Ray Johnson's Google Affiliate X

49 replies
This has been out a couple of days and at least he tells you what the course is
about. It's pretty cheap and one concern is does the software actually work? I don't mean does it bring results but can it even be implemented. I've been stung on software lately I can't even get to work at all.
#affiliate #google #johnson #ray
  • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
    What the software does sounds "cool" and can probably eliminate a bit of work for you, so some of the features of it alone are worth the price more than likely....I'm getting ready to pick it up myself to give it a whirl.


    One feature that I won't be using is the automatic site creation parts. Think about it for a minute...

    Where does the program get content? Sounds like article directories...

    If you go to an article directory and copy and paste an article from the directory to your own blog, are you going to rank on the first page of Big G?

    More times than not, the answer is NO.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
      OK, just bought...

      First, this was one of the best buying "experiences" that I've had IN A LONG TIME. There was a total of 1 upsell - I said I didn't want it, and then was immediately taken to the members area. I was fully expecting to have to go through an hour of upsells before getting what I bought, so I was happily surprised.

      I'll report back again after I've had a chance to put the software to work
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      • Profile picture of the author inprofit
        Hey Jeremy:

        Was kind of intrigued by this as well - especially the keyword research part - other stuff might not fly because of new big G algorithim. Look forward to your review - Kim
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        • Profile picture of the author dtmission
          I just purchased this product and I am quite happy with it.

          It provided clear instructions and good tools to investigate products to promote and to develop Wordpress review sites.

          No hype and good informations and tools.
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  • Profile picture of the author Quincy
    I'm interested in hearing more on this product, too. Is it html or wordpress? Can you incorporate adsense too?
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  • Profile picture of the author Quincy
    Okay. Just finished doing some more research on the product & thought some of you might want to know what I've found:

    1. It uses wordpress as its platform, so . . .
    2. Adsense plug-in can be added
    3. It pulls from Amazon, Clickbank, & CJ products (you can select 1 or all as sources)
    4. Resulting sites are reasonably attractive but, since it's in wordpress, you can easily change themes, headers, appearances, backgrounds to meet you needs/desires.
    5. You can see an example of a "bare bones" resulting site at Jon Penberthy's review site. (If you are wondering...no I am not Jon Penberthy, no I do not personally know him - but I have grown to respect his opinion, no I have absolutely nothing to gain or lose by directing you to his link).

    I think I'm going to give this one a go & see how much time I can save creating sites & how much income I can generate. I will report back to the forum what I find. Good luck to all.
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  • Profile picture of the author Quincy
    Oh yeah, one other thing... Jeremy Kelsall voiced his concern over the auto-generated content would probably get slammed by Google. I think that's a very valid point. However, since the program uses wordpress, I think you can input your own original posts/pages. I let you know what I find. ~Q
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  • Profile picture of the author jace
    Hey Quincy, thanks for that, just checked out the review. I went ahead
    and got it! I'm sure there will be manual work to make these unique to google
    but looks pretty good.
    I think this software might go along with IPK strategies pretty good as well.
    That is another reason why I got it.
    Thanks again, Jace
    Omar Martin & John Thornhill have created
    the most awesome contest ever: Click Here
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3477409].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Quincy
    Update -

    Price for the core product is $37, but if you opt out twice it's only $17. ($10 per opt out)

    Price for the upsell is $97, but if you opt out a few times you get a $30 discount. Not sure if you really need the upsell if you already know how to backlink, though.

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    • Profile picture of the author novac
      I thought I'd check out the 17.00 level - seemed like quite a deal.
      However, this is what it says on that page:
      (You WILL LOSE Access To Our Extra Bonus Videos & Core Manual When You Claim Your Discount To Maintain A Fair Offer For Other Members!)

      But the first time you tick the close button he does a very good overview video of a certain component of the software. You'll be able to get a good idea of what the above bonus videos are from the subject lines that you'll see in this video.

      Hard to believe I forgot about being a member for so long.

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  • Profile picture of the author jace
    Hey Guys, The core manual is just a broad overview of the whole system.
    Everything is pretty much explained in the videos.

    As for the bonus videos, There is an update video or two, which I'm sure you
    get anyway and a few vids on hosting, nameservers etc. that's it.

