves through us if you wish, though, but don't have to). A third option, which doesn't require domain names, is to host with us as well but on an extension of a current domain of ours.

    So between all those three options (which you can inter-mix if you want), you can do whatever you want.

    - Brian
    WebFire.com -- Over 25 Tools to Get Free Traffic, Rankings, Leads, and Exposure!
    MobileAutoresponder.com -- Build a Mobile List and Send Unlimited Text Messages!
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  • Profile picture of the author Igor Kheifets
    It's a fantastic thing to actually see a vendor who
    steps into the conversation where most of the CB
    vendors get hammers of justice dropped on their heads.

    Thanks for stepping in Brian.

    Although, I'm not going to buy it, I'm definitely
    going to consider promoting this to my list.

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  • Profile picture of the author jrafique
    Looks to be the first time a product that has "AUTO" in its name is providing quality. Very low refund rate.
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  • Profile picture of the author briankoz
    Hey Igor and jrafique, thanks for that! We're trying hard to give a ton of value to every customer we have. Not only is the guide full of methods that I personally use (coupon marketing is what first got me started in marketing online so it kind of is something special to me that I really feel can be useful to others), but we threw in about a dozen tools on top of that instead of charging extra for each one.

    - Brian
    WebFire.com -- Over 25 Tools to Get Free Traffic, Rankings, Leads, and Exposure!
    MobileAutoresponder.com -- Build a Mobile List and Send Unlimited Text Messages!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3316937].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author briankoz
    Sure, of the dozen or so extra tools included on top of the 140 page ebook, yes, some of the tools I gave out as bonuses here were from some past projects (nothing wrong with that as I find them very relevant here). 4mm talked a little bit about coupons as one of the methods, while this goes into more detail and is devoted only to coupons (with some bonus material in the guide that works outside of that).

    Of even the past scripts, though, (several are new) many were re-done and updated to work better, like the blog seo tool. It's all stuff that I use in my every day business. On the coupon part, sure, some of the basics I've talked about before, but I also go into detail here more on stuff, talk about how to market non-coupons as coupons too, etc., and we plan on rolling out more updates, tips, and resources devoted to coupon marketing as well.

    WebFire.com -- Over 25 Tools to Get Free Traffic, Rankings, Leads, and Exposure!
    MobileAutoresponder.com -- Build a Mobile List and Send Unlimited Text Messages!
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  • Profile picture of the author briankoz
    Hey dugu56,

    E-mail me at brian [at] briankoz.com and I'd be happy to send you instructions on how to view the special offers again. As for the hosting, you have three options: (1) host it on your own server on your own domains or (2) host it on our servers with domains that you buy through us or (3) host it on our servers on a shared domain (new directories that you can name, though) through us.

    - Brian
    WebFire.com -- Over 25 Tools to Get Free Traffic, Rankings, Leads, and Exposure!
    MobileAutoresponder.com -- Build a Mobile List and Send Unlimited Text Messages!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3334598].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author frodo77
      Originally Posted by briankoz View Post

      Hey dugu56,

      E-mail me at brian [at] briankoz.com and I'd be happy to send you instructions on how to view the special offers again. As for the hosting, you have three options: (1) host it on your own server on your own domains or (2) host it on our servers with domains that you buy through us or (3) host it on our servers on a shared domain (new directories that you can name, though) through us.

      - Brian
      That is interesting, because I asked in your support area if I could use my own host server for the 1 free website offer, and I was told I had to use your host.
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  • Profile picture of the author briankoz
    Hey Frodo,

    I think you might be confusing two different offers. If you bought the special offer for 10 auto power blogs through us, there are three clearly labeled options laid out for you -- host on your own on your own domain, host through us with a domain through us, or host through us on a shared domain.

    You are probably referring to a different offer for separate hosting which isn't through us. We put up an offer where you can buy hosting and they'll throw in a site, but that's different than what I'm talking about above.

