Secret Formula Webinar Review

1 replies
The Secret Formula Webinar is marketing system that is designed to sell the digital products of the company Premier Wealth Systems. It is primarily a lead capture page, an an information page with a recorded webinar that explains the business model. It also has an autoresponder system that send out follow up messages to the people who opt in to the lead capture page.

I paid to join this business and followed the marketing strategies that are talked about in the webinar and I must say I am happy.

I am not going to get into sharing any numbers here but I just
wanted to share this quick review.
#formula #review #secret #webinar
  • Profile picture of the author AndrewMurray
    It's an effective program, for sure.

    I make a lot of money from it. But I also got my YouTube account banned because of showing screenshot proof and video proof of earnings.

    Do your research and find the best sponsor.

    It's important in a program like this - because Secret Formula Webinar and programs like it attract some unethical marketers also.
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