Has anyone tried Internet Business Mastery Academy?

9 replies
Has anyone tried the internet business mastery academy? If you have what was your experience like? I'm thinking about it but I want some opinions outside of the sales page.
#academy #business #internet #mastery
  • Profile picture of the author non
    i need information about this as well
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    • Profile picture of the author elperuanito
      Does anyone know more about this program? Am keen to find out the opinion of those here...
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      • Profile picture of the author StokedPeople
        I was also looking at this; I wonder can you try the 90 days month to month and still get a full refund?
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        • Profile picture of the author Dave Regolith
          Yes! I was an academy member! I took the charter option not the lifetime membership.

          The material is good - but it is quite concise. All I mean by this is that you do not get TONS of stuff each month - but on questioning them about this, they said it was because they didn't want us spending all our time reading and listening to audio, so they had gone for what they consider the best balance of the two. Which is fair enough. You tend to get a few audio files, some worksheet type pdfs and videos.

          The monthly modules that unlock are only half the story though - there are lots of other sections: overviews of various business/success books, a huge list of resources, Grill the Guru interviews (some are really valuable) - often 45min audio files, member Q&A sessions that can be over an hour too.

          I didn't encounter any bad or worthless material in the academy. The forums were quieter than I'd hoped though, and I didn't really connect with anyone on them. Again I asked about this and most people just said they were too busy to be chatting all the time

          There are soft upsells - more expensive packages that i didn't try, but they don't whack you over the head with them.

          I stopped after about 4 months, roughly halfway through at the time - partly because we had babies (twins!) on the way and I couldn't justify the money each month, and partly because I wanted to put what I'd learned into practice.

          I would recommend it as there is good stuff in there - however if you go for the monthly option be prepared for the first couple of modules to be basic.

          If you can happily afford the lifetime membership, i'd say go for it - even ignoring the actual academy, the other resources are worth the money. If I have the money spare any time soon I'll probably grab the lifetime membership just for a good quality resource to fall back on.

          I was there about a year ago and I still go back to the material I downloaded and find new, useful info in there.

          I may be wrong about the refund, but I believe the way that works is that after 90 days you can buy the lifetime membership at a reduced price...that was the only thing I felt was slightly misleading as it was made to seem like you could get a full refund end-of-story (I didn't ask for a refund), but i'd like to add again that I don't know if I'm 100% correct about this, or if it is still the same - you can often get a reply from them on facebook within hours so you can always ask!

          Aside from that quibble, I never experienced anything shady or misleading from them - and the material is quality. And they are on top of their customer service too!
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          • Profile picture of the author StokedPeople
            Thanks for the great response Dave. The price is hard to justify IMO compared to what is being offered by others. I have not taken the course but releasing modules monthly seems shady and a scam like way to get you to pay more money over more time. I have been checking out Chris Farrell's course which you can view all content for $1 over the first 7 days. These gurus more or less offer the same content so I can't help but be price sensitive. Farrell has an active forum that is moderated in real time by 5 or 6 staff members. He also has an affiliate program that pays 50% of over the life of the membership. One last thing is he does not promote or sell useless crap like expensive keyword software. Anyone who has been studying IM for a short time knows that you don't need most of the useless crap gurus are selling.
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  • Profile picture of the author elperuanito
    So how does it work with the monthly unlocking? How long does it take to unlock all of the content? It seems a bit annoying that you have to wait for the info to be released, what if you want to dive straight in to learn everything? I guess it makes sense to make more money, but they should make it clear that this is what they do.

    I bought their niche adsense course and it's MEGA basic. The stuff you learn in this forum is much more informative. I asked for a refund and got one no problem. The course is okay for newbies (complete newbies) but the price is a little steep for the info they provide, imo.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dave Regolith
      I think when I was in there you got 2 modules a month, and there were twelve in total - although like I said, the course only makes up about half of what you get.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dave Regolith
      Originally Posted by elperuanito View Post

      So how does it work with the monthly unlocking? How long does it take to unlock all of the content? It seems a bit annoying that you have to wait for the info to be released, what if you want to dive straight in to learn everything? I guess it makes sense to make more money, but they should make it clear that this is what they do.

      I bought their niche adsense course and it's MEGA basic. The stuff you learn in this forum is much more informative. I asked for a refund and got one no problem. The course is okay for newbies (complete newbies) but the price is a little steep for the info they provide, imo.
      It's pretty clear that there's the monthly payments option and the one-off everything-now lifetime membership option, but as a monthly member I did get a bit frustrated at having to wait for stuff to be unlocked.

      I'd class the first 4 modules as very basic and probably mostly of use to completely newbies - I only got to module 6, but 5 and 6 were very useful to me.
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    • Profile picture of the author Playmaker77
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  • Profile picture of the author elperuanito
    Thanks for your review, very helpful. I might go for it at some point but doesn't make sense for me right now. It's a bit of a shame that the community isn't very active!
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