    So, unless your totally new you probably don't need the core manual or the bonus vids, as most of you will know this stuff anyway. He stresses in the manual that everything is covered in the videos. If I had it to do over I would have saved myself the extra cash and went for the 17 buck deal, well worth it in my opinion.

    I have not watched all the vids yet, I'll keep you posted.

    Omar Martin & John Thornhill have created
    the most awesome contest ever: Click Here
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3480605].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author askmrgramson
      I was wondering if someone could check something for me.

      As those of you who purchased it know, you do a search for a product and ADD it to your My Products site. After which the "research" is done to see if the product is viable. If it is you get a rating of EXCELLENT.

      However no matter how hard I try I can't get any products to NOT rate EXCELLENT. But maybe I'm just not doing something right somehow.
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      • Profile picture of the author gannfan
        Originally Posted by askmrgramson View Post

        I was wondering if someone could check something for me.

        As those of you who purchased it know, you do a search for a product and ADD it to your My Products site. After which the "research" is done to see if the product is viable. If it is you get a rating of EXCELLENT.

        However no matter how hard I try I can't get any products to NOT rate EXCELLENT. But maybe I'm just not doing something right somehow.
        Try 'dvd player' and Amazon.
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        • Profile picture of the author askmrgramson
          that did it. thanx gannfan.

          when i tried many big name niche topics in clickbank and added they all seemed to be EXCELLENT. maybe they just are

          i ran into that issue with only allowing 5 researched products a day.... it is annoying. i'll send in a support ticket. just curious what they will say.
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    • Profile picture of the author gannfan
      Some info for anyone thinking of trying this out:

      I paid up, logged in to experiment, searched for 'dvd player' on amazon, added a few of the results to 'my products'. Then I got a message along the lines of 'you can only add 5 products per day - reset is in 17 hours'.

      And of course you have to add a search result as a product in order to see its viability rating.

      This seems to me to be a very severe restriction. I'll ask them to raise it, if they don't then I may well apply for a refund.

      Hope this info is of help to others.
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  • Profile picture of the author askmrgramson
    If anyone has success (i guess it would take a few weeks) post it in this thread! i personally would love to hear about it!
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  • Profile picture of the author Quincy
    Hey AskMrGramson,

    The product manual states that the auto My Products viability judger is for CLICKBANK PRODUCTS ONLY and you must perform regular keyword research per the statistics he outlines in the manual for Amazon and CJ products.

    Actually, I quite impressed with this product! I believe this is a solid system. The theory behind the product is well thought out & logical. I have gone through the manual & all 10 videos and was impressed enough to go back & get the OTO upsell.

    I'm now putting up about 10 to 12 sites to see if the theory works in practice, for me. I'll keep posting this forum on my progress. Good luck to all!
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  • Profile picture of the author askmrgramson
    Yes I like it too Quincy! He gives you a straight forward formula that makes sense (and hopefully dollars hahaha hohoo ahem). I'm going to get up some sites as well. Will let you all know how it goes.

    I wish this was around when I first started. It's good for newbies.
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  • Profile picture of the author GaryHarvey
    Has anybody had a reply from Support yet?

    I bought this TWO DAYS AGO and still havent got the product or a reply from support. Not happy.

    Maybe somebody from RJ & Co are reading this thread.
    Hope so anyway.

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  • Profile picture of the author askmrgramson
    Yes I received a reply from support last week but not since and I've sent a few requests in. Not sure what's going on. We can only hope they're recovering from binge drinking after the huge sales and will get back to support soon. I need both tech support and regular support.
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    • Profile picture of the author GaryHarvey
      Thanks for that.

      Maybe co-author Robert Black might also be getting Google alerts when his name comes up. If so, he might chime in here...

      With a major launch like this -- and it's not Ray Johnson's first, you'd expect him to have his support system functional. I would anyway.

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  • Profile picture of the author askmrgramson
    in one of the videos (in the Advanced Bonus Update video section) they said that their support software crashed straight away and they resorted to replying manually to requests. I think their desk is up now (Ray Johnson's Official Support Desk - powered by PerlDesk Help Desk Software) and thats where I put my requests.
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  • Profile picture of the author GaryHarvey
    Yes, I posted to that support site yesterday. I do appreciate you taking the time to post extra here. THANKS.

