29 replies
Hey, does anyone know what the deal is with Google Goggles??
I have seen some affiliates promoting it already through clickbank hoplinks
and I was wondering how can I get a piece of the action The software
looks very powerful too.

When does it launches? Is it some closed door affiliate program??

#goggles #google
  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[45811].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author affhelper
      Originally Posted by mrsleep99 View Post

      What is it?
      It's a software that calculates your Adwords quality score before
      Google even looks at your website. I must admit that it's probably
      the coolest thing I have seen in a while

      It also tells you how to improve it or why you scored bad. This can
      help you launch profitable Adwords campaigns much faster and take
      out the risk of getting slapped.

      I have been watching the videos and reading their blog for the
      past 2-3 days and I am very impressed.

      The site is at: putonyourgoggles.com
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[45839].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Frank Bruno
        Unless its made by Google or has Googles endorsement, its most likely based on assumptions of quality scoring.

        Just a warning to be very careful as this software will be messing with your bank account.

        Frank Bruno
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[45880].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author 2bwealthy
          its by the same guys who brought out Hexatrack (ad tracking system)
          Launching tomorrow at 12 PST.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[45902].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Kyle Tully
          The videos were painful to watch. If I see another video of a dude "just casually driving to his buddies place" I'm gonna top myself. So much fluff I had cotton mouth... and I skipped most of it.

          Anyway, the tool does look cool.

          Originally Posted by Frank Bruno View Post

          Unless its made by Google or has Googles endorsement, its most likely based on assumptions of quality scoring.

          Just a warning to be very careful as this software will be messing with your bank account.
          Yeah it's based on assumptions (backed by their tests). But as long as they update their assumptions as Google changes then even if it's only right 80% of the time it'll still save you money getting your campaigns setup. Just gotta make sure you keep an eye on things.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[45906].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Rupps
            These guys claim to have done a TON of testing to come up with their algorithm. I did not watch all of the videos, but plan on going back to do so as I did not find out what the price is yet.

            What worries me is what happens when Google decides to change it's algorithm. Then the software will not work as well, but who knows how long that will be. This software could work as-is for a long long time.

            As far as more surfer dudes, you gotta keep in mind these are Kern's buddies and built the Mass Control website for Kern's latest launch.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[47563].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Kuma
              Since when does a high quality score mean a good conversion rate ?
              I have top quality scores most of the time but the conversion rates are also low most of the time.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[47947].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Jason Moffatt
                I have first hand experience using it.

                It's pretty killer.

                I'm getting cheap Adwords clicks.

                Larry and Amish are probably 2 of the brightest PPC guys I've ever met.

                There is a review of it on my blog.


                PS: Cmon Kyle, you didn't like Matt Trainer's dance moves in that video.

                PPS: I'm actually taking credit for the "Car Driving" videos you see all the time. Ever since I did a few of those last year, they've gone nuts.

                What I think would be the funnies would be driving in a beat up 1980 Toyota Corolla with massive rust and maybe have the engine smoking. But never even acknowledge you are driving a hoopty, and act as if it were the bombest car in existence.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[47990].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Kyle Tully
                  Originally Posted by Jason Moffatt View Post

                  PS: Cmon Kyle, you didn't like Matt Trainer's dance moves in that video.

                  PPS: I'm actually taking credit for the "Car Driving" videos you see all the time. Ever since I did a few of those last year, they've gone nuts.

                  What I think would be the funnies would be driving in a beat up 1980 Toyota Corolla with massive rust and maybe have the engine smoking. But never even acknowledge you are driving a hoopty, and act as if it were the bombest car in existence.
                  Yeah the dance moves were funny... probably a lot funnier if you knew the guys... I know I'm not the market they're going for with the videos but they just didn't grab me like many others have.

                  I'm waiting for the video of some dude on a Razor Scooter...

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[48813].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author X
                  Originally Posted by Jason Moffatt View Post

                  What I think would be the funnies would be driving in a beat up 1980 Toyota Corolla with massive rust and maybe have the engine smoking. But never even acknowledge you are driving a hoopty, and act as if it were the bombest car in existence.
                  Dude - that IS the bombest car in existence.

