1 Client a Week - Kevin Wilke

by rbowen
3 replies
I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who has bought & used his program.

What do you think of the program .. have you had any success with it .. what's the price ... are there any up-sells or paid tools required .. does he offer a guarantee of satisfaction?

#client #kevin #week #wilke
  • Profile picture of the author weezie
    I too am interested in this..would love to hear reviews
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  • Profile picture of the author Jackaroo
    No responses so far ... I'd also be interested ... it seems a very hyped up sales pitch. Sounds convincing but then don't a alot of other sales pitches. Anyone heard of Costa before?
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  • Profile picture of the author CPAmum
    Just had a look at the video and the order page. Haven't decided on whether or not to purchase but looks like there's a 45 day guarantee.

    I'm guessing there are upsells involved, but the fact that you can exit the order page without a popup poppin' up may be a good sign that the product is on the level.

    Also, I'm learning that it's always good to watch the video, print the sales page, make a list of questions and then, and ONLY then, place an order.

    As you go through the course, see if it delivers on what it promised and provides a way to get answers to any questions you have.

    If not...refundo.

    Hope this helps!

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