Social Squeezer? apparently the new way of building a list in 2011...

41 replies
Hey guys,

does anyone have any more info about this new tool by Alex Shelton & John Bass?

i've watched the webinar and it looks very promising! it's pretty much a new way of collecting leads with Facebook (instead of people entering their name and email)

70% opt in rates sounds a bit crazy to me though! but hey, who knows? lol

Apparently some pretty big guys like Adam Horwitz and Tim D are using it too!

Get Social Squeezer

Cheers ya'll
#2011 #apparently #building #list #social #squeezer
  • Profile picture of the author anonymous123567
    Yo Colie, Alex here

    if you have any questions mate just let me know

    we've tested social squeezer and it's genuinely working great, 86.7% opt in rates on our best test yet

    yep you're right Adam is using it right now on his Local mobile launch

    Let me know if I can help

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    • Profile picture of the author briancassingena
      Originally Posted by johnbass View Post

      Hey guys, John Here

      let us know if you need any help, we'll be glad to assist

      Take care


      PS: thanks for the support, there are some cool new features coming up too..
      Edit: John, I'm asking the wrong question here - all I need to know is:

      Does the script register the facebook user with your WP site? Does it create a new user?

      If so, then Imnica has a plugin which automatically adds users to a mailing list as they are created. So it doesn't even matter what ARs it supports - I have the imnica plugin to take care of that. All I need is a good looking flexible FB button which creates a user account on a WP blog. (The ones I've found so far either look crap or you need an IT degree or both)

      Pls ignore:

      Hey John, I'm real interested to get this plugin but I need it to work with Imnica mail - if it can't at the moment, will you be able to do this anytime soon? I just signed up for a year and I am very happy with them
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  • Profile picture of the author Jassim
    Watched the video. Very interesting tool. Got one question here.

    My understanding - The information of leads from facebook automatically sent to optin form which will automatically subscribe the visitors to our mailing list. Now, with this tool can we add double opt-in lead?


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    • Profile picture of the author anonymous123567
      Hey Jassim, yes although personally I don't use double opt in, it can be done

      just set your list to "confirmed opt in" in the settings

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  • Profile picture of the author colie3188
    Nice one guys, thanks for the response

    I'm going to try it out for sure, it looks easy enough to set up

    do you have training though? just in case
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  • Profile picture of the author colie3188
    Hey guys, I just thought I'd post some feedback after taking the plunge

    Alex & John have done a great job with this, the training is easy to follow and the squeeze pages themselves don't take long at all to get set up

    I'm doing some testing now with Article traffic and can say so far it's looking like a great investment, I only usually get about 23% opt in rate on my current squeeze from this type of traffic, with social squeezer its been 30%+

    Nice one guys
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  • Profile picture of the author Natlex
    Cool, I've been looking for something like this after Dan Raine used it pre 2011, wasn't too sure how to set it up.
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  • Profile picture of the author anonymous123567
    Well we established that it was an affiliate, I got to the bottom of it and sorted it.

    Agreed it was!

    @Natlex it's super simple
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  • Profile picture of the author xDennis
    This is a neat tool, I'm just getting into it but I'm not really clear on how to integrate the code into my page without using one of the templates included. I use optimizepress for my template, I want to insert the Social Squeezer code without having to add it as a widget to the sidebar. How can I integrate this? There are a ton of video's but I can't find which one actually shows you how to install the socialsqueezer on a theme other then the ones provided, and without installing it as a sidebar widget.

    edit: BTW, the way optimize press works is also by using a "template" , so now, it looks like I can either choose a optimize press template, or a Social squeezer template, but the two won't work together.. I hope I'm wrong!
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  • Profile picture of the author xDennis
    So I guess the lack of a response tells me that it can't be integrated with optimizepress.

    What a bummber
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  • Profile picture of the author anonymous123567
    Hey Dennis, sorry I'm going through pre-launch right now with another product, haven't been able to sign in as often as i'd like!

    Let me get you an answer to this question asap, John is asleep right now, I'll ask him as soon as he gets up
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    • Profile picture of the author hayrik
      Dennis, you've asked the exact question that was on my mind! I'm also interested in how this can be integrated with optimize press.

      Alex, could you please post the answer here when you get it...thnx
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  • Profile picture of the author Nisip
    just curious why the very exact same creators of this social squeeze are allowed to give themselves raving reviews over here...
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    • Profile picture of the author thriftgirl62
      Originally Posted by Harlan View Post

      I actually clicked on your link but received nothing from you. Then I saw the controversy with Jason Moffatt on FB and removed your app.

      I don't know who pulled that but it was pretty sleazy.

      What is Dr. Kilstein talking about? He doesn't mince words or beat around the bush so it must have been pretty sleazy? What if the rest of us don't recognize sleazy, creepy or tool changing games if they pop up. I want to know if I need to remove your app too.

      Originally Posted by Nisip View Post

      just curious why the very exact same creators of this social squeeze are allowed to give themselves raving reviews over here...
      Review Sections are for Owners and Creators to make sure everyone understands the AMAZINGLY Slick Tool Game Changer but guess What all you Einsteins?

      I've Got A Daily Double Coming Your Way Very Soon! NOT a Game. NOT Average. Just Very SMART Advanced Technology Built to Work the Way Business Works. Interactive On Any Platform. Doing More With Less Requires SMART Efficient Tools that Make People SMILE.

