Ross Goldberg Reputation Management

34 replies
I got a solicitation form one of the IM Gurus, promoting this Reputation Management by Ross Goldberg. Anyone look into it? I was really interested in adding a RM service to my business , However, I can't get the guy to respond to any questions..
#goldberg #management #reputation #ross
  • Profile picture of the author Ross Goldberg
    What guy are you referring to specifically? I haven't gotten any questions from you.

    Happy to answer any questions you've got.
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  • Profile picture of the author alexschmidt
    i had used Ross Goldberg's product before and it was really a quality one.
    i will definitely agree @Harlan that Ross Goldberg does over deliver in his products.

    Local SEO Consultant

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  • Profile picture of the author benmuijaz
    Hi Ross,

    Recently bought the course and the OTO, and find that you break the process for doing reputation management down very simple. This is one of the best product I have bought. Its very complete.

    However, I do wish the Local Reputation Videos would be a little more in depth.

    Also, that there would be extra videos tutorials for the tools.

    Look forward to talking with you on the calls.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ross Goldberg
    Hey Ben,

    That's why we have the calls, so I can hear where owners feel the product isn't specific enough. While I feel the product is "complete" from my perspective, I can never know what customers will need until they see it and can tell me. I'm sure we can come up with another 30 - 50 videos that should be added and I look forward to adding them for everyone.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ross Goldberg
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    • Profile picture of the author webABCs
      I bought the package a day ago. Just now viewing the videos. I downloaded a ton of support material. All I can say is this is the best business in a box solution that I have seen in my 12 years online. If you want to get into the fast moving, high paying reputation management industry then this is the product to use. It gets my highest recommendation

      Making Online Business Simple!

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  • Profile picture of the author David Cavanagh

    I do local business marketing, reputation management and internet coaching every minute of the day (as well as having done a lot of it for many years for people worldwide) and wanted to add my "20 cents worth" here to support Ross.

    Ross has stood the test of time online - he's been there, done that and bought the t-shirt and he's a very intelligent marketing professional.

    Not only has Ross done his homework, he's out there every single day helping people and businesses (just like you and yours) and can definitely show you the easy way to success (providing you implement what he teaches - there's no such thing as a free lunch).

    If you're serious, want to really be proud of doing something that can save people's businesses from cybersmearing, defamation, slander and cyberlibel, then it's in your interest to talk to Ross right now.

    I hope Xmas and New Year is wonderful for everyone!

    David Cavanagh
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    • Profile picture of the author macmani
      Hello Ross:

      Can this be done from Bangalore, India? I wish to know before proceeding,
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  • Profile picture of the author Ross Goldberg
    The training is specifically designed for US based clients, but you could easily do Reputation Management for US companies from India. You don't need to live in the US to do the work involved.

    While there is a local component to the product, you can also do the service on a worldwide basis (in other words, I show you how to do it either way).

    It could be applied to India, but I wouldn't be able to guide you to sites worth paying attention to.

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    • Profile picture of the author macmani
      Thanks Ross for the reply. Well, India is not moving so fast that they need reputation managers for their business and online presence as NET penetration and access is abysmal here. However, what I wish to know is if we can apply the course from India and find clients in the US through the internet and offer our services. Can this be done as a business from India even if I am not in the US but if we can find US business through the internet.
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  • Profile picture of the author dxkuk
    Hello Ross please assist with the following question i am based in the UK
    I just want to know if this can be done outside the US or only for US residents. Anyone has any idea about this? This involves contacting the local business and offering your services. However, my question is can this be done through the internet from another country?
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  • Profile picture of the author Ross Goldberg
    mac - Absolutely. You can help US based businesses from anywhere in the world. Honestly, I'm surprised by how many businesses need help. There are thousands upon thousands.

    dxkuk - I would love to help you with someone in the UK. I know that many of the US based sites will have UK based businesses listed on them. As you may or may not know, I'm coaching all owners for 4 weeks and would love to work with someone in the UK as a case study and to enhance the product.
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    • Profile picture of the author macmani
      Thanks Ross for clearing my doubts. The training costs 47 bucks plus 47, is it 2 monthly payments? Also, is there an OTO and if there is, is it a must we must buy it to complete this training or the 2 payments of 47 is enough?
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  • Profile picture of the author Ross Goldberg
    Mac - There is an OTO of a software suite we put together to make the process easier. It's NOT mandatory for the training. The front end training includes Link Bounder software, which has been sold for $297 previously. The upsell consists of these 3 tools:

    Buzzcut - Creates reports with social sites (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Myspace, blogs) and new additions to Google for clients.

