Any experience with Amazon Selling Machine by Matt Clark?

750 replies
I am considering trying Amazon Selling Machine by Matt Clark. It looks very good from everything I have been able to find online but is quite pricey around $1000. I have seen an older post on it but nothing new.

Has anyone out there tried this? Have you made money? Does it deliver as promised?

I have 2 affiliate websites for over a year now and have poured a lot of time and money in and have had dismal sales success and want to try something new.

If anyone has tried Amazon Selling Machine I would love to know your thoughts on this, thanks
#amazon #clark #experiance #machine #matt #selling
  • Profile picture of the author milla04
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  • Profile picture of the author cjshu99
    I always wonder if these guys are making so much money doing this why would they want to let others in on it? And when do they have the time to put this together? Maybe its just a way to make a quick buck? And if they are making multi thousands a month, why dont they just price it at 50 bucks and let everyone in on it?

    btw, I have Jim Cockrums proven amazon course also. My first suggestion is to search youtube. There are lots of good videos on selling on amazon and sourcing products.
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    • Profile picture of the author teelions
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    • Profile picture of the author varsrad
      Originally Posted by cjshu99 View Post

      I always wonder if these guys are making so much money doing this why would they want to let others in on it? And when do they have the time to put this together? Maybe its just a way to make a quick buck? And if they are making multi thousands a month, why dont they just price it at 50 bucks and let everyone in on it?

      btw, I have Jim Cockrums proven amazon course also. My first suggestion is to search youtube. There are lots of good videos on selling on amazon and sourcing products.
      I certainly agree, thats true. I too really wonder why does people who claim to make 1000s a month need to sell it here? If they are really earning 1000s from the method they are teaching then why do they charge a huge for the guide?
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      • Profile picture of the author MagicD
        Originally Posted by varsrad View Post

        I certainly agree, thats true. I too really wonder why does people who claim to make 1000s a month need to sell it here? If they are really earning 1000s from the method they are teaching then why do they charge a huge for the guide?
        Let me ask you this.. Does it MATTER?? Really??

        If you are making million dollars a year and someone comes to you and say, you wanna make another million dollars in your account in 30 days doing xyz. Would you say no? I know those numbers are over the top, but just to make you realise, we are all entrepreneurs. As Richard Branson once said ""Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming." meaning, If you close yourself off to new opportunities out of ignorance or fear, you might miss your next big idea or concept. When one project you start doesn't work out, guess what - there are always plenty more to try. So get cracking!

        Nuff said!!
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      • Profile picture of the author wizbiz
        Originally Posted by varsrad View Post

        I certainly agree, thats true. I too really wonder why does people who claim to make 1000s a month need to sell it here? If they are really earning 1000s from the method they are teaching then why do they charge a huge for the guide?
        I didn't say that course is too expensive or I will ever buy it either.

        Here is the REALITY

        1) Globalization = More transparency=Less Profit

        2) Retail (/internet) Hardest biz Structure/Module of All

        Reality is After All Shipping/Customs/Amazon near15-18% fees

        Profit Margin selling on Amazon is anywhere between 8% to 15%

        Do the Math, You need to sell $1 Million worth of Product to clear $10,000 in profit.

        You maybe making 200% in profit I don't know, I'm telling you what is there what is

        More likely real. 90% of amazon sellers will be lucky to have 10% ROI.

        And if You get some Amazing niche and temporarily making 30-50% profit

        Margins, THEN competition will show up in Few days and Sell Same product

        20% cheaper, That's the Reality, Everything else is Smoke And Mirrors.

        Just Open Alibaba on 1 Screen and Amazon on the Other, Double Click on

        Calculator and start Calculation,

        Alibaba already Middle man %%. =>>> Shipping ===> Amazon 18% fees, + Taxes on Profit

        Good Luck, DO you have $10 million available to make $100k?

        Also keep in Mind that Stocking up Product Actually increasing Profit but

        Also increasing the Risk, such as Some % of the product Demaged and Also you can stock with unsold inventory which you will have to either Liquidate at pennies
        on the Dollar or Stock in your Garage.

        Market Capitalism paradigm, More Profit=More Risk

        I don't know, maybe ASM Amazon Buyers have their own tactics, but I personally

        buying product based on the Brand And Price, not based on Pictures, Subjects, Fonts,

        Feedbacks or Bonuses.. Cause when you buying Knowing Brand Product

        You already know what you are getting. Now tell me, who's Profit Margin is Higher

        Those who are selling the Course or Amazon Sellers? That's you answer on Why would

        those guys even bother to Sell the course if So much money can be made "secretly"

        On Amazon, Selling Psychical goods.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Mazza
      Originally Posted by cjshu99 View Post

      I always wonder if these guys are making so much money doing this why would they want to let others in on it? And when do they have the time to put this together? Maybe its just a way to make a quick buck? And if they are making multi thousands a month, why dont they just price it at 50 bucks and let everyone in on it?

      btw, I have Jim Cockrums proven amazon course also. My first suggestion is to search youtube. There are lots of good videos on selling on amazon and sourcing products.
      Some excellent points.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10034284].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author panorama
        Originally Posted by Mark Mazza View Post

        Some excellent points.
        I used to wonder the same thing, and if you read very early on in this thread, you'll see that I was critical of the course for that reason. I changed my mind pretty quickly when money started to roll in.

        They could have made a lot of money by not launching a course, but they've generated tens of millions of dollars in sales with ASM, so it's hard to fault them for the decision.

        I also disagree with the point that they should have charged $50 for the course. In fact, I think they should have charged more because of how valuable the information is. I personally emailed Matt after ASM 2 and actually asked him to raise the price to $10,000.

        You're right that there are other good courses as well, but free resources (and even PAC) can't compare. You'll learn the basics, but you'll miss out on a lot of information if you're serious about this business.
        Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
        Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
        Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
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  • Profile picture of the author kokester
    I purchased and refunded. It is about selling ecommerce through amazon. When I purchased he broke the payments up but I wasn't impressed with what he offered for the price. No problem getting a refund from him.
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  • Profile picture of the author 1lov1
    I'm sort of curious about this. I didn't think it has been sold yet as it so not sure if people are mixing it up with their last product ? I believe this new product Amazon Selling Machine is the final version/revamped methods to what they did in their product last year that was called Amazon Money Machines(which they call their beta product).

    Only reason I looked at it was because a IM person I respect whose list I am and NEVER recommends anything is endorsing it and they are big time ecommerce players.
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  • Profile picture of the author jmk909er
    Yeah there has been a lot of confusion about it including my own, the official name is "Amazing Selling Machine" and I don't believe it it available yet other than beta testers
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  • Profile picture of the author Tomas Lodén
    Just did a little research and found this: ASM is going for $3,497 and the official launch date is tuesday, march 12th, 2013 and cart closes at midnight March 18th...(Just google and you´ll see this everywhere)..
    6-fig affiliate marketer since 2003
    Free coaching to your first $100 dollars. DM me now..
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  • Profile picture of the author milla04
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    • Profile picture of the author lindasdd
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      • Profile picture of the author Agoge Warrior
        Originally Posted by lindasdd View Post

        I haven't been given access to the course, but as someone who uses Amazon as one of many sales avenues (>$300K in Amazon sales last year), I'm considering buying the course just to prove to myself that it is BS.

        Either that, or as a long time seller via both FBA and in house fulfillment, I've really missed some important aspects of selling on Amazon because in my experience only sellers with deep pockets willing to live on crumbs generate any sales.

        The video claims of massive sales volume and 50% margins are ridiculous. Any product that actually moves well normally already has 10 other sellers willing to sell barely over cost - or it will have that many sellers once the volume becomes anywhere worth bothering with.

        Then again - as with everything - I'm not a wizard. There is a lot of stuff I don't know about or am not good at. Maybe they actually have found a loophole........nah.

        EDIT: I took another couple seconds to watch their second video. Apparently they are promoting the idea of creating private label products. In that case, high margins are possible. Problem is most people want the known item / brand.

        Guess I'll keep watching the videos as they appear. Maybe there is something worthwhile in there. ...maybe.
        I sell Amazon FBA on a daily basis and have tons of products I sell for 100%+ ROI. They are easy to find, so your basis is big time unfounded. Private Label is a great way to sell FBA without the competition. I know plenty of sellers who have great success with that. As far as I'm concerned with actual experience, FBA is a great way to have a profitable online ecommerce business that actually makes $ if you do it right and be smart about it. Better than any affiliate mess I've tried with blogs, websites or whatever. Google has and will continue to do whatever it takes to make SEO as hard as possible. In my opinion, the small time SEO entrepreneur is wasting their time. FBA is a viable business model. The seller of this product might be selling worthless goods and is obviously making his $ selling his product rather than doing full time FBA. But as far as I'm concerned, FBA is a legit business, you do have to work at it, it's not hard to find products and there are ways to beat out other sellers who sell at a lower price. Your statements are not based on actual and factual knowledge of the FBA business model and you should learn more before making unfounded comments.

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        • Profile picture of the author Tooledyou
          Great post Agoge warrior!
          I look at it this way. I drop ship items. I can sell them on a site along with my supplier that has a lower price. Also along with multiple other sellers. I sold a mattress pad at about a $10 profit 37 times last month along with about 20 other sellers, including the supplier that has a much lower price.
          There are literally BILLIONS of products out there!
          IMO half of the battle is not the product. It's the listing and whats in it. Title, keywords, photos, etc.
          If I put all my time into one product (starting out) doing FBA, I can assure WILL sell.
          I don't care who else is selling it or at what price. By the time I am done setting up that listing, it is going to sell, and sell well!
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  • Profile picture of the author aaron_nimocks
    The key behind this program is finding the right product which you can brand that will produce good margins. Then secondary is just writing good sales copy and properly promoting the product to rank high.

    Obviously the hard part which will require multiple attempts at losing money to find the perfect product, if you ever do find it.

    But if you do find a great product where you can brand it and then get it ranked high, of course you can make that kind of money. Just good luck finding this product. If it wasn't about that, then they would freely tell you which products they use.

    My free PSD logs can be downloaded at PSD Bum. Enjoy!

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    • Profile picture of the author Sayed
      Originally Posted by aaron_nimocks View Post

      The key behind this program is finding the right product which you can brand that will produce good margins. Then secondary is just writing good sales copy and properly promoting the product to rank high.

      Obviously the hard part which will require multiple attempts at losing money to find the perfect product, if you ever do find it.

      But if you do find a great product where you can brand it and then get it ranked high, of course you can make that kind of money. Just good luck finding this product. If it wasn't about that, then they would freely tell you which products they use.
      I don't think it is luck here... They put specific criteria to pick a product.. These criteria are in the free videos (also they supply a list of 17 hot products at the moment). I guess people with such free information will deliver huge value for this high price.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rmbion
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      • Profile picture of the author jkatzenback
        Originally Posted by Rmbion View Post

        Exactly. It's still about competition. If they found something that brings in the $, they don't want others on the bandwagon! And after hundreds or thousands of "clients" out trying to duplicate the success, most will end up at the dead end and give up when the money runs out and disillusionment sets in.
        Ask yourself this: if it's so easy to do, and if the money is so big, why wouldn't all the folks on their support team do it, too? Why waste your time selling something, if you can do so much better selling it to somebody else?
        It's a lot less hassle to charge big bucks telling other people how to do it!
        Hmmm... you are stating something as if it is fact and yet why is it you don't hear these stories but the opposite since the last time the doors where open?

        As for why our support team is not doing it, it rhymes with "Non Compete Agreement" and "Non Disclosure Agreement". Each of the employees in our offices, on the first day of the job, sign each of these. And they clearly know what they are signing. Im not going to reveal all of my business to anyone like that without protecting myself.

        I never understand responses like yours. You have zero experience with this system but yet you come in here and complain about it like you know for a fact as to the outcome.

        This is asking for any experience with the program and it sure sounds like you do not fit that, so why are you shooting it down?

        It may not work for you, that is fine, but you never even tried it.
        100%FREE Backlinks -->
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  • Profile picture of the author Eyetrap
    The hardest part is going to be finding the right products that have lots of buyers and low competition.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paycheck Rebel
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  • Profile picture of the author JGK
    I may be being naive but their seller central accounts really look like they are doing well? If you buy 1000 dog nail trimmers is the price cheap enough to make 50%? They must be doing something right if the numbers are true!
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  • Profile picture of the author DWaters
    This thread is a perfect example of why I love the WF. Lots of good information, including the potential price range. Thanks to those you who expressed their opinion and their insight about Amazon selling. I have watched the first three videos and read their PDFs and I feel like I have learned a lot and now I have learned more from this thread.
    How I really Make Money With Amazon

    Want to get rich with top rated FREE Super Affiliate Training?
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    • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
      We have the New Overhyped One:
      Amazing Selling Machine for $3497

      and we have the Old Proven One:
      Proven Amazon Course for $347

      The second one has a lot of Testimonials of Successful Students.

      For me the choice is clear


      Great Thread

      WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
      Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7834592].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author BoJon
        Originally Posted by ChrisWF View Post

        We have the New Overhyped One:
        Amazing Selling Machine for $3497

        and we have the Old Proven One:
        Proven Amazon Course for $347

        The second one has a lot of Testimonials of Successful Students.

        For me the choice is clear
        What was the clear choice then? :rolleyes:
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        • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
          PAC isn't $347 any longer - it's on sale for $97 through November.
 aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
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          • Profile picture of the author planetgourmet
            I was originally going with the $4k course; However I noted that they did not reply if ( 2 ) people in one could join as the cost of prohibitive. That means no.

            Then I thought about it, Jim Cockrum has the courtesy to come on to these forums and represent his product and reputation. I do not see ASM coming on these forums. Thank you Jim ! Nothing in life is guaranteed but your course is a small cost for educating me in what might be a life changer. THANK YOU JIM !
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            • Profile picture of the author cyberguru
              Originally Posted by planetgourmet View Post

              Then I thought about it, Jim Cockrum has the courtesy to come on to these forums and represent his product and reputation. I do not see ASM coming on these forums.
              I too ended up buying PAC because of the many recommendations from forum members and Jim coming across as genuine and honest with his comments in this thread. The discount price of $97 is a steal for all the information and lifelong membership you receive. Thank you Jim!

              Jason Katzenback, one of the founders of ASM did chime in here back in post #362, but we have not heard from him again.

              If the $4k was not an issue for me at this point, I would have joined. With all the promotional videos and pdf's they did, it gave out alot of information and outlined the approach to their success. I decided to test the waters without the course and use the information already freely available in this forum and their promotional videos. Giving myself a deadline of choosing a product and finding a supplier by end of the month. Whether I have success or not using their Private Labeling method on my own, I will still join their next ASM course (if available); which hopefully by then, the $4k would not be an issue for me. Nothing ventured, nothing gained...

              I just joined this forum and will be hanging around here more often.
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              • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
                Originally Posted by cyberguru View Post

                I too ended up buying PAC because of the many recommendations from forum members and Jim coming across as genuine and honest with his comments in this thread. The discount price of $97 is a steal for all the information and lifelong membership you receive. Thank you Jim!

