Is Flippa.com Legit?
I am new to flipping websites. When i first visited flippa dot com, i was very enthused at the profits and monthly revenues being claimed by sellers. There i was thinking i'd hit a goldmine. A week later, i see now that there's alot of rubbish and scammers in that community. It's incredible seeing sites for sale that are only 1 month old, getting 5000 plus visits pm and $200 - $500 revenue pm - selling for $100 -$500. Its been a fast learning curve and i'm glad i didn't bid on anything -yet. I researched adsense, backlink services, google seo metrics and other stuff. Sellers offer dubious stats, adsense claims and more. I am no seo / marketing expert, but very disappointed with the whole thing.
So my question to fellow Warriors / flippers is this:
Are there ever any genuine sites selling on flippa for as little as $500 that make $100 -$500 pm? If you've bought any, please let me know. I would like to know that there is some gold to be found on that site.
>>> No Way! <<<
---> Flappy Bird <---
nothing to see here.
I am a startup guy and a proud 11 year Self Employed Veteran. www.NicholasCollins.com
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