Lethal Commission reviews

151 replies
Alright guys, so far i'm rather impressed with this. It's got the 'lethal command center' which is the main program, helps you build some pretty neat looking sites.

So far this thing seems to contain everything INCLUDING the kitchen sink.

Basically, Lethal Commission is a website builder, content adder etc. It includes a keyword and market research tool built in, shows you how to add pre-installed blogs or make your own, MULTIPLE ways to add content and make sure it's 100% unique. Honestly, I'm glad they're stressing the content needs to be unique - so many crap website builders have came out that just promised overnight riches with recycled content.

From what I can understand from the intro video - the software creates a series of high power networks and high power authority blogs all from one MAIN control panel. The control panel is impressive and i cant wait to start playing with it. I'll have a full video review up most likely within 12 hours on my personal website.

As for the upsells -Upsell #1 is 3 Software tools for SEO and getting your site ranked quickly.
1. RSS Blaster - RSS Blaster shows you how to create powerful links for your site the easy way as well as how to get all content indexed very fast indeed...
2. Site SlingShot - Site Slingshot is a very powerful technique we use on new sites (and old ones) to get some very high PR backlinks and mass exposure fast...
3. Social Syndicator - Social Syndicator allows you to directly tap into the top social media traffic sources for maximum traffic, links and potential rankings too...

Upsell #2 is 1 piece of software called Link Cyclone.
Their description of it is this:

Link Cyclone is probably the most powerful tool in your new arsenal. This is an automated high-power link builder that works constantly boosting every page in each blog....

It looks like link cyclone is a web 2.0 tool that uses both the blog AND the blogs RSS – I’ll update later if I’m wrong on this, but it gives a list of sites to use with it and it looks to be rather powerful if it’s able to post on all of these sites at once:

Web 2.0 Sites To Use For Link Cyclone

  4. OPERA

Upsell #3 - Done for you campaign (15 a month Niche Pack)
This comes with pre build site templates, keyword research, competition levels etc - looks pretty cool so far but I havent had time to dig too deep into these yet.

If you already have an SEO program such as senuke x or Evo 2 - you probably won't need the software upsells, but if you DON'T - they look like a good and affordable option.

As for functionality, I just got access and I’m JUST starting to play with things and will have a full video review on my personal website within 12 hours, if I change my tone i'll let you know - but so far I’m quite impressed – honestly!
#commission #lethal #reviews
  • Profile picture of the author TimNesbitt
    In Full Disclosure I was given a review copy of this and like you Jeff I was very impressed with this whole product and while it is definitely going to be way more valuable internet marketing newbies and intermediate internet marketers, I think more experienced internet marketers are going to like this as well because the Keyword and Market Research part of the Lethal Commissions software is going to be a Huge Timesaver.

    More on the Keyword and Market Research is basically you will be able to type in a KEYWORD or Phrase into your software such as "teeth whitening" then the software will do the research on this keyword and give you a very detailed list of all the possible keywords the amount of searches and potential leads that you will get if you rank for that keyword on the first page. The potential leads is based off of a formula that they have put together.

    Then you can breakdown that even further and evaluate the SEO competition etc. Also with the click of a button you can then see which domains are available with the Keywords that you have chosen. Each aspect of the software is pretty much covered with a brief video which is hosted by Sean Donahoe "The Manic Marketer"

    Now as Jeff said you will be able to easily install your blogs on Wordpress and something that I really like that they did was make it so that you can actually use this software too create a Blogger blog and while I certainly don't think using Blogger blogs is a good long term way to make money I do know that many internet marketing beginners use Blogger to get started with since many times they have very little money to get started with.

    So I like that they took that into consideration and if you are new to internet marketing you could always start off with Blogger and scale up your income and then get started using Hosting etc.

    The Lethal Commission product is especially accurate and totally up to date as far as with all of the SEO changes that have been made, and obviously based off of the name of the product each site that is created is going to be HIGHLY OPTIMIZED to make you money!

    There is also a section where they give you 3 Different Success Strategies and I know for a fact that each of these strategies will make you money and the first one that they mention and the example that is given is definitely well worth implementing for someone who is new to internet marketing.

    The first strategy can easily start making you some money within the month and just in time for the upcoming holidays which should help you increase your sales using this concept.

    Since Jeff pretty much covered what the Upsells are I won't go into to much detail on them except for saying that I was only given access to the Upsell 3 which is 15 Done For You Campaigns which are very well done and I have honestly spent money having this kind of research done before so that I didn't have too.

    My Conclusion On Anik Singals Lethal Commission:

    I love everything about this product so far all the way from the brilliant marketing done by Anik Singal and Jimmy Kim to the product itself. This is definitely going to help some internet marketers make money for the first time ever.

    I wish that I had this kind of product when I first got started
    and while I tried to be as detailed as possible in my review I know that I left out some features of this software for the sake of keeping this review a reasonable length. So please keep in mind that there are more features to this product.


    For honest internet marketing product reviews as well as tips for how to make money online go to Online Internet Marketing Business
    Also make sure to check out my FREE Get High PR .Edu Backlinks Report NO SIGN UP REQUIRED!

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  • Profile picture of the author Seth Stewart
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
    Wow, just wanted to add - I'm playing with the keyword research tool now and it's 100% bad ass. Not quite as fully featured as a tool such as Micro Niche Finder, for example, but pretty damn close. I'm using it now and have found quite a few GOOD domain names available that I would not have thought would be. Seriously worth the cost of the program even for this tool itself.

    Seriously guys, this is a VERY cool program - all guru bashing aside - I highly recommend this one. No video review yet, but i'll have one up on my site tonight. Just a warning in advance, I will have affiliate links on my own personal site and review.

    Shoot, heres a freebie I just found using the tool that's available now
    puppy-biting.net - buy it - it's available now!
    So is Pitbulltraining.org, and many other good ones in this one small niche i'm researching!

    This thing is GOLD and i'm very much going to keep it and continue using it. Shoot, this is just the keyword tool - I'm going to build some websites and FREE blogger blogs next with these keywords that i've researched and content!

    Jeff Lenney

    Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

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    • Profile picture of the author slingingshot15
      Ok folks...

      here is the million dollar question that i would want answered???

      if you just buy the $77 version and no upsells, do you think a person who has never made money online before will be able to do it and also will they be able to do it without buying the domain names cause i heard Anik said if you're now starting off i want you to use the free method and test it for yourself....

      The marketing was very convincing but I'm wondering if it is just too good to be true???

      I help young adults who are struggling physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially and relationally to take steps today to see results in a matter of weeks without having to go through the pain of buying thousands of books, courses and counseling sessions.


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      • Profile picture of the author papeter
        This seems pretty inexpensive at $77 ..... can anyone advise cost of 1,2 & 3 upsells?

        Slingshot15 asked a very valid question and I trust those who already bought this can give an honest answer!

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  • Profile picture of the author Jimspeed
    Hey guys,

    Upsell #1 is $247 - 3 software package

    Upsell #2- $197 - Link Cyclone software

    Upsell #3 - $67 rebilled monthly

    NONE are necessary to get started. Not even hosting or domain name needed if you don't want to.
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    • Profile picture of the author slingingshot15
      So Jim you believe it is possible for someone who just buys the 77 package to make money online for the first time without spending anything extra then...

      I help young adults who are struggling physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially and relationally to take steps today to see results in a matter of weeks without having to go through the pain of buying thousands of books, courses and counseling sessions.


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      • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
        Originally Posted by slingingshot15 View Post

        So Jim you believe it is possible for someone who just buys the 77 package to make money online for the first time without spending anything extra then...
        I think it's quite possible, yes - but it's going to take longer.

        Honestly, upsells 1 and/or 2 will HELP speed things up though - but even if you're not using those,I don't see why you can't make some decent money with this.

        Traffic is the key, but if you get a GOOD domain name based on a decent searched/low competition keyword then definitely you should be able to earn. Just pay CLOSE attention to the on-page SEO stuff and you should be rockin and rollin.

        BTW - make sure you check out the 3 elite strategys page - tells you how to link all of your sites TOGETHER etc for some decent SEO within your own personal network - that's good for n00bs and intermediates alike

        Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

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  • Profile picture of the author reimer
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    • Profile picture of the author Jimspeed
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      • Profile picture of the author reimer
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        • Profile picture of the author Jamie Lewis
          Originally Posted by reimer View Post

          So wouldn`t that play against you guys anyway....

          I mean If someone sees that video with so few visitors he might think that the software ain`t good at all.

          Why don`t you use the software to increase the views of Anik`s TRAILLER on youtube? That alone you boost your credibity as you would have a proof that that the "software" works in other places besides Anik`s site...

          Just a suggestion
          Ive got Lethal Commission. It builds a site then does automatic SEO for that site.

          It has nothing to do with youtube.

          Youtube marketing in my opinion is dependent on three things (In my opinion)

          1. your youtube network and how responsive they are to you
          2. How good your videos are.
          3. The interaction on your youtube pages

          If you do SEO for a youtube page youll be at the mercy of.. well, youtube.

          The correct way to promote a youtube video in my opinion is within youtube with a dope ass relevant video.

          The interaction is a good indicator that your video is sick as hell and relevant.

          A video that isnt good quality, the tags are wrong, the description is lazy and its not exciting will not do much no matter what. (Unless you know something I don't)

          Youtube is youtube. For instance, I do IM but Ive never attempted to launch a youtube promotion software because it would be fake. You can get fake views but your video will behave just like a bad video.

          These guys arent trying to get views on that video, theres no point to that. Its like going to war and shooting the tree for no reason. They didnt wake up yesterday and say "Hey, get views on that youtube video" LOL If they did you can bet your tooties there'd be views on that youtube video. They know how to do a multi-million dollar software launch but had trouble getting views on youtube.. C'mon man.
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  • Profile picture of the author home business guy
    Hey all, After getting nailed with 4 different emails today talking about how great it was. I started my search for what LC really was.

    Quickly to come find out there is a movie, software, and command center are the 3 major areas which I needed to know more about.

    After giving the movie a better than decent rating (not bad for what it was) - I decided to purchase the Lethal commission software but at the current time have not bought any other additional features. I do want to add that a nice package of free affiliate marketing training was included as well. Almost too much information.

