WP Sales Engine vs RAP vs Profits Theme vs OptimizePress vs x??
Both products will have video + text sales letters. Previously I've used Wordpress + Post Affiliate Pro. I don't like PAP much and I've largely neglected proper tracking/split testing and have no experience of putting together sales funnels. I want to start implementing these but will be running the products on 'evergreen' launches.
The RAP pages I've seen don't look pretty. So if I used RAP, I'd be using it only for the back end. If I used it, I'd need to use it with OptimizePress or similar. But how well does RAP's sales funnels and split testing stuff work with non-rap pages? Am I losing RAP functionality by using something else for the front end pages. Should I be considering something other than RAP.
I'd also be tempted to use RAP with WP Sales Engine. That seems to duplicate some of the RAP functionality - but also has some of its own. I'd be interested in what people know about WP Sales Engine generally.
The other thing I'm after is the requirement to have somoene enter their email address/name on the add to to cart section... so sales that are abandoned can be followed up on. I figure this can be done with anything - but if this is a built in feature anywhere that is good.
Any advice appreciated. Thanks
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