                Jason Katzenback, one of the founders of ASM did chime in here back in post #362, but we have not heard from him again.

                If the $4k was not an issue for me at this point, I would have joined. With all the promotional videos and pdf's they did, it gave out alot of information and outlined the approach to their success. I decided to test the waters without the course and use the information already freely available in this forum and their promotional videos. Giving myself a deadline of choosing a product and finding a supplier by end of the month. Whether I have success or not using their Private Labeling method on my own, I will still join their next ASM course (if available); which hopefully by then, the $4k would not be an issue for me. Nothing ventured, nothing gained...

                I just joined this forum and will be hanging around here more often.
                I emailed an affiliate (that I trust and that was raving about ASM) if someone like me would benefit from the course. He said, very quickly, that it's not necessary for people that have "seen the light". He went onto say that the benefit is helping shape people's ability to evaluate the opportunity to sell something and, later on, white label a product. He said that value in the course is the support to help you get to that point and not necessarily the tools available.

                So my suspicious is that once you get to that point, you might realize you don't need additional training. And in fact, it's usually FAR FAR FAR more valuable to actually purchase products from successful sellers and take note of what they are doing.
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                • Profile picture of the author cyberguru
                  Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

                  I emailed an affiliate (that I trust and that was raving about ASM) if someone like me would benefit from the course. He said, very quickly, that it's not necessary for people that have "seen the light". He went onto say that the benefit is helping shape people's ability to evaluate the opportunity to sell something and, later on, white label a product. He said that value in the course is the support to help you get to that point and not necessarily the tools available.

                  So my suspicious is that once you get to that point, you might realize you don’t need additional training. And in fact, it’s usually FAR FAR FAR more valuable to actually purchase products from successful sellers and take note of what they are doing.
                  I absolutely agree with you. If you are savy enough to "see the light" then an 8 week step by step course may not be necessary.

                  I would also lean towards going with an experienced affiliate who has been successful with the course over joining since I have been reading that a "one on one" question/answer from Matt and Jason is harder to come by with the amount of students in the course.

                  I did read in this thread that someone that was already successful in Amazon sales and had about 95% of the knowledge before joining ASM claim that the remaining 5% info he gained made a huge difference in his sales. So its all about what you are looking for at present time and whether it is financially doable for you.

                  We all have different situations and it may or may not be the right time, but from what I've been seeing, the course has benefited more than less. It's a matter of whether your $4k is more or less valuable than the course. I think for the majority $4k is hard to give up...
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                • Profile picture of the author cyberguru
                  Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

                  He went onto say that the benefit is helping shape people's ability to evaluate the opportunity to sell something and, later on, white label a product.
                  I think this is probably the biggest key along with marketing and keywords to a product being successful.

                  Thanks for the info.
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                  • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
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                    • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
                      Originally Posted by Josh Belanger View Post

                      Like I taught in my free presentation, finding the product and supplier is not that hard. The toughest part and where specific training from a proven seller can help is getting your product ranked on page 1 and top 3.

                      That's separation from the other million sellers on Amazon that don't have a clue.
                      I have a slightly different take on the topic of "getting ranked" on amazon. While I value the skill set you are willing to teach, I'm hearing from numerous sources that Amazon (much like google) is doing everything it can to avoid the manipulation of search results by sellers...and they are getting aggressive about it.

                      these steps include things like:

                      -displaying different ranking results for different shoppers depending on product availability in different warehouses near the shoppers location
                      -displaying different results based on the shoppers search history and region
                      -punishing products that show signs of feedback manipulation (i.e. a bunch of feedback reviews left by non-buyers in a short period of time soon after product hits the market etc.)

                      What direction do I propose you go as a result of this?

                      Go a mile wide and an inch deep in your product selection b/c just like we all learned on eBay 10 years ago...there may not be competition today or tomorrow for your "hot niche", but the competition IS coming and eBay (now amazon) WILL not protect you from being the easy target that you are if you are making a killing...if anything it's in Amazon's best interest to keep you guessing and send new competitors your way.
             aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
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  • Profile picture of the author CTRTheme
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    • Profile picture of the author Educe127
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      • Profile picture of the author 1lov1
        I did talk to a well known IMer who is friends with product creators of this and no one has seen this product except for their beta testers. He said they have had beta testers achieve very big numbers(I wont give the exact numbers) but it seems they have developed an approach to be successful with amazon FBA rather than many stories you read about people trying FBA without much profit . This product comes with software too I guess.
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        • Profile picture of the author prospectsmine
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  • Profile picture of the author Jerry Nielsen
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    • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
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  • Profile picture of the author webguycanada
    Crikey!!! For $3500
    I could take Amazon's Vice President, Marketing Manager and their buddies
    out for a round of golf, cocktails and a steak dinner and probably end up with some
    quality, current, "useable" information on how to build a successful business on Amazon.

    $3500.... get real.
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    • Profile picture of the author papeter
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      • Profile picture of the author scout99
        Originally Posted by papeter View Post

        There are plenty of schmucks out there who'll pay this price.
        Indeed, there are.

        In the what-seemed-like-forever ramp up leading to the big reveal of its outrageous price, I followed the Facebook comments on it. I've come to the conclusion that most people really are stupid, just based on the questions people asked. One thing I must give the guys selling it credit for is how patient and polite they were with most of them.

        I'd have been willing to pay up to $500 for it. $3,500? They're out of their freaking minds.
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  • Profile picture of the author jmk909er
    Wow! I'm shocked with the $3500 price tag. I really wanted to do this but I'm priced out. Plus I'm getting hit with a 34% cut in take home pay in about 3 weeks because of the sequestration budget battle by the clowns in Washington. With a family of 5 and a price tag of $3500 there's no way.

    Earlier in this thread Jim Cockrum's Proven Amazon Course (PAC). Price - $347.00 one time payment. was mentioned and I looked into it a little. Can anyone out there recommend if this is a good one or not or has tried it? Thanks.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7846947].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
      Read post #28 for a way to get that PAC course for $97.

      You can get into the Amazing Selling Machine course for $997 and take a refund after 30 days.
      That way you can get 2-3 weeks of the 8 weeks content.

      Anyway, they have 3 PDFs with a lot of great Information:
      Here are the 3 direct download links for the pdfs:


      WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
      Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7846975].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author jmk909er
        Originally Posted by ChrisWF View Post

        Read post #28 for a way to get that PAC course for $97.

        You can get into the Amazing Selling Machine course for $997 and take a refund after 30 days.
        That way you can get 2-3 weeks of the 8 weeks content.

        Anyway, they have 3 PDFs with a lot of great Information:
        Here are the 3 direct download links for the pdfs:

        Thanks Chris, do have experience with PAC?
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      • Profile picture of the author bethann
        Originally Posted by ChrisWF View Post

        Read post #28 for a way to get that PAC course for $97.

        You can get into the Amazing Selling Machine course for $997 and take a refund after 30 days.
        That way you can get 2-3 weeks of the 8 weeks content.

        Anyway, they have 3 PDFs with a lot of great Information:
        Here are the 3 direct download links for the pdfs:

        Do you still have those old pdfs and would be willing to share on the Amazon Selling Machine. I tried to get into it but balked at the 4000K dollar price tag.

        Kind Regards,

        Beth Ann
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      • Profile picture of the author takeaction24
        Originally Posted by ChrisWF View Post

        Read post #28 for a way to get that PAC course for $97.

        You can get into the Amazing Selling Machine course for $997 and take a refund after 30 days.
        That way you can get 2-3 weeks of the 8 weeks content.

        Anyway, they have 3 PDFs with a lot of great Information:
        Here are the 3 direct download links for the pdfs:

        Thanks Chris for the PDF's

        Wow 4 payments of $997.00 and the creators are making millions.

        It seems to me they don't want to help normal people that is why they put it beyond many peoples reach.

        If they are so successful why do they need the money. It beggars belief why they would charge so much when they are already successful.

        I guess it comes down to greed at the end of the day and from what I have seen from all my time online this is now becoming the norm.

        what happened to the kind hearted people who just wants to help another. I guess those days are gone.

        Anyway sounds a good course with all the tools and software and everything but way out of my price range so I am out on this one.

        I have always wondered why marketers have never offered a deal like this... You Pay a small fee today and as soon as you are making good money with the system then you pay the rest.

        Now to me that would be far fairer and far more effective plus would cut down on refunds. Maybe one day someone may create a system like that.

        Anyway thanks again for the PDF's

        This has made me realise what I need to do next..

        I need to unsubscribe from all the lists I keep getting offers from and focus and then maybe I wont be so tempted by the next shiny object lol
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        • Profile picture of the author Niteprowler
          Originally Posted by takeaction24 View Post

          Thanks Chris for the PDF's

          I have always wondered why marketers have never offered a deal like this... You Pay a small fee today and as soon as you are making good money with the system then you pay the rest.

          Now to me that would be far fairer and far more effective plus would cut down on refunds. Maybe one day someone may create a system like that.

          I need to unsubscribe from all the lists I keep getting offers from and focus and then maybe I wont be so tempted by the next shiny object lol

          As to that first suggestion, the answer is easy. Only a small portion of buyers take action and an even smaller percentage achieve results. Just like most books bought are never completely read. So there would be a lot of starving marketers if their income depended on the results of what they sell achieving results by buyers.

          A part of the reason is the very reason you mention.... and the solution is in your comment. Forget bright shiny objects and focus on efforts... the answers you need can be found without spending a fortune if you spend the time.

          With ASM as with most everything else... it is a matter of trading money for time to shorten the learning curve to improve the earning curve.

          So it comes down to which you have more of and which has a higher value for you... time or money.

          $ 3,500 would go a long way toward buying inventory and starting your actual FBA business....

          "The simple secret of the universe is that you create your own reality" - Edgar D. Mitchell

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9115841].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author takeaction24
            Every body who is selling something says " only some buyers would take action "

            I wonder why that is....

            Maybe if the people that create the products made them simple so anyone could follow and went into intricate detail then more people would finish the course. Instead of spending more time on creating a hyped up sales Page or Video that states it is so simple a child could do it, Just click this button copy paste and you are done or look over my shoulder and I will show you how.

            I Believe the problem is the people that develop the software and the courses do not explain things well enough and miss out vital pieces of information. Then when you contact their support, either their support is not qualified enough or they just gloss over everything instead of reading the question and giving you the missing piece that is on your mind. Or worse they just don't reply.

            If the creators made their course, training etc.. abc or set out to create it like a well laid out manual then there would be little or no questions.

            I could be wrong but I believe that is why people give up and then see the next shiny object hoping that it is easily doable and they can do it. If things were simplified then I believe many more would finish the course and get results. Granted not everyone will get the same results because it is all about the products you choose and whether you get lucky with one that works for you etc..

            The ones that make me laugh are the ones that say, you don't need a website, you don't need hosting, you don't need a list etc.. then when you get into the training it teaches you how to create a website and suggests Hostgator for hosting and conveniently here is the link which is an affiliate link lol. Also you see some that say this is the only tool you will ever need and in the pdf they are promoting other products which they claim they use.

            My opinion is The creators of any course or digital product should make it simple like they are teaching their child and should be honest.

            Just my opinion

            Granted though there is some truth in what you have stated.

            Please note: I cannot comment on any of the Amazon courses mentioned as I have not bought any of them yet. My comments are general and in reply to Niteprowler.

            Originally Posted by Niteprowler View Post

            As to that first suggestion, the answer is easy. Only a small portion of buyers take action and an even smaller percentage achieve results. Just like most books bought are never completely read. So there would be a lot of starving marketers if their income depended on the results of what they sell achieving results by buyers.

            A part of the reason is the very reason you mention.... and the solution is in your comment. Forget bright shiny objects and focus on efforts... the answers you need can be found without spending a fortune if you spend the time.

            With ASM as with most everything else... it is a matter of trading money for time to shorten the learning curve to improve the earning curve.

            So it comes down to which you have more of and which has a higher value for you... time or money.

            $ 3,500 would go a long way toward buying inventory and starting your actual FBA business....
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9116144].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BusyMum_2010
      I looked at PAC but I am not impressed because they are all theories, all talking on videos, no step by step process, sorry to say, way overpriced for $347 or $99. But I am impressed on the information of free PDF of Amazon Selling Machine because it's like you do it step by step. I can do things "step by step" and get bored quickly with just watching videos full of talks.

      I like Amazon Selling Machine but way overpriced as well for $3,497, I cannot afford.

      Originally Posted by jmk909er View Post

      Wow! I'm shocked with the $3500 price tag. I really wanted to do this but I'm priced out. Plus I'm getting hit with a 34% cut in take home pay in about 3 weeks because of the sequestration budget battle by the clowns in Washington. With a family of 5 and a price tag of $3500 there's no way.

      Earlier in this thread Jim Cockrum's Proven Amazon Course (PAC). Price - $347.00 one time payment. was mentioned and I looked into it a little. Can anyone out there recommend if this is a good one or not or has tried it? Thanks.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7872134].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
        Originally Posted by BusyMum_2010 View Post

        I looked at PAC but I am not impressed because they are all theories, all talking on videos, no step by step process, sorry to say, way overpriced for $347 or $99. But I am impressed on the information of free PDF of Amazon Selling Machine because it's like you do it step by step. I can do things "step by step" and get bored quickly with just watching videos full of talks.

        I like Amazon Selling Machine but way overpriced as well for $3,497, I cannot afford.
        That is exactly what I was thinking.
        The Pac Course is good, but could need a fresh up. The Information there is not that clearly laid out as it is in the ASM PDFs.
        The ASM Videos and PDFs make it very clear what the big picture is and how this business work.

        After all it all comes down to one question:
        "Where do I find hot in demand Products that can be Private Labeled and offer a huge margin?"

        If that question is answered, the rest will come natural:
        Do some SEO
        Write a Press Release
        Do some Backlinking (SEnuke)
        Create a Video
        Get Reviews
        Write a good Product Sales Page

        That's all basic Internet Marketers stuff that most of us do every day.

        My main Problem is and thats what I read out of the forum for the most people there is "Finding my HOT HOT Private Label Product".

        WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
        Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7872671].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author affmanager
          Originally Posted by ChrisWF View Post

          That is exactly what I was thinking.
          The Pac Course is good, but could need a fresh up. The Information there is not that clearly laid out as it is in the ASM PDFs.
          The ASM Videos and PDFs make it very clear what the big picture is and how this business work.

          After all it all comes down to one question:
          "Where do I find hot in demand Products that can be Private Labeled and offer a huge margin?"

          If that question is answered, the rest will come natural:
          Do some SEO
          Write a Press Release
          Do some Backlinking (SEnuke)
          Create a Video
          Get Reviews
          Write a good Product Sales Page

          That's all basic Internet Marketers stuff that most of us do every day.

          My main Problem is and thats what I read out of the forum for the most people there is "Finding my HOT HOT Private Label Product".

          I agree. For me, anyway, it all comes down to one question. "Where do I find hot in demand Products that can be Private Labeled and offer a huge margin?"

