Anyone Using CurationSoft?

26 replies
Has anyone used CurationSoft?
  • Profile picture of the author goindeep
    Has anyone used curationsoft?
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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Hunter
      Originally Posted by Andrei Rotariu View Post

      Has anyone used curationsoft?
      Sorry, no, I haven't but I'd love to hear from some folks that have.

      Ok, sure. You can follow me on Twitter - ;)

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      • Profile picture of the author goindeep
        OK so I went and purchased it.

        In a nut shell its great!

        The longer version:

        Its really easy to setup. You just pay the yearly fee, get given a download link and it installs itself on your desktop.

        You open it up go to the video tutorials page and watch how to use it.

        You then open up your blogging platform, open up curationsoft and BOOM! Your curating content.

        Its allows you to easily search within certain "source centers" like google blogs, google news, youtube, flickr, blekko blogs and blekkos news for whatever content you want and then you simply drag and drop the content into your HTML editor.

        The cons;

        every now and then results DO NOT show and you have to re-set it. I dont like the fact that the curated content only comes with like 2-3 lines of content or one paragraph. It would be much better if it would allow you to crop and cut the amount of content you want, as sometimes I dont want people clicking away from my site to simply read the rest of the article. I asked if there was a way around this and the support dude told me to go to the source and get the content from there... I think it kind of defeats the purpose of the whole thing if thats the case.

        Also you should be able to source content from more places.

        Other than that its great! I can upload way more content much faster which Google seems to love!

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        • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
          Originally Posted by Andrei Rotariu View Post

          I dont like the fact that the curated content only comes with like 2-3 lines of content or one paragraph. It would be much better if it would allow you to crop and cut the amount of content you want, as sometimes I dont want people clicking away from my site to simply read the rest of the article. I asked if there was a way around this and the support dude told me to go to the source and get the content from there... I think it kind of defeats the purpose of the whole thing if thats the case.

          It doesn't defeat the purpose at all, considering that's what curating is supposed to be all about....summarizing content and providing links to the original source. Sounds to me like what you want to do is use their content and present it as your own without linking to them. Well, that's not what the software is designed for, and it's not what curation is supposed to be. If you want content without linking to the original source, write your own.
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  • Profile picture of the author lefty359
    Who puts it out? Is it the Harlan guy who does the Webinars?
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  • Profile picture of the author Andy Hart
    I thought Curationsoft was by Jack Humphrey ??

    source :

    I'm On Google + ------------- and of course Also On Twitter

    "The only thing thats keeping you from getting what you want is the story you keep telling yourself about why you can't have it"- Tony Robbins

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  • Profile picture of the author eibhlin
    I've been using CurationSoft for several months and I absolutely love it. I'm pretty sure it's from Jack Humphrey.

    If he's giving a webinar, don't miss it. He shares some great insights. One of my favorite links, mentioned in one of Humphrey's webinars, is Robin Good's essay about curated content. Brilliant stuff: What Makes A Great Curator Great? How To Distinguish High-Value Curation From Generic Republishing

    I think that article helps illuminate what real curated content is about.

    CurationSoft make my work far easier. It's also simple to use. Customer support -- which I used regularly when I first bought the product, while they were making major improvements based on our suggestions -- has been consistently excellent.

    If you want a lightweight curation tool, Content Buddy seems to work well. It's a WP plugin and I'm pretty sure it's a WSO. I own it and add it to my clients' websites. So far, everyone likes it. I have tutorial videos plus my own comments at Content Buddy - She Flips Websites (The blue box with the link + blurb is something I added with CurationSoft software. Content Buddy does something very similar.)

    CurationSoft is desktop software with lots of great features, including click-to-add suggested keywords, to improve your searches as you work. I'll be renewing my license when the year is up, unless something much better comes along.

    In my opinion, CurationSoft is a great tool. However, if all you plan to do is throw embellished links onto a webpage for quick & easy content, I'm not sure you need something this fancy. (I'm also not convinced that's useful content that will impress Google, et al.)

    However, for those seriously committed to using curated content for unique posts that provide readers with information they'll bookmark and share with others... CurationSoft is outstanding.

    If you have a question, PM me. I'm happy to be helpful when I can!
    Artist, blogger, and author of a bazillion books, more or less. Find me at
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    • Profile picture of the author themezoom
      I have Curation Soft but am not sure I understand the value of bleeding link juice from a primary (WR1) domain to other websites. A bit more comprehensive understand of curation and linkflow would be helpful.