    But after spending about 45 minutes with the software (will do more tomorrow), my first summary would be some sort of "central hub" for all of your online business/work.

    While labeling it an Ultimate WP Dashboard is not pin point accuracy, this is what many will consider it, especially if new to online business. Once I got the basics down of what and where everything was, i could see the value in this. Shoot, with the 2 month refund policy, this is a no brainer honestly.

    Come to find out Sean Donahue is behind the software, which according to my google findings is a pretty good guy for lead developer in software systems.

    Ill report back in the next few days to let you know what I think after it when I can fully dive into the command center.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Pettit
    How is this software different from something such as WP Mage or Mage Monster? These are both Ultimate WP Dashboards as well that build fast traffic getting sites that are SEO ready as well....and WP Mage and Monter Mage have both been out for awhile with enormous updates and added features
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  • Profile picture of the author lefty359
    How are these sites monetized? CB, Amazon or?
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    • Profile picture of the author TimNesbitt

      Yes just buying the Main Lethal Commission product should be enough for you to start earning money online. Obviously if you are willing to put in the work which this software significantly reduces.

      I recommend doing exactly what they suggest in the first of the 3 Money Making Strategies and you could very well scale it up from there.

      , I would think one of the biggest differences is the price alone. All I can say is that $77 is a more than fair price for all that you get with this product.

      Anik and Jim have done an excellent job in over delivering with Lethal Commission as far as I am concerned. For those on a tight budget keep in mind you very often get what you pay for so while it is definitely priced higher than a lot of the so called "push button" article submitting softwares that are supposedly going to make you money and priced at $37, you will get way more value out of Lethal Commission.


      For honest internet marketing product reviews as well as tips for how to make money online go to Online Internet Marketing Business
      Also make sure to check out my FREE Get High PR .Edu Backlinks Report NO SIGN UP REQUIRED!

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  • Profile picture of the author xxxJamesxxx
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  • Profile picture of the author jacksonlin
    Any more reviews from users?

    I would like to see more opinions about the product.
    Want a 13 Part FREE Internet Marketing Course - Taught By A PREMIER CLICKBANK SUPPER AFFILIATE? Did I mention taught through VIDEOS?
    Yup, I'm not hyping things up for you. Click here to check it out!
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  • Profile picture of the author TwinDragon
    I would like to know more about the Downsell 1 and Downsell 2.

    Seeking my teeth into all this great information.

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  • Profile picture of the author TheBizzyBee
    Does LC require you to host your domains with them? Is there a limit to the number you can do each month?
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  • Profile picture of the author xxxJamesxxx
    Does LC require you to host your domains with them? Is there a limit to the number you can do each month?
    I think you can host your own domains. I know you don't even need hosting or domain as you can use Blogger.

    James Scholes
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  • Profile picture of the author comp123
    Tried downloading and installing the software but getting an error message. Anyone else have this problem? Sent a support ticket about it.
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  • Profile picture of the author anfobi
    Here are a couple problems I have found with this product...and I WANT to like this product.

    1) Their customer service is awful. I have submitted 2 tickets in 24 hours one yesterday and one today-- Have yet to get a response.

    2. I purchased the product. Having a silly problem with the settings portion on the keyword tool. When I enter my adwords/gmail account number and password information it continues to tell me it's invalid regardless of the fact that I cconfirmed on adwords that it was correct.

    Anyone help?
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    • Profile picture of the author Randall_Christian
      Originally Posted by anfobi View Post

      Here are a couple problems I have found with this product...and I WANT to like this product.

      1) Their customer service is awful. I have submitted 2 tickets in 24 hours one yesterday and one today-- Have yet to get a response.

      2. I purchased the product. Having a silly problem with the settings portion on the keyword tool. When I enter my adwords/gmail account number and password information it continues to tell me it's invalid regardless of the fact that I cconfirmed on adwords that it was correct.

      Anyone help?
      What I found was you had to fill out all the other portions of the settings first then it would take ok. Thats another thing though, the software is not intelligent user friendly at all!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5023096].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jimspeed
      Originally Posted by anfobi View Post

      Here are a couple problems I have found with this product...and I WANT to like this product.

      1) Their customer service is awful. I have submitted 2 tickets in 24 hours one yesterday and one today-- Have yet to get a response.

      2. I purchased the product. Having a silly problem with the settings portion on the keyword tool. When I enter my adwords/gmail account number and password information it continues to tell me it's invalid regardless of the fact that I cconfirmed on adwords that it was correct.

      Anyone help?

      I'm sorry for the customer service- We had 1500 tickets on opening day on all sorts of random stuff from just generic sales questions to very detailed questions. We have 8 Customer support staff and as much as I'm involved in there -we just couldn't get through.

      Please allow 48 hours for replys. AND emailing the same question 6 times won't get you answered any faster. Thank you for understanding.

      As for the keyword tool- that should have been fixed with a recent update.

      Thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
    I had the gmail verificatiOn issue a few times. Just try again and make sure you hit the green check button to confirm your email addy and password. Sometimes it'll take two or three tries. Other than that I'm loving it.

    Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

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    • Profile picture of the author lfhair
      I could not get the first version of the software to work (same "settings" problem described above).

      Support recommended that I download the latest version V, but it still does not work. I complained to support again and they told me that they are "working on the problem" and should have a new version available soon.

      The software looks cool, but so far I have not been able to actually do anything with it.

      As a software developer myself, I understand that software is never perfect. However, it seems to me that they should do more testing of the basic functions before releasing it to the public. So far, it appears that they spent more effort on the glitzy rotating graphics than they did in actually testing to make sure that things work.
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      • Profile picture of the author OT2131
        Originally Posted by lfhair View Post

        I could not get the first version of the software to work (same "settings" problem described above).

        Support recommended that I download the latest version V, but it still does not work. I complained to support again and they told me that they are "working on the problem" and should have a new version available soon.

        The software looks cool, but so far I have not been able to actually do anything with it.

        As a software developer myself, I understand that software is never perfect. However, it seems to me that they should do more testing of the basic functions before releasing it to the public. So far, it appears that they spent more effort on the glitzy rotating graphics than they did in actually testing to make sure that things work.
        Are you still having problems with the software?

        I want to try this out but don't want to purchase only to find out I can't use the program.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
    Alright guys, I was so impressed with how this worked and the keyword/domain research tool, I decided to make a site based on the keyword research that I did using it, and the site builder itself

    The keyword is obviously "how to win her back" - and I found quite a few good domain names avaialble for that phrase

    So Behold, my Lethal Commission Site in it's infant form: How to Win Her Back for Good - I built this 100% with the site builder, and it literally just took a few moments.

    I still need to add content which I'll do this week sometime, but seriously - this is kick ass, easy to set up, it looks great - and the domain name I found is for a fairly easy to rank for keyword too!

    If you're viewing this immediately after I posted it, the adsense ads are not displaying yet as it's a brand new site and google takes a few minutes to scan the content and add appropriate ads.

    Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

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    • Profile picture of the author FudEnterprises
      I honestly want to get this but i cant afford the upsells right now ( its christmas time with 3 boys). I feel like i would need them to really be successful with this.

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    • Profile picture of the author ZaneAbden
      sound good .. so the software created this wordpress site with all plugin you need or do you have to add extra plugin manually

      also are you 100% in control on those site or the lethal commission maker do host your blog and your plugin ?

      and the content did you add it yourself or the software do article scraper then added it to your blog?

      appreciate your help

      Originally Posted by eljeffe77 View Post

      Alright guys, I was so impressed with how this worked and the keyword/domain research tool, I decided to make a site based on the keyword research that I did using it, and the site builder itself

      The keyword is obviously "how to win her back" - and I found quite a few good domain names avaialble for that phrase

      So Behold, my Lethal Commission Site in it's infant form: How to Win Her Back for Good - I built this 100% with the site builder, and it literally just took a few moments.

      I still need to add content which I'll do this week sometime, but seriously - this is kick ass, easy to set up, it looks great - and the domain name I found is for a fairly easy to rank for keyword too!

      If you're viewing this immediately after I posted it, the adsense ads are not displaying yet as it's a brand new site and google takes a few minutes to scan the content and add appropriate ads.

      I am selling my BOTH lifetime license for following products, RANKING INSTITUE by Andrew Hansen and Social Secrets by Matt ..please PM me for price

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      • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
        Originally Posted by ZaneAbden View Post

        sound good .. so the software created this wordpress site with all plugin you need or do you have to add extra plugin manually

        also are you 100% in control on those site or the lethal commission maker do host your blog and your plugin ?

        and the content did you add it yourself or the software do article scraper then added it to your blog?

        appreciate your help
        The software installed 100% of them for me, but i'm also in 100% control. It's alot of wordpress plug-ins i was familiar with, and quite a few I was not FOR managing ads, content, footer links etc. I'm hosting myself and in control. I havent added a thing except for homepage content - the blog post I added using LC. Going to play more with the content pusher this week and the SEO tools

        Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

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        • Profile picture of the author alisa777
          Originally Posted by eljeffe77 View Post

          The software installed 100% of them for me, but i'm also in 100% control. It's alot of wordpress plug-ins i was familiar with, and quite a few I was not FOR managing ads, content, footer links etc. I'm hosting myself and in control. I havent added a thing except for homepage content - the blog post I added using LC. Going to play more with the content pusher this week and the SEO tools
          Thank you for the review and all info provided here, much appreciated!

          I am wondering how it works wonders for you while many here complain it's not working for them.
          I've just bought it with no upsells so far, didn't try yet , who knows if it will work for me or not.
          The site you posted as example looks pretty good, I like the idea to have it up so quickly and yet have a full control to round-up the things adding some
          cool on-site and off-site SEO plugins etc...could end up to be a super blogging model.
          I would like to give a try to the 3rd upsell, getting at least one 15-businesses package ready to go, so I'd be able to put more time and efforts into getting traffic.