          Among all the Amazon Seller courses mentioned in this wonderful thread, aside from ASM (too expensive for $3500), which course is dynamite at not only TEACHING how to private label products but ALSO assists sellers in locating and sourcing such products? I am VERY interested in buying such a course.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jessica007
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  • Profile picture of the author SheraLee
    I see Mark Ling & his sidekick Matt Carter are peddling the ASM FBA course, as if it's the best thing they've ever seen online.

    The Amazon FBA has been around for a while now. If I was looking to purchase this knowledge, I would go with Jim Cockrum's Proven Amazon Course. If you are on his list, you will remember the special he had at Christmas for $99. He will likely still honor it if you ask. There is absolutely no need to pay $1000 or more for such knowledge.

    Jim Cockrum is the most respected online and doesn't push stuff just to make a quick buck like most others do. He actually wants to give his readers VALUE, as well. If all the other IM marketers truly wanted to help their readers in this area, they would be affiliates for Jim Cockrum. But money seems to play a huge part in what is promoted.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7847363].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author panorama
      I'd be very hesitant to pay $3,500 for this course as well. I look at their motivation for selling this course, and it just doesn't make economic sense if the strategy is as profitable as they say it is.

      It seems to be a good business model, but if you crunch some numbers, it would be more profitable for them to keep this information to themselves, rather than selling it - even at $3,500.

      Let's look at a couple of facts:
      • Jason Katzenback says he makes over $100k profit per month with just 3 or 4 products.
      • Matt Clark says he makes much more than this, with 80% of his revenue coming from just 5 products.
      So, with this info, let's say one *good* product can earn $20,000 per month in profit. That's $240,000 in profit PER YEAR for every good product. Now, let's assume each member of Amazing Selling Machine provides $1,000 in (one-time) profit to them after affiliate commissions and other costs.

      Keep that in mind for a moment. Now think about how many memberships they can sell at this price. 1,000? 2,000? I think those are high estimates, but let's say 2,000 memberships, with $1,000 profit each. That's $2.0 million dollars total one-time profit, right?

      It would only take 9 *good* products to exceed that (9 x $240,000 = $2.16 million), and that would be ANNUALLY, not a one-time profit.

      In fact, if it were me, I'd personally rather make $1.0 million every year, rather than $2.0 million once.

      So, what's the conclusion here?
      • Do they think they will be selling more than 2,000 memberships? I doubt it?
      • Do they think finding 9 more *good* products will be too difficult? That's my guess.
      What does this mean for the members paying $3,500 with the expectation of outsized profits? Remember, now you'll have hundreds/thousands of members pursuing the EXACT same strategy. There may be millions of products available on Amazon, but how many will this business model work with?

      My guess is that the opportunity is much smaller than they are making it out to be - and that's without all these new members. That's why it makes sense for them to sell this course rather than keep the business model to themselves.
      Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
      Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
      Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7847475].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Phillip M King
        I agree with your analysis. I ran the numbers on what they were telling us to do and came up with 20,000 Amazon products at most to make the first two criteria cuts. Then there are several other important factors which will knock that 20,000 down again. Now add a course with possibly 2,000 highly motivated people (having spent $3497) who are all looking for the ONE big money product, and how many of the 2000 will come up with one? Sure, out of 2000 starters, a few will land a big one, "proving" the course. But I doubt that even 20 will land a big one, and that's less than 1%. A post above mentioned that some beta testers did very well. I've not seen one single mention about the percentage of people in the beta test who even made back their investment. If it were my course, I would be recognizing the success of those who performed well. Sometimes the lack of evidence is evidence itself.

        Originally Posted by panorama View Post

        I'd be very hesitant to pay $3,500 for this course as well. I look at their motivation for selling this course, and it just doesn't make economic sense if the strategy is as profitable as they say it is.

        It seems to be a good business model, but if you crunch some numbers, it would be more profitable for them to keep this information to themselves, rather than selling it - even at $3,500.

        Let's look at a couple of facts:
        • Jason Katzenback says he makes over $100k profit per month with just 3 or 4 products.
        • Matt Clark says he makes much more than this, with 80% of his revenue coming from just 5 products.
        So, with this info, let's say one *good* product can earn $20,000 per month in profit. That's $240,000 in profit PER YEAR for every good product. Now, let's assume each member of Amazing Selling Machine provides $1,000 in (one-time) profit to them after affiliate commissions and other costs.

        Keep that in mind for a moment. Now think about how many memberships they can sell at this price. 1,000? 2,000? I think those are high estimates, but let's say 2,000 memberships, with $1,000 profit each. That's $2.0 million dollars total one-time profit, right?

        It would only take 9 *good* products to exceed that (9 x $240,000 = $2.16 million), and that would be ANNUALLY, not a one-time profit.

        In fact, if it were me, I'd personally rather make $1.0 million every year, rather than $2.0 million once.

        So, what's the conclusion here?
        • Do they think they will be selling more than 2,000 memberships? I doubt it?
        • Do they think finding 9 more *good* products will be too difficult? That's my guess.
        What does this mean for the members paying $3,500 with the expectation of outsized profits? Remember, now you'll have hundreds/thousands of members pursuing the EXACT same strategy. There may be millions of products available on Amazon, but how many will this business model work with?

        My guess is that the opportunity is much smaller than they are making it out to be - and that's without all these new members. That's why it makes sense for them to sell this course rather than keep the business model to themselves.
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    • Profile picture of the author CanuckWarrior
      Originally Posted by SheraLee View Post

      I see Mark Ling & his sidekick Matt Carter are peddling the ASM FBA course, as if it's the best thing they've ever seen online.
      LOL ... and that's on top of their own "this is all you'll ever need to make it on the net" membership sites.

      Originally Posted by SheraLee View Post

      The Amazon FBA has been around for a while now. If I was looking to purchase this knowledge, I would go with Jim Cockrum's Proven Amazon Course. If you are on his list, you will remember the special he had at Christmas for $99. He will likely still honor it if you ask. There is absolutely no need to pay $1000 or more for such knowledge.
      I have to agree with the quality of Jim's PAC course. It's one of the few courses I'd feel comfortable recommending. I bought it at the sale price and have been slowly working through the ton of information that comes with it. My main business is offline so I bought it as a possible way for me to diversify. I was pleasantly surprised, it really opened my eyes to how to solve the shipping issue that plagued me when I used to run myself ragged on ebay years ago.

      Now that my eyes have been opened on the correct way to streamline shipping, I can have a second look at that business model.

      Originally Posted by SheraLee View Post

      Jim Cockrum is the most respected online and doesn't push stuff just to make a quick buck like most others do. He actually wants to give his readers VALUE, as well.
      Yeah, he's literally one of only four internet marketers that don't spam by inbox with useless offers of the day, etc. Information actually worth reading (so far).

      Maybe he can even post his thoughts on the hoopla over this new $3,500 shiny object course in his silent membership area.

      Originally Posted by SheraLee View Post

      But money seems to play a huge part in what is promoted.
      Sadly, money is the only thing that drives the majority of IM offers. Most are looking looking for patsies to churn and burn and more than a few are coming from fake it until you make it wannabes.

      Internet marketing is not rocket science ... unsubscribe from every guru spam list you're currently on ... they just want to rape your wallet and make you co-dependent.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7850690].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
        What $3500 course? I have no idea what you are talking about and I'm certain I have no opinions on the matter.

        Originally Posted by CanuckWarrior View Post

        I have to agree with the quality of Jim's PAC course...he's literally one of only four internet marketers that don't spam by inbox with useless offers of the day, etc. Information actually worth reading (so far).

        Maybe he can even post his thoughts on the hoopla over this new $3,500 shiny object course in his silent membership area.
        Signature aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7853202].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
          The "theory" behind the PAC (Proven Amazon Course) is one that should be modeled for ANY legitimate course or training offered in the "online entrepreneur" niche. It's time to raise the standards of what we expect from the courses we buy.

          The PAC's standard that I think we need for the entire industry:

          1) Make it affordable - always
          2) no bright shiny objects allowed (cut the graphics crap. As buyers we don't care - or at least we SHOULDN'T!)
          3) Start small, grow slow (no big launches - PROVE it first...we'll buy later once you have REAL testimonials)
          4) Recruit early successful students to present their ideas to the rest of us as it grows. Let the content GROW as new creative ideas and people come on board.
          5) Hire successful students to monitor the MANDATORY INCLUDED discussion forums and let everyone hang out and learn there
          6) No time limits on refunds. NONE.
          7) End guru worship (again, we really shouldn't care should we?)
          8) Your "expert testimonials" are crap. Show us real people giving their FIRST EVER testimonial. Those are the only ones that matter.

          Am I forgetting anything?

          How can YOU help make this a reality? STOP BUYING STUFF THAT YOU KNOW IS GARBAGE.

          Lesson for my "expert" colleagues: If you aim your marketing at idiots you'll soon have an audience of the same.

          NOTE: NONE of these comments are directed at the creators of ASM because I've spent exactly ZERO minutes looking at their course, offer, content or website.

          Thanks for all the support here guys.
 aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7853244].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author SheraLee
            Originally Posted by Jim Cockrum View Post

            Am I forgetting anything?

            How can YOU help make this a reality? STOP BUYING STUFF THAT YOU KNOW IS GARBAGE.

            Lesson for my "expert" colleagues: If you aim your marketing at idiots you'll soon have an audience of the same.

            Thanks for all the support here guys.

            Well, that sums it up nicely....... good tips for all people; both on the selling and buying side.

            No Jim, THANK YOU, for being the lighthouse on a rough sea of IM waters filled with low morals and greed.

            And yes, people have to have enough sense to walk away from things that don't "feel" right, even if they can't put their finger on exactly what bothers them.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7853510].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Phillip M King
            Dear Jim,

            In the movie It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, Jonathan Winters made an observation about businessmen. Being a young tyke when I first saw that, I believed it to be pretty much true. Now you come along and break the mold with your attitude and ethics. Kudos to you, but now what happens to my view of how the world operates?

            Originally Posted by Jim Cockrum View Post

            The "theory" behind the PAC course is one that should be modeled for ANY legitimate course or training offered in the "online entrepreneur" niche. It's time to raise the standards of what we expect from the courses we buy.

            The PAC's standard that I think we need for the entire industry:

            1) Make it affordable - always
            2) no bright shiny objects allowed (cut the graphics crap. As buyers we don't care - or at least we SHOULDN'T!)
            3) Start small, grow slow (no big launches - PROVE it first...we'll buy later once you have REAL testimonials)
            4) Recruit early successful students to present their ideas to the rest of us as it grows. Let the content GROW as new creative ideas and people come on board.
            5) Hire successful students to monitor the MANDATORY INCLUDED discussion forums and let everyone hang out and learn there
            6) No time limits on refunds. NONE.
            7) End guru worship (again, we really shouldn't care should we?)
            8) Your "expert testimonials" are crap. Show us real people giving their FIRST EVER testimonial. Those are the only ones that matter.

            Am I forgetting anything?

            How can YOU help make this a reality? STOP BUYING STUFF THAT YOU KNOW IS GARBAGE.

            Lesson for my "expert" colleagues: If you aim your marketing at idiots you'll soon have an audience of the same.

            NOTE: NONE of these comments are directed at the creators of ASM because I've spent exactly ZERO minutes looking at their course, offer, content or website.

            Thanks for all the support here guys.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7955437].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bullseyemarketing
    Actually the price is about $4000 since I am sure most people that do buy this will take the payment option. $997 X 4 payments......

    Please do not use affiliate templates in signatures

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  • Profile picture of the author WhiteStarlight
    It is the most expensive online marketing product I have ever seen. I thought it's price would be around 500-1000$, but actually it was a shock for me when I saw the price. I don't know whether the product is good, but the price of 3500$ seems like too much for me.

    I also see additional costs here - like trip to Austin (where they will hold a live event), I guess after paying that much for the course you absolutely have to attend their live training.

    What I don't like about the payment is that they don't have an integrated Paypal payment option (you have to contact support in order to do that).

    Also I think that 30-day refund period might be a bit too low for that program (I think it should be 60 days), cause it will take some time to find a right supplier, ship the item to the Amazon and finally start selling.

    Panorama actually got a great point in his post. There always should be a good reason for the price and for the time the offer is available.

    But in overall I think that Amazon Fullfilment is a great idea.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brantley
    $3500 What a joke !!!

    I can be trained by two mentors that everyone here knows that have an AWESOME reputation, for a month of 1 on 1, side by side coaching for less than that, and I could guarantee myself to be making money within 30 days.

    And if not, I would gain enough skills,wisdom and knowledge that if I applied it, and I would, I could build a seven figure business
    within a year.

    Problem is, I don't have that kind of money.....yet
    Keeping It Real ><>
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  • Profile picture of the author AllanWard
    I've just had a quick read of the pdfs that were posted here earlier which provide a pretty good overview of the system. My impression is that it all revolves around white-labelling your own product and then selling lots of them via Amazon. This can work well for products with a high demand and where you're able to white label them. By white labelling the product they believe you're able to achieve higher profit margins.

    Of course, you need to ensure the quality of the product that you're selling so perhaps some types of products are more suited to this model. For example, there's not much that can go wrong with a spatula when compared to an electronic item. And I'd steer clear of any health-related product where you run the risk of being sued because you didn't know what ingredients where in the product you were selling.

    The concern I have is that as long as you're selling a product that's easily replicable, you run the risk of competitors undercutting your price, eroding your high margins. And as long as the model involves you just sourcing the products from a wholesaler and then selling them through Amazon, there's nothing unique about your product.

    To be fair the product creators suggest that you can gain an advantage if you promote the product well via Amazon and You Tube and they're right - this will enable you to stand out from competitors. However, there's nothing to stop other people from doing the same thing.

    The overall strategy makes sense, but it really has little to do with the traditional IM product. This is all about selling a physical product via an online marketplace. I think the reason it's being promoted to the IM space is because people are looking for the magic way to make millions and this product promises that.

    I still don't understand why these guys need to make a course about it and sell it. If they're making so much money, and want to make more, surely they're better off finding some more product opportunities on Amazon that they can white-label?
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    • Profile picture of the author ScottLindsay
      Great thread! Thank you everyone for all of the input.

      I have been trying to decide if I should buy the course since it does have a 30 day money back guarantee. So really not much to risk especially if the info proves to be valuable.

      However, I did have a concern that the course is an 8 week course. Does this mean it can only be accessed as they release it? I really don't like that. I would rather be able to see the course in its entirety and work it at my own pace.

      I just spoke to their support staff and they said "Yes, it can only be accessed as we release the modules per week"

      I really don't like that set up.

      Can anyone tell me how Jim Cockrum's Proven Amazon Course is set up? Does it provide the same type of info and does it offer software to help run the business?

      Thank you for the feedback!
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      • Profile picture of the author Brian Hewitt
        I had been meaning to unsub from a lot of lists and I will give this course credit for one has given me the kick in the pants needed to do so. I have unsubbed from everyone who mailed for this and let them know why. I would have thought that one of them would have at least offered a reach-around as a bonus.
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        • Profile picture of the author mahetze2123
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7848439].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author rmoore

            Agree with you that people who tend to hop from one thing to the next should avoid this.