    Gold Digger - Finds leads for Reputation Management on either a local basis or global.

    Rep Runner - Project Management tool with all of the Reputation Management tasks built in.

    They're worth a lot more than the asking price, but they are definitely not required to perform Reputation Management.

    dxkuk - the program is available at - all owners of the program get coaching.
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    • Profile picture of the author Carlos Acosta
      Hi Ross:

      Just purchased Rep Mogul....and I'm very impressed with the entire
      program. All 8 modules get right to the fluff

      I'm looking forward to the live training next week. How can you go wrong for
      $47 bucks...x2 = $94?

      I'd recommend this program to anybody thinking about getting into the Rep Mgmt industry.

      Ross, one question>I don't want to mess around trying to find a good outsourcer,
      I'm hoping that you can refer a good one to me. Pls PM me

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    • Profile picture of the author BasilInc.
      Originally Posted by Ross Goldberg View Post

      Mac - There is an OTO of a software suite we put together to make the process easier. It's NOT mandatory for the training. The front end training includes Link Bounder software, which has been sold for $297 previously. The upsell consists of these 3 tools:

      Buzzcut - Creates reports with social sites (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Myspace, blogs) and new additions to Google for clients.

      Gold Digger - Finds leads for Reputation Management on either a local basis or global.

      Rep Runner - Project Management tool with all of the Reputation Management tasks built in.

      They're worth a lot more than the asking price, but they are definitely not required to perform Reputation Management.

      dxkuk - the program is available at RepMogul | Official Site - all owners of the program get coaching.

      Hi Ross,
      Your program looks great. Are there any video demo's of the oto? Would love to be able to get a peek of the 3 tools listed.
      Thanks !
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  • Profile picture of the author Ross Goldberg
    Thanks for the praise Carlos.

    If you follow the process I outlay in the course, you really can't go wrong. I've had the same main staff for more than 6 months without any major issues.

    In other words - I don't have anyone I can recommend.
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  • Profile picture of the author WarpedMind
    I rarely buy anything. I'm extremely picky... plus I try not to buy unless I fully intend to actually FOLLOW THROUGH and apply what I learn through a product.

    I bought this. 'Nuff said. :-)

    I talked to Ross at length today before buying it, because I had some questions as to whether someone who is relatively familiar with reputation management practices and seo would still benefit from the product, or if it might be too basic. After a lengthy discussion, my conclusion was a resounding "I FREAKIN' NEED THIS!". In so many words.

    Not only that, the upsell looked amazing too, so I went for the gold and got it, as well as the monthly support upsell.

    To be honest, I just got everything, so I haven't had the chance to check it all out. A review will be forthcoming from me, once I've studied it and applied the skills that will pay the bills. I'm really optimistic though... any thing with Ross' name on it has an instant stamp of approval from me.

    And really... a Ross Goldberg product for less than $100??? Seriously, should anyone not have bought this by now? Granted, I called him first before buying, but it wasn't question for me of whether or not the product was good or legit or whatever... it was only a question of whether it was right for someone of my particular skill set and experience.

    There's a 60-day unconditional guarantee. It's less than $100. Even the upsells are EXTREMELY worth the cost. And it has Ross' name on it. That by itself is gold.

    This, my friend, is a no-brainer.

    GET IT!

    Stay tuned for my review, as soon as I've tested it out and put it through its paces (and likely make craploads of money in the process, I hope).
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    • Profile picture of the author Bill Hibbler
      I want to echo what many have said here. This is an excellent product and Ross does a very good job explaining the why and the how-to and he covers both the DIY path as well as the steps for those preferring to outsource.