      I retired in 2005 at 43 and now I give away websites like these for FREE [hosting excluded]

      When you make at least $100+ per month, we split the profit 80/20 and YOU get the 80% Until then, you keep 100% and I'll help you drive traffic, get backlinks and put the domain in your name too!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3629148].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author nhislove
        Hey love,
        Been waiting on you to send me the Niche stuff for about 4hour now.

        Sent a pm & an email.


        What's up!?

        You 4 real?

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  • Profile picture of the author nhislove
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3629264].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thriftgirl62
      Originally Posted by nhislove View Post

      Hey love,
      Been waiting on you to send me the Niche stuff for about 4hour now.

      Sent a pm & an email.


      What's up!?

      You 4 real?
      Originally Posted by nhislove View Post

      This is 4

      Please reply. or am I wasting my time?

      Wow was it really 4 hours? Oopps! I guess you should know the truth now that we're leaving lovers notes over the forum. I don't have a clock. I don't like them and I lose track of time now and then. Sometimes I'm late but I'm always worth the wait! Next time you get antsy just go visitAgent Kiki. She will keep more than just your mind occupied.

      What is a lead up game? Is that basketball? Hey, I think my Bombshell software is finished today - almost ready to go!!!!

      I retired in 2005 at 43 and now I give away websites like these for FREE [hosting excluded]

      When you make at least $100+ per month, we split the profit 80/20 and YOU get the 80% Until then, you keep 100% and I'll help you drive traffic, get backlinks and put the domain in your name too!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3632550].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kreative
    is there a special warrior offer for this?
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    • Profile picture of the author Bryan Zimmerman
      You guys going to answer the question about what controversy with Jason Moffat is or is that just going to go away?

      Very cool software guys, but I'd like to know what happened there. I saw a pre-launch webinar that Jason and some other guy were putting together a few weeks ago that does a lot of the same things and was waiting for that one to come out. Then today I get an email from someone about this one.

      Care to tell us what the issue Harlan spoke about earilier or at least where I can read it and make my own decision. Was about to buy this, but I'll wait to find out first.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3682699].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author anonymous123567
        Yes Indeed Bryan, there was an affiliate using some rather silly strategies to promote the product, I got the advert removed as soon as I found out about it and as far as I know their facebook account should have been banned/deleted from running advertisements.

        Appreciate the kind feedback, I promise anyone who wants to put on webinars and build a list with social media, this is seriously worth the investment, i'll leave it at that

        Thanks all!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3682774].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Bryan Zimmerman
          Thanks for the response and clearing that up. On my way to pick up a copy I'll leave some feedback once I've used it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jason James
      Originally Posted by kreative View Post

      is there a special warrior offer for this?
      Theres a popular WSO from another Warrior for a similar script, but for a fraction of the cost. I thought it was too good to be true, so I tried it myself and it actually works great. I'm doing some testing with Facebook ads and it looks promising.

      You can see it in action here:

      That being said, Social Squeezer may do some things this one does not, I am not sure but I just wanted to point this one out. Maybe someone can point out the differences I don't know. Enjoy!
      I pity the fool who doesnt "Like" me on Facebook!

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  • Profile picture of the author zigstonk
    So is Social Squeezer operating from your servers? Stand-alone install on my servers? Wouldn't want any confusion about whose list I'm actually building. Thanks for any insight.


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  • Profile picture of the author Nisip
    How high are the chances that SocialSqueezer creators will also collect the lists of e-mails gathered with their software... are chances over 80.00% or under 80.00% for this to happen?
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe118
    I have a technical question -- what happens if the prospect already approved your app, will they be added to the second, third, etc., list successfully? I can see how if this app becomes popular, this will be an issue if this does not work... Just need to know.


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    • Profile picture of the author anonymous123567
      Hey! no SS is fully controlled by you you download and install on your own servers.
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  • Finally got to the important stuff and it looks interesting, like you say nothing new just a great way of doing it.

    EDIT: I am going to have to ask for refund, your video didn't as far as I am aware mention anything about being a WordPress plugin. I don't use WP.
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  • Profile picture of the author rickdearr
    You should not need a refund, according to above from John, you can generate a link to use anywhere.

    "Hey Dennis,

    You can totally use it with Optimize Press. Check out the Link Generator video on the membership portal. You can then use the created link wherever you want. A button, an image banner, a standard link etc etc

    Contact our support desk within the members area if you need any help mate

    Take care


    Hope that helps.

    Rick Dearr
    RnR Marketing, LLC
    Sandy, Utah 84070
    90 Second Video - Free Access

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  • Profile picture of the author eBusinessChamp
    I haaaate OTOssss

    But the software looks good. Looking forward to testing it out
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  • Profile picture of the author tresfavian
    Not everyone uses facebook. Personally I do not like to automatically connect with my personal facebook account, would rather choose which email to subscribe to. Using just this facebook connect button will still leave others out that either do not use facebook or would prefer to use other email accounts.
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    • Profile picture of the author markmotts
      Hey John, Alex

      A few questions re Social Squeezer:

      * Is there a WP plugin version of SS?

      * Either way, are you using SS within a FB page or externally?

      * If on FB pages, is there the option of using a Register button like this?

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