            It isn't really fair to label this product in the category of "shiny objects".

            This is a major business model being taught here.

            I've been a full-time info product marketer for years and have always wanted to get into the physical product market. I never really saw a course that covered this in the detail I desired...until now.

            I really doubt that Jason and Matt are trying to get one over on people. There is a large group of successful people in the info product space jumping on board here. We simply want to learn how to use some of our marketing skills to give us an advantage in the Amazon marketplace.

            Both Jason and Matt come from the info product world and have successfully transitioned into doing well on Amazon. So for info marketers who have had some success...these are the right people to learn from.

            This probably isn't the best thing for people who have not earned their first dollar online.

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            • Profile picture of the author mahetze2123
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              • Profile picture of the author PeterFinch
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                • Profile picture of the author sammystin
                  Every WSO that I bought in my life was my fault and so was everything else.
                  Please guys, no sour grapes.

                  Last night I had a friend who seriously asked,

                  "Who is your trusted one?"
                  I replied, "Jim Cockrum" ... funny never ever know him

                  Guys, it's not about the money
                  Don't make excuses.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7859569].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
                    I'm humbled and honored by that. Seriously.

                    If I ever do anything to lose that trust please kick my butt. I pledge to keep on earning your trust every day.

                    My approach is simple - I don't promote launches or fads. I grow my own business, and if something legit and sustainable is working for me THEN I tell my friends about it & charge a fair price to train those who want training. This way I can hire good people & pay my staff well to train those who want it - all the while we run my businesses DOING what we teach BEFORE we teach it. It's really not complicated to do the right thing.

                    Originally Posted by sammystin View Post

                    Last night I had a friend who seriously asked,

                    "Who is your trusted one?"
                    I replied, "Jim Cockrum"

                    UPDATE 2015: For those wondering - my PAC course is all new and updated for 2015...and we continue to update it constantly. It's "evergreen". We've been teaching online sales since 2002, and we'll still be doing it a decade from now Lord willing.
           aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7859890].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author sammystin
                      What I mean is this whole thread turned out to be something different.

                      And if anyone is into offline, that's what Jim teaches day in and day out... take action. Please don't be fearful, thinking you cannot do, because you really can. Guys, I got my first $3,500 set-up client with $597 for 2 years and the two years is up now.

                      If Jim teaches you anything, he's genuine while most are not!!! But with or without him, please do it. No WSO will EVER do it for you, $7 or $4,000.- what I'm saying is if you want to leave it to a chance, your chance is better with him than anyone else... Just saying...
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7860210].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author jmk909er
                      Hi Jim, I bought your Proven Amazon Course yesterday and am almost through the Silent Sales Machine book already. I echo the same sentiments. I am very impressed with your sound techniques and integrity and I'm very excited about your course. Thanks, Joe

                      Originally Posted by sammystin

                      Last night I had a friend who seriously asked,

                      "Who is your trusted one?"
                      I replied, "Jim Cockrum"
                      Originally Posted by Jim Cockrum View Post

                      I'm humbled and honored by that. Seriously.

                      If I ever do anything to lose that trust please kick my butt. I pledge to keep on earning your trust every day.

                      My approach is simple - I don't promote launches or fads. I grow my own business, and if something legit and sustainable is working for me THEN I tell my friends about it & charge a fair price to train those who want training. This way I can hire good people & pay my staff well to train those who want it - all the while we run my businesses DOING what we teach BEFORE we teach it. It's really not complicated to do the right thing.
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7860283].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author topcaller
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7848644].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author ScottLindsay
                Originally Posted by topcaller View Post

                Some of the modules were never even completed and that course was $1,000

                There are some really upset customers in that course and a ton of unanswered questions in their forum. And just so you know it isn't just sour grapes, they are both doing very well on Amazon, but they had to learn most of it elsewhere as there was A GREAT DEAL OF INFO that was left out of the original course.
                Is this really true that they didn't even complete the previous course? Is this verified?
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7848806].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author topcaller
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7849866].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author isee
                    It has certainly been a very slick launch and to be fair some of the free content has been informative. That said, the price tag is extremely high.

                    I'd be interested to see what results and benefits purchasers will find a few months down the line once the hype has died off.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7850016].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
              Hi Rusty

              the first webinar will start on Mar. 27th and then go til week 8 on May. 15th

              What stuff do you have access to now? Do you have to wait two weeks without nothing in your hands?


              WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
              Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7849394].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Lisa Suttora
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7853748].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author topcaller
                Originally Posted by Lisa Suttora View Post

                I've been hesitant to chime in....
                - Lisa
                Thanks Lisa for a very informative post.

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7854281].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author ironwood
                  As an Amazon FBA, (Fullfillment By Amazon), seller I have
                  always been interested in the private branding of products
                  as a means of offering products to which you have added
                  your private brand and thereby pretty much eliminate much
                  competition from other sellers.

                  I know that bundling of products is a very effective sales
                  method. This is where you add a number of branded products
                  together, purchase your own barcode and then create a sales
                  page on Amazon for the product. This is not private branding
                  where you are offering a product with your company name but
                  merely combining some major brand products to make a special

                  It would appear that "private branding" is a profitable sales
                  tactic as I have read a number of success stories from people
                  who claim to be doing just that. From the little I know about
                  the course being discussed in this thread it appears that this
                  is the exact tactic they propose.

                  Buy a wholesale product, get some art work for a logo and then
                  package that product under your company name. Buyers might be
                  convinced that you are the only distributor of said products or
                  might even think you manufacture the products.

                  This is what has always concerned me about this process. Do you
                  recall all the problems with the Chinese drywall following the
                  Katrina disaster. Or all the many problems with lead tainted
                  toys from China.

                  With the society we live in where there are attorneys hiding
                  behind every tree looking for a reason, valid or not, to file a
                  class action suit, could you be in jeopardy if one of the
                  products you private labeled developed some sort of issue.

                  Tainted with some unknown substance, choking hazard, sharp
                  edges or possibly you did not warn all of your customers with
                  a six page document of things they should not do with this

                  Of course liability insurance could be considered. However I
                  wonder how expensive a policy would be for a small seller
                  once you explained to the insurance company that you intended
                  to purchase unknown products and advertise them as your companies
                  personal products?

                  Additionally once you are tagged with a law suit whether you are
                  guilty of wrongdoing or not you will have to defend yourself with
                  expensive legal advice.

                  Having said all of this it could be that those that have been
                  using this tactic have considered this risk and have methods in
                  place to protect themselves. Or possibly they use great care to
                  choose only products that limit the potential problems.

                  All I am suggesting here is that some consideration be given to
                  this issue before undertaking private branding. Perhaps for those
                  of you who are considering purchasing the course under discussion
                  here might ask that questions of the sellers and see what response
                  you receive.

                  On another note for those wondering if it is possible to earn a
                  profitable income through selling physical products on Amazon let
                  me just add that my wife and I have been able to fullfill a life's
                  dream of traveling at will and paying for the travel through sales
                  on Amazon.

                  Hands off? Not really. We do spend time while traveling sourcing
                  products to sell. But thanks to the Amazon FBA program we simply
                  box them up from where ever we are, drop the boxes off at a UPS
                  store. They go into an amazon warehouse and when they sell Amazon
                  does all the shipping and handling and sends a deposit every two
                  weeks into our checking account.

                  As I write this post I am sitting in a motel in Ocala Florida and
                  smiling as I check my email for the sales that have come in over
                  night and realize that we are able to escape Michigan winters
                  because of Amazon.

                  Don't look for any affiliate product provided by me with all the
                  secret stuff we use to accomplish this. A little research on Google,
                  and perhaps the purchase of a few "reasonably priced" Amazon
                  courses would give you all the information you need to decide if
                  Amazon or private branding is right for you.

                  All the best.

                  Chet Hastings
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7854303].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Phillip M King
                    Thanks for your post. It reminded me of a discussion about "xcensoredx" I heard in the course - my jaw hit the floor, as I had already thought about your points from paragraph 5 on.

                    Originally Posted by ironwood View Post

                    As an Amazon FBA, (Fullfillment By Amazon), seller I have
                    always been interested in the private branding of products
                    as a means of offering products to which you have added
                    your private brand and thereby pretty much eliminate much
                    competition from other sellers.

                    I know that bundling of products is a very effective sales
                    method. This is where you add a number of branded products
                    together, purchase your own barcode and then create a sales
                    page on Amazon for the product. This is not private branding
                    where you are offering a product with your company name but
                    merely combining some major brand products to make a special

                    It would appear that "private branding" is a profitable sales
                    tactic as I have read a number of success stories from people
                    who claim to be doing just that. From the little I know about
                    the course being discussed in this thread it appears that this
                    is the exact tactic they propose.

                    Buy a wholesale product, get some art work for a logo and then
                    package that product under your company name. Buyers might be
                    convinced that you are the only distributor of said products or
                    might even think you manufacture the products.

                    This is what has always concerned me about this process. Do you
                    recall all the problems with the Chinese drywall following the
                    Katrina disaster. Or all the many problems with lead tainted
                    toys from China.

                    With the society we live in where there are attorneys hiding
                    behind every tree looking for a reason, valid or not, to file a
                    class action suit, could you be in jeopardy if one of the
                    products you private labeled developed some sort of issue.

                    Tainted with some unknown substance, choking hazard, sharp
                    edges or possibly you did not warn all of your customers with
                    a six page document of things they should not do with this

                    Of course liability insurance could be considered. However I
                    wonder how expensive a policy would be for a small seller
                    once you explained to the insurance company that you intended
                    to purchase unknown products and advertise them as your companies
                    personal products?

                    Additionally once you are tagged with a law suit whether you are
                    guilty of wrongdoing or not you will have to defend yourself with
                    expensive legal advice.

                    Having said all of this it could be that those that have been
                    using this tactic have considered this risk and have methods in
                    place to protect themselves. Or possibly they use great care to
                    choose only products that limit the potential problems.

                    All I am suggesting here is that some consideration be given to
                    this issue before undertaking private branding. Perhaps for those
                    of you who are considering purchasing the course under discussion
                    here might ask that questions of the sellers and see what response
                    you receive.

                    On another note for those wondering if it is possible to earn a
                    profitable income through selling physical products on Amazon let
                    me just add that my wife and I have been able to fullfill a life's
                    dream of traveling at will and paying for the travel through sales
                    on Amazon.

                    Hands off? Not really. We do spend time while traveling sourcing
                    products to sell. But thanks to the Amazon FBA program we simply
                    box them up from where ever we are, drop the boxes off at a UPS
                    store. They go into an amazon warehouse and when they sell Amazon
                    does all the shipping and handling and sends a deposit every two
                    weeks into our checking account.

                    As I write this post I am sitting in a motel in Ocala Florida and
                    smiling as I check my email for the sales that have come in over
                    night and realize that we are able to escape Michigan winters
                    because of Amazon.

                    Don't look for any affiliate product provided by me with all the
                    secret stuff we use to accomplish this. A little research on Google,
                    and perhaps the purchase of a few "reasonably priced" Amazon
                    courses would give you all the information you need to decide if
                    Amazon or private branding is right for you.

                    All the best.

                    Chet Hastings
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7955476].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author mariarise
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7857077].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Lisa Suttora
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7861029].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author TimothyW
                    Sorry if this is a dumb question...

                    Which product are you talking about here?...

                    Originally Posted by Lisa Suttora View Post

                    Hi Maria,
                    Thanks for asking.

                    Yes, the core Sourcing the RIGHT Products Wholesale to sell on Amazon course is all current material. The core course is 10 hours+ of step-by-step materials and I designed it so that people can start with the fundamentals and used the advanced materials as their business/skills grow.

                    I periodically add updates on new ways to do market research, as well as consumer trends (in fact, I'm in the process of adding some new videos now). All students get the updates included.

                    Students also have lifetime access to the course and all updates. I also do a monthly Q&A coaching call so that students can get their specific questions answered about sourcing products for their Amazon sales channel.

                    This course is strictly focused on wholesale sourcing, different ways to do market research to determine what products to source for Amazon, as well as how to spot pockets of opportunity, and consumer trends.

                    We don't cover any Amazon product page optimization or marketing in the course or nuts and bolts of Amazon selling. (Sourcing is such a big topic, I wanted to really keep the course focused on this core skill.)

                    I do teach marketing strategies for Amazon separately in my Strategic Biz Marketing program.

                    That being said, if our sourcing students ask a marketing question on one of our sourcing calls, I answer them.

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7861134].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Lisa Suttora
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7861273].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author TimothyW
                        Originally Posted by Lisa Suttora View Post

                        Hi Tim,
                        This is an ecommerce course that I teach on wholesale sourcing specifically desgined for 3rd party merchants selling in the Amazon marketplace.

                        (I've been working with online merchants who sell on Amazon, eBay, or an ecommerce website, since 2004.)

                        Not sure if it's OK to post a link, but you can find out more about me at Lisa Suttora DOT com.

                        The information about the sourcing course is at Lisa Suttora DOT com/amazonsourcing (or just click the products tab).

                        Thanks -- the reason I asked is because I see the AMM + that other ebook being discussed here -- so yours is a 3rd option then.

                        Easily Confused
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7861413].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
                        Originally Posted by Lisa Suttora View Post

                        (I've been working with online merchants who sell on Amazon, eBay, or an ecommerce website, since 2004.)
                        Lisa has a great reputation and has been a creative source of reliable information for years in the eBay/Amazon sourcing niche and many others. Glad to see her chime in here!
               aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7861825].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author Lisa Suttora
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7864560].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author ironwood
                            I received a private message from this gentleman and am posting his question and answer here. I won't answer any more questions in the thread because I am taking the thread away from it's original intent. But if the information I provided for Sajid helps him maybe it will help others also.

                            Originally Posted by buzzpoint

                            Dear Mr. Chet,

                            I am impressed by your posts that you have on Amazon FBA and also you recommend highly Jim for his Amazon Proven Course. If you don't mind, would you let me know, if his course offers FBA and how to select products? What criteria do you use to select products? I hope my questions don't sound too stupid.
                            If we really do full time, do you think, we can replace day job? I am sure you may have answered and also, if you like, you can make a public reply so that everybody can know too.

                            Hi Sajid. Yes Jim's PAC course is all about Amazon and FBA. I purchased his course just about 2 months ago even though I have been selling on Amazon for years but selling through FBA just since last April.

                            I have purchased other courses from him and for a number of years belonged to his paid membership.

                            I currently belong to Lisa's paid membership and have purchased a number of books from Skip McGrath including his wholesale buying guide just recently. I buy from others also and although a lot of material I get I already know and use I always seem to pick up one of two good tips that I was not familiar with and would never have known to search for them without purchasing various products.

                            My belief is that in any business you need to keep learning to keep growing. So I am happy to invest a portion of my Amazon earnings in new and updated courses and books.

                            My criteria for purchasing any product on Amazon basically is to try to buy products that I can list for 3 times the price I pay for it. Because Amazon takes about 40 percent of any sale using this method guarantees I can make a profit.