          Any experience and/or advise on this ?
          What the niches are ? What's the blog quality?
          Is really all and everything included ready to start promoting?
          Any info would be much, much appreciated
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      • Profile picture of the author veracruz
        I bought this piece of " software " and ALL the upsell options... 5 DAYS ago... since then there has been 3 updates... fixing little things that was rendering the all thing useless...
        My experience with support has been very bad... of the 4 tickets I opened, all were closed without being solved... and as of today they changed their support website so you can't " view " your tickets anymore...
        My main issue from the beginning is that after paying for ALL the options, none of them are showing up in the Command Center installed on your PC... I received the same email posted above basically saying technical people are working on it... 5 days ago !!!
        I want to mention that this software is way too similar to " Commission Maniac " and " Commission Black-Ops " for the auto blog install and keyword research... the only difference were the addition of these upsell options... which do not works as they do not even appears on the menu toolbar...
        Months ago Anick and Sean released a product called " Commission Domination " in the same vein... nothing was working properly, every day some new bugs were discovered...
        By the way, on the technical point, this "software" is built using "uBot scripts" for those who knows...
        Well can't say I will wait another day or two to see how their technical people react...
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    • Profile picture of the author aaaa33030
      Originally Posted by eljeffe77 View Post

      Alright guys, I was so impressed with how this worked and the keyword/domain research tool, I decided to make a site based on the keyword research that I did using it, and the site builder itself

      The keyword is obviously "how to win her back" - and I found quite a few good domain names avaialble for that phrase

      So Behold, my Lethal Commission Site in it's infant form: How to Win Her Back for Good - I built this 100% with the site builder, and it literally just took a few moments.

      I still need to add content which I'll do this week sometime, but seriously - this is kick ass, easy to set up, it looks great - and the domain name I found is for a fairly easy to rank for keyword too!

      If you're viewing this immediately after I posted it, the adsense ads are not displaying yet as it's a brand new site and google takes a few minutes to scan the content and add appropriate ads.
      Any sales yet?
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      • Profile picture of the author Archimedes
        "How2WinHerBack.com" Site looks nice. Seems like plenty of content and the entire site seems to wrap around one product you're marketing. How's it panning out for you?

        Originally Posted by aaaa33030 View Post

        Any sales yet?
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  • Profile picture of the author lefty359
    OT2131, I feel the same way. I've had my share of software that doesn't work. This sounds good, and i'm tempted, but want to make sure it works. I do not want to have to get yet another CB refund.
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    • Profile picture of the author Randall_Christian
      Lethal Commission is NOT working at all! And NO support! I have put in 3 tickets with NO response in 3 days. Nothing but trouble with the Keyword tool. I put in the word "kindle" and get error messages like "index was out of bounds for the array" or when clicking on desktop link to start it I get "LCC34 Value does not fall withen expected range."

      Looks like refund time!!
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  • Profile picture of the author reimer
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    • Profile picture of the author slingingshot15
      hmmm....lots of mixed messages now....does this work on a mac???

      if not shame on them yes cause all through that movie was macs galore and btw i'm not hating on mac eh cause i own one and this is what i currently use.....

      I help young adults who are struggling physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially and relationally to take steps today to see results in a matter of weeks without having to go through the pain of buying thousands of books, courses and counseling sessions.


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  • Profile picture of the author Valerio
    Just bought everything and, surprise... nothing works.

    1) Paid the first upsell but the system is not giving me access to that stuff.
    2) Tried on windows xp and windows 7, both output errors when I just try to launch the software.

    I've posted 2 tickets about that, let's see what happens.
    I usually give 36 hours to every support team, it's like a limit that, in my opinion, perfectly describes a product's quality.
    If I don't get it working in this timeframe, well... I already know how to submit a refund on CB.
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    • Profile picture of the author Randall_Christian
      Originally Posted by Valerio View Post

      Just bought everything and, surprise... nothing works.

      1) Paid the first upsell but the system is not giving me access to that stuff.
      2) Tried on windows xp and windows 7, both output errors when I just try to launch the software.

      I've posted 2 tickets about that, let's see what happens.
      I usually give 36 hours to every support team, it's like a limit that, in my opinion, perfectly describes a product's quality.
      If I don't get it working in this timeframe, well... I already know how to submit a refund on CB.
      Refund through CB you have a good point since Support does not answer I should just go to CB. I did here once that if CB gets many refunds they pull the product.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5023738].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author comp123
    The video says they have been using this software for months now. One would think if that was the case they would have the bugs worked out ? I did get a response to my ticked telling me they are working on the problems. Wait let me show the response i got.


    Thank you for contacting me with your enquiry.

    I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing technical difficulties with the software.

    I can advise that I have forwarded this over to our technical team to rectify and this feature should be available again within the next couple of hours.

    I apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.

    I hope this information has been helpful.

    If you have any additional questions please feel free to ask.

    Kind regards,

    Kathy Evans
    Click2Reply Customer Support

    Not sure what features shes talking about because i complained about the installation of the software itself not working.

    I dont know how people are making websites with this software already when it wont even install without giving an error.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5023369].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author salegurus
      Originally Posted by comp123 View Post

      Not sure what features shes talking about because i complained about the installation of the software itself not working.
      Now that's what i call quality support :rolleyes:
      Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

      ― George Carlin
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5023483].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author remodeler
      Originally Posted by comp123 View Post

      The video says they have been using this software for months now. One would think if that was the case they would have the bugs worked out ?
      Sounds like the software is still in beta (and support as well) and they just released it anyway. No way would I purchase now as it stands. Looked promising from the videos, but looks are often deceiving. Seems to fit this offering perfectly.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5023875].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Gary Pettit
    Guess I'll be sticking with "WP Mage" and " Monster Mage".... they work perfectly. Plus they come with 2 awesome keyword tools and many additional addons.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5023406].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Randall_Christian
      Originally Posted by Gary Pettit View Post

      Guess I'll be sticking with "WP Mage" and " Monster Mage".... they work perfectly. Plus they come with 2 awesome keyword tools and many additional addons.

      If we could find just 1 Lethal Command Center that worked, we could make thousands of blogs and post these comments! LOL
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5023754].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jimspeed
      Originally Posted by Gary Pettit View Post

      Guess I'll be sticking with "WP Mage" and " Monster Mage".... they work perfectly. Plus they come with 2 awesome keyword tools and many additional addons.

      LOL - I've never personally played with either Mage or Monster -but you are comparing at $77 product to a $2000 product?

      Apples to apples...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5072422].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author linkmetro

    I love the footer on your website. 10...Ten disclaimers....almost a wso worth..

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5023481].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
      Originally Posted by linkmetro View Post


      I love the footer on your website. 10...Ten disclaimers....almost a wso worth..

      LOL I cant' take credit for those, those are actually auto placed/created by the LC site creator- it covers every legal angle, cool right? lol

      Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5024187].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
    Everything's working fine for me honestly, so I"m only reporting back my experience.
    I did the keyword research (video above) and I just built a site today using it. I'm playing with some of the settings now, so it's not 100% up - but yeah....it's working fine for me.

    They're in launch mode now, support is probably PACKED I would imagine - that's usually the case with big launches like this from my experience. It's not ideal, but yeah - lol

    Play with it a bit, make sure you have all of the settings filled out properly and you SHOULD be good.

    Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5024229].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author comp123
    was that built using WP? i dont see anything in the members area giving instructions on how to set this up for blogger. maybe i'm just not seeing it because the software won't load.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5024401].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jon poland
    Three months ago Anik Singal launched a product called Commission Domination. Sean Donahoe developed the software for this product and Anik handled the product launch.

    They appear to be using the same formula with Lethal Commission -- Sean developed the software and Anik is working the launch.

    Based on the reviews in the Warrior Product Review thread, Commission Domination was a complete train wreck. Before you spend a dime on Lethal Commission, I highly recommend that you read what other Warriors had to say about Commission Domination -- a product this team released just a few short months ago.

    Here is the link for the Commission Domination thread:

    Remember, you are not just buying a product. You are also investing your time, your money and the welfare of your business in the people and the support behind the products you are using to build your business. Choose wisely. The success of your business and your future just may depend on it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5024491].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Valerio
    24 hours after my tickets I got a simple answer like: "we are aware of this issue and the tech dept. is working on it - thank you".
    I've bought the entire thing (around $500) and I still have NO access to those upsells. My membership has not been updated. Of course, there are tickets pending about it...

    I give them 12 hours to fix everything, after that a refund will hit Clickbank and will unsubscribe from every Anik's list.

    Sell something this way is unacceptable.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5027323].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Randall_Christian
    I was sent an update to version 1004. I still got the LCC error but the keyword module did work. First I put in the word Kindle. After the list showed I put in Kindle Fire and nothing happened so I closed the program and reopened, with the LCC error. This time Kindle Fire worked. By the way Kindle Fire is WIDE open!

    I will see if I can knock out a Blogger Blog now since I have a Kindle domain name. I will keep you updated.

    On Google just got a neat email about the change last week about you being judged on the "freshness" of your content depending on your keyword niche! So if you are in a niche that does not change much with time; not a biggy.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5029646].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
      Originally Posted by Randall_Christian View Post

      I was sent an update to version 1004. I still got the LCC error but the keyword module did work. First I put in the word Kindle. After the list showed I put in Kindle Fire and nothing happened so I closed the program and reopened, with the LCC error. This time Kindle Fire worked. By the way Kindle Fire is WIDE open!

      I will see if I can knock out a Blogger Blog now since I have a Kindle domain name. I will keep you updated.

      On Google just got a neat email about the change last week about you being judged on the "freshness" of your content depending on your keyword niche! So if you are in a niche that does not change much with time; not a biggy.
      Weird man, the only errors I was getting were that my gmail un/pw were INcorrect, even though I tested them and they were correct. I Went back into ppc settings/ re-added my google account and tested it (took 2-3 times) and got it working again.

      Now it's working fine for me...what's the error say you're getting exactly?

      Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5029778].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Randall_Christian
        Originally Posted by eljeffe77 View Post

        Weird man, the only errors I was getting were that my gmail un/pw were INcorrect, even though I tested them and they were correct. I Went back into ppc settings/ re-added my google account and tested it (took 2-3 times) and got it working again.

        Now it's working fine for me...what's the error say you're getting exactly?
        After clicking on the desktop icon I get that horrible Windows "clunk" sound effect and a dialog box that says LCC34. Value does not fall within the expected range. After I click the OK button, the box closes and the Command Center opens.

        I got version 1005 now and I did not have to close the program to put in a second keyword.