                  I owned one in the later 80s - had to literally
                  use a fumigation bomb to kill the bugs that
                  had inhabited it. The topper though was the
                  bumper sticker that read "I love my wife".

                  But that's just the beginning of the story -
                  I bought that car because my Chevy van was
                  a gas hog.

                  My roommate at the time was going through a
                  nasty divorce. His wife STOLE his car in the
                  middle of the night - though technically, she
                  was still his wife so it wasn't really stolen.

                  He made a deal with her that he'd give her a
                  car if she'd return his car - she agreed. So
                  he bought this car from me and that's what he
                  gave is soon to be ex.

                  She picked the car up in Austin (can't believe
                  she went for that deal) and on the way back
                  to Houston the car died. It literally died.

                  Ah, the memories.
                  The Affiliate Black Book
                  The Inside Nasty on How to Kick the Snot Out of a Google Cash affiliate.

                  Black Books Blog: No Cow is Too Sacred
                  The Death of Crap: Crap Dies Slowly
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[61662].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author X
                    Hey Kuma -

                    There is only ONE X - there are a lot of
                    wannabe X's so let's be straight up clear
                    about that.

                    Wannabe X does not equal X.

                    Chris X? Not X
                    Ken X? Not X
                    Andrew X? Not X

                    Wannabes. OK?

                    And no, I didn't promote Google Goggles -
                    I haven't tried the program yet but I've run
                    the EXACT same campaign in one account
                    (an older, established account) and had
                    "Great" QS on my site then setup the EXACT
                    same campaign in a new account and had
                    Google bitch slapping me all over the place with
                    poor QS. So, I don't know how the software
                    would account for that.

                    That said, I like Amish and Larry and I'd
                    love to have reason to get behind their

                    Besides the above, Google is doing away with
                    "Google Slap" - or so it sounds - within the
                    next few weeks.

                    The Affiliate Black Book
                    The Inside Nasty on How to Kick the Snot Out of a Google Cash affiliate.

                    Black Books Blog: No Cow is Too Sacred
                    The Death of Crap: Crap Dies Slowly
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[61691].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author alltweed
                Originally Posted by Kuma View Post

                Since when does a high quality score mean a good conversion rate ?
                I have top quality scores most of the time but the conversion rates are also low most of the time.
                I believe the idea is to keep your PPC "COSTS" as low as possible so you have a fighting chance to work on your conversions
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[48042].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author alltweed
                  I am waiting for the email with my free hexa account.

                  At first I was excited, but then I remebered you can get their free version anytime. Their is also a PRO version of this tool according to the hexa website that charges $50 set up and $147/mn.

                  Now, I am less excited.

                  I am sure that will be an upsell once I log in. All the affilaited are touting this free tool. Wonder if they know its free anyway.

                  All the same, these guys do put out good content. I think it was Matt Trainer that did the video with kern a while back in kerns MC launch talking about his Google AW system. He had a free report called "Dominate Google Awaords" that had killer content. You might be able to find it on kerns MC blog. look for Matt Trainer Interview. Plus, the top 10 conversion secrets - more killer content.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[48062].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Texjd
                    You can bet your bank account on an upsell. They keep the price down to get both ends of the spectrum. These guys are pros, and used all the standard methods in the videos and the offer.

                    Keep the enty level low to draw as many in as possible, then go for the gold when you have them by the throat. If you take a close look at the advice in the PDF they show it states the obivious. Match the keywords, add more content, do the right optin position, etc. That's pretty basic, go buy Perry Marshal's ebook and you learn most of what you need.

                    I'm not picking on these guys, I thought the music was good and I dance a lot like they do. And like I said, they know the drill and do it well.

                    Quality score can help save you a few bucks, but the fellow who mentioned conversions hit the nail on the head. If your profit is $20, then you can't spend more than $20 to make a sale. Simple as that.

                    Anybody who follows the basics can get a "Quality" score. Closing the deal, is a whole different aspect and that is where you make your money. Some of my keywords just have an OK quality score but convert like crazy and vice-versa.

                    Cost per click is very important, but you also need to eventually make a sale. I watch my CTR and cost a lot more than any quality score. Natural SEO basics will take care of the quality score.

                    The stuff they left out like split testing (an absolute), doing the right kind of keyword research (often times the most searched on terms don't make the bacon), and getting into the head of the searcher (what makes them buy) is more important than the quality score.