                            About replacing your full time job, yes I think it is possible but it will take a while and some investment. Don't believe the claims you see that state you can invest $100 and make a full time living on Amazon. It will take much more than that.

                            I also believe that to find good products at a good price you will need some tools. I use a couple of barcode scanners to find my products and so do almost every other serious Amazon seller.

                            I think if you are just starting out and if you want to get a good start you will need to spend a few hundred dollars on good solid Amazon training courses, join a few good free forums. One of the best in my opinion is the FBA forum on Yahoo groups.

                            Sign up for Skip; McGraths newsletter and also Jims and LIsa's. The more you know before you start the better your chances of success.

                            Please don't make the mistake of using your credit card to run out and buy a lot of product to sell on Amazon before you learn how to pick good selling products based on seller competition, price, product ranking and other variables.

                            Many of the ridiculous low prices you find on Amazon are from sellers who spend a ton of money and then when they don't get sales they beginning lowballing their prices to get their money back.

                            Amazon is different than eBay and you will be dealing with a different class of buyers. Learn all you can before making expensive product purchases. Many Amazon sellers start out with stuff from their own home or with books because they can be purchased for pennies and sold at very good markups. Amazon can be started very easily and inexpensively.

                            There are folks who can give you much better answers that I can. I only posted in this thread originally to give a different perspective to Amazon selling and the course the thread represented.

                            I am posting your question because of the way you asked your question but I do not want to distract from the original thread or try to pass myself off as some kind of expert which I am not.

                            Learn a lot, spend a little and over time I believe you can do very well. As you asked I will post your question and my answer in the thread.

                            Chet Hastings
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7864780].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
                        Originally Posted by Lisa Suttora View Post

                        ...The information about the sourcing course is at Lisa Suttora DOT com/amazonsourcing (or just click the products tab).

                        Hi Lisa

                        do you have a coupon code for your course?


                        WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
                        Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7862418].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author ironwood
                          Of course there are many marketers who are searching for that
                          "hands Free", check into Starbucks a few days a week and see
                          how my magic business is running, type of business.

                          The course being discussed here may be it. But my thoughts, run
                          along the lines of an Amazon business where you have to do some
                          work just like any other "real business", learn how to purchase
                          good product and market it on Amazon.

                          $3500, if used to purchase product to resell and a few courses
                          from folks like Jim Cockrum, Lisa Suttora, Skip McGrath and a
                          few others, along with a litle Google searching and some honest
                          study, could be the basis of an honest to goodness Amazon

                          I am just an old guy in my 70s how would I know anything about
                          any of this? Well as I write this post I am sitting in a motel
                          in Ocala, Fla. Been here for a few days and came here from
                          Jacksonville, Fla, where my wife and I spent 7 days.

                          We are from Michigan and if you check the weather reports from
                          Mi and Fla it will be easy to figure out why we are here. Our poor
                          Ford Escape is loaded to the roof with product we have purchased
                          from thrift stores in the last 10 days.

                          (We made a mistake on this trip. We usually carry the printers
                          and other stuff needed to send products off to Amazon from
                          where ever we happen to be. That way the stuff gets to the
                          Amazon warehouse and starts to earn for us while we are
                          still enjoying our travels. We did not do that this trip).

                          Those products, which allow us to travel where ever and whenever
                          we choose, were purchased with a little labor and lots of
                          knowledge gained from the folks I mentioned above who I still
                          listen to and gladly continue to purchase their training and

                          Although we have been selling on eBay and Amazon for over 10 years
                          the real change in our lives began last April when we began using
                          the Amazon FBA system. My goal in the last few years has been to
                          build a sustainable business that would allow my wife to live
                          comfortably if I should pass away before her.

                          I did Amazon affiliate marketing for a number of years but came to
                          realize that keeping up with all the Google changes and other work
                          necessary to maintain a series of those types of sites would not be
                          possible for her.

                          Amazon FBA on the other hand is the answer. She could grab a sister
                          or one of our grown children or even a grandchild and continue on
                          with this business. I try not to remind her of this too often in
                          case she decided that if somehow I was gone a little earlier her
                          life might be even more enjoyable.

                          While this business model is allowing us to really enjoy life,
                          (stopped at a country gift shop in the middle of nowhere yesterday,
                          nothing but a four corner type of location, and bought a bunch of
                          CDs and Pez dispensers to send off to Amazon), our age and health
                          will not allow us to travel forever.

                          That's why I continue to purchase training products and follow the
                          advice from the trusted folks I mentioned above to gain the
                          knowledge of wholesale purchase so we can expand our business when
                          our bodies began to remind us that we ain't in our 50s any longer.

                          If I was 20 years younger the ideas that the guys selling the course
                          that began this thread in the first place might appeal to me. However
                          when you began to realize that you no long have the time to experiment
                          and try new things it is comforting to know there is a business model
                          that has been successful and will most likely continue to be
                          successful for many years. And being enjoyable doe's not hurt either.

                          Sorry for taking up so much space but I thought it might be helpful to
                          some to know that the Amazon system can in fact work. There will always
                          be those forward thinkers who devise methods to improve on it and these
                          two guys may have done just that. I on the other hand am living a great
                          life based on old fashioned principles of business, old fashioned in
                          internet years, that just seem to keep working.

                          What ever system any of you choose to practice I wish you the same

                          Chet Hastings
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7862709].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author Lisa Suttora
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7864543].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author zemog630
                Thanks Lisa! Your post on sourcing products was very helpful.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8598764].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author NEseO
            Here is what I know...I purchased the course they came out with last year that they sold for $1k...was it worth $1k? Certainly not! I guess if you were complete newbie it would be helpful but still i think it was overpriced. It had a few gems but for the most part it was basic information most IM'ers know or know where to get it..especially for less than $1k. In addition the forum was super weak, I found it extremely difficult to find a product that you could make any margin on. Its like someone said above...its probably harder to find these "opportunities" then it is to put together and sell a high priced course.

            Fast forward to this year and their new product...well a friend of mine asked Jason what categories are best to find these great products..after all he said there are thousands of opportunities and and it will NEVER get saturated. Now keep in mind my bud was asking for a primary category like Beauty or Electronics and there are only like 20-30 main categories in amazon. Well Jason wouldnt even say what category he has seen work well or ones that dont...I am sorry if there are so many opportunities why are you worried about saying here are a few that might be worth a go??? I mean these primary categories have thousand upon thousands of products...

            So back to last time, it was 60 day refund policy and my guess is they got enough refunds so this time around they said hey we have to grab as much money as possible so lets make the refund policy less time then what it takes to really get the entire product this way by the time people see the entire course and come to the conclusion that its not worth $4k its to late for a refund.

            Heck i could be wrong, maybe this is the greatest product ever made (but I swear I see that once every couple months lol) but experiencing what I got for $1k last time this is a definitely a no brainer...dont buy!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7848553].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Trevorjc
              Originally Posted by NEseO View Post

              Here is what I know...I purchased the course they came out with last year that they sold for $1k...was it worth $1k? Certainly not! I guess if you were complete newbie it would be helpful but still i think it was overpriced. It had a few gems but for the most part it was basic information most IM'ers know or know where to get it..especially for less than $1k. In addition the forum was super weak, I found it extremely difficult to find a product that you could make any margin on. Its like someone said above...its probably harder to find these "opportunities" then it is to put together and sell a high priced course.

              Fast forward to this year and their new product...well a friend of mine asked Jason what categories are best to find these great products..after all he said there are thousands of opportunities and and it will NEVER get saturated. Now keep in mind my bud was asking for a primary category like Beauty or Electronics and there are only like 20-30 main categories in amazon. Well Jason wouldnt even say what category he has seen work well or ones that dont...I am sorry if there are so many opportunities why are you worried about saying here are a few that might be worth a go??? I mean these primary categories have thousand upon thousands of products...

              So back to last time, it was 60 day refund policy and my guess is they got enough refunds so this time around they said hey we have to grab as much money as possible so lets make the refund policy less time then what it takes to really get the entire product this way by the time people see the entire course and come to the conclusion that its not worth $4k its to late for a refund.

              Heck i could be wrong, maybe this is the greatest product ever made (but I swear I see that once every couple months lol) but experiencing what I got for $1k last time this is a definitely a no brainer...dont buy!
              What set my alarm bells of was that Jason claims to have only been selling on Amazon since October 2012 yet the previous course they did was out before this........

              Maybe he was only involved in a marketing capacity before but still seems a little dodgy.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7849148].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author novac
        Originally Posted by ScottLindsay View Post

        Great thread! Thank you everyone for all of the input.

        I have been trying to decide if I should buy the course since it does have a 30 day money back guarantee. So really not much to risk especially if the info proves to be valuable.

        However, I did have a concern that the course is an 8 week course. Does this mean it can only be accessed as they release it? I really don't like that. I would rather be able to see the course in its entirety and work it at my own pace.

        I just spoke to their support staff and they said "Yes, it can only be accessed as we release the modules per week"

        I really don't like that set up.

        Can anyone tell me how Jim Cockrum's Proven Amazon Course is set up? Does it provide the same type of info and does it offer software to help run the business?

        Thank you for the feedback!
        Thanks for that info, Scott. I've been down that road before, and I'd swear that they had degrees in psychology to know just the precise amount of information/training to provide before the refund date. Curiosity and those dollar signs dancing in your head, plus if the training was effectively given to that point - well, it all makes it a very difficult decision. (My decision truly backfired once.) I wouldn't be surprised if you continually hear that 'that's coming later in the course'.

        I was on a webinar with them 3/14/13. They had written that it was to be about the great software we would be using, and once it got started they mentioned 7 softwares, but then went on to only (sort of) cover, I'm pretty sure - 3 of them. I kept asking what about the other software, but they were having too much FUN giving away Amazon gift certificates. If you'd like to Hear & Watch how Honest they are, this is a link to the very same webinar, I believe. No way I'm going to watch it again to verify Webinar Replay | The Amazing Selling Machine
        Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying they aren't - but it certainly did take up a great deal of the webinar time in two different spots. I've purchased from Jason Katzenback (w/Jason Potash) before and he did excellent video tutorials and I believe he has a very good reputation. I do not know Matt Clark.

        But, is that what's happening lately? Like Jon Shugart / Mailer Millionaire?
        That's another thread that I just haven't had the oomph to comment on yet. Maybe I will if I hear that they reopen.

        Take care all...

        Hard to believe I forgot about being a member for so long.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7862371].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rmoore
    I bought it as soon as it was released.

    I plan on building a 7+ figure physical product business and was looking for what I considered to be the best Amazon course.

    Jason and Matt are stand up guys...and not only have they created significant incomes...they have a quite a few beta testers who have created a full-time income.

    Honestly...some of the other courses sound good. I was just looking for the most direct path to hitting my goals.

    So far have already met several other successful online marketers in the community forum. This mastermind is a great bonus.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7848328].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ScottLindsay
      Originally Posted by rmoore View Post

      I bought it as soon as it was released.

      I plan on building a 7+ figure physical product business and was looking for what I considered to be the best Amazon course.

      Jason and Matt are stand up guys...and not only have they created significant incomes...they have a quite a few beta testers who have created a full-time income.

      Honestly...some of the other courses sound good. I was just looking for the most direct path to hitting my goals.

      So far have already met several other successful online marketers in the community forum. This mastermind is a great bonus.

      Thank you for letting is know Rusty. What do you think of how they release the course gradually over 8 weeks? I would rather work at my own pace rather than stretch it out that long. Why are they doing this?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7848395].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author rmoore

        I think they are doing so to stop people from downloading everything and sharing on various sites, then requesting a refund, etc.

        To be honest...I kind of like this pace anyway. I tend to jump the gun too quickly with big decisions. This way I will give my product and market ideas some time to incubate before dropping cash on suppliers, etc.

        I think the price is absolutely fair for the product being offered. It certainly isn't for everybody, but for people who already know a few things about IM and have had some success...this is a no-brainer.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7848413].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author ScottLindsay
          Originally Posted by rmoore View Post


          I think the price is absolutely fair for the product being offered. It certainly isn't for everybody, but for people who already know a few things about IM and have had some success...this is a no-brainer.

          I have had very good success over the years in IM and have been full time for over 10 years. However, I rarely buy courses but the ones I have bought never live up to what they say. It just never makes sense to me why someone who is making this kind of income would share their "secrets" or even take the time to do this. I usually feel that they have done well at the opportunity but that things have died off and they can't grow beyond where they are. So, they look for another way to make money outside of the actual opportunity. I may be wrong but I have seen this done many times by internet marketers.
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        • Profile picture of the author tjaysen70
          Originally Posted by rmoore View Post

          I think they are doing so to stop people from downloading everything and sharing on various sites, then requesting a refund, etc.

          I think the price is absolutely fair for the product being offered. It certainly isn't for everybody, but for people who already know a few things about IM and have had some success...this is a no-brainer.
          yeah I read these posts and it makes me laugh. Most people want to spend as little as possible, and then turn around and expect to make $100k per month like Matt.

          You have to look at it like this. If you could shorten the learning curve, and make even $10k per month with this system, then wouldn't it be worth $4k to purchase? I would say absolutely, but that is just me.

          How many of you guys on this forum went to college and got a bachelors degree? Cost was like $20k per year, so $100k is once you finish, and thise has to be paid back in student loans.

          And how many of you then were able to, after 4years of college, go out and make $10k per month right out of the gate? Ha, didn't think so.

          And if you were able to get a job that pays that, well you gotta work 60+ hours a week and then pay taxes and stress on your commute etc.

          Versus, spend the $4k, don't be a wussy, and use that knowledge that they show you and get to work man. And then have a viable business that has customers all over the world, where you can work at home.

          So it's all in the way you look at it. For me, I'd rather opt for the $4k and start making money in a month, and make my investment back in a month and start to rock n roll and generate sales.

          Tired of the grind? Wait. PM me to see a better way.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8549248].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author heffweizen
            Very good post tjaysen70, but...

            In regards to a student loan...

            You pay it back AFTER you get a decent job...not while you're in school, lol.

            Anyhow...curious to see how this stacks up against Cockrum's course...
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  • Profile picture of the author amuro
    The price of over $3K is way too expensive and out of budget.

    The minute I received an email from Greg Jacobs of his bonus to anyone buying through his affiliate link, I knew rightaway it is going to be a high-end product since he only endorses products of those category. I may be wrong but that is the impression he gave me based on his past promo emails.

    From $997 and above.

    I already have 2 Amazon courses. One is Affiliate Cash Snipers by Michael Rasmuseen and Mike Mograbi while the other is Ama Suite by Chris Guthrie and Dave Guindon released in this forum special offers - both last year.

    So I don't see the point of investing in another Amazon course.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7848614].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sidneyng
      The next launch wave is on.

      And they seemed to have gotten quite a lot of prominent IM guru's on board.
      Which can only mean - a high ticket product and generous affiliate commissions! :-)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8553769].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
        I'm a coach for my son's soccer team and the league has a saying that "the best teacher is the game itself". In other words, you can study and do drills, but the way you get better is by just playing.