        It amazes me that someone spends huge money to make his ego happy and not put any money into hiring Support!

        But think about it ... it shows you can be really stupid and still make a million dollars in IM
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5035319].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author lfhair
          Maybe one of the talented programmers here on WF could write some software that does the same thing as Lethal Commission -- but actually works.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5035668].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author alisa777

            Two excellent WSOs were offered recently:

            Money Site Maker (Chris Reeves)

            with 3 great modules:
            *keyword research
            *blog installation with ability to save custom 'blog profiles'
            (consisting of your favourite plugins, theme... etc)
            plus adding articles, videos, Amazon products...
            *tracking your sites progress in SE position

            Blog Profit PRO (Nick Jolin)

            * add and manage quality content and related ads/products
            ( on steroids !)
            for as many blogs as you wish (without you ever needing to
            log into your blogs out of the software)
            * The Best Spinner supported, ability to research and choose
            on the fly related profitable keywords and find appropriate
            content for the best on site SEO.

            For both:
            Both, software and customer service are great.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5036637].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author alisa777
          Originally Posted by Randall_Christian View Post

          It amazes me that someone spends huge money to make his ego happy and not put any money into hiring Support!

          But think about it ... it shows you can be really stupid and still make a million dollars in IM

          There is a section 'Partners bonuses' in the members area.

          (HURA ? HUGE BONUSES ?)

          One of them:
          Anik Singal's members only

          You're invited to the most exclusive online
          money making community on the planet.
          Imagine getting access to the smartest
          on the planet and having them
          tell you exactly what is working for them
          right now.



          Gess what? We are so stupid and THEY ARE SOOOO SMART (?!)

          So You get as a 'bonus' another 'smart'
          sales video telling you how desperately YOU NEED THEM,
          how inevitably your entire life and future
          depends on them... :confused:
          And how good guys they are,
          so they will charge you not nearly close to the
          real value of their money making secrets...
          They will generously share it with you for next to nothing...
          That's how they are worried about you...

          The result we know:

          They act so good (so far)
          that many 'stupid' people can't resist crying upon their 'generosity'.
          The questions:
          what means stupid, what means smart,
          what's going on with Sean, Anik and alike,
          what's going on with all of us
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5036884].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kia123guy
      Is this a wordpress plugin or am I missing something?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5030732].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author source47
        Originally Posted by kia123guy View Post

        Is this a wordpress plugin or am I missing something?
        Not sure if I can post here or not. I have NOT purchased this product but I watched the sales video and read the reviews here on the WF and this is what I can tell. Please someone correct me if I'm wrong or if this is inappropriate and I will remove this post.

        The "Command Center" is running on Wordpress MU (Multi-User) platform, most likely "rebranded" as a "Command Center". Then it uses an autoblogging software (with content spinner), google adsense, keyword and market research tool, link builder, and integration with Clickbank's affiliate program.

        If this is the case then I've been doing this for a couple of years now. Of course, my way takes more than "just a few clicks". I use Wordpress, WP Robot, Google Keyword Research, Google Adsense, ContentBoss, and in some cases, InboundWriter. There are certain WP plugins that I use as well.

        ***I'm not "bashing" on Anik Singal or his product launches. In fact, I admire Anik and his company, Lurn, Inc. I appreciate what he has done for the internet marketing community.

        Obviously if this product was still in beta mode then it shouldn't have been rushed to market. That will cause a LOT of refunds.

        There are certain products that will stop being effective once a certain number of people start using them. Even though I stay away from these "one-click" money-making products on Clickbank, I love watching the hypie sales videos.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5042451].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author steppinonup
      Well it looks like 11-07-2011 was the beginning of the bad news for the Lethal Commission product.
      Its been about six weeks since this mess and I am still interested in knowing whether this is a workable product without daily trips to the support supermarket?
      Nobody has posted any positive changes to the negative input they have had regarding their trip down Lethal Commission lane (not true, there were some that did experience good change, low %).
      - Installing software errors
      - swamped cust. serv.
      - unable to get software working
      - upsells not being posted in the command ctr.
      - done for u update unavailable
      - adsense verification problems
      - spinner integration showing error
      - videos broadly explain software use but incompletely
      - 3 webinars with 2 giving sales pitches to other products and nothing about the use of the features of the system.

      I can understand the support problem and some fine tune tweaking for the odd small items but there were some serious issues that were affecting several warriors that definitely needed to be ironed out in order for the average buyer would or could drive this baby to success.

      Where is the proof that the product delivers on its promises?
      Where is the proof that success can be made without use of usells
      Has the train-wreck been acknowledged, located, cleaned up and is the train now in a condition to carry the 1000's of willing passengers aboard it down the, hopefully, clear tracks to success?

      I like the over-all looks of the product as explained in the sales page cause there there is nothing going wrong with it and it is extremely newbee friendly. This appears to be very appealing but if it is not in complete operational condition, including instructions, then the newbee factor is almost completely eliminated.

      Has anyone in the Forum any evidence to the positive success of Lethal Commission (and I don't mean the ones selling the product) other than our two review experts who have knowledge above most of us for rectifying product flaws that they face on their product review road trip?
      Please post and let those of us who are still interested in this tool know whether or not it is a workable item at this stage of the game (especially for the eager but wise newbee).

      Thanks. :rolleyes: :confused:
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5260545].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TwinDragon
    Originally Posted by eljeffe77 View Post

    If you already have an SEO program such as senuke x or Evo 2 - you probably won't need the software upsells, but if you DON'T - they look like a good and affordable option.
    Wondering? Senuke X is a monthly subscription, if these SEO programs work, then would it be worth it to use them instead of SenukeX to save money?

    Seeking my teeth into all this great information.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5030025].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author lfhair
      I just downloaded and installed version and it still does not work!

      This is completely unacceptable. Apparently they spent all their money on producing a movie and very little on testing the product.

      They need to hire some software professionals who actually know who to write, test and release a quality product. At the very least, they could have done a WSO or something and had real users test the product before doing a big launch.

      If I cannot get a working version of the software within 24 hours, it will be refund time.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5030630].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author gomex
    I purchaed the package the other day and so far its pretty slick.
    The current build is 1.005 and after plugging in a few sites details it inserts clickbank products without any problem.
    It appeared to be a supped up version of autoblog samurai. My only problem is I purchased the done for you update but I have not been able to access it as of yet with 2 support attempts.

    I will post a more detailed review later

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5030901].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jimspeed
      Originally Posted by gomex View Post

      I purchaed the package the other day and so far its pretty slick.
      The current build is 1.005 and after plugging in a few sites details it inserts clickbank products without any problem.
      It appeared to be a supped up version of autoblog samurai. My only problem is I purchased the done for you update but I have not been able to access it as of yet with 2 support attempts.

      I will post a more detailed review later

      Gomex - please pm with your un and email and i'll take care of any upgrades right away
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5072397].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Valerio
    Here's the situation.

    1) the software finally installed on 4th attempt on a 4th machine with Windows XP Pro
    2) the software is slow and very low quality. The user interface seems coming form Tron (the movie from the 80s)
    3) the keyword tool is just a remake of Google keyword tool - Market Samurai is miles ahead of this
    4) I still don't have access to all the upsells I've paid - and I've paid in full, so I'm really upset - in order: 2 tickets opened - 1 email to Anik - 1 more ticket about this... nothing!
    5) Anik in person emailed me (or was a broadcast message) about "the software will update itself" - he forgot that the issue was just to "start it up"

    Question: if the software is updated everyday to fix bugs, how they could be use it for month?

    My thoughts.
    The idea is brilliant. The results are bad.
    Would you generate, let's say... 100 blogs with this "great" piece of software and wake up one day to find out that the software doesn't work anymore...?

    Anik should have invested his time & money in making a better product instead of a James Bond parody.

    Clickbank, thank you for your refund policy

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5034199].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author lfhair
      Just tried uninstalling the software and reinstalling V, but it still does not work.

      All I get from support are cut and paste responses and vague assurances that they have a "team of programmers" who are working on the problems and that my software will be "updated automatically".

      I think it's refund time.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5034399].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author thailanddave
        This is a bummer. I had my credit card in hand and then I thought "better check the warrior forum". Too bad they didn't iron out the bugs first. I would have bought. I still might if the reviews improve.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5035174].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author reww
    I have to agree with everyone else on this thread. I bought all the upsells to try it out and i can not even get this program to show any of the upsells. I have made over 4 support tickets and all were closed with a one sentence answer that did not fix the issue. Im now in the prosees of getting my money back.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5035212].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Randall_Christian
      Originally Posted by reww View Post

      I have to agree with everyone else on this thread. I bought all the upsells to try it out and i can not even get this program to show any of the upsells. I have made over 4 support tickets and all were closed with a one sentence answer that did not fix the issue. Im now in the prosees of getting my money back.
      What is the fastest way to hit up CB for a refund? I know I wont get 1 through Lethal.

      Just found out you can GET A .COM FOR $1 at Godaddy. Just put in LEAVES at the checkout coupon. People say it is good for the first 10 thousand.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5040625].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author slingingshot15
    to be honest folks....im still thinking bout buying this but im waiting on till you all say those bugs are finally fixed.....

    I help young adults who are struggling physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially and relationally to take steps today to see results in a matter of weeks without having to go through the pain of buying thousands of books, courses and counseling sessions.


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5036820].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author alisa777
    Bought and going for refund.
    Enough time (read: money) lost for nothing

    If they didn't play 'secret games'
    I would know it's almost the same as
    Nick Carty's Auto Blogging software
    (known as Auto Blog Samurai too )

    The difference #1 is that ABS works.
    And has a good customer support.
    Is not in a beta/testing/developing mode
    eating time and nerves of the customers
    after they shell out the money (to test it?!)

    The difference #2, Lethal Commision's promises much more
    I really like the concept of covering under one roof
    all activities from installing and updating to promoting
    (and than some e.g. tracking would be fine)
    However, if it doesn't work, no avail.
    Have no time and money to invest in their development venture.
    ( if that what it is)
    Yet I've bought so much automation tools so far,
    I need to use them to justify the expenses.

