Which Service is the Best for Email Marketing?

28 replies
I am planning for email marketing
I need your help guys
which is the best service offer?


Hope for your reply guys
Thank You
#email #marketing #service
  • Profile picture of the author jvjoe
    The best outstanding I know are
    getresponse and
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  • Profile picture of the author PromoDirect
    ConstantContact is another good service. I have been using it and they are just awesome.
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    • Profile picture of the author VinnyBock
      If I had a dollar everytime this ? was asked ---> Aweber...

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      • Profile picture of the author loveday101
        Without a doubt... Aweber

        Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

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      • Profile picture of the author Adam Svacina
        Originally Posted by VinnyBock View Post

        If I had a dollar everytime this ? was asked ---> Aweber...
        Yep, this kind of threads are being post every other day, but if the person is not online every day he doesn't know about it But yes there is a "search" button at the main menu line
        Are you tired of your e-mail address looking like this john.b._69@_yahoo.com??
        Have a look at MarvelousMail.com and you may get you personalised e-mail from 1$/month (hosting included)
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  • Profile picture of the author webapex
    Yea most serious email list operators seem to go with Aweber. A couple of the ones you mention are geared more for manual email blasts and not for automatic scheduled email sequences the auto-responders can send out. All of your subscribers receive the same sequence of messages, kicked of when they first opt-in.

    Mailchimp does most of the same things for free with up to 2000 subscribers but they have quite strict restrictions, most of the get rich, lose weight, get a date things affiliate marketers push are forbidden by them.

    “An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field” Niels Bohr

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    • Profile picture of the author Tom Ryan
      I use Aweber, which is easy to use and works well.

      I just recently started using ImnicaMail as well. The verdict is still out on this one, as I haven't had enough time to test it. Others I've talked to seem to really like it.

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  • Depends on what you are looking to do with it, more optins, more money. There is a review site that has like 20 listed side by side with optin comparisions. do a search
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  • Profile picture of the author kimjox
    I think Aweber is the best tool .
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  • Profile picture of the author bheeelaat
    thanks for the reply guys
    thanks hitted

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  • Profile picture of the author OnlyTopResults
    Yes, Aweber has my vote too.

    "Since light travels faster than sound - many people appear bright until they speak!"

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  • Profile picture of the author ExploringInfinity
    Originally Posted by bheeelaat View Post

    I am planning for email marketing
    I need your help guys
    which is the best service offer?


    Hope for your reply guys
    Thank You
    None of them. Go with Aweber like everyone else has been saying.
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  • Profile picture of the author DireStraits
    I do believe AWeber and GetResponse are two of the best and most widely used.

    MailChimp is one to avoid at all costs if you're planning on doing affiliate marketing or one of the many other activities of which they don't approve.

    iContact - another one people often recommend - has some serious limitations. First of all, they impose a pretty low limit on the number of emails you can send month-to-month - only six times your total subscriber limit. Secondly, it's short of any type of list-pruning facility, which makes it very difficult to keep your lists lean, clean and responsive.

    And I know nothing about any of the others, so am unable to comment on them.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      I use and recommend Aweber.

      GetResponse would be my own second choice (and at the moment, for new customers, they don't charge for the first 100 subscribers, up to a total of 500 emails per month).

      This thread, and this thread, and this thread all seem to suggest very strongly that Mailchimp should be avoided. Also, if you do any affiliate marketing (or any of the many other things they don't like, all listed very clearly in their one-page Terms Of Service), even if you don't do it/them at Mailchimp, you can still lose your account and your list(s) there, as explained here.

      I'd actually suggest avoiding a "free autoresponder" altogether, for all the reasons explained here.

      Also,this post and the post immediately following it highlight a couple of specific problems with regard to iContact which would certainly prevent my ever using it, myself.
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  • Profile picture of the author WriterWahm
    I think for Affiliate marketing, Aweber is the place to go. That's because I see so many marketers use Aweber. Personally, I'm using Mailchimp's free service because I'm not doing any affiliate marketing.

    PM me if you want a romantic fiction ghostwriter.

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  • Profile picture of the author Sherry Driedger
    I recommend AWeber. I've used them for a number of years now and have found they keep updating their site to offer better services and the few times I've asked for help, they have been very responsive and friendly.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    I have been testing alot of these in 2011...and I seem to gravitate towards iContact and also Aweber. Takes a bit of learning and I am the most technie dweeb I know (i outsource) but these are not too hard to learn, and once you figure out the list is the most important asset you will ever have in your possesion as a business owner, then you can do very well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Converting Copy
    Aweber is a touch more expensive than GetResponse, especially at the lower tiers, but once you get a list the size of 5000+ it mostly evens out between the two.

    I recommend Aweber, as well. Their support is pretty amazing, as well. I've written them at times when they shouldn't write me back and they always do very quickly.
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  • Profile picture of the author PaulV
    Personally I am an Aweber guy myself. I've heard it's the best and I've been very satisfied with it thus far. I've tried mail chimp and it was ok however, I've heard that it can have problems from other Warriors who have used it more seriously.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Copeland
    They had a couple of server problems not long back but I changed to ImnicaMail from Aweber and apart from that blip they have been great.

    They don't have templates etc like Aweber but that means you can make the forms look exactly how you want with a little HTML so suits me fine.

    Not sure on prices right now but I know they were MUCH cheaper than Aweber when I moved, which is why I did... but I know cheaper doesn't always mean better... but worked out in this case!

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  • Profile picture of the author Brad Pollina
    Aweber is and always has been the Gold Standard that others measure themselves to. I've been with them 5+ years and they have never once let me down. Definitely worth the small investment for what you get in return. It also makes you look good to your list because people respect Aweber. You can't go wrong. Try it. You'll agreee I'm sure.
    "Be patient with me....God isn't finished with me yet!"
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  • Profile picture of the author davidrisley
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    • Profile picture of the author Evolve91
      Aweber for sure. When other IM'ers come out with tools to make internet marketing easier, they always seem to make sure that Aweber will work with the tool they are offering. This reason alone is why I would never bother with another AR. Then there are many other reasons, such as deliverability, ease of use, reliability, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Simon Grabowski
    I would say GetResponse, but I may be biased a little ;-)
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  • Profile picture of the author bheeelaat
    Almost all of you guys voted aweber..
    Now I know what will I use

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  • Profile picture of the author RFrancis
    I like using aweber
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  • Profile picture of the author xxxJamesxxx
    I've been using Aweber for over five years and haven't looked back since.

    James Scholes
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