Link pyramid

9 replies
Does anyone know what software people use to build link pyramids to their money site?

#buildingsoftware #link #pyramid
  • Profile picture of the author Kenrick C
    Originally Posted by Agent9986 View Post

    Does anyone know what software people use to build link pyramids to their money site?

    LinkWheel Bandit
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    • Profile picture of the author JosephTate
      Originally Posted by Kenrick C View Post

      LinkWheel Bandit
      I second that..No other software comes close!
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  • Profile picture of the author Amoore9900
    I wasn't impressed with any of them out there now so we have been making our own the past year..(won't sell packages or memberships etc...don't want to approve or moderate 1000's of posts a with customers etc) can use a few programs together to make them....Web 2.0 posts by hand or with a program...use AMR with a link to money site and web.2.0 etc....bookmark with sick submitter..demon etc..then put the links in scrapebox.....or pay someone on odesk 1-2 per hour to build them by hand...
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  • Profile picture of the author dotgirish
    LinkWheel Bandit is great but it may be expensive for those who have less than 10 sites or so. Also LWB require hell lot of articles to feed in.

    I agree with Amoore9900 or go to Fiverr and order some good services with many reviews.
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  • Profile picture of the author TrafficMystic
    takes 1/2 link tags in seo link robot and a 'start posting' button press to create them
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  • Profile picture of the author simontts
    Auto SEO Backlinks - 3 tier contextual link pyramid with no content required by the user other than keywords and urls.
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  • Profile picture of the author mmresources
    senuke x does a very good job for me.

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  • Profile picture of the author Daret
    As far as I know, people use SENuke X for creating good link pyramids

    I am more into social media than seo, so have not used it much
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  • Profile picture of the author jharr53301
    With this software, can you use 1 Unique article and spin it to use in the properties?
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