    On the side note, I've bought Commission Commando and
    it's all good for me, have learned from Sean Donahoe
    quite a few new tips and tricks.
    With WP installer I am not so happy and
    since covered with CB terms I could
    ask for refund for that one too, but will not do so.
    Appreciate the value given in tutorials so I will keep it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5036906].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sysmarketer
    Man I like the two guys promoting this software...it breaks my heart to say, I'm at my wits end with the bugs and it's bugging me wasting my valuable time. The quality of the software is way below the Quality of The Two people behind this offer. So, I'm gonna wait a few more days before I pack and leave as I'm torn between my respect for the top marketers behind this and at the same time fed up with this piece of junk.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5037545].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author red dog
    Ok I bought it played with it all day it did not install not even one site. I keep getting invalid email and blog categories I kept trying more than several times.Well they also show you how to install it manually I think that is how most everyone got them up.
    I even talked with hostgator for about 30 mins and they didn't know either they said they do not install 3rd party software was worth a try anyhow I can add my blogs it did make some post and added some content the stats worked,but with not knowing the keywords first i do not see how anyone can make money from this it is a shame because it would be very easy to manage a network of blogs but it was a waste of time money and let me down.I will wait a week or so to see if things improve if not I will ask for a refund.I installed my site manually also so it is not a time saver the theme is nice though.

    Keep trying and never give up! Wanna workout from home need to lose some weight? Visit my blog Strength Training Workouts

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5037731].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Valerio
    I finally got an answer to the "no access" tickets.
    It is something incredible.

    As I told, I've bought everything but once on the site, I couldn't access the upsells.
    So I opened 3 tickets, posted my request with a copy / paste of my clickbank receipts and they said...

    I can advise that I am unable to locate an account in our records with the details you have provided.

    To enable me to assist you further, please provide the following information:

    * Your order / reference number
    * Your full name
    * Your email address (including any that you may have used to join the program)

    Once I have this information I will search our records again and try to assist you further.

    Can you believe this?
    They are taking time... I think that the products are not ready yet.

    However, refund submitted.

    Goodbye Anik!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5038098].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ysckyler
    Hi eljeffe77,

    Since your the only one who is not having problem with the software. Care to update about any issue that your facing right now?

    Since there was a bad review about Anik in Commission Domination Review.

    I am on the fence on this one, as i look through the sales video, it is a cheaper option than monster mage and beside monster mage is sold out, so would really have your input regards about this product.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5040108].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
      Originally Posted by ysckyler View Post

      Hi eljeffe77,

      Since your the only one who is not having problem with the software. Care to update about any issue that your facing right now?

      Since there was a bad review about Anik in Commission Domination Review.

      I am on the fence on this one, as i look through the sales video, it is a cheaper option than monster mage and beside monster mage is sold out, so would really have your input regards about this product.

      Hey. I'll respOnd Tonight when I get home. . Jeff via iphone

      Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5046541].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
      Originally Posted by ysckyler View Post

      Hi eljeffe77,

      Since your the only one who is not having problem with the software. Care to update about any issue that your facing right now?

      Since there was a bad review about Anik in Commission Domination Review.

      I am on the fence on this one, as i look through the sales video, it is a cheaper option than monster mage and beside monster mage is sold out, so would really have your input regards about this product.

      Hey there, it's working fine for me personally, I'm using win 7 64 bit, 6gb of ram. The ONLY problem I have is that sometimes it says my adsense log in is incorrect when I try to do Keyword research. When that happens, i go back to ppc settings and re-verify it with the green check button. Sometimes it takes 1 or 2 verifies for it to pick up and recognize it. Sean DID mention that adsense has been changing things around, so that could be the cause of it.

      Otherwise I'm good, my site is getting traffic (though it's new, so it's not ranked for anything amazing yet), and my site looks pretty kick ass too. The link should be in this review thread somewhere.

      So honestly, I DO like it, having to re-verify the adsense thing isnt really a hassle, just a minor annoyance at best. \

      I'm working on my own CB product this month, and a possible WSO so I don't have time to go full out and build 20 blogs with this or anything - but so far i'm impressed, and this has built better looking websites for me than some i've built myself

      Ah, here - rankings with just 2 seo runs
      domain: How to Win Her Back for Good
      Phrase: how to win her back - #149 (page 15) in google (decent competition actually, alot of exact results - BUT the people in the top 10 don't have much goin for them - LC ranked this as easy competition - I see why after comparing the phrase with traffic travis)

      Phrase: how to win her back for good: #18(page 2) in google.(not very competitive)

      So yeah, for a site that's a few days old i'm happy with these results so far

      I hope this helps

      Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5046984].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jamaican2011
    ermmmm..............so basically it doesn't work it seems
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  • Profile picture of the author Sean Donahoe
    Hey Guys, saw the thread and thought I should comment to help some people out.

    I am actually the guy behind the software and we built this over the last few months to automate many of the tasks we did on a daily basis to build a pretty extensive network.

    This is a desktop application but it does require a pretty up to date system to run. We recommend Win 7 64Bit and at least 4GB of ram which is pretty standard these days. It will not run on Windows XP I am afraid. The architecture is just too old for what we are doing.

    Now, we have been testing this on many different setups with a wide range of beta testers prior to launch but as with any tool on the market there are always going to be some teething issues (ever seen a Windows launch?). However, we built in an Auto-Reporting tool to this system as well as error logging. So when an error occurs our programmers are notified.

    Now, funnily enough, just as we launched Google made some changes to their adwords tool where we were pulling some data for processing. This did not just effect us but also many other Google Keyword based tools (Some of which are still not updated) but we had that fixed a few days ago.

    We are putting out updates as every couple of days at the moment and with any tool of this complexity we have to make changes after they occur. So, if you experience any issues please report them and our team will be working on the issues to fix them as soon as possible.

    The tool itself is very powerful, Keyword research, Blog Management, installer, Content Poster, Spinner, Site Luancher, Promotion and even a Mass link pyramid builder. Everything to get a profitable site up and running and ranked highly very quickly.

    The support center is here: Customer Support - Powered by Kayako Fusion Help Desk Software

    All the best

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5042574].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Rick Meza
    ...and HERE WE GO.. another of the "push a button get traffic on autopilot and make thousands" so called software programs!
    Let's see.. mmmm I think this one would be about the 9,580th software that claims to do the same thing! LOL
    Anyways, this reminds me of Magic Submitter, any thoughts on this comparison between LC and MS ?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5042592].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author alisa777
      Originally Posted by Rick Meza View Post

      ...and HERE WE GO.. another of the "push a button get traffic on autopilot and make thousands" so called software programs!
      Let's see.. mmmm I think this one would be about the 9,580th software that claims to do the same thing! LOL
      Anyways, this reminds me of Magic Submitter, any thoughts on this comparison between LC and MS ?

      LC and MS hardly could be compared since they are not of the same kind of the products/systems .
      LC is aiming to be your all-in-one command center from where you perform all your online-business activities : research, site building, content posting, linking, traffic getting...
      MS is the comprehensive marketing software, one among the top three
      on the market IMO (the other two being SenukeX and EVO 2)
      I've tried all three and prefer MS above others because of the high
      degree of automation coupled with fantastic features providing the flexibility
      and footless link building at the same time. Last but not least, it's integrated in a very high quality tutorial system showing you exactly
      how to make most out of it even if you don't have any idea of what the
      interenet marketing is all about. One could make money with it even without
      any website.
      Hope this helps.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5043481].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Sean Donahoe
      Originally Posted by Rick Meza View Post

      ...and HERE WE GO.. another of the "push a button get traffic on autopilot and make thousands" so called software programs!
      Let's see.. mmmm I think this one would be about the 9,580th software that claims to do the same thing! LOL
      Anyways, this reminds me of Magic Submitter, any thoughts on this comparison between LC and MS ?

      You know, I really recommend you take a look at the software. One thing I have never claimed is "Push Button". This is a very complex piece of software that I have tried to simplify. We put a ton of tools in here that help you manage and automate many common tasks. You can literally control 1000s of blogs and feed content directly to them that is:

      1. Unique
      2. High-Quality
      3. Varied
      4. Affiliate link laden
      5. Edited by you to be PERFECT
      6. Timed to be as human as possible
      7. Allows you to pre-load a years worth of drip-fed content

      The possibilities are truly endless. Now, I am not going to promise you will be millionaires and never would. However, one thing I teach my students is the power of scale and automation.

      If you have 100 sites earning $5-10 dollars a day between Adsense, CB commissions, Amazon Commissions etc. That is $500-$1000 a day in income. Simple math but it takes time and effort to get there.

      Even if you have a 100 sites earning 1-2 a day that is still job replacing income.

      I designed this to literally be as close to human auto-blogging as possible and you can setup and design any type of site you like and add it to the system to manage.

      While I like aggressive adsense placement and have done very well with it you do not have to. The choices are yours to make and this is a great tool for beginners and advanced users alike.

      Anyway, just 2cents to hopefully show you the intent of the software tool that was literally built for myself based on my own needs for my large network

      Hopefully you guys will take advantage of this as a major tool in your arsenals as well.

      Heck even getting 10 sites up to $5-10 wont take that long if you take action

      All the best

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5043965].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TimNesbitt
    I really had not paid attention to what this software ran on as I have Windows 7 and really just quite simply overlooked it in General since everything installed fine for me.

    Seeing all of the feedback of people having trouble with the software, I definitely wish I would have so I at least could have mentioned it in my review. For those having trouble with support I would definitely urge you to be patient since obviously you have 60 days to get a refund and I think once you get everything up and running you are going to be happy with the results that you get.

    Pearson Brown made a very good point that both Jeff and I have most likely way more experience in installing software's etc. since we try to give HONEST reviews here on the Warrior Forum and we install various software's to quite regularly.

    As I said before try to be patient because they have sold quite a lot in this launch and there are so many different host, computers, users of various levels of experience so it can be fairly time consuming to get back to everyone and as I said if you are new to internet marketing I think this product is going to help you quite a bit in the long run of things.


    For honest internet marketing product reviews as well as tips for how to make money online go to Online Internet Marketing Business
    Also make sure to check out my FREE Get High PR .Edu Backlinks Report NO SIGN UP REQUIRED!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5042776].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author alisa777
    First, I would second this : THANKS TO SEAN FOR STOPING BY,
    and clarifying things.

