WP Subscribers vs Premium List Magnet

20 replies
Hi Warriors,

I have WP Subscribers.
At the time I purchased it (few weeks back) I had compared
the competitions and concluded that it is the best plugin you
can get for building nearly all kinds of opt-in pop-up.

Now, few days ago the creator of Profits Theme has come up
with similar plugin called Premium List Magnet. And from the
demo video, I see that it does nearly everything WP Subscribers
does. I don't know if I miss anything... so:

Is there anyone here has bought BOTH plugins and compare it?
How was it turned out? Please share your insights.

Thank you - Ray
#list #magnet #premium #subscribers
  • Profile picture of the author tantan
    Both of them have very similar features, till now I can't find the major difference between them.
    I have written post review on my blog WebmasterAdvance.com for both of them. I'll write the comparison review if necessary. Since both plugins have many features, It's hard to find the difference unless we have tried them several times.

    Overall, both WP Subscribers and Premium List Magnet are great Wordpress plugin to help any blogger to build list easily.
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  • Profile picture of the author tantan
    I just found a few difference, the pros each of them.

    1. WP Subscribers
    - has many kinds of exit popup, it also supports the exit lightbox popup.
    - has Subscription Referral System

    2. Premium List Magnet
    - has feature to insert a squeeze page right within the facebook page.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jesus Perez
    I have Premium List Magnet. Here's the extra features that are missing in WP Subscribers.
    • Slide-In Popups from the top, left, right and below.
    • Embed your popup/slide-in on separate HTML sites.
    • Creates squeeze pages on Facebook pages.

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  • Profile picture of the author entrepreneurjay
    Premium list magnet is awesome I have it installed on my blog and I did a review on it. It was definitely money well spent a must have for anyone serious about building a list.
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  • Profile picture of the author typhoon
    I found WP Subscribers pretty good. I am using it from many months now and works without any problem. Updates are still released regularly. I think it will be sufficient for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author tantan
    In addition of my post above, I've found one more pros of wpsubscribers.
    It's : Subscribe on registration. Whereas premiumlistmagnet doesn't have this feature.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lucablight32
    I bought Premium List Magnet and it's definitely worth the money spent.
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  • Profile picture of the author benbro
    I heard about WP Subscribers before I got premium list magnet. It's hard for me to put my finger on why I didnt go with WP Subscribers and instead went with PLM.

    Perhaps the motivating factor was the fact that I already have the Profits Theme and love the way that the developer put that together. But from everything that I read they're both evenly matched. And whichever one you go with, you'd be ahead of Popup Domination.

    The thing that I like about it is the blog post optin and the auto blog comment optin feature. I havent tried the exit pop up or facebook functionality yet but love the fact that it's already there for me should the need arise.

    "Everything you can imagine is real." – Pablo Picasso

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  • Profile picture of the author agustianus
    I have both wpsubscribers and premium list magnet.
    For facebook, I would recommend wpfacepages. You can find it in this forum, I give you NO affiliate link

    In my opinion, either wpsubscribers and PLM is a superb plugin. They can do many things. The question is what will you do with it?
    And the answer will be depends on what you are trying to create.
    What strategy you are using?
    Are you going to do Product Launch, or Niche Blogging, or ...?
    Once you give the complete information (maybe) we can come up with some possible answers.

    There will be no perfect system.
    I have problem once with wpsubscribers and Jenni's support are excellent.
    I also have other product from Welly Mulia, and so far they are good.
    These plugins do almost the same things. And they will help you do the same thing, that is help you build your list.

    I haven't try it, but I am pretty sure, that you can not use both of them

    If you confuse, close your eyes and buy 1 of them. Use it to get more money. And then buy the other one. And maybe at that time, another plugin that do almost the same thing has arrive.

    There will be no perfect system.
    Just buy it and do whatever you need to do

    Hope this helps

    Daniel Agustianus
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    • Profile picture of the author agustianus
      One more thing:
      The creators (Jenni and Welly) are constantly doing updates. And I believe they keep their eyes on their competitors. If they feel that a feature in competitors product is great, I think they will try to add it on their system.

      Just a guess:
      (Maybe) next year, both plugins will have capability to integrate with google plus

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      • Profile picture of the author Vicki247
        I just installed Premiuim List Magnet few days ago. Cannot get button on it to go to another page and I don't know what part of script to put in mt WP area for it.

        I'm trying to do with iContact ti collect opt in leads.

        I have not heard a word from support, been 2 days since my support ticket.
        Can anyone here help ?

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        • Profile picture of the author Paul Laughton
          It sounds like your problem is with your autoresponder code and not with PLM. Go back to icontact and you should have an option to enter a success url. Enter the url that you want people to be taken to once they opt in and PLM will work as you want it to. I've never used Icontact, so can't help you anymore, but if you can't figure it out, contact there customer support and they should be able to help you. That's probably why you've not heard anything from PLM as it's a autoresponder issue. Hope that helps. Good luck.
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          • Profile picture of the author michaelwilding
            I have been very happy with WP Subscribers until recently when my Facebook OptIn stopped working. I have sent multiple emails to the support desk and not received a single reply so it may no longer be being supported. Irritating and I need to go and get another plugin.
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            • Profile picture of the author intenseblog
              Originally Posted by michaelwilding View Post

              I have been very happy with WP Subscribers until recently when my Facebook OptIn stopped working. I have sent multiple emails to the support desk and not received a single reply so it may no longer be being supported. Irritating and I need to go and get another plugin.
              I noticed there's some changes in Facebook API a few weeks ago, so I'm currently working on it.
              Do you want to build an authority website? Visit my blog today and learn everything to create the successful web blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author 32paul52
    Dropped in this - I wonder does either of the Plugins do this:

    Bounce Exchangeâ„¢

    The Lightbox appears as the person breaks the browser box window
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  • Profile picture of the author Amod Oke
    Dropped in this - I wonder does either of the Plugins do this:

    Bounce Exchange™

    The Lightbox appears as the person breaks the browser box window
    YES, wp subscribers DOES this, and many other things too!
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  • Profile picture of the author FlyingSuccess
    I just bought PLM and it's not working. I'm trying to set up the pop-up optin with a video - such an awesome feature.
    It's on the genesis theme....anybody have genesis and use PML? It works when I "preview it"..Not sure what the problem is
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  • Profile picture of the author 32paul52
    Have you asked that there support? normally good with replies....
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  • Profile picture of the author Amod Oke
    Man!! Bounce exchange starts at $2000/month!! For a html exit popup! Some really good mkt guys there or some really naive businesses!
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  • Profile picture of the author 32paul52
    I think it would depend how it was positioned - sometimes (for corporates) they will pay this - it is high, but sometimes a low price looks like poor value - corporates pay well to agencies - especially if the agency moves quickly in communication etc But I would say there is opportunity here....
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