5000 US Visitors for $23 ! Is this real or scam ?

15 replies
Hey warriors,
I have found this website called getwebsitetraffic.com.It have various Ad packages.
Have any body tried the traffic from this site.Just curious to know.
Is this really targeted traffic or a pond of junk traffic.
Please reply.
#$23 #real #scam #visitors
  • Profile picture of the author AOIII
    How could they, its for sale


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  • Profile picture of the author WFAlex
    crappy, usually untargeted traffic. Not sure about the site you mentioned, but if it's actually selling legit visitors (not bots or proxies), then you might get people from PTC sites (they get paid a few cents to watch your site for 10 seconds), domain redirect traffic and usually redirected traffic from adult sites.

    They claim to have high quality, make use of different ad networks and marketing campaigns but this is just nice talk to get you to think they're selling a decent service.

    Try it for yourself, grab their cheapest package, send them to something that's easy to convert (like an email submit or your own opt-in form) and then have your jaw drop the first time you sent 10k users and got 5 conversions (and certainly not sales)

    Edit: Don't even think about trying this on your adsense sites, unless you want to say goodbye to your account.

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  • Profile picture of the author GMD
    What are you smoking?

    If you'd even consider sending them a piece of shirt lint as payment, you need to get out of this business.

    I've seen some horrible, unprofessional sites in my life -- heck I've even built some -- but this piece of rotting sausage of a site takes the cake.

    Unless you're trying to promote this "site" by slight-of-hand, you should feel pretty silly for posting this thread!

    You should really feel silly that you're promoting "$5,000" worth of FREE traffic in your signature and then asking about this junk site with it's junk links and it's junk junk.
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    • Profile picture of the author WFAlex
      Originally Posted by GMD View Post

      You should really feel silly that you're promoting "$5,000" worth of FREE traffic in your signature and then asking about this junk site with it's junk links and it's junk junk.
      bwahahaha, rant of the day, awesome!

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    • Profile picture of the author Devin X
      Originally Posted by GMD View Post

      What are you smoking?

      You should really feel silly that you're promoting "$5,000" worth of FREE traffic in your signature and then asking about this junk site with it's junk links and it's junk junk.
      Oh damn, I didn't even look at his sig file until you called that out. Yeah, "Money Master", shame on you.
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    • Profile picture of the author CashGiftingExpert
      Originally Posted by GMD View Post

      You should really feel silly that you're promoting "$5,000" worth of FREE traffic in your signature and then asking about this junk site with it's junk links and it's junk junk.

      “The ultimate reason for setting goals is to entice you to become the person it takes to achieve them”― Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author Devin X
    junk traffic and bots/proxies. just wasting your money.
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  • Originally Posted by shubhashish View Post

    Hey warriors,
    I have found this website called getwebsitetraffic.com.It have various Ad packages.
    Have any body tried the traffic from this site.Just curious to know.
    Is this really targeted traffic or a pond of junk traffic.
    Please reply.
    You are everything that is wrong in IM world !!

    "Winners find a way, losers find an excuse"

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  • Profile picture of the author nav123
    It's just pure junk. I have 0% conversion.
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  • Profile picture of the author dexlink
    Originally Posted by shubhashish View Post

    Hey warriors,
    I have found this website called getwebsitetraffic.com.It have various Ad packages.
    Have any body tried the traffic from this site.Just curious to know.
    Is this really targeted traffic or a pond of junk traffic.
    Please reply.
    I don't think that it got real targeted traffic at all.....
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  • Profile picture of the author marcelr77
    It's not good traffic... Don't waste your money
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  • Profile picture of the author Madush
    do not buy it......why would they sale that many visitors for that low price.
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  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    I Think Its Just a Waste of Tme & Money. You will Never Get a Positive Result From Them.
    Bloggershook.com- Blogging, and Digital Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author nawshale
    I don't think it's real. Don't buy it.

    If i were you, I'll just ignore that piece of junk and do something else worth my time, worth doing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Night Owl2
    These type of sites usually are Scam, stay away from them.
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