    Now we know that it can't work on XP and with RAM less than 4GB.

    So it's not that all complains here about software not working have to do anything with the lack of the experience in using software.
    It's rather the lack of the required class of PC and OS plus the lack of any info regarding this on the sales page.

    It would be nice if we was warned of those PC requirements.
    How else we could know about it ?
    It would cut off many frustrations , doubts and refunds as well.
    I can't afford buying Windows 7 and better computer at this time
    no matter how much I would wish to use this system, so...refund time.
    (and probably I am not the only one in such situation)

    Wishing all the best to those lucky ones who are able to put the system in good use !
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5043414].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ysckyler
    So does this software only runs on Windows 7? Can it also run on MAC?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5044066].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Sean Donahoe
    IT can with VMWare, Parallels or even Bootcamp. I actually use a Mac Pro as my main machine. It runs on Vista as well without hassles 32 bit or 64 bit.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5044114].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author comp123
    I have a very new computer with windows 7 and this software still wont work properly. It continually locks up and wont respond and requires logging out completely and restarting the software. Ive had this product for 6 days and still dont have a blog up and running.

    Please to the 2 gentleman that seem to have this software running perfectly well, How do i "tweek" this thing so that it will not lock up constantly?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5044373].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author rts2271
      Originally Posted by comp123 View Post

      I have a very new computer with windows 7 and this software still wont work properly. It continually locks up and wont respond and requires logging out completely and restarting the software. Ive had this product for 6 days and still dont have a blog up and running.

      Please to the 2 gentleman that seem to have this software running perfectly well, How do i "tweek" this thing so that it will not lock up constantly?
      Witht he memory requirements and your experience it sounds like a memory leak.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5045241].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author comp123
        I have 8 gig of ram so i dont think its anything to do with memory.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5046974].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Sean Donahoe
    If you have any specific errors coming up then please take a screenshot and report them. The 4GB ram is not a direct requirement but recommended. I have also passed this over to my lead programmer but hard to say what is wrong without any extra info.


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5045300].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sysmarketer
    using Windows 7 (Home Premium)
    AMD Athlon (tm) II x 4 635 PRocessor 2.90 GHz
    RAM: 4.00 GB (3.75 usable)
    64-bit Operating System

    Software still crashing?
    When it works on occasion-only sends back 50 domain name searches?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5046864].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author shawoon98
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5048434].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
      Originally Posted by shawoon98 View Post

      1. How is the software adding content??? Can you explain?

      2. Did you make the squeeze page Puppy Biting | How to take care of your puppies biting and aggressive behavior. with this software?
      The software ads content much like auto blog samurai - very easy to use. Ive added the content in the blog on my 'win her back' site using the content poster in LC: Blog - How to win her back

      And as for that puppy site, that's not my site sorry- it looks like somebody bought that and built it seperately

      Take a look at my above blog for an idea of how the content looks


      Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5050485].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Sean Donahoe
      Originally Posted by shawoon98 View Post

      1. How is the software adding content??? Can you explain?

      2. Did you make the squeeze page Puppy Biting | How to take care of your puppies biting and aggressive behavior. with this software?
      The content is grabbed from many sources and you can either re-write, spin or unify to make it 100% your own unique content and then post to the blogs as you see fit on your schedule to make this 100% automated but human looking as possible.

      We did not make that squeeze page

      Also, just for people who are having adwords account issues, there is another update coming tomorrow. Your updates are automatically applied when you reboot the tool and it prompts you to update. Make sure you have that.

      Failing that, go ahead and uninstall and reinstall a new copy. You may lose existing data going that route but it may also solve some of the issues you are having up to this point.

      As someone correctly said, this is a very complex tool and we are wanting to make sure you have the best tool possible that does so much for you.

      All the best

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5050710].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author advancedwebtools
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5136636].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Sean Donahoe
          Please check your PMs and Email as I responded to both and we will make sure you get a timley refund.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5136992].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
    Haven't tested it and came here to check the reviews and honestly, with a piece of software that complex, problems are common. Only takes a small piece to block everything. Hopefully things get sorted out next days/weeks and this becomes a solid tool.

    For those of you that bought early, well, you know how it goes. Same thing with every software out there.
    People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5048502].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author comp123
    I have yet to get the adsense verify button to work. when i click on the button it just keeps running and never verify's and i end up having to shut it down with the task manager. Its done this since day 1 and ive submitted a support ticket on this problem to no avail. When i do keyword research certain features do not work like CPC.

    Ive had this google adwords account for over 4 years so it cant be that its a new account.

    There is no error message, it just keeps running without resolving the verify command.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5048702].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Valerio
    That is funny. I got the software work on a Win XP with 2.5 Gb - but didn't work on Win 7 with 4gb ram.

    The ticket system is bluff. I got no answers. Paid upsells were never activated.

    However Clickbank, just sent me all the refunds

    Please Sean don't label us as stupids.
    1) is not about Google, is about the software. It simply does not install.
    2) the guys at Market Samurai can fix any Google change in 24 hours, however the software works like a charm, always.
    3) the support sucks
    4) all the promise made on the sales letter are just smoke

    That's my opinion, and believe me, I was so happy to have such a product on my arsenal, that I hit the buy button every time it showed up on your site.
    You're not even smart enough to try to fix my tickets after I've submitted the refund request to CB.

    That's my experience. May be somebody got it better? May be...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5050595].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author comp123
    This is a very frustrating experience to say the least. I've sent support tickets the day i purchased this to get access to the upgrade i purchased and so far all i've received is access to that tier in the members area. In the Lethal Commission command center itself the upgrade does not exist and so I guess i paid $97 for nothing basically. In the link cyclone video you can see the tab on the dashboard for that specific function but its non-existant in my command center. I received a message back from support claiming that i did have access to the feature but its just not there.

    Thank you for contacting us.

    We have gone ahead and upgraded you to
    Lethal Commission + Top SEO Software

    You can check Level 3 Agent Clearance for
    Top SEO Software.

    You can login to your account and get
    access to these.

    Hope this helps!


    JuJuQ (formerly Lurn) Support

    I dont know what else to do but seek a refund from clickbank. Just plain tired of wasting my time with this.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5052513].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jimspeed

    and anyone else having login or upgrade issues, please shoot me a PM, I'll be happy to take care of it for you
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    • Profile picture of the author comp123
      I finally received my upgrade to link cyclone. I viewed the video in the members area and all it contains is a general overview of what the software is supposed to do. Nowhere does it show you how to actually set this all up so that it works. As far as i can tell you set up 10 accounts at various web 2.0 properties "which i did" and then your supposed to do something with those to get your link cyclone set up. I tried every which way to get it to work but it will not accept anything i put into the campaign menu.

      WoW if i purchased a piece of software at a store , when i got home and opened the box i would expect to see a users manual explaining how to set the software up to get it to work. But that is non existant with this particular upgrade "link cyclone". It seems your left to your own means to figure this all out.

      Anyone figure out how to actually set up Link cyclone thats willing to help people out with this?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5057541].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author JB
        On the face of it this looks like a very interesting idea and the sales pitch had me convinced until I read through this thread. However, I'm still hopeful that the teething problems will be fixed up.
        My biggest concern is the previous post about there being no clear and simple manual on how to set everything up. Is this the case? If the setup is simple or at least in clear steps then I would be interested in giving this a whirl. I'm on Windows 7 so hopefully it will work, if not there is always the refund option.
        One very cool trick that I learned from the marketing of this product already is that if you google it you will find the first three pages full of variations of the domain name promoting it all with the same copy. This obviously looks like a self written product review which was put through the translator then translated back into weird English again. Other than this thread though I didn't find any negative info about it anywhere, so I am still hopeful but very wary.
        If either Anik or Sean could address the previous posters issue about the ease of setup and/or confirm that there is a manual explaining how to do so then I will be glad to give this a go.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5058276].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Randall_Christian
    I put in my refund 3 days ago and they still have not paid up!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5061869].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author lordkensal
      I saw a video run through of the software by Anik and Sean, and (assuming that it loads and works!! - as it has for eljeffe77) then one cool feature they mentioned is that you can add existing blogs.

      I have a ton of blogs - and if I could:
      1 - manage them all from one place
      2 - continue to add content (generated from Lethal Commission Command centre)
      3 - change the themes to the ones they are using

      Then it might freshen up some of those blogs that are not performing so well.

      I am tempted by the concept, I think there is real potential there (based on what I have seen from eljeffe77 review - just put off by the installation probs people seem to be having.

      Just trying to wade through the Internet Marketing hype, find the good stuff and keep it simple - with the Internet Marketing Bootcamp

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5068721].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author got2know
      With regards to the Link Cyclone - I have sent numerous emails and support tickets asking them to explain how exactly to set up Link Cyclone. The replies from the support tickets gave me an email address to ask this questions to. The emails were never replied to.

      I watched and watched the videos again, making them full screen so I could take a close look to see how it was set up in the video. This gave me some of the info I need.

      When I opened some Web 2.0 blah, accounts (using the recommended service) things became a bit clearer when I went into the accounts to get the 'make a post via email' email address. I could see the similarities within the videos.

      It has taken a long time for me to get to this point. It's been very time consuming and confusing. I would like to spend time getting more accounts opened so I don't have to keep going back to this stage. I have 12 done, but I would like another 12 or so, so I have enough and don't need to do it again, but the problem (or concern) I have is, I'm still not sure if: A) it works, or B) I've set it up correctly!

      Not only have I found Link Cyclone a pain in the ass, the software fails to install on my Hostgator account. I then took out a Cool Handle hosting account to use with the software - it failed to install there too. It goes part way through the install then fails, yet others have had success installing WP sites with it! What's going on there, I wonder?

      I will be creating my own sites and using the software to post content to them, and hope the Link Cyclone does it bit.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5260355].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author xxxJamesxxx
    I put in my refund 3 days ago and they still have not paid up!
    If you want a refund, simply go direct to Clickbank. They give you it normally within 24 hours, no questions asked.