      I did a fairly detailed review on my blog yesterday which breaks down the individual modules.

      You can see it here: Product Review:

      Ben, you mentioned extra video tutorials for the tools. I watched everything and was wanting more on how to use LinkBounder but then I actually opened it and realized there's training included within the software itself.

      I mentioned this in my review but I was appreciative of the fact that I could clearly see what Ross was showing us onscreen. A lot of courses I've seen overlook setting up Camtasia properly so it still displays well when viewed in a small frame so you end up missing critical steps.

      Better Business Relationships:
      For free tips on creating your own mastermind group, visit:

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  • Profile picture of the author pearsonbrown

    Could you ask Ross questions using PM, please? This is not a support or sales forum.


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    • Profile picture of the author LonNaylor
      Well, if anyone knows about the NEED for "reputation management" it would be Ross...

      All kidding aside, I haven't seen this particular product but I can vouch for the reputation of Ross. As has been mentioned here, he always overdelivers...I fully expect that is probably the case here.

      Ross is a straight-shooting, stand-up guy with a mile of integrity as far as I'm concerned. That's been my experience since the day I met him and I'm proud to call him my friend.

      Best wishes buddy and a happy holidays to all,

      Lon Naylor
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      • Profile picture of the author Eric Louviere
        This is a great idea. I have not gone through Ross' program yet, but reputation mgmt is a great idea for a service IMO. This one bogus company took some of my copywriting and changed a few words to use it to sell their crap/scam product. They even took one of my quotes and used my name -- to say I approved their business. None of that is true, I've never even heard of them much less approve or recommend them... but their site ended up getting hammered and trashed online... and of course my name was right there.

        I've heard tons of stories of this and similar situations. Therefore, this is the kind of business that can make people a lot of money... helping people with rep mgmt. Businesses and people take a lot of pride in their names, names of their businesses, their reputation, etc.

        Your ability to provide value for them is a great business to operate IMO. It certainly seems that way to me. All in all, this seems like a good idea for a program and Ross has been around for a long I'd think it's a good decision to buy. But, I have not gone through the program yet.

        Eric Louviere
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        • Profile picture of the author wizozz
          Just one more question for this reputation management thing. Can it be done outside of US (or in a non-english speaking country)? Do I need to talk on the phone or spend face to face time with prospects? Or can I do it totally online, using emails, from the Internet anywhere in the world?

          I'll be in South America for most of the next year, so offering this service to local businesses there will not be an option.
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  • Profile picture of the author wizozz
    Now, I got the answer to my question in the sales letter itself, when it mentioned you could go for "global customers" and bought both the course and the and the additional software that comes with it.

    I have not gone through the whole course, I'm viewing the 2nd module. But while looking at some companies with a bad reputation in search results, I saw this:

    Ripoff Report | Reputation Management the new

    And that really pissed me off. And it warns against SEO and now "reputation management" companies and really discourages anyone to even speak with a reputation management firm, much less pay them up front fees of $2000+ per month.

    How do you overcome such things? How can I get enough reputation and credibility, when I'm just starting out, I have no US registered company or street adress etc, and I have no personal success stories from prior clients?

    I was all fired up about the "reputation management" opportunity, and now I'm totally turned off after seing that. Please help me out about this or I can totally give up and go back to the grind...
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  • Profile picture of the author Ross Goldberg
    Reputation Management is still a great opportunity. That post is the Ripoff Report attempting to collect their "Corporate Advocacy" program and other methods they use to get MASSIVE amounts of money from people that get complaints against them.

    Don't let something like that discourage you.

    Most "SEO Reputation Management" companies do it wrong. Buying fake reviews, using really old "Web 2.0" marketing tactics that don't work anymore, and other things that cause posts like the one you've just found. They DO take money and don't perform a valid service that helps people.