                    Just one man's opinion. I'm going to go watch them dance again, I'm a sucker for a good movie.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[48444].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Johnaxe
                    Originally Posted by alltweed View Post

                    I am waiting for the email with my free hexa account.

                    At first I was excited, but then I remebered you can get their free version anytime. Their is also a PRO version of this tool according to the hexa website that charges $50 set up and $147/mn.

                    Are you sure you can get a free version anytime? I have been to the hexatrack website several times over the past few weeks and the sign up page always says "we are currently closed" and then they ask for your email to be put on a waiting list.

                    Also form reading the hexatrack blog I got the impression that if they do open it back up, the free signup will no longer be an option. Just the pro version for 147 a month.

                    The free hexatrack account is the only real reason I am interested in google goggles. If you know where you can get it free without paying for the goggles please let me know. Thanks

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[49803].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author midiwhale
                      You can just search clickbank for "googl goggles" to get the hoplink. It was #9 a minute ago.

                      it is
                      Google Goggles | Quality Score | Put On Your Goggles
                      where midiwhale is your clickbank ID.

                      BUT I think it is too competive to promote.
                      Obviously I am trying to disuade competition, but I was #25 in organic search for it yesterday, today I am #50.
                      Hexatrack itself gives it 1 star for profitibiltiy.
                      SENuke says it isn't easy.
                      Google external keytools says the bid price is $2.37.

                      I admit my conversion is very poor, but I don't think it is economic at $2.37 personally.
                      There are over 8 adsense ads, way more, because my 2 aren't showing in those to start with. Hexatrack has misse dme completely for 3 days now LOL.

                      In terms of the tool itself, it is "amusing" and may make people check it. Maybe.
                      I find it very superficial.
                      The on-screen video advice is minimal and pretty annoying by the 2nd time. Being told I am "stupid" may well be true, but not so helpful ;-)
                      and the PDF report is incredibly "generic" and again superficial.

                      I need to clarify the hexatrack account part.
                      Free hexatrack accounts have been posponed for a while now, but the sales letter said it was worth $69 per month, and Hexatrack Pro is way more than that, so not sure what is worth $69 pm. I need to ask them.
                      I already had a free acount (early bird) and I have zero new features so far.

                      I think it is worth it for the hexatrack account (particulalry if there is one worth $69 which is not free) and to remember to check the score.

                      I must agree with the comment about conversion though.
                      Sure lower costs means you have more tiime to improve converson, but GG tells you NOTHING about market viability or conversion, although Hexatrack itself I guess can (sadly I find it a bit complicated).

                      I did my test campaign on GG as a joke and got the thumbs up.
                      But conversion has been appauling and now the competition is getting very hot indeed.

                      There's also the problem with the name, which I blogged about in my "I am an Adsense numpty" blog post.

                      Obviously I have my other campaign running on a more positive site.


                      EARN $497 affiliate commissions per sale from December 4th. (EPC $41.43)
                      Plus see my own launch November 16th.

                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[53729].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author Rich Blondi
                        I've had this a few days now and it's yet to be accurate and give me the same QS result as Google does for my existing campaigns. Some of my campaigns it had as Great when in reality Google has my QA as Poor, two completely different ends of the spectrum.

                        If this thing worked, it would rock. But so far, it doesn't.

                        After it does the analysis, it gives you a list of quality score factors and how you did. It's really not telling you anything the quality score guidelines page at Google don't tell you.

                        I'm going to play with it a bit more, but I doubt it's going to be a keeper, especially not with a monthly fee. If it's not accurate the vast majority of the time, it's really useless.
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[54625].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author Kuma
                          Originally Posted by Rich Blondi View Post

                          I've had this a few days now and it's yet to be accurate and give me the same QS result as Google does for my existing campaigns. Some of my campaigns it had as Great when in reality Google has my QA as Poor, two completely different ends of the spectrum.

                          If this thing worked, it would rock. But so far, it doesn't.

                          After it does the analysis, it gives you a list of quality score factors and how you did. It's really not telling you anything the quality score guidelines page at Google don't tell you.