    James Scholes
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5062003].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JB
      Are the people who are getting refunds doing so because of a) the upsells, 2) the product being poor quality or c) because they can't install it on their operating systems? If it's the upsells that makes no odds to me because I know what they are, likewise the OS issue but if the product itself is poor quality then this would be a problem.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5062264].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Valerio
        Originally Posted by JB View Post

        Are the people who are getting refunds doing so because of a) the upsells, 2) the product being poor quality or c) because they can't install it on their operating systems? If it's the upsells that makes no odds to me because I know what they are, likewise the OS issue but if the product itself is poor quality then this would be a problem.
        I got the my refund yesterday from Clickbank.


        All the 3 above
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5063887].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Adam X
          Ahh..thats maybe why Marcello Sanchez was killed in the movie..the software doesn't work

          But seriously, There are always some kinks with new software given the hundreds of different compter configurations. I will get this eventually in the few weeks that follow. I just find this program very interesting and still consider it to be a real winner. I will give my feedback at that time.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5064119].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Randall_Christian
            Originally Posted by Adam X View Post

            Ahh..thats maybe why Marcello Sanchez was killed in the movie..the software doesn't work

            But seriously, There are always some kinks with new software given the hundreds of different compter configurations. I will get this eventually in the few weeks that follow. I just find this program very interesting and still consider it to be a real winner. I will give my feedback at that time.
            A KINK??? ..... Not telling people ahead of time that it does NOT work with XP is a SCREW JOB.

            P.S. I already got 2 emails from Anik trying to sell me some new product!!!! Well I know it IS expensive to take out those Indian Babes he hangs with in the movie.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5070893].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Jimspeed
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5072222].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author lfhair
                I still cannot get it to work correctly with XP, so I just requested a refund from Clickbank.

                I've wasted too much time already and don't have time to troubleshoot their bugs. I bought this to save time, not create more problems.

                To me, the failure to properly test things on XP shows a lack of experience in software development. Too many programmers assume that everybody is running the latest and greatest version of Windows, have superfast processors with unlimited memory and don't bother to test it on older versions or systems with smaller amounts of memory. Sorry to be so blunt, but as a long-time programmer myself, this is just laziness or lack of experience.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5072317].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Jimspeed
                  Originally Posted by lfhair View Post

                  I still cannot get it to work correctly with XP, so I just requested a refund from Clickbank.

                  I've wasted too much time already and don't have time to troubleshoot their bugs. I bought this to save time, not create more problems.

                  To me, the failure to properly test things on XP shows a lack of experience in software development. Too many programmers assume that everybody is running the latest and greatest version of Windows, have superfast processors with unlimited memory and don't bother to test it on older versions or systems with smaller amounts of memory. Sorry to be so blunt, but as a long-time programmer myself, this is just laziness or lack of experience.

                  4 of our programmers use XP based machines.

                  We DID test it- it seems to be a small group of members who have this issue. And with that- we've been updating it quickly with tweaks to fix out any last issues with XP users.

                  Sorry you couldn't give us a chance. Thank you for trying
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5072338].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Jimspeed
            Originally Posted by Adam X View Post

            Ahh..thats maybe why Marcello Sanchez was killed in the movie..the software doesn't work

            But seriously, There are always some kinks with new software given the hundreds of different compter configurations. I will get this eventually in the few weeks that follow. I just find this program very interesting and still consider it to be a real winner. I will give my feedback at that time.
            Thanks Adam -

            This is true- we tested it for 2 months - all sorts of beta testers- encouraged to BREAK the software.

            With that being said, our team has done many updates (automatically updates when you load the software) and almost all issues have been fixed within 1 week of release.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5072282].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JB
      The really interesting thing about Lethal Commission is when you google it you find site after site with obviously spun reviews in terrible English - almost every conceivable variation of 'lethal commission' keyword domains is being used. It's really hard to find any independent reviews or discussion about the the product because of the sheer volume of fake review sites. Are these crappy high ranking sites proof that the software works? It would be interesting to know if they were created using LC. Strategically, they are flooding the first few pages of search results with LC positive content but this is also very obvious deception. If the software is as good as it claims would the creators of LC be not better off letting genuine independent reviews of the product take up the search results or is the idea that these spun reviews simply dominate the search results while it is new? Personally, I am still interested but want to read real reviews and see that they have fixed the various issues before buying. Also, I'd like to read genuine reports about them getting on top of their support and customer service which from what I've read here is non existent at present.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5068478].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author netprospector
        Originally Posted by JB View Post

        The really interesting thing about Lethal Commission is when you google it you find site after site with obviously spun reviews in terrible English - almost every conceivable variation of 'lethal commission' keyword domains is being used. It's really hard to find any independent reviews or discussion about the the product because of the sheer volume of fake review sites. Are these crappy high ranking sites proof that the software works? It would be interesting to know if they were created using LC. Strategically, they are flooding the first few pages of search results with LC positive content but this is also very obvious deception. If the software is as good as it claims would the creators of LC be not better off letting genuine independent reviews of the product take up the search results or is the idea that these spun reviews simply dominate the search results while it is new? Personally, I am still interested but want to read real reviews and see that they have fixed the various issues before buying. Also, I'd like to read genuine reports about them getting on top of their support and customer service which from what I've read here is non existent at present.
        Pages of canned positive reviews seem to be the norm for every product I look up. That is why I am reading this, it is one of the few sources of real review I can find.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5071499].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author netprospector
          It seems technical issues are overwhelming the discussion which is understandable if there are many having issues. I am a firm believer in automation and this sounds promising assuming it works. However, my issue is always does the underlying methodology actually work and make money.

          Automating 100 blogs that make $5/day or even $1/day is a profitable proposition. However, automating 100 blogs that make $1 a day combined is a loser. last year I automated the creation of over 600 autoblogs over a couple month period, my partner did keyword research and created a spreadsheet of about 25 attributes that I plugged into a bash script that used sed, awk, SQL templates to Wordpress create blogs. It wasn't user friendly but it was effective, I created over 300 in four hours one day from his spreadsheet. Unfortunately Google stomped all over the method in one of their updates while we were in the middle of all this (the traffic died literally overnight). So after a couple of months and $2000+ in domain names we pulled the plug.

          Question #1: For those who have it running, are you seeing traffic and sales. Does it seem realistic to create blogs that make $5/day or even $1 day using this method and software?

          Question #2: What do you get for the base price? I saw a webinar replay and it is obvious not all tabs I saw such as the Link Cyclone are included for the base price. Does the base product automate blog creation? Can it still be effective without the upsells?

          Question #3: Can I use subdomains with is software and is that effective. I know I can do free Blogger or domains. Do I need a domain for each blog as that cost can add up after a while.

          Question #4: Does it require/recommend any particular hosting and any recommendation for hosting on 100 blogs?

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5071647].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jimspeed
        Originally Posted by JB View Post

        The really interesting thing about Lethal Commission is when you google it you find site after site with obviously spun reviews in terrible English - almost every conceivable variation of 'lethal commission' keyword domains is being used. It's really hard to find any independent reviews or discussion about the the product because of the sheer volume of fake review sites. Are these crappy high ranking sites proof that the software works? It would be interesting to know if they were created using LC. Strategically, they are flooding the first few pages of search results with LC positive content but this is also very obvious deception. If the software is as good as it claims would the creators of LC be not better off letting genuine independent reviews of the product take up the search results or is the idea that these spun reviews simply dominate the search results while it is new? Personally, I am still interested but want to read real reviews and see that they have fixed the various issues before buying. Also, I'd like to read genuine reports about them getting on top of their support and customer service which from what I've read here is non existent at present.
        We use best spinner.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5072323].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author comp123
    Totally fed up with this product. I cannot get the link cyclone to work and their support desk will not even reply to my support questions about setting this thing up. I have sent 4 detailed support questions explaining in detail the problems i'm having and so far i havent gotten a response from them yet. If i dont get a response that solves my problems by tomorrow i'm gonna have to refund. This outright refusal to support their product is just totally uncalled for.

    The only part of this software that i can get to work is the original software with the blog manager, content manager and the keyword research. Nothing else works. How those other 2 guys got this software up and running is a mystery to me. Maybe they got the version that actually works.

    Waiting on a reply to the 8 support tickets i've submitted so far Anik.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5066439].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author davidlieder
    You can't beat it for the money, especially the integration to social media.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5067055].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author comp123
      "You can't beat it for the money, especially the integration to social media. "

      I can beat it by getting a refund and finding something that works.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5067191].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author OT2131
    For anyone who got the software to work: Can you use it with your own wordpress theme or do does your site have to use the one provided with the software?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5067707].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jimspeed
      Originally Posted by OT2131 View Post

      For anyone who got the software to work: Can you use it with your own wordpress theme or do does your site have to use the one provided with the software?
      Hey OT- you can customize it to your liking
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5072363].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author comp123
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5072137].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jimspeed
      Originally Posted by comp123 View Post

      Ive put up 7 blogs on blogger so far and using the base software have a lot of unique content posting to my blogs but as you know, blogger doesnt like it if you put a lot of adds right of the bad on your blogs so i opted to go the slow route and use link cyclone. Unfortunately it does not work and i cant get customer support for it.

      I did not purchase the $247 instant traffic generation upgrade so i cant comment on whether it works or if it gets instant traffic to your website.

      The base software will install a wordpress site for you and get all kinds of content to drip feed to your blog. Right now traffic generation is my problem.
      COMP- as i told you before, please contact me via PM and i'll be happy to help you.

      Bitching on the forum isn't going to solve any problems, but contacting me and getting help will

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  • Profile picture of the author Jimspeed
    BTW- if anyone would like to watch the FIRST members replay- please PM me. We do some training and of course a FULL software demo for those who are still curious or confused.

    The video DOES let you do full fast forward and rewind as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author comp123
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  • Profile picture of the author Wild
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  • Profile picture of the author comp123
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  • Profile picture of the author johnweyer
    @Jimspeed - This software seems very customizable. I can use it for any word press blog I have now? Theme doesn't matter? and I can see it will take my affiliate links. Will it utilize Clickbank, Comm Junct.. Peerfly, and (drumroll) Amazon?
    shame this devolved into a pissing match.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jimspeed
      Originally Posted by johnweyer View Post

      @Jimspeed - This software seems very customizable. I can use it for any word press blog I have now? Theme doesn't matter? and I can see it will take my affiliate links. Will it utilize Clickbank, Comm Junct.. Peerfly, and (drumroll) Amazon?
      shame this devolved into a pissing match.