    I've helped a lot of people with how I do Reputation Management, which is based on honor, ethics, and providing real world value to people that need help. This course is based upon the way I do Reputation Management, which is different from companies that rob people.
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    • Profile picture of the author macmani
      Hello Ross:

      I had some doubts cleared some time back if this can be done outside the US. I am on the verge of buying this and very interested in starting this as a full time business, but somewhere in the corner of my heart I am still doubting myself if I can do this successfully? Will we get help from you if we are stuck somewhere or if we need your help in any way Ross? I am lacking some confidence but I want to jump in though. I am into internet marketing like building affiliate websites, etc, but this is a different ball game, so thinking what to do really?
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    • Profile picture of the author wizozz
      Yeah, after my first "shock and panic", in the following couple of hours, I've thought through and have seen the obvious "conflict of interest" between ripoff report site and SEO & Reputation Management companies/consultants. Basically, we are competing services to provide the same kind of value to local businesses (increasing their visibility and reputation), and if SEO & Rep Management type of businesses succeeded to put all of the results from out of page 1 of Google results, it would be bad business for them.

      And I bet they are not following their own guidelines too. I'm sure they also ask for "up front fees of thousands of dollars with no guarantees given in return", and when I checked their contact details, what they publish is a P.O. box, not a street address, etc... So if you applied their own criteria to their own business, "ripoff report" also seems like a "ripoff" themselves. But I guess they would never publish a ripoff report against their own business, would they?

      I'm still excited about this product and going through the modules, now I'm studying module 4.

      What really "sold me" this was your own "glowing reputation" online. Both on Warrior forum and search engines. Not many so-called "gurus" practice what they preach and not many have the ethics and integrity of you. And I bought all kinds of courses online for the past few years...

      And now I've downloaded the "Marketer's Manifesto" that you wrote, and you're so totally right about having such a high standard of "work-business ethics".

      If I can make this rep business work, following your guidelines (i.e. if I can make $2,000+ the first month from that), I'll follow your methods and products for life.

      Originally Posted by Ross Goldberg View Post

      Reputation Management is still a great opportunity. That post is the Ripoff Report attempting to collect their "Corporate Advocacy" program and other methods they use to get MASSIVE amounts of money from people that get complaints against them.

      Don't let something like that discourage you.

      Most "SEO Reputation Management" companies do it wrong. Buying fake reviews, using really old "Web 2.0" marketing tactics that don't work anymore, and other things that cause posts like the one you've just found. They DO take money and don't perform a valid service that helps people.

      I've helped a lot of people with how I do Reputation Management, which is based on honor, ethics, and providing real world value to people that need help. This course is based upon the way I do Reputation Management, which is different from companies that rob people.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ross Goldberg
    Mac - I'm available to all students via the 4 weekly coaching calls that come with the course. At the same time, I do expect all customers to respect my time. I'm not openly available to customers except through the coaching calls. In rare situations, there may be exceptions (I'm about to get on the phone with a client that has an odd situation).

    Wiz - Please don't be fooled, I used to be quite the obnoxious character. The difference is that I've "drank my own kool-aid" and ensured that the presence I want people to see is what they find. In my years online, I've matured both as a person and as a business man.

    I look forward to helping all of the people that sign up for Rep Mogul. In fact, we are shutting it down by the end of this week so I can focus on the customers and their individual success.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ross Goldberg
    Sorry Basil, there's nothing out there publicly at this point. All 3 tools were created specifically for this offer and we don't have our own versions out there, yet.
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    • Profile picture of the author Max86
      Hey Ross, I think in the sales letter you mentioned their is software that can help
      you find clients, did I read that right? If so , is that in the main course or in the oto?
      What time are the coaching calls going to be, in the afternoon or evening and will they
      be recorded.
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  • I'm curious if there's a tool out there that will scrape bad reviews and identify people that need reputation management badly. Anyone found anything like this?
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  • Profile picture of the author Ross Goldberg
    What - A "Lead Finder" tool is part of the upsell.

    Max - That's part of the upsell. Coaching calls are at 3 pm Eastern and are recorded for members.
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  • Profile picture of the author fthomas137
    Hey Ross, I see that your training is shut down for the moment. When will it be opened again?


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  • Profile picture of the author Ross Goldberg
    Hey Frank,

    We haven't set a date. I'll be in Austin for Ryan's event in about 10 days and I'm sure we'll figure it out then.

    Update: Rep Mogul is now Reputation Takeover and is available at
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