Cash Renegade Review
The video has a very good production, and the story is catching and somehow original (the renegade employee that break free from the guru's claws and design a software for his own with the original guru's idea).
As Upsells there is a one on one coaching program, a traffic system and 20 ready made websites (down to 10 if you exit)
Well... is hard to say this but... is yet another AUTOBLOG that harvest content from different article directories spin the content and pulish it to wordpress or blogger.
It has a PLR module to drip drop your PLR articles
There is another module to harvest proxies that finds free proxies and use it to harvest the content from articles directories.
And there is a synonyms module to spin your content this need a bit of manipulation.
You need to install your wordpress blog manually, choose the theme and load the plugins yourself (Ok is easy to do but Commission Maniac take care of this part in a snap).
Still is too early to see if this tired method still works but I'll keep you guys posted for any results.
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