      You are absolutely correct. It can be used for existing and new

      Yes, shame it has become - I asked the moderator to delete his posts and any of mine that he feels is unnecessary.
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      • Profile picture of the author netprospector
        Originally Posted by Jimspeed View Post


        You are absolutely correct. It can be used for existing and new

        Yes, shame it has become - I asked the moderator to delete his posts and any of mine that he feels is unnecessary.
        Can you customize the installation template for new blogs?
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        • Profile picture of the author JB
          Happy to see things are being dealt with now, I can only imagine the hassle in dealing with 1500 support tickets! I'm still very intrigued by this software, it addresses a number of problems I am currently trying to overcome. I'm going to wait another week for updates to reported issues to be released then I'll give it a go. I'll report my feedback in detail here.

          EDIT: Holding off purchasing until I see 1) real sites with real independent reviews (annoyed by the number of canned review sites dominating the first 10 pages of Google) 2) proof that the technical issues have been fixed 3) a serious improvement in support 4) proof from users that the product actually delivers on its promises 5) proof that success can be made without having to use the upsells.
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  • Profile picture of the author comp123
    Nothing has been dealt with, I still don't have a working copy of the software and my customer service tickets haven't been answered either. And whats even worse is that the part of the software that i did get to work has magically stopped working altogether.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jamie Lewis
      Originally Posted by comp123 View Post

      Nothing has been dealt with, I still don't have a working copy of the software and my customer service tickets haven't been answered either. And whats even worse is that the part of the software that i did get to work has magically stopped working altogether.
      Keep trying support! Dont give up!
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      • Profile picture of the author rts2271
        I've gotten in the habit of outsourcing my QA the last couple of years. You get a brutal assessment from a third party unmarried to the product. We went from 600+ support tickets in a day from a rollout down to 10-20 minor howto issues. I really feel for you guys especially for that first 72 hours. No sleep, Coffee by the gallon and wishing you just had 4-5 more pc's with dual monitor support surrounding your desk lol.
        Good luck guys.
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  • Profile picture of the author comp123
    After 12 days i still dont have a piece of software that works and no real answers to any support ticket i've submitted. "Nothing but canned responses as far as i can tell." Refund request submitted to clickbank this morning so hopefully i get my $ back monday or tuesday at the latest.
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  • Profile picture of the author lefty359
    did yu guys with problems ever gel lethal commissions working?
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  • Profile picture of the author Nicholas Ferrante
    I signed up the first day, and man I was having major problems everything mentioned in this post, I did the entire product all the up grades.

    The keyword tool didn't work, i didn't have access to anything i had purchased, i was getting stupid responses from the support, that was the most aggravating, so i just didn't do anything for a few days with it, I went back a few days later and the keyword tool was working but noting else, I was trying to be patient I figured if I'm having these problems everyone else must be as well, I told the support they should have though abut releasing a product before it was ready, "in frustration" i was just venting I still think i was pretty patient about the whole thing.

    but I am happy to say that after a few more days maybe a week and a half total,

    "I know I never should have had to wait that long in the first place" everything was working as it was supposed to, I am fairly new to blogging so I'm moving forward at a slow pace but at least I am able to move forward at all this time, and being new I can tell that this is going to make things a lot easier for me, and hopefully much faster, I know a lot of people are frustrated, and you should be.. I was, but now that its working I think it was worth the aggravation, that's just my thoughts though.

    I also purchased Sean Donahoe's "extreme niche empire" while a was waiting ever so patently for LC to get situated, and i have to say, I was nothing short of amazing, "at least from a newbies perspective"

    I would highly recommend it to any one that wants to learn about blogging for an online income, he breaks things down in that course from the very basics or getting domains and hosting, setting up your WP and adding different plugins, every step of the way... How to get content, get traffic I mean every thing from a to z, I'm very happy I bought it.
    If anyone that has any ? about how to make money with blogs should def check it out, Also just my opinion...
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  • Profile picture of the author comp123
    Up until I got a refund "nothing" was working for me. I would be very interested to know how you got the link cyclone to work for you as it would only lock up when i tried to initiate the cyclone tool and state that cyclone lvl 4 was complete. Also just my opinion.
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  • Profile picture of the author cma01
    For those of you that are using the software, I'm curious, how does the Link Cyclone compare to the original Backlink Booster?

    And is it similar to Backlink Energizer? Does it emulate Backlink Energizer + Linklicious?
    "Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something."
    ~ Plato
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  • Profile picture of the author neodarth
    When I first read about Lethal Commission I thought that it was a little bit (way) hype up, but then I realized that it was Anik Singal who's behind this, and is a well know marketer right? so his products has to be top quality...

    I make up my mind and jumped in, I bought all the upsells and the process to start testing... and submitting support tickets... and waiting... and hoping... well... it's kind of tired.

    first of all... the keyword/domain tool never worked like in the demo (it would be really awesome if it would) I have to hit the button twice because the first time always gives me a login error message... then the keyword feature (using the exact same keywords as the demo in the first webinar) instead of displays hundreds of keyword suggestions only shows ten at max...

    no seo analyser, no competition analyser, just the same data that google shows.
    The domain feature never worked at least for me... three of the main features that moves me to buy didn't work so you can imagine my frustration at this point....

    The blog manager worked fine... the auto installer no... you need to install your blogs manually, that's mean create a mysql database, upload a zip file, unzip it, edit a file, and run a script (turn off again...).

    The content manager well... here I have nothing to say it works fine, some minor html issues were fixed and it really post content to your site with no hassles.

    The traffic... well... there is an rss sumbitter that worked, a pinger and a bookmarking submitter I guess, there is also a content syndicator that seems to work well too (I couldn't track the results...)

    The best spinner integration always shows an error.... something about a value > 0.

    For the content syndicator you need to manually create the accounts using ping.fm, pixelpipe among other services (they recommend a paid service that to this for you)

    It seems that the key to make this work is volume, the more sites you make the more you can possible earn... so you need a hosting that can hold 100's of wordpress sites and of course purchase 100's of domains.

    There are some videos that broadly explain how to use the software, but there are some missing parts that I thought it will be explained in the future webinars...

    As for the webinars, from the three two are sales pitch to other products no real value... and nothing about how to use all the features of the system.

    At the end Lethal commissions has ups and downs, so far the downs are winning the contest... hope this helps to those who are considering to invest in this system.
    ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

    ==> Internet Marketing Newbie Created for IM virgins
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    • Profile picture of the author OT2131
      To anyone who purchased this:

      Is there still issues with the software or have all the bugs been worked out and fixed?
      If so are you seeing any results?
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  • Profile picture of the author Lo
    @eljeffe77 Thanks for your video review and feedback about this product. Think I will give it a try.
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  • Profile picture of the author ZaneAbden
    I bought it last night and the keyword research isnt working howver the site builder is working fine and i havent test the content manager yet i sent a support ticket they reply immediately that they are aware of keyword research problem i didnt buy the upsell cause i have senukex which is enough and some wp plugins that can do syndicate for me

    I am selling my BOTH lifetime license for following products, RANKING INSTITUE by Andrew Hansen and Social Secrets by Matt ..please PM me for price

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    • Profile picture of the author tlink211
      I only bought the base package. I have Win7 32 bit. The software worked (pretty much) right away. The keyword tool has been down for about two weeks now.

      The idea of pumping a site up with articles from articles sites, for me at least, proved the validity and functionality of the new Google Panda updates. In other words Google considers a site heavy in other peoples articles, low quality. Panda detects it and your site drops.

      It seems that strategy may have worked last year but this year I think it hurts. Better to do as much unique, original content as you can muster than post a lot of article trash.

      I don't think spinning would help but I didn't go that route so I don't really know.

      I only worked with two sites so I only have limited data. The more ezinearticles I let the software auto upload the more those sites dropped in the serps.

      There is a lot of valid information inside the Lethal Commissions software. I learned a lot from it but I'm really kind of new at this game.

      Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author ZaneAbden
    the software not working i deleted and ask for refund

    I am selling my BOTH lifetime license for following products, RANKING INSTITUE by Andrew Hansen and Social Secrets by Matt ..please PM me for price

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  • Profile picture of the author David Sahel
    Lethal centre kw tool has stopped working for 7 days-NOBODY helped--Im going for refund--
    Use AmaSPY - amazon research software to choose Best Amazon products to promote + FREE SimpleAzon WP Plugin & Affil. Training CLICK HERE http://amaSPY.net/bot

    High Ticket Products List Includes 414 Big Commission Products from AMAZON-
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  • Profile picture of the author donaldg
    Proven - I think you have the right solution. I have submitted 2 support tickets about the keyword tool and have received no response. So I guess, I will going over to clickbank to request a refund for the base product plus the 2 up sells.
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    • Profile picture of the author steppinonup
      Hey guys,

      I've been following this thing for some time now and have not really seen much new for any encouragement as to the validity of the product and complete working order there in.

      It looked greeeaaattt at the start when the detailed workings were demoed and seen (by me that is) and I was verrrrrrryyy excited about it but I thought I would wait to see if it could live up to aaalllllll that it was said and shown to be.

      Its been a slow, discouraging slide down the review road here on 'Warrior Forum' and unless things get severely worked or ironed out there is really no way its going to make the money it appeared that it would make when it was first presented on opening day.

      I'm still going to keep my eye on the reviews and maybe, just maybe there will be a miraculous come-back and if so I'll see where I'm at if and when that happens.

      All the best to all.
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  • Profile picture of the author blaine w
    I bought lethal commission, I can say that there is a tonne of information in this package, i am a newbie and trying to learn how it all comes together. I am having issues with the keyword researcher not connecting to my adwords account. is there a spot where i have to register the command center to the adwords account?

    can anyone help me out with this?

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  • Profile picture of the author Sean Donahoe
    Our programmers are looking into this issue. Google has been making a lot of changes with the keyword tool and we are adapting to those

    All the best

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    • Profile picture of the author remi
      I have been having a hard time trying to figure out how to use link cyclone. The video is a bit vague to me and support won't reply to my inquiries. Has anyone been able to figure out how to use Link Cyclone? I believe Lethal Commission is a good piece of software, but I think the videos should be more detailed.
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