Incredibly Affordable Quality Content At Iwriter
I have had 5 articles written so far,and all were great! In fact you get to review the article before you accept it! If you feel the article is unacceptable for whatever reason,the article is declined and is re-written until you decide it is acceptable!
I love it because I can spend my time doing research or whatever,and it is only about $3.00 for a 500 word article!
Hard to beat without hiring and training a V.A. from the Philippines.
One quick note to those who are newer users to services such as this:
Always make sure your instructions are clear,concise,and thorough.
The buyer's who reject the most articles appear to be (surprise,surprise) the ones who give the most horrible instructions.
I think many of you will appreciate Iwriter as much as I do...
Hope this helps someone!