3 replies
Hi there. I was just wondering if there is anybody out there who has an input to give me about Talk Fusion?

I know I have been on webinars where they can only have 1000 people and they leave people out in the cold and this is with GoToWebinar.

GoToWebinar is $100 a month and TalkFusion is $35. Just wondering if online marketers will turn to TalkFusion or not as they told me than can have 20,000 visitors on a webinar.

Any thoughts?

And no I have not signed up for TalkFusion....I'm just curious what people think?

They also have video email but somebody said that you have to click the pic and then it opens up a new window so it's not so great?

I'd love to hear your opinions
#fusion #gotowebinar #network marketing #talk #talkfusion #video email
  • Profile picture of the author winsoar
    I've just started to use it and it is true you can have an unlimited number of people on the web conferences.

    The video emails do indeed send a photo with a play button when you click play the video opens in a new window. The clever thing is though there is no button to say "display images" - the picture seems to bypass that in email clients I've tested it in so far.

    I think the video email is a great way to communicate, I'm getting excellent feedback from contacts that I've sent them to.

    Visit my official blog: James Winsoar and learn how to generate 30+ new FREE leads a day on auto-pilot!

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  • Profile picture of the author tnhjennis
    Talkfusion is truly revolution in video email market. The best feature that i like is conference you can have as many as people in meeting. for more details you can add me on skype yogesh_pasalkar
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    • Profile picture of the author mprice07
      Talk Fusion Rocks!
      I use talk fusion every day. With my marketing business as well as my full time job and my clients love it.

      You can see my full Talk Fusion Review By Clicking Here

      I also offer a trial of the system for those looking to get an idea of how it can help them with their current business.

      Click Here To Get Your Trial

      Talk Fusion and Why It Works

      Talk FusionTalk fusion as has hit the scene and is making a pretty big splash in the market place. The biggest question out there is does Talk Fusion work. Well of course it works, It’s how you use talk fusion that will determine for you if it works. Personally I use talk fusion as a tool to market my primary network marketing business. In todays market everything has gone automated. People don’t take the time to get personal and that is what talk fusion can do for you. It gives you the ability to make talking to your leads personal. Once I satarted to do that in my network marketing business, things started to take off and success started to pour in.

      Why Talk Fusion Helps Me

      As I said before, talk fusion gives me the ability to market my business like nothing else has been able to. In today’s world everything has turned automated. We live in the era of the auto-responder messages. The problem with this is Auto-Respnders are not personal at all. Chances are you are on a at least 10 marketing list and after about 5 emails from that person you stop paying attention to what it is they have to say. You are tired of the multiple links they ask you to click. The messages are strictly meant to sell you something. You could only be looking for help and here this person is trying to sell you something to make a commission.

      What I’ve been able to do with talk fusion is make my message specific to my particular lead. It give me the ability to follow up with my leads and call them by name asking them specifically what it is that I can do to service them. I tell you what , when I started operating my business this way… my enrollments skyrocketed. People really started to feel a connection with me, and I started to see the power of Talk Fusion..Check It Out Here!

      Talk Fusion Alerts

      I understand that YouTube allows you to make videos and you can even create a specific video for a specific lead. What you need to ask yourself if how will you know if they watched it and when. Yes, you can use aweber and create a picture and link that picture to youtube… I’ve seen it done. BUT… BUT… You will not know when that person has watched your video. Talk Fusion alerts you when you have a video that has been viewed. The IMPORTANCE of hat is you now have the ability to follow up with that prospect while they are steaming hot. Everyone talks about targeted leads.. How targeted is a lead that has just watched the video you sent them. How shocked and impressed are they going to be when you follow up with them saying..” I noticed you just checked out my video, How can I further help you?”

      My personal prospects and team loves it. You can finally hear that “whew” feeling. They finally have someone that is going to work with them and not just after a commission.
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