Does anybody still use ??

4 replies
Last year, I signed up for a free account with and used it a little, but of course, all of the really cool features require a Premium membership. Long story short, I sort of forgot about them, then the other day I found an instance of their URL in my password manager, and I thought I would take a look to see what they've been up to since I logged in last.

They seem to have added a number of new services of which I was unaware. So I was curious if anybody is currently using them now. What are your experiences positive or negative? Is anyone using the autoresponder service in lieu of one of the big names (i.e. aweber, getresponse, constant contact, etc.)

There are a lot of mentions of BZ9 within the WF, but I didn't see anything posted in 2012. So I was hoping to get a little more up-to-date review.

Any thoughts or personal experiences are appreciated

Currently the price for a Premium account is about $20/month.

Look forward to your replies.... Thanks.
#autoresponder #bz9 #bz9com
  • Profile picture of the author DavidMaddux
    Well, with only 26 views and 0 replies in this thread, I think that answers my question!

    Originally Posted by DavidMaddux View Post

    ... So I was curious if anybody is currently using them now. What are your experiences positive or negative? Is anyone using the autoresponder service in lieu of one of the big names (i.e. aweber, getresponse, constant contact, etc.)
    Look forward to your replies.... Thanks.

    I guess nobody is using them anymore. It seems like they offer a nice range of tools and allow you to consolidate a campaign or several campaigns into one interface. It seems like the height of popularity was in the Summer/Fall of 2011. Since then it's kind of fallen off the forum radar.

    Any Warriors who have experience with, please let me know what you think. I could always just sign up and try it myself, and probably will, but with 21K people viewing the WF at this moment and over 450K members, I was hoping someone had personal experience they could share.

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    • Hi David, my name is Terry from, your post was listed on Google so I thought I would try to help out.

      Whilst I can't give you any direct feedback ref our services (as I may be biased) I can assure you that BZ9 certainly has not dropped off the radar.

      We are busier than ever and we still have a constant programming schedule, so we are forever adding features and perfecting the many we already have.

      I would like to suggest that you create an account and take a look around, most of the services you can use foir free, and the upgrade cost can be as low as $11.98 if you take out a longer licence, plus we do run upgrade promotions from time to time.

      If you require any assistance you can always get us on skype, our ID is

      Originally Posted by DavidMaddux View Post

      Well, with only 26 views and 0 replies in this thread, I think that answers my question!

      I guess nobody is using them anymore. It seems like they offer a nice range of tools and allow you to consolidate a campaign or several campaigns into one interface. It seems like the height of popularity was in the Summer/Fall of 2011. Since then it's kind of fallen off the forum radar.

      Any Warriors who have experience with, please let me know what you think. I could always just sign up and try it myself, and probably will, but with 21K people viewing the WF at this moment and over 450K members, I was hoping someone had personal experience they could share.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5849705].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author WF99
      Originally Posted by DavidMaddux View Post

      Well, with only 26 views and 0 replies in this thread, I think that answers my question!
      Ya friend .. Nobody is using it anymore, i guess ..
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5851615].message }}
      • Like I said, the service is busier than it has ever been in 10 years of being in business.

        We have taken on 21,000 new clients since the site received its make over less than 18 months ago and we have an alexa traffic rank ranging between 8,000 and 15,000.

        We're busy...

        There is a whole world out there outside of the Warrior Forum.

        Originally Posted by WF99 View Post

        Ya friend .. Nobody is using it anymore, i guess ..
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5854862].message }}

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