    - Brian
    WebFire.com -- Over 25 Tools to Get Free Traffic, Rankings, Leads, and Exposure!
    MobileAutoresponder.com -- Build a Mobile List and Send Unlimited Text Messages!
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  • Profile picture of the author ukbuddy2
    all looks good to me

    and ideal for a newb however as i pointed out on my site you can easily make as much money on sites like fiverr if you are looking for a quick easy return

    i will be adding in coupons on my local search sites to capture emails anyways
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3352210].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author swtp43
      Hey Brian,

      What kind of support do you offer for newbies. Say, one without any experience and a million questions. As stated above, I too like the way you explain everything, but is that the case with your product support?

      Your sales copy touts this as newbie friendly. How friendly is newbie friendly? Do 'YOU' actually get involved with responding to support queries or is that an outsourced process with form scripts? If your support desk 'IS' in-house, how informed and experienced are your staff? Who will I be getting my answers from? If I need to make a right turn, I don't want to be told to go left. - OOP's!

      Thanks, Alex
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  • Profile picture of the author briankoz
    Alex, we have top of the line support, and I do make myself available when clients have questions that pertain to me (simple support stuff is always best to use the normal support e-mail, but as you can see from this thread, I've made my e-mail available multiple times and always get back to customers).

    Affiliator, thanks for your post. The course itself actually does outline the first steps you should take and then dozens of other methods / strategies that you can implement. There is no one right way to do it all, but it lists out all the methods in detail and tells you exactly how you can do it. I personally have used all of the methods mentioned, as coupon marketing is what got me started online.

    The guide itself also comes with about a dozen software tools to help, and it's an awesome value there.

    As for the Auto Power Blogs, which are an optional upsell, you don't need extra hosting. We supply the hosting for free if you want to have it on our server. You don't need your own custom domains but you can if you want. We do list a recommended hosting option that comes with a bonus if you want, but you don't need it.

    As for the articles, they're all top quality by U.S. writers local to me here that I use on my own projects as well. You can get weekly articles on 10 blogs (that's 40 articles a month plus several built in forms of lead capture and monetization). There's also a one time fee upgrade to get daily articles instead (an awesome value), which would mean 10 articles a day or roughly 300 a month with no extra charges after the upgrade other than the normal monthly fee. That's a HUGE value and a steal for marketers who understand the value of top notch, unique content instead of just content pulled from article directories.

    The best thing someone starting out can do is to follow the guide, sign up for some affiliate networks, join some programs, and put up a couple good coupons using the strategies provided to you. Support is always available to help. And yes, we did offer an optional 8 week Coupon Masters Webinar Series (first webinar was yesterday) that goes into things in a lot more detail and personally has me on all the calls where we go over in depth strategies and answer any questions you have right then and there.

    Again, if you follow the course, I'd find it hard not to get value out of it all. It's what got me started online so I know it can work great for newbies as I was one when I first started.

    - Brian
    WebFire.com -- Over 25 Tools to Get Free Traffic, Rankings, Leads, and Exposure!
    MobileAutoresponder.com -- Build a Mobile List and Send Unlimited Text Messages!
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    • Profile picture of the author shell2you
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      • Profile picture of the author M.A.D. Pursuits
        No OP is paying attention to this much....
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  • Profile picture of the author shell2you
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    • Profile picture of the author gcornelisse
      I have no doubt there is money to be made from coupons. I'd really like to hear a warrior tell us that they made money as quickly as the video represents. I suspect, as with nearly all systems, there is a lot of work to be done ahead of results like that. I appreciate the lure of fast money sells IM products. It would be refreshing to see something deliver that promise from time to time.

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  • Profile picture of the author briankoz
    Just to clarify a few things:

    1. If you have a question that you need clarification on, it's always best to contact our support directly as we don't always see questions like this pop up.

    2. Some of the later posters I think are trying to overcomplicate things. After you sign up to affiliate programs of merchants that have the coupons on the recommended networks, you simply get the coupon offer out there. We have dozens of strategies talked about in the coupon and traffic sections of the course, but one trick here is to send the traffic straight to the offer page itself -- not just the site that it's on.

    If you have multiple blog posts or coupons mentioned, don't send all traffic to the blog or site in general -- send it to the specific page on it that has the coupon code that they're looking for.

    As for the auto power blogs, those aren't just for coupons and are more broad but cover a wide range of marketing and money pullers from Clickbank ads to Amazon ads to Adsense and even to ways to build a list, get coupon seekers to contact you, and so forth.