      I definitely would use Curationsoft on WR2 sites, where I am not concerned about link flow.

      Here is how we have defined the web rings of influence:

      - Russell

      Premium Curation Intro Sign Up | Network Empire

      Keyword Research is dead. Theme cluster research is here to stay.

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      • Profile picture of the author rambo9600
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        • Profile picture of the author LarryW
          I'm going to try the Free version first. I know it has only one source, but I will see how it can be used generally. This could be a great tool.
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      • Profile picture of the author David Neale
        Originally Posted by themezoom View Post

        I have Curation Soft but am not sure I understand the value of bleeding link juice from a primary (WR1) domain to other websites. A bit more comprehensive understand of curation and linkflow would be helpful.

        I definitely would use Curationsoft on WR2 sites, where I am not concerned about link flow.

        Here is how we have defined the web rings of influence:

        One Web Ring To Rule Them All

        - Russell

        Premium Curation Intro Sign Up | Network Empire
        But Russell you like Using it's RSS feed to populate a Wordpress Blog page or post also bleeds link juice in the same way. I can't see how you can avoid this when curating content.

        David Neale

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  • Profile picture of the author TPFLegionaire
    Before using a curation tool you may want to brush up on what curation is all about and how to get the best out of it.

    Take a look at: Content Marketing Resources: Webinars & Case Studies - Curata

    I have no business relation with Curata.

    then take a look at : Themezoom latest WSO

    I am a current customer of themezoom having bought the google + course and curation course. I am currently going through and implementing the curation course to my main earning website....
    You can probably get a good handle on curation using free material around the web, however if you prefer a more structured and integrated approach the themezoom material is, in my opinion , well worth the money.

    I have yet to use any curation tool, although i have bought a plugin recently as I am still in the process of gathering my sources and really understanding how it all fit together with my website...I'll probably end up trying curata, curationsoft and that plugin in the next few months to see what works best.

    hope this helps...a bit
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  • Profile picture of the author Johnny
    I have purchased CurationSoft a few days back. I am still testing it. So far, it does help me to pull out some related information quickly. I mainly used these contents to supplement my post.


    >>> Johnny <<<

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  • Profile picture of the author Chronic IM

    I have never heard of CurationSoft before. I think you should at least research more about it and find as much information about it as possible since it's not that popular. You should research for reviews and testimonies. I hope that helped you in a way.

    Best of Luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Grable
      I bought it a while back and am only now trying to use it.... Personally, I am not happy. As far as I can tell... I am limited to curating content from a fixed set of sites/feeds. It does that well.... but THAT is not what I need. How hard would it be allow you to copy seem text and move it over with the appropriate citation, etc...

      Additionally.... the training pretty much sucks. Nearly all the videos have no voice over and you are forced to watch a video with aggravating elevator music and text bubbles. There is not a pdf tutorial to supplement the videos. When I inquired/complained about it to support... they told me that they have 12K users and only two people complained about this.

      my 2 cents...

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  • Profile picture of the author clickingkeeko
    I think CurationSoft is useful. Thanks for this!
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  • Profile picture of the author cybercyborg
    Having used CurationSoft, I can say it is a must have for internet markters. I can create a good 500-700 word content just within a few minutes... There are other platforms like Storify but they don't allow you to post the curated content to your site. If you are looking for a powerful solution to create quality content for your site with ease, CurationSoft is the best one out there.
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  • Profile picture of the author teleam
    How is CurationSoft differ from CurationFire?
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  • Profile picture of the author wendallb
    I have curation soft and curation fire and they both work well. Curationsoft works outside of WP and Curation Fire works inside WP.

    Curation Fire is more convenient for me and also you can view the content before you input it right from the admin panel.
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    • Profile picture of the author Gladiator
      Sign up and Get your free Online Content Curator it is excellent and beyond curating!
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      • Profile picture of the author Putting4Par
        I have been using CurationSoft on almost a daily basis no for the past few months and it works great. It has been the sole source of content for about 200 pages that I've created and some of these pages rank on the first page of Google for some highly competitive keywords. I generally read the blog post or watch the video then write a brief intro and insert that prior to inserting the curated content.

        CurationFire is probably a little easier to use, but I could never get it to run on my computer despite the best efforts of the author.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrwayne85
    It is mighty antagonizing to find that the video tutorials for CurationSoft have no voice over but the eye strenuous text to keep abreast of so you don't miss a thing. the developer should have have detail voice over tuts for this product as it see interesting.
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