        The same goes for Amazon FBA. I've been selling on Amazon for about 3 years and have been on FBA for 8 months or so. I did $90K in sales on Amazon in 2012 just by doing merchant-fulfilled. I've done $270K so far this year and I couldn't keep my products stocked for half the year because the volume was so high (something I'm remedying as we speak). I'll probably finish the year close to $400K. And I'm confident that next year I'll be darn close to $1M if I can get my act together.

        The best progression for a future Amazon hopeful is to:

        1) Play around with selling "New" stuff that you have thru merchant-fulfilled.
        2) Play around with finding products you buy new and turn around and sell on FBA. This'll get you comfortable with the process and the rate at which the products turn (FAST).
        3) When you get comfortable with that, cherry pick products you can pickup thru normal wholesale channels. Pick a handful, send them in, and watch them sell.
        4) When you are good there, you go to private label and let the good times roll.

        If you've been around IM for any length of time, then you simply have to apply what you know to the process.

        Can't say that I am a customer of ASM, but most of what they are teaching is stuff that you should inherently know if you've studied marketing at all. The other piece is the technical know-how in dealing with Amazon. I picked most of that up by doing it, reading their FBA forums, and talking with my sales rep.

        The final piece is the critical "6th sense" that you either have or develop by doing some trial/error and picking up some tips.

        I know from personal experience that product owners will latch onto your success to use you as a "success story". The success stories always have some little tidbit that is always missing that you will never know about. Examples are somebody who was already selling on amazon or they already owned a business that was perfectly suited for FBA. Still though, if the program propelled them to success then hat tip to them. But in my estimation, the bulk of the success is due to the right circumstances and the inherent ability of the student.
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        • Profile picture of the author bethann
          Thank you so much for your insights. I have been selling just books on Amazon for some time and doing some affiliate marketing, getting exhausted with every change in Google and wanted to take another step in Amazon.
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  • Profile picture of the author kharrison
    I hope no one throws away the last of their savings on this.
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  • Profile picture of the author milla04
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    • Profile picture of the author dezroye
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      • Profile picture of the author Loridori4
        I'm a seasoned ebay and Amazon seller. Sold over 300k in 2012 on the river, and 200k last year.

        Here's my course in a nutshell:
        • Find a lightweight small product in the top sellers list in any category.
        • Read the reviews for the flaws/cons of the product
        • Bid for a dupe of the product with an improvement on Alibaba
        • Be prepared to lay out thousands of dollars for the end product
        • Get a sample before approving - test it
        • Place your order after arranging payment terms and shipping
        • Send only 50 or so to Amazon FBA
        • Offer a coupon to at least 3 friends, up to however many you want.
        • Coupon should make product at or below your cost.
        • Require that they submit a review - this will show up as an Amazon verified purchaser review - very important
        • Site back and watch it rank and get more sales!
        • Send in more stock when it gets low.

        Rinse and repeat

        You're send me $300 via paypal

        Lorraine Pierce, CEO & Founder
        LA Minerals

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9449831].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Importexport
          Originally Posted by Loridori4 View Post

          I'm a seasoned ebay and Amazon seller. Sold over 300k in 2012 on the river, and 200k last year.

          Here's my course in a nutshell:
          1. Find a lightweight small product in the top sellers list in any category.
          2. Read the reviews for the flaws/cons of the product
          3. Bid for a dupe of the product with an improvement on Alibaba
          4. Be prepared to lay out thousands of dollars for the end product
          5. Get a sample before approving - test it
          6. Place your order after arranging payment terms and shipping
          7. Send only 50 or so to Amazon FBA
          8. Offer a coupon to at least 3 friends, up to however many you want.
          9. Coupon should make product at or below your cost.
          10. Require that they submit a review - this will show up as an Amazon verified purchaser review - very important
          11. Site back and watch it rank and get more sales!
          12. Send in more stock when it gets low.
          Rinse and repeat

          You're send me $300 via paypal
          @Loridori4, I have taken the liberty of changing your dots to numbers to make my response easier to follow.

          1. Good idea.
          2. Reviews are not always what they seem to be. See you own suggestion in 10 below.
          3. Beware of copies, knockoffs, counterfeits. Also, if you source on Alibaba, chances are you will most likely be dealing with one of the wholesalers or traders masquerading as a manufacturer. For best prices you must go direct to the manufacturer and you are unlikely to find them on Alibaba or the other popular B2B sourcing sites.
          4. Not necessary. I teach how to get the real manufacturers to supply small orders even if they quote huge MOQs.
          5. Essential.
          6. Yes. Make sure you understand shipping terminology. Many suppliers in China quote FOB when they mean EXW. There is a very big difference that could cost you $$$$$$$.
          7. Good idea.
          8. Yes, but will the reviews be ones that you would rely on as in 2 above?
          9. I have ethical reservations about this common practice.
          10. See 8,9.
          11. See 8,9.
          12. Or use my "Just In Time" ordering system and have your supplier ship them by air courier. Don't panic about the cost. If (as my students do) you know how to buy at the very lowest possible prices, you can easily absorb the courier cost and still make higher margins than the great majority of warriors who have been willing to disclose their margins on the forum.
          Walter Hay
          Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
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  • Profile picture of the author milla04
    I am not here to promote anything as it would be uncool, I am sure you would appreciate that. With that being said, if you look back to my second comment, you will see my detailed review.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steadyon
    What I found rather amazing was that you are only allowed to use the software for 2 years.

    After that they will figure something out! Maybe charge a nominal fee or something.

    I think this sleight of hand was easily missed.

    Do they think most will have fallen by the wayside or something?

    These mega priced courses rarely fulfil all the hype. It is never as easy as they say. Nothing ever is.

    So if you do buy then have your eyes wide open.

    I'd hazard a guess that the refund rate for this will be over 50%....
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel J
    As someone making a full time living doing what they teach, I thought I'd chime in. First, I need to say I haven't bought the product and I think it's overpriced. I watched the free videos, the webinar with Matt Carter) and read all of the comments on the free videos and see that they are doing exactly what I've done (without the course). They find a product that is hot, they "make their own version" (basically brand it with a logo and in my case, a trademark) and sell it for higher prices than competing "brands" through FBA (fulfillment by Amazon) allowing their fulfillment process to be automated. This DOES work and it works well. However, I make around $10,000- $15,000 profit a month, NOT $100,000 (though I only have 2 branded products and they are not in the "best sellers"- they have 5-30 that ARE in the best sellers so it IS possible.)

    With this said, here is my recommendation. If you don't know much about FBA, where to find inventory, how to sell, etc, check out Jim Cockrum's course. This course is really just a lot of products that previously sold separately all rolled into one. I had already purchased most of the material, ebooks etc separately before the "course" came out and this is how I got started. It WORKS! All the material that is included in this course is a steal even at full price!). I have ACTUALLY MADE MONEY putting this into practice

    If you don't want to spend money, pick up the first e-book I ever read on the subject:
    Selling on Amazon's FBA Program
    (I actually paid money for this one back in the day and it was WORTH it!)

    All of this to say, these guys are NOT lying that this opportunity is HUGE. If you purchase the course and put it into action, you WILL make your money back in a short time. However, what really rubbed me the wrong way was how everything is presented as "easy" and "anyone can do this." The truth is, there are headaches, blood, sweat and tears put into this kind of business. It's not "easy" and you have a lot of roadblocks and failures before finding something that will be successful, but it IS worth it and judging from the free videos and PDFs, these guys DO have some GREAT strategies for doing what I've done- and they do it a lot quicker and better! If the price was under $500, I would probably buy, but since I've already been through the process, the free information was enough to get some ideas rolling... Hope this helps anyone who is considering this.
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  • Profile picture of the author jmk909er
    This thread has been a great source if information. After doing much evaluation and research it looks to me like Jim Cockrum's Proven Amazon Course has a solid reputation and track record and is updated with new things all the time and has a huge private online community with a lot of stuff to help you out.

    I just purchased it! Hopefully I will have some good news to report back in a few weeks. Warrior Forum is great for filtering through the BS, thanks for all the input!
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    • Profile picture of the author kapo
      I rarely write on the forum, but I had to say something..

      Looks like thanks to Amazon Selling Machine a lot of people bought Jim Cockrum's Proven Amazon Course.. I bought Jim's course too!

      Now my critism about ASM:

      - Like many of you said, the "8 week course" is not ready.. AND for such higher product I want to get access to all the material from day 1.
      - 30 Day policy? a joke! you still have 2 weeks to see the first class, another 3-4 to get a product on FBA.. 30 day policy is gone by now. And most probably they wont talk about ordering your porduct until week 2 or 3..
      - and last, no software screenshots? no videos? the software claims to do a lot but nobody knows how it looks or works...

      No thanks, I'm more than happy with Jim's course.

      And this why a lots of "guru" promoted ASM:

      Our “Standard Commission” is 40% which earns you $1,398.80 PER SALE. *BUT*…
      We’re offering a “Bonus Commission” of an additional 10% if you mail for all 3 pre-launch videos and the cart open.
      You will then earn you a 50% commission or $1,748.50 PER SALE.
      go look the prices for the jv, Amazing Selling Machine JV Center

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    • Profile picture of the author scout99
      Originally Posted by TimothyW View Post

      Like I said... We've seen this movie before (less than 1 year ago)...

      -- TW
      I think the most noticeable difference between the two is the new one is all about private labeling with wider profit margins rather than the former one which was dropshipping? There, I just saved everyone $3,400+
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  • Profile picture of the author DWaters
    I read through their pdfs which I though were pretty good but one red flag went up when they said that have already taught over 2000 people how to follow this business model.
    They also kept saying that Jason just recently started selling physical products a few short months ago. Plus the course was just released yesterday.
    These things all seem to contidict each other. - than a stop sign went up when I heard the price.
    How I really Make Money With Amazon

    Want to get rich with top rated FREE Super Affiliate Training?
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  • Profile picture of the author Tamer
    Did you guys notice that Jim Cockrum is following this thread?

    I know this because he thanked someone who was saying good words about him personally (not necessary about the course).

    Refraining from participating into a thread that's discussing a competitor's product.

    Not that anything is wrong if he participate...
    But this by itself is a good sign that he's a good online businessman
    and gives more credibility for his PAC course (I really have no affiliation with him what so ever).

    Jim Cockrum... you have my respect

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  • Profile picture of the author TimothyW
    So they are saying the old $1,000 course doesn't work, but the new $3,500 course does?

    I predict next year's course, "Double Extra Secret Selling Machine"* (DESSM) will sell for $7K, and will really, really, really (no really!) work.

    I hope the "hands on" training they're offering now, doesn't take the form of pulling my leg.

    -- TW

    * Y'just KNOW that domain name will be taken within the hour.
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  • Profile picture of the author adcnet
    I need to add my bit.

    I have 10 years Ecommerce experience and uses to sell $80k per month on eBay back in the hay-days of easy eBay - Amazon we used to sell around $40k, anyway I digress...

    You don't need the course - what they have given away as freebies / PDFs and Videos is enough, you don't need anything else.

    I was surprised they gave so much away.

    The number one part and most important key to all of this is the White Labelling of a Best Selling Product.

    It's so easy to do with overseas suppliers and the rest is all handled by Amazon. Stay in bed and handle it all on your iPad/Nexus haha!

    The clueless will pay $3k for the course and do nothing but that's what happens in the 80/20 rule of selling courses online.

    If anyone wants training and has $500 per month I'd be happy to show you how to do this stuff
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7851876].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TimothyW
      Originally Posted by adcnet View Post

      I need to add my bit.

      I have 10 years Ecommerce experience and uses to sell $80k per month on eBay back in the hay-days of easy eBay - Amazon we used to sell around $40k, anyway I digress...

      You don't need the course - what they have given away as freebies / PDFs and Videos is enough, you don't need anything else.

      I was surprised they gave so much away.

      The number one part and most important key to all of this is the White Labelling of a Best Selling Product.

      It's so easy to do with overseas suppliers and the rest is all handled by Amazon. Say and bed and handle it all on your iPad/Nexus haha!

      The clueless will pay $3k for the course and do nothing but that's what happens in the 80/20 rule of selling courses online.

      If anyone wants training and has $500 per month I'd be happy to show you how to do this stuff
      How possible is (profit)?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7851895].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author adcnet
        Originally Posted by TimothyW View Post

        How possible is (profit)?
        Where is $30k?
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      • Profile picture of the author Kicky Boss
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9971932].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author panorama
          PAC gives you a lot of content regarding different Amazon business models, so it's great value from that perspective, but you should know what model you want to follow before you start going through it, otherwise you'll just become overwhelmed.

          I'm assuming anyone reading this thread is interested in private label, and PAC did just add what had been a separate course (Proven Private Label) into the larger PAC course.

          So, the next logical question is how does Proven Private Label (PPL) compare to ASM or other alternatives. I've been through both and PPL isn't bad value for the price, but there are a lot of gaps in the training for a beginner. It's better than buying nothing, but you're not getting what you get with ASM for just a few hundred dollars. Now, you can supplement PPL with information that you can find free online, but then it becomes a question about the value of your time and how much you can trust the information you come across (including how outdated it might be).
          Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
          Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
          Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9972184].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author 1lov1
      Ok, I looked through the Proven Amazon Course mentioned above and it does cover the FBA basics and seems good. Much of the content was done in a couple years ago. It covers a lot about selling books through Amazon FBA and the strategy of finding cheap clearance items at local Walmart/target that you buy and then sell it for more on Amazon FBA for pricing arbitrage. Both strategies involve getting your products put together, packaging, printing your own labels out and shipping everything yourself to Amazon FBA. It also involved selling lots of products at the same time through Amazon FBA. I have zero interest in selling books or boxing/labeling my own stuff so not sure now much this helped me

      It briefly mentioned on a video presentation slide that you could do "Advanced" strategies with Amazon FBA by having your supplier ship directly to Amazon and have then send the labels to amazon. I didn't see anywhere where it shows you how to remove yourself from the process of having to package,label, and ship your products to Amazon FBA. The training seemed more along the lines of Ebay sellers now selling on Amazon FBA instead. Overall the course seems like good information but was looking for the info about automating the supply process and never having to box/ship my own stuff.

      I didn't buy Amazon Selling Machine but it seems the Amazon Selling machine product is more about removing yourself as much as you can from the process such as focusing on the "Advanced" FBA concepts of using suppliers that ship/label for you and send to the Amazon FBA warehouse.

      Amazon selling machine seemed more oriented around limiting the products you sell but going deep with a specific product like different models/sizes so you limit your FBA storage costs and shipping costs......or private labeling the product so other sellers can't piggyback on your product and depress margins. The Amazon Selling Machine software was about automating the customer feedback process for you using Amazon API's get reviews and manage the customer feedback loop for you ? (would have been helpful if they showed an actual inside look at the software being provided)

      Amazon Selling Machine seems more about scaling large with specific limited number products and trying to automate the supply process ?

      Just seemed to be some differences in the approach between the 2 products and not sure if Proven Amazon Course provides the same info except the core FBA basics ?