    For an exact coupon offer, it's better to have a domain name devoted to it if it's a really really good coupon. Otherwise just devote one blog post / webpage to it. With the auto power blogs, since we're targeting a ton of different topics and promotions, the best way in that specific case is to have more general domains, but that wouldn't apply if it's a coupon only site.

    - Brian
    WebFire.com -- Over 25 Tools to Get Free Traffic, Rankings, Leads, and Exposure!
    MobileAutoresponder.com -- Build a Mobile List and Send Unlimited Text Messages!
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    • Profile picture of the author M.A.D. Pursuits
      These good value $ coupons, the ones worth chasing for us, seem to disappear in a short time frame so to market them well we would have to direct people to them in a quick manner.

      That means constantly adjusting marketing attempts/traffic for YouTube videos or landing pages or redirects etc as well.

      Does that not seem like a lot of trouble to do that for a few weeks for each coupon then reset all over again with a new promo?
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  • Profile picture of the author briankoz
    M.A.D, there are short term and long term coupons. Some last practically forever, some are a year long, and some are shorter like a month long (there are a few that are under a month long like a week or two long special).

    All of them can work, and all of them are worth doing.

    The trick is to target a page towards a specific merchant, and if a new coupon for that merchant becomes available, update that page with a short update on the new coupon (you can follow what the course says on non-coupons for how to have a placeholder there to still profit off it even if there's no real coupon).

    And there's very little work involved -- it takes maybe 2 minutes to update a page with a new coupon or 5 to 10 minutes if you're putting it up for the first time after finding the coupon.

    The very first coupon offer I promoted did just shy of $1.5k in close to 24 hours with about 5 to 10 minutes of work (and in this case, it was a shorter term coupon). So I guess you have to ask yourself if making a quick change for a few minutes is worth it to you. If not, just target the long term ones, but you'll be missing out.

    - Brian
    WebFire.com -- Over 25 Tools to Get Free Traffic, Rankings, Leads, and Exposure!
    MobileAutoresponder.com -- Build a Mobile List and Send Unlimited Text Messages!
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    • Profile picture of the author M.A.D. Pursuits
      Thanks Brian, sounds reasonable to me.

      I bought the course- just need to find them with the tools provided, sign up and promote I guess!
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  • Profile picture of the author maxitman
    Again, dear fellow Warriors, all this info is truly appreciated, and valued, trust me. But, what I really need to know - did it put cash in your bank account? Enough to make a difference? I don't understand why this question is so hard to answer?
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    • Profile picture of the author M.A.D. Pursuits
      Originally Posted by maxitman View Post

      Again, dear fellow Warriors, all this info is truly appreciated, and valued, trust me. But, what I really need to know - did it put cash in your bank account? Enough to make a difference? I don't understand why this question is so hard to answer?

      Check your PM's
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  • Profile picture of the author briankoz
    M.A.D. Pursuits,

    I just did check my pm's and I don't have any new ones from you. The only one I see is from over a week ago which I already sent a pm back to you a week ago.

    However, having said that, pm's aren't the best way to reach me as I don't get alerts to new ones and don't check the WF daily. We have a normal support e-mail and helpdesk available to all clients, but if there's something that you want to ask me directly, you can reach me at brian [at] briankoz.com.

    WebFire.com -- Over 25 Tools to Get Free Traffic, Rankings, Leads, and Exposure!
    MobileAutoresponder.com -- Build a Mobile List and Send Unlimited Text Messages!
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  • Profile picture of the author briankoz
    Dblgdee -- Nope, can't say that I am related to Dave the saxophonist.

    As for a video or demo, we do have a video on the sales page as well as videos in the members area, around a dozen free tools / software, 140 page e-course, etc..

    If you mean more pre-sales type stuff, we thought the sales page does a good job of letting you know what coupon marketing is and how this can help. Plus we have a 60 day money back guarantee and a low entry price for those who want to check it all out.

    - Brian
    WebFire.com -- Over 25 Tools to Get Free Traffic, Rankings, Leads, and Exposure!
    MobileAutoresponder.com -- Build a Mobile List and Send Unlimited Text Messages!
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  • Profile picture of the author moneypro
    I want to buy this product for my blog.
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