Anyone Have an Opinion of Overnight Product Creation by Brian McElroy

8 replies
I discovered this product through Kyle Tully, and it looks like a great product, but I'm not really sure what all it does.

I know that Brian is a fairly active Warrior, and this makes me believe that it would be a decent product.

Has anyone bought it and used it? I am seriously thinking about purchasing, but wanted to be sure first.

Overnight Product Creation
#brian #creation #mcelroy #opinion #overnight #product
  • Profile picture of the author DougBarger
    I'm a big fan of the product and yes, I have it and can recommend it without any reservation.

    What I especially appreciate about the product besides the private members area where Brian answers questions,

    is that not only can you download transcripts of each video module,

    but you also get to see a power point demonstration with Brian talking on video

    right next to it as he explains in greater detail each strategy, how to and method

    in his videos.

    That really adds the accessible personal touch and he also has some great bonuses including case studies of actual campaigns he made money with and tells you the stories.

    On top of that, he gives good resources that he uses himself along with

    the braindump method, the quick way to create products using a little known video method,
    how to do a rolling launch,
    how to get jvs to promote your new product
    and some great productivity tips for cutting down the time it takes to get your
    product created into less than 24 hours.

    Needless to say, you can tell I'm impressed with it and glad I made the decision
    to acquire it as part of my arsenal.

    I've got it saved in my favorites so I can access it whenever I'd like to brush up
    by watching one of the videos.

    Hope this is the kind of feedback you were looking for and if you have any other questions, feel free to send me a pm.


    => Stay tuned...

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  • Profile picture of the author Woody C
    Thank you Doug and Amanda. I will definitely look into it a little more after your recommendations.
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  • Profile picture of the author BrianMcLeod
    I endorse and recommend Brian McElroy's products and methods without reservation.

    Overnight Product Creation is excellent. In fact, if there's something Brian's released in the past that was anything BUT excellent, I haven't seen it.

    Brian's got a unique knack for rapid implementation that all Warriors would do well to pay attention to. I certainly do.

    Great teachers have a way of making the complex seem simple... the out of reach, reachable. That's what you'll get out of Overnight Product Creation.

    Hope this helps,

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    • what happen to Overnight Product Creation? Is it still for sell? thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author Woody C
    A more important question would be, what happened to Brian McElroy?

    I see there was a thread started on here about what happened to him (can be found in Google) that was deleted. There isn't much about him here on the forum after 2010 and none of his products are past 2010 either. All of his sites are no longer online. Either he quit IM or something happened I would imagine.
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