      I did find it strange that Amazon Selling Machine didn't have any testimonials and results shown from their "Beta" testers ? (They said it was legal stuff but any product owner can just have the standard disclaimers to take care of that like "These results are not guaranteed and are not typical" and show testimonials of their success stories.) The price is certainly steep but I guess people pay those numbers easily for high level mentoring and masterminds so if the quality of people in it are high then there is value there. I guess the big question if if it really is "exclusive" and won't reopen again.

      I will say though that Rusty Moore above recommending this Amazing Selling Machine product was interesting as he doesn't recommend much (if anything) and even told his list(which is one of the few I am on) that he isn't going to email his list anymore as he doesn't care for recommending IM products to people and would rather focus on his own business. He very easily could just keep recommending the latest and greatest products but doesn't want to.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7852103].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ScottLindsay
        Originally Posted by 1lov1 View Post

        Ok, I looked through the Proven Amazon Course mentioned above and it does cover the FBA basics and seems good. Much of the content was done in a couple years ago. It covers a lot about selling books through Amazon FBA and the strategy of finding cheap clearance items at local Walmart/target that you buy and then sell it for more on Amazon FBA for pricing arbitrage. Both strategies involve getting your products put together, packaging, printing your own labels out and shipping everything yourself to Amazon FBA. It also involved selling lots of products at the same time through Amazon FBA. I have zero interest in selling books or boxing/labeling my own stuff so not sure now much this helped me

        It briefly mentioned on a video presentation slide that you could do "Advanced" strategies with Amazon FBA by having your supplier ship directly to Amazon and have then send the labels to amazon. I didn't see anywhere where it shows you how to remove yourself from the process of having to package,label, and ship your products to Amazon FBA. The training seemed more along the lines of Ebay sellers now selling on Amazon FBA instead. Overall the course seems like good information but was looking for the info about automating the supply process and never having to box/ship my own stuff.

        I didn't buy Amazon Selling Machine but it seems the Amazon Selling machine product is more about removing yourself as much as you can from the process such as focusing on the "Advanced" FBA concepts of using suppliers that ship/label for you and send to the Amazon FBA warehouse.

        Amazon selling machine seemed more oriented around limiting the products you sell but going deep with a specific product like different models/sizes so you limit your FBA storage costs and shipping costs......or private labeling the product so other sellers can't piggyback on your product and depress margins. The Amazon Selling Machine software was about automating the customer feedback process for you using Amazon API's get reviews and manage the customer feedback loop for you ? (would have been helpful if they showed an actual inside look at the software being provided)

        Amazon Selling Machine seems more about scaling large with specific limited number products and trying to automate the supply process ?

        Just seemed to be some differences in the approach between the 2 products and not sure if Proven Amazon Course provides the same info except the core FBA basics ?

        I did find it strange that Amazon Selling Machine didn't have any testimonials and results shown from their "Beta" testers ? (They said it was legal stuff but any product owner can just have the standard disclaimers to take care of that like "These results are not guaranteed and are not typical" and show testimonials of their success stories.) The price is certainly steep but I guess people pay those numbers easily for high level mentoring and masterminds so if the quality of people in it are high then there is value there. I guess the big question if if it really is "exclusive" and won't reopen again.

        I will say though that Rusty Moore above recommending this Amazing Selling Machine product was interesting as he doesn't recommend much (if anything) and even told his list(which is one of the few I am on) that he isn't going to email his list anymore as he doesn't care for recommending IM products to people and would rather focus on his own business. He very easily could just keep recommending the latest and greatest products but doesn't want to.
        This is the issue. I was in touch with Jim Cockrum for the Proven Amazon Course and it does appear that it is not as complete. Maybe this is wrong but it doesn't appear the Proven Amazon Course goes into any detail about how to take yourself out of the process and have products shipped directly to Amazon FBA. Has this course been updated with this information? Does anyone know?
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      • Profile picture of the author rmoore
        Originally Posted by 1lov1 View Post

        I will say though that Rusty Moore above recommending this Amazing Selling Machine product was interesting as he doesn't recommend much (if anything) and even told his list(which is one of the few I am on) that he isn't going to email his list anymore as he doesn't care for recommending IM products to people and would rather focus on his own business. He very easily could just keep recommending the latest and greatest products but doesn't want to.

        Yeah...I'm not promoting this one either...I'm just pretty jazzed about the course.

        Just thought I would come in here and make a counterpoint. I knew as soon as the priced was announced, that things would get a bit nutty on the Warrior Forum.

        I don't make my income promoting I.M. products, I think in the past 3 years I've promoted Andre Chaperon's courses, Cover Social Press, and Profits Theme.

        This Amazon product isn't for everyone, that is for sure.

        ...but for someone who makes at least a decent income online & wants to work in a community of people learning how to sell private label on Amazon...this is a great product.

        I don't want to talk anyone into purchasing this.

        I just don't believe it is fair to call it a scam.

        Expensive (yes)...but that doesn't make it a scam.


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        • Profile picture of the author sammystin
          Andre is very quiet just like Jim Cockram. And I respect them the most. I haven't gone through the whole course but they're about being good people, not quick IM people.

          I've done my share of comments for 3 (or seven, LOL!) years now.
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          • Profile picture of the author sammystin
            Yes, it's a lot of money, but.. in the defense of ASM, I said... no actually, to say you and I need to take action, I said:

            Who was the the course for? Hopefully, it was to help people like you and me find quick and better answers to take care of our family, but how did we treat it (because we couldn't afford it.. maybe)? Another shiny object at a department of addicts (like down the old 42nd street where I used to take the bus to Jersey).

            Guys, $4,000 course is not bad, even $40,000 course is awesome if you focus NOW! Why are you hanging out here whining? Go get clients! The $7 WSO you bought 2 days ago is just as good!

            If and when you can put a course together for $3,500, let me know and I'll buy. Let's all wake up, okay? Many Loves!

            Now, I've really "used" up my posts.

            Why does everything I say sound "not-so-right"... no wonder I have less than 30 posts!
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            • Profile picture of the author morphers
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7860799].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author sammystin
                Oh f***k, there there goes my final post.

                Yes, it's expensive. Yes, I would NEVER buy it... actually not sure if I'd even take it for free (I'm busy too).

                Who do I respect the most? Yes Jim Cockram and (the email King) Andrew (two people who hardly ever promote).

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        • Profile picture of the author Dave Espino
          Originally Posted by rmoore View Post

          This Amazon product isn't for everyone, that is for sure.

          ...but for someone who makes at least a decent income online & wants to work in a community of people learning how to sell private label on Amazon...this is a great product.


          Rusty is right on.

          If you want to learn how to "manufacture your own" or white label products and sell them through Amazon FBA, this is the course - and for that business model, it does not appear to be priced too badly.

          If you want to learn how to sell all kinds of existing products (found at retail stores and other local buying outlets) on Amazon using FBA, then Jim Cockrum's Proven Amazon Course (PAC) fits the bill to a T.

          It's a matter of which business model you are able to do right now and are ready and able to do right now.

          Unfortunately, there will be a lot of people who bought the former course (ASM) that should've bought the latter course. (PAC)

          I'm just glad to see that this is opening a lot of eyes toward the more realistic business models of selling physical products via ecommerce, (eBay / Amazon) which never really went away...

          I make several $1000s a month (passive income) on Udemy and here's how YOU can, too...

          Get your FREE UDEMY MINI-COURSE here:

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          • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
            Originally Posted by Dave Espino View Post

            If you want to learn how to "manufacture your own" or white label products and sell them through Amazon FBA, this is the course - and for that business model, it does not appear to be priced too badly.

            Thanks for the vote of support Dave!

            For the public record though -the PAC course has (and is adding more soon) content re: creating "white label", bundles, your own bar codes etc.

            The PAC course is a living, growing course that gains new content continually as successful students are tapped to teach the rest of us what they are doing that's working.
   aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
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            • Profile picture of the author Dave Espino
              I stand corrected, Jim - thanks for reminding me about the bundle concepts and the bar code examples - good stuff! And I like that it is constantly being updated and added-to.

              Even though I'm known as an eBay expert, I actually started selling on Amazon (and Yahoo) back in 2000, when they offered online auctions right alongside eBay...

              But once I really dug into the Proven Amazon Course, and saw some of the Amazon FBA success stories that Jim Cockrum highlighted, I realized that it's now time to take my product-sourcing knowledge and apply it to Amazon FBA.

              And, although I will always do eBay because it's an awesome source of buyer traffic, (especially for high-demand products, which is my niche) this Amazon FBA thing is a whole 'nother animal that allows for scaling your business FAST. (like nothing I've seen so far)

              It's very exciting!

              I make several $1000s a month (passive income) on Udemy and here's how YOU can, too...

              Get your FREE UDEMY MINI-COURSE here:


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              • Profile picture of the author morphers
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                • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
                  I've signed up for tha 4 x $997 payment plan today.


                  The Pre Sales Material was very high quality and I'm curious to see, if they can stand up to their promises.

                  The 30 Day Refund period starts with the first seminar on 03/21/2013.
                  From there I can watch 4 Modules and decide if I want to continue or take a refund.
                  The questions that I have should be answered in Week 1 and Week 2.

                  I've signed up to their Userforum and so have done 657 others already.
                  That's a pretty impressive number.
                  I've read a few of the Introductions and I must say I'm also very impressed with the Quality of the Users too.

                  There are a lot of offline Business Owners (like me) who wants to get a foot into the Online selling of Physical Products.

                  Will update this thread how it goes.

                  WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
                  Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

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      • Profile picture of the author Rhodesian
        Originally Posted by 1lov1 View Post

        Ok, I looked through the Proven Amazon Course mentioned above and it does cover the FBA basics and seems good. Much of the content was done in a couple years ago. It covers a lot about selling books through Amazon FBA and the strategy of finding cheap clearance items at local Walmart/target ...I didn't see anywhere where it shows you how to remove yourself from the process of having to package,label, and ship your products to Amazon FBA. to.
        Does anyone who has done the PAC course know whether it is worth buying the PAC course in lieu of Amazing Selling MAchine if you don't live in The States? I want to find wholesalers in the STates whom I can send private lables to of products found on Amazon that meet the criteria-or even better, ask them to create the labels for these products. Then create a sellercentral account etc and have the products shipped there by the wholesaler. If I don't have a U.S bank account is this a difficult thing to do?

        Lastly,do you- or someone else who has done PAC- know whether you can "remove yourself from the process of having to package,label, and ship your products to Amazon FBA"?

        I agree with comments that ASM is way too pricey
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8599719].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author MagicD
          Originally Posted by Rhodesian View Post

          Does anyone who has done the PAC course know whether it is worth buying the PAC course in lieu of Amazing Selling MAchine if you don't live in The States? I want to find wholesalers in the STates whom I can send private lables to of products found on Amazon that meet the criteria-or even better, ask them to create the labels for these products. Then create a sellercentral account etc and have the products shipped there by the wholesaler. If I don't have a U.S bank account is this a difficult thing to do?

          Lastly,do you- or someone else who has done PAC- know whether you can "remove yourself from the process of having to package,label, and ship your products to Amazon FBA"?

          I agree with comments that ASM is way too pricey
          I have both courses, I bought PAC last year and I recently took a second look at the course to see what has changed. Yes he has added a few things on private label but not at the extent of ASM. The courses are two different animals, one (PAC) teaches about arbitrage (buying generic brands at low costs and selling for a higher price) this does require visiting shops, charity shops, car boot sales etc, box them up add the labels on and ship to Amazon. I consider this as a starter business, you can make money from this business, but in my opinion you can not automate the PAC business or hire scouters for your business as you run the risk of losing your worker.

          There are ways to get around this, someone did mention it in the PAC forum sometime ago, but to me it seemed complicated. My thoughts are, this is a very good starter course, however you are not creating a brand for yourself you are selling other businesses brands.

          ASM is more about your brand, the supplier/manufacturer does the work for you and sends your products to amazon, so all you need to do is market it or not, I recommend marketing your brand and at the sometime market your product.

          TBH, if you were to read the rest of the thread, you would have seen this answer many times.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8599795].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
            Originally Posted by MagicD View Post

            ... (PAC) teaches about arbitrage (buying generic brands at low costs and selling for a higher price) this does require visiting shops, charity shops, car boot sales etc, box them up add the labels on and ship to Amazon. can not automate the PAC business or hire scouters for your business as you run the risk of losing your worker.

            There are ways to get around this, someone did mention it in the PAC forum sometime ago, but to me it seemed complicated. My thoughts are, this is a very good starter course, however you are not creating a brand for yourself you are selling other businesses brands.
            Two quick points:
            1. There are numerous sourcing strategies in the 'Proven Amazon Course'. We have multiple students who are doing thousands in sales daily using a variety of strategies. Originally the PAC course was primarily about "arbitrage", but now we have students buying crates from China, buying huge liquidation lots, importing globally, partnering with large corporations for inventory, finding hot sellers at trade shows (that they don't even have to attend), white labeling successfully using our course etc. I could go on.

            To say the PAC is about "retail arbitrage" is partly true...but it's about much more all the time as we continue to pay our huge & very creative student base to reveal their profitable inventory strategies.

            2. RE: outsourcing work
            There's nothing complicated about hiring help and having them sign a non-disclosure in order to grow your business! I haven't had a problem at all in my business doing it that way nor have I heard of others having trouble. Plenty of people are looking for work and are willing to run your system w/out the threat of creating a competitor. You'll have this same challenge with any business model unless you do it all yourself right?
   aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
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            • Profile picture of the author kevmik
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              • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
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                • Profile picture of the author panorama
                  Originally Posted by Josh Belanger View Post

                  Panorama - No issues with your opinion. I provided my thoughts and reasons from my perspective with the exact steps on getting started with a product with a real example for someone. I also provided an alternative if people were interested, but left that last and provided 30 minutes of valuable information.

                  Explain what you mean about his guarantee? I noticed some others were doing the same. However, I was not explained well enough for me to even understand.

                  My thought is that they would just purchase the listing from the person because they would have done most of the work and they would just take it over and market it. Not sure though, because I didn't go through the TOS. They were the #1 affiliate again. I just looked at the leader board.
                  I can't comment on what others were offering, but Fladlien's guarantee was basically that he would guarantee to purchase a refunding member's inventory at a premium so they would have zero risk if the course wasn't for them.

                  Sounds great, right? You can get a 100% refund on the cost of the course, plus sell all your inventory back to them.

                  Well, if you read through the details, you'll see that one of the terms is that it's ONLY available to those who refund. So, having been through ASM 1.0, I can tell you that very few people will have inventory in-hand within the first 30 days (when the refund period expires). In the unlikely event that someone does have inventory within the first 30 days, they aren't likely to refund because they wouldn't really have had a chance to see if it sells.

                  So, basically, it's almost a zero-risk offer for Fladlien, which makes it worth very little in my opinion. Now, some of his other stuff sounded interesting, but it's so vague you really don't know what you're getting.