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    • Profile picture of the author GaryHarvey
      Still no reply.

      So let ask, if I may:

      Is anybody making any money from using this yet?

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  • Profile picture of the author askmrgramson
    Not me as I'm having some technical issues. I may up have change hosts as I've had problems with automated wordpress installers in the past.

    I did get another mass email from Ray (entitled "Google Affiliate X Members Update (2) <96> Read Now").

    In an earlier email he did say:

    If the email you sent is urgent, you can email me here:


    OR, if I am on the move in the car:


    maybe you can blast a mail there
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  • Profile picture of the author GaryHarvey
    You sir are a gentleman!

    Thanks again.

    Bad news is...
    raysmobilelaptop@ray-johnson.co.uk BOUNCED.

    Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:


    Technical details of permanent failure:
    Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 No Such User Here" (state 14).
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  • Profile picture of the author Quincy
    I too have had a problem with the auto site installer. It does not seem to be working for me. I have purchased 3 domains but can't even put up a site.

    I did get a response by emailing Ray directly. He referred my case to the programmer. The programmer said that I was probably just typing in my ftp username or password incorrectly! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! C'MON MAN!!

    I will monitor them for another couple of weeks to see if they fix the problem, simply because I like their concept. However, it they do not fix they bug before then, I will have to request a refund. I cannot make money from theory, alone. ~Q
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  • Profile picture of the author Quincy
    I directed the producers of Google Affiliate X to Warrior Forum to read some of the issues that have arisen regarding their product. Although the issues are not resolved yet, I have just received a customer service reply from Eddy, the programmer for Google X Affiliate. He stated that he is unable to post to the Warrior Forum and asked if I would do it for him. Here are his comments:

    I made a new account on the forums and tried to reply, but apparently I need 20 threads to make a reply.
    [FONT='dejavu sans mono', monospace]

    Maybe you can post this?

    "Hi there,
    I'm the programmer guy alright. These have been some hard weeks for me.
    I've tried to reply
    to every email I received from the support desk, and I'm sorry if I could have helped some of you.
    seems like a great place to start coming up with issues/suggestions
    (also you can use my private email: eddy_me08 AT yahoo DOT

    One thing I'm going to reply to: We
    couldn't estimate the load that will be on the servers after the launch.
    That 5 products/day is a good limitation, because our servers can
    barely keep up at times (hopefully there weren't any mis-happenings
    because of overload.
    We are considering a server move to
    something more powerful and more stable. We just need to figure out when
    to place the downtime."
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  • Profile picture of the author GaryHarvey
    Update, many days after my purchase of Google Affiliate X:

    I've written more emails to all the addresses I can find for this Ray Johnson chap -- and I've got personal replies from several, but still NO SOFTWARE... NO LOGIN.

    It's hard to tell whether the replies come from staff or from Ray himself, even when it's signed 'RAY'.

    They keep telling me they've sent it (or just sent it again) to my Paypal email address. It doesnt arrive. Other emails arrive at that email address every day. But nothing from them.

    What baffles me is that they dont include the login info in their email replies to me. They just say 'we sent it' or 'we sent it again'.

    I include the copies of the 2 Paypal email receipts each time.. transaction numbers included.

    I am sure glad this is through Clickbank because all you have to do is email your receipts to refunds@clickbank.com and they refund you without the vendor's involvement.

    Call me silly if you like, but I want to see this product. That's why I bought it.
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  • Profile picture of the author GaryHarvey
    I will monitor them for another couple of weeks to see if they fix the problem, simply because I like their concept. However, it they do not fix they bug before then, I will have to request a refund. I cannot make money from theory, alone. ~Q
    Hi Quincy.
    Have you got a minute to explain what their concept is, since I've not yet got my hands on this software, despite paying for it last week.
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    • Profile picture of the author Quincy

      Their concept is to employ their software tool to quickly assess the earning viability of a clickbank product via their proprietary formula based upon traditional statistics (i.e. competition, PR, etc). Then use their software to quickly create a wordpress blog & suggested plugins using specific SEO, and content generation techniques.

