JValert Worth or not?

3 replies
I was going to register at jvalert.com to get fresh JV partners and affiliates, but found some negative reviews about this site.

Is it worth joining?
#advertising #affiliates #joint venture #jvalert #promotion #worth
  • Profile picture of the author Anthony Smith
    I think signing up for any JV list is worth it, however i have heard bad things as well. There are definitely some great JV guys out there, like reed floren, and mike merz...(my role models) I think it is in everyones interest to sign up for as many as possible. Read there emails, etc, and decide for yourself who would work best for you and your business... then get rid of the rest of 'em.

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  • Profile picture of the author Amber Jalink
    JVAlert was great when it started... but has really dwindled off over the past couple of years. I know Kenneth was really busy with some other launches of his (And if I recall correctly, Sid Hale was part too) - but they were swamped, so if you put out a JV request, it

    - glitched
    - stayed in a queue sometimes for days... weeks... had to submit the request more than once to get it actually out

    They did start up a new forum/area for it because the old system glitched constantly - but frankly I don't see much coming through it anymore. I think people are mostly ignoring it, not sure if new ones are joining.

    Mike Merz's seem's more active, but I'm usually quiet for the most part. Just because soooooooo many are emailing the same launches, subscribers are getting irritated, and often there's no way to review something in advance of the launch date. I try to stick with recommending products I can actually see/review because my subscribers expect that of me.

    As I said, Kenneth is a great guy - as is Sid, but from an activity standpoint its been really slow for quite a while.

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  • Profile picture of the author Uncle Dimitry
    ok, maybe there could be other good JV networks worth joining?
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