                          I'm going to play with it a bit more, but I doubt it's going to be a keeper, especially not with a monthly fee. If it's not accurate the vast majority of the time, it's really useless.
                          I am sure it won´t rock. The Goggles team should have listened to their "buddy Jörg" (mentioned twice in the sales letter, suppose it´s Jörg Weishaupt) who has similar experiences with his "PPCRiches" which was such an unfinished product that he had to take it from the market. I am sure however that the Goggles team will be more cooperative in the case of refunds. Weishaupt never delivered the claims of PPC Riches nor did he ever deliver the bonusses that he was promoting and promising in his sales letter of PPC Riches which is a particularly bad way of selling and promoting a product.
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[55841].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author Rich Blondi
                            I don't now anything about that, but I've done more testing today with more campaigns and Google Goggles has NEVER been correct. Again I have it telling me my quality score should be Great when it's actually Poor in reality.

                            It's a Clickbank product so I'm not worried about returning it.

                            The whole thing's a waste of time, I'm surprised who I saw promoting it. All that cross promotion BS has gone too far and some big names are destroying their credibility that took years to develop by promoting garbage.
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[56787].message }}
                            • Profile picture of the author Kuma
                              Originally Posted by Rich Blondi View Post

                              I don't now anything about that, but I've done more testing today with more campaigns and Google Goggles has NEVER been correct. Again I have it telling me my quality score should be Great when it's actually Poor in reality.

                              It's a Clickbank product so I'm not worried about returning it.

                              The whole thing's a waste of time, I'm surprised who I saw promoting it. All that cross promotion BS has gone too far and some big names are destroying their credibility that took years to develop by promoting garbage.
                              I absolutely agree ! Have some of the "big" names never thought that this kind of cross promotions will backfire against them and results in a signifcant loss of credibility ? In my case it has led me to be extremely cautious with any new products from those people even if they hide behind pseudonyms or acronyms ("X").

                              It is particularly disappointing to see that those who give testimonials in the sales letter are also on top of those promoting the product by email and "special bonusses" .
                              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[61000].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author alltweed
                      Originally Posted by Johnaxe View Post

                      Are you sure you can get a free version anytime? I have been to the hexatrack website several times over the past few weeks and the sign up page always says "we are currently closed" and then they ask for your email to be put on a waiting list.

                      Also form reading the hexatrack blog I got the impression that if they do open it back up, the free signup will no longer be an option. Just the pro version for 147 a month.

                      The free hexatrack account is the only real reason I am interested in google goggles. If you know where you can get it free without paying for the goggles please let me know. Thanks

                      Sorry - Maybe I was wrong. I just saw the offer to click to get free account here:
                      HexaTrack - Comparison Chart

                      When I clicked it, it said closed. I hope to learn more i.e. if their is yet another version between free and the pro.
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[63449].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author Kuma
                        Hey X,
                        sorry you were not the one I was referring to but rather Andrew X and Chris X (Wannabe X) who emerge from time to time anonymously in various product promotions
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[63603].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author Johnaxe
                          Well I went ahead and bought the goggles just so I could get the free hexatrack account.

                          So was it worth it?

                          Yeah hexatrack is definitely a neat tool and I can see it becoming increasingly useful as I expand my ppc portfolio. I am a little disappointed that you are limited to running only 4 spy campaigns and 10 tracking campaigns. The pro version is $197 the 1st month and then $147 for each month thereafter. Perhaps I will take the plunge, but first we will see how much of an effect the free version has on my ROI.

                          But what about the goggles?

                          They are fun to mess around with but I will not continue to pay a monthly fee for them. More than half of the landing pages that I am currently running google is giving a great quality score and these things are saying other wise. In my opinion they are not worth the one time fee of $97 and surely not worth additional monthly charges.

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              • Profile picture of the author jaenterpr
                Originally Posted by Kuma View Post

                Since when does a high quality score mean a good conversion rate ?
                I have top quality scores most of the time but the conversion rates are also low most of the time.
                This is a good point. Almost always you end up sacrificing sales to have a higher Quality Score.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[63431].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author robseko
    Excellent analysis. You warriors know your game. Hope goggles will be able to fix the loose ends.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[262281].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author digabot
    This is junkware, straight up.
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  • Profile picture of the author ajk100
    Not sure about Google Goodies but I use a program called The Golden Cash Compass. Works great.
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