      Using this software should save quite a lot of time since you don't have to do hardly any keyword research & you have a blog generation interface within the software itself. However for both amazon & CJ you would have to manually perform kw research based upon their suggested parameters, but you can still use the software to generate the wordpress blogs.

      Hope that answers your CONCEPT question. I just wish I could get the d@mn thing to work right!
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  • Profile picture of the author GaryHarvey
    Quincy, that answer deserves a THANKS -- and got one!
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    • Profile picture of the author Quincy
      Hey Gary,

      Google Affiliate X programmer, Edy, just sent me a e-mail regarding the resolution of your issue. I think they are resolving it now. I forward to you his comments via a PM. ~Q
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      • Profile picture of the author GaryHarvey
        Thanks again Quincy.
        I just sent Edy an email.
        Here's hoping.
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        • Profile picture of the author Quincy
          Hey Gary,

          Unfortunately I don't have enough WF posts to PM you so here's what Edy emailed me re: your issue:

          We don't know the actual login informations. They can be resent from the system, and that's what Ray did. He forgot to contact me, however.
          I have checked the mailbox and it seems we got failed deliveries (last one was because clickbank sent wrong email address), including this one:

          xxxxxx failed after I sent the message.
          Remote host said: 554 5.7.1 Your message failed several antispam checks (SCORING) and it was rejected or collected on xxxxx spambox.

          [FONT='Lucida Console', Courier, 'Courier New'](he can send me an email from that email address with an alternate email for his account)[/FONT]
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  • Profile picture of the author GaryHarvey
    Quincy, I will do this right now.

    he can send me an email from that email address with an alternate email for his account
    Edy, I will send you an email with my receipt info in the next 2 minutes, from my paypal email address.

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  • Profile picture of the author GaryHarvey
    Eddy, I just sent an email to your yahoo address, titled
    "Eddy, this is Gary Harvey from the WarriorForum"
    Hope it arrives.
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  • Profile picture of the author GaryHarvey
    Quincy, I sent you a PM.
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    • Profile picture of the author Quincy
      Gary, got your PM and followed-up on your request.

      Edy, I sent you an e-mail detailing my issue that needs to fixed in the Google Affiliate X software. Please follow-up ASAP, thanks.
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      • Profile picture of the author askmrgramson
        Eddy solved my problem with the installer after going back and forth though literally 8 or more emails. Hopefully their installer should be more robust now that he got it to work with my crappy host
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  • Profile picture of the author GaryHarvey
    Eddy, I replied to your email, giving you 2 alternate working email addresses. Havent received your reply yet.
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  • Profile picture of the author Quincy
    It seems as if now the programmer is working hard to de-bug the software, as you can tell from previous post.
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    • Profile picture of the author Quincy
      IMHO, Great idea but... poor execution. Too many chronic software glitches. I just did not have the time to wait until they worked them all out. After 1.5 months, I finally had to abandon ship and request a refund. I had such high hopes for this one. But still, I'm scientific in my decisions and if it's not working for me after a reasonable period of time & effort, then I have to move on. I hope others have better success than I did with this software.
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  • Profile picture of the author askmrgramson
    Yes I understand Quincy. I've had some tech issues for the past month or two so I've haven't been able to dig in. I know that Eddy and the guys have upgraded the servers so now the searches are pretty damn fast!

    My main concern was did the "formula" work but I haven't had a chance to test it fully myself The one product I tested (to a minimal level) got up to 56 on google without any content.
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    • Profile picture of the author rjg
      Hi everyone, I have heard too that now everything is working correctly, and so you should not experience any more headaches!

      The theory and method behind the software is superb, and I hope many more of you experience success with it!
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  • Profile picture of the author jerkd3
    Is anyone using Adsense on their GAX sites to help monetize them?
    Watch this video first and then click below to learn how you can be
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  • Profile picture of the author henryw1981
    I ordered this product also but have not received it. Is the product still available and if so

    who do I talk to to get it?
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  • Profile picture of the author Ian george mcrae
    Last i read about Ray Johnson was that he had ripped off numerous people including very close business partners so i wouldn't be to hopefull of any sort of contact from him sorry to say.
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