                  Yes, he was the #1 affiliate because I'm sure a lot of people were impressed by his bonus. He may be a great guy who knows what he's doing and I know he's not the only guy who does this stuff, but it's just an example of why people need to really be aware of the details.
                  Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
                  Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
                  Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8601236].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
            Originally Posted by MagicD View Post

            I have both courses, I bought PAC last year and I recently took a second look at the course to see what has changed. Yes he has added a few things on private label but not at the extent of ASM. The courses are two different animals, one (PAC) teaches about arbitrage (buying generic brands at low costs and selling for a higher price) this does require visiting shops, charity shops, car boot sales etc, box them up add the labels on and ship to Amazon. I consider this as a starter business, you can make money from this business, but in my opinion you can not automate the PAC business or hire scouters for your business as you run the risk of losing your worker.

            There are ways to get around this, someone did mention it in the PAC forum sometime ago, but to me it seemed complicated. My thoughts are, this is a very good starter course, however you are not creating a brand for yourself you are selling other businesses brands.

            ASM is more about your brand, the supplier/manufacturer does the work for you and sends your products to amazon, so all you need to do is market it or not, I recommend marketing your brand and at the sometime market your product.

            TBH, if you were to read the rest of the thread, you would have seen this answer many times.
            I think that's a good summary and, personally, I've followed more of a style similar to the ASM approach. I think the content within ASM will probably be very good, but I'm not a fan of the extra "margin adders" that are thrown into these packages; notably the seminar and tools. Those things just unnecessarily pump the prices and probably provide little value.

            Like I've said elsewhere in the thread, finding the right product is trial/error so that's why I think a good bit of your learning will be "on the job". If you spend your whole budget on the course, then you're missing out on a big part of the total education.

            You can still make good money by focusing on other people's products, but the real money is when you own the ASIN (listing within AMazon).
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    • Profile picture of the author TimothyW
      I dunno where 30K is, but 40K is in the 2nd sentence of your post...

      How doable is that?

      Originally Posted by adcnet View Post

      I need to add my bit.

      I have 10 years Ecommerce experience and uses to sell $80k per month on eBay back in the hay-days of easy eBay - Amazon we used to sell around $40k, anyway I digress...

      You don't need the course - what they have given away as freebies / PDFs and Videos is enough, you don't need anything else.

      I was surprised they gave so much away.

      The number one part and most important key to all of this is the White Labelling of a Best Selling Product.

      It's so easy to do with overseas suppliers and the rest is all handled by Amazon. Stay in bed and handle it all on your iPad/Nexus haha!

      The clueless will pay $3k for the course and do nothing but that's what happens in the 80/20 rule of selling courses online.

      If anyone wants training and has $500 per month I'd be happy to show you how to do this stuff
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7852260].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Phillip M King
      I may call you. Obviously $3500 would be 7 months of tuition, and by then even someone as thick as me should be able to learn it. Does that $500 include room and board?

      Originally Posted by adcnet View Post

      I need to add my bit.

      I have 10 years Ecommerce experience and uses to sell $80k per month on eBay back in the hay-days of easy eBay - Amazon we used to sell around $40k, anyway I digress...

      You don't need the course - what they have given away as freebies / PDFs and Videos is enough, you don't need anything else.

      I was surprised they gave so much away.

      The number one part and most important key to all of this is the White Labelling of a Best Selling Product.

      It's so easy to do with overseas suppliers and the rest is all handled by Amazon. Stay in bed and handle it all on your iPad/Nexus haha!

      The clueless will pay $3k for the course and do nothing but that's what happens in the 80/20 rule of selling courses online.

      If anyone wants training and has $500 per month I'd be happy to show you how to do this stuff
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  • Profile picture of the author susb8383
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    • Profile picture of the author mahetze2123
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      • Profile picture of the author SheraLee
        Originally Posted by mahetze2123 View Post

        Good job doing your homework. Now take that $3500 and reinvest that back into your current biz.
        No Kidding! I can't believe anyone would even consider paying that much for knowledge that can be found (better) elsewhere. There really is a "sucker born every minute" but there are a few who are smart and do their homework first before rushing in.......

        Originally Posted by Brian Hewitt View Post

        I had been meaning to unsub from a lot of lists and I will give this course credit for one has given me the kick in the pants needed to do so. I have unsubbed from everyone who mailed for this and let them know why. I would have thought that one of them would have at least offered a reach-around as a bonus.
        Yes, me as well. Gone from my inbox is Mark Ling, Matt Carter, Gauher Chaudhry, and a couple of others. They have lost all credibility. It's plain to see that money is their main objective. I used to buy into the "I'm here to help you because I too, have been burned before" routine, but my eyes are opened now.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7853014].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DWaters
    As an Amazon FBA, (Fullfillment By Amazon), seller I have
    always been interested in the private branding of products
    as a means of offering products to which you have added
    your private brand and thereby pretty much eliminate much
    competition from other sellers.
    So is private branding something you have been doing yourself? or is it just something you have considered?

    Thanks for pointing out some of the potential legal issues.
    How I really Make Money With Amazon

    Want to get rich with top rated FREE Super Affiliate Training?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7854554].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ironwood
      I have not done any private branding mainly for the reasons I have mentioned above. Please remember my post is just my opinion and may be worth what you have paid for it.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Dulisse
    i was asked to promote it, but decided not to. My bullshit radar in on high alert. In my early days, I used to quote how much money I made to try and desperately get people to open up their wallets so I can pay my bills. Today, I would not dare do that. When you reach a certain level. You don't have to. Nor would I share it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7854928].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author SheraLee
      Originally Posted by Mark Dulisse View Post

      i was asked to promote it, but decided not to. My bullshit radar in on high alert. In my early days, I used to quote how much money I made to try and desperately get people to open up their wallets so I can pay my bills. Today, I would not dare do that. When you reach a certain level. You don't have to. Nor would I share it.
      Good for you, Mark; you have risen above the others. My inbox was full of promos for this from marketers (at a certain level) that are now deleted. Its almost as if they are getting desperate, or something.

      Or is it just plain greed? Maybe they don't care if long-time subscribers unsub from them since so many more newbies will sign up.

      But really - no ethics, whatsoever from those that pretend to be such ethical marketers. What a crock. I guess by the time people figure out what they're really about and have moved on, they have a whole new set of unsuspecting people to fool and extract money from.

      Whatever happened to helping people and giving good value? :confused:
      I always thought that was the best way to do business, but what do I know......... It's like they have forgotten who they are and now only see $$ signs.

      As my own business grows, I will have to keep this in mind. I don't ever want to forget that helping others comes first. Well, it seems to have worked well for Oprah, anyway LOL
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7856553].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author essmeier
    I know squat about this product, but here's what I'm thinking:

    1. They're selling the product because it's likely to make more money for them than the process the product describes.


    2. The process works, but only to a limited degree and they've tapped it out. There's no more money to be made with the process...except by selling it.

    Could be wrong; that's a daily occurrence.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7855058].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kharrison
    OK...59 ASM emails and counting. Bonuses over 6000.00; iPads; emergency webinars. Warms my heart to see how much they care.

    Someone mentioned a certain guru being involved...maybe hired to dress up AMM from last year and trot it out again?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7856986].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mark Dulisse
      Originally Posted by kharrison View Post

      OK...59 ASM emails and counting. Bonuses over 6000.00; iPads; emergency webinars. Warms my heart to see how much they care.

      Someone mentioned a certain guru being involved...maybe hired to dress up AMM from last year and trot it out again?
      This would be John Reese.
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      • Profile picture of the author mahetze2123
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        • Profile picture of the author twilight2
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          • Profile picture of the author Herschel-W
            Is there any Non-US citizen here in WF that's selling products on Amazon using the Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program?
            Any South African perhaps?

            I watched a video of Matt Carter ("7 steps to selling products on Amazon"), and is interested in giving it a try.

            Need information on how to get started as a Non-US citizen.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8964455].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Andreo
              Hi Herschel I am In South Africa. The problem is that South Africa is not one of the countries listed to sell on Amazon. You may get away with a US bank account, US address but if they find out that you actually selling for a non listed country - you can be in trouble and your selling business suspended on Amazon.

              Originally Posted by Herschel-W View Post

              Is there any Non-US citizen here in WF that's selling products on Amazon using the Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program?
              Any South African perhaps?

              I watched a video of Matt Carter ("7 steps to selling products on Amazon"), and is interested in giving it a try.

              Need information on how to get started as a Non-US citizen.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8967471].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author HarrisAndrea
                I have been following this thread since last year when I was interested to sell on Amazon FBA. I'm from a country in Europe which is allowed to sell on Amazon. I was wondering if someone who bought the ASM course could give me some tips how to start selling on Amazon FBA from a country outside US. Do I have to register a company in US or not? Can I buy products from China and have them sent to Amazon FBA (while I'm personally located in Europe) ?

                I would appreciate any feedback on the above.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8970811].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
                  Originally Posted by HarrisAndrea View Post

                  I have been following this thread since last year when I was interested to sell on Amazon FBA. I'm from a country in Europe which is allowed to sell on Amazon. I was wondering if someone who bought the ASM course could give me some tips how to start selling on Amazon FBA from a country outside US. Do I have to register a company in US or not? Can I buy products from China and have them sent to Amazon FBA (while I'm personally located in Europe) ?

                  I would appreciate any feedback on the above.
                  In our Amazon course we show you how to work with an FBA prep service who can receive your goods, label them for you, and send them to FBA. Where you live has nothing to do with it. WHere the goods are coming from has nothing to do with it. This is a global opportunity. Sourcing from China can be pretty complex, but your scenarios is very doable.
         aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
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      • Profile picture of the author justthejob
        The ASM promo email I received from John Reese was just a link, without even a hint of a bonus as far as I could see. ( Not that I'm too bothered about bonuses as they usually just divert your attention )
        I also received ASM promos from other respected IMers, who were convinced it was the best path to follow. ( the 50% commission aside).
        Having been tipped off about ASM by people whose views I had respected up to that point, I had a look and was impressed.
        All I then needed to do was check out the WF. Well, I reckon there is enough info in this thread alone to get you going.
        Certainly saved me some money.
        Thanks guys!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7857215].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author WhiteStarlight
    SheraLee, I have also had a lot of promos for this offer from different marketers I have respected that's why I thought that this offer has to be legit. I haven't unsubscribed from their list so far as you did, but definitely I cannot trust them anymore. I am glad that I decided to check this forum first before making any decisions, that's what the experience has taught me to do and that saved me a lot of money.

    And I agree with you that there should be the ethics in this business, not greed.

    Jim Cockrum also did bring a great points about internet marketing, I appreciate that.
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  • Profile picture of the author malia
    Here is what I know...I purchased the course they came out with last year that they sold for $1k...was it worth $1k? Certainly not! I guess if you were complete newbie it would be helpful but still i think it was overpriced.
    I did too, and refunded. Wrote about it on WF.

    With this said, here is my recommendation. If you don't know much about FBA, where to find inventory, how to sell, etc, check out Jim Cockrum's course.
    Jim Cockrum's course is great. The only downside is he focuses on a retail arbitrage process and that can be difficult to scale and sustain, and for some people it's just not doable. However, all the basic building blocks are there. Where Amazing Selling Machine improves is by focusing on manufacturing, branding and marketing. Or private labeling, branding and marketing. But you don't need the course to do that. However, you do need to understand how to purchase from manufacturers and/or distributors, the basics of branding and product promotion and marketing.

    The easiest way to start, though, is regular purchasing just to get a feel for what is involved. I don't think it makes sense for someone who has never done it to invest in private label products off the bat. IMO, you need a little experience working with the system and dealing with the kinks, possibly getting UPC exemptions or special category approval and that can take time.

    The training seemed more along the lines of Ebay sellers now selling on Amazon FBA instead. Overall the course seems like good information but was looking for the info about automating the supply process and never having to box/ship my own stuff.
    Agreed. However, if someone is new to selling on Amazon, this probably has the best value for getting started even if you cannot or will not follow the process.

    I think the most noticeable difference between the two is the new one is all about private labeling with wider profit margins rather than the former one which was dropshipping?
    YES! The first one skipped over FBA which was vital to really making Amazon work. This one goes into private labeling, which just makes them seem like they intentionally hold back good stuff because how could they have launched that course last year and NOT have gone into detail about FBA or private labeling? It's not like that just NOW became a competitive advantage.

    They also seem to have software tools that are rolled in, which give the impression that they are spammy backlinking tools that they are throwing at Amazon because it's really hard to have a negative SEO effect on Amazon.

    Having said that, all the information above is freely available.

    Amazon is also very strict with their rules. Ignore the policies and it's easy to end up with a suspended/cancelled account.
    And breaking amazon rules can even mean not doing something bad. For instance, not submitting data feeds to your sandbox account. Ask me how I know. Account cancelled for months, inventory sitting in the warehouse. You have to be able to deal with the unexpected whenever you're in an inventory based business/

    Of course liability insurance could be considered. However I wonder how expensive a policy would be for a small seller
    once you explained to the insurance company that you intended to purchase unknown products and advertise them as your companies
    personal products?
    Once your business gets to a certain point, you should have liability insurance just because. Importing from China means fewer insurers will cover you, and at a higher cost, but it is affordable, and there are specialized insurers for niches that commonly import, to help prevent overpaying for a policy. It's great selling online without some of the traditional business risks, but you can't escape everything all the time and sometimes you just have to suck it up and protect yourself and your business. In my personal experience without the importing the liability policy can be acquired for around $500, with the importing, around $1500-3000 (or more, depending, and that's for a low risk category).

    And also, that would mean there are categories you want to avoid if you want to reduce your liability. For example, I won't touch items that plug into sockets. Don't want the liability.

    This is not specific to Amazon, because I acquired my liability insurance for other reasons, prior to selling on Amazon. It's great solely selling online with very few requirements, but when you want to get into other opportunities these things are required (for example, selling wholesale TO retailers) so it's nothing that someone should be afraid of if they intend to build a sustainable and thriving business.

    But going back to the topic:

    $3500 is a lot of money and you could probably pay a really really smart college kid to research everything about selling on amazon, write a custom report and buy more training material and still come out less expensive than that. I look at is what I learned worth what i paid and with this one, I'm not sure. With their last launch, it was not worth $997 (even though their software was fantastic it was missing critical features), and there's no reason to believe this one is any different.

    One last thing about selling on Amazon

    You need to have money to get started. Amazon pays out twice a month. It takes 3-4 days to hit your bank account. If you wait for your deposit to re-order/stock up, it's around 2-3 weeks to get things over to fulfillment and into your inventory. Therefore, you need to be able to purchase at least 30 days of inventory to really make it through otherwise you're dropping momentum with stock outs. I don't feel they are entirely clear with that. Yes you get paid like clockwork, however, if your inventory is getting low, you need to be able to re-order without waiting for a disbursement because Amazon's inbound fulfillment (getting your items into their inventory system) is just not the fastest thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author georgearthur
    If it sounds too good to be true then it is. Take a look at Scamworld: 'Get rich quick' mutates into an unstoppable monster

    I will not tell you whose face you will see if you watch the video, but you can probably guess. I will add some of these people have taken my money and I have nothing to show for it except a receipt. Wouldn't that be an interesting product!
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    • Profile picture of the author sammystin
      I don't have a lot of posts, but I wanted to add my humble two cents this time.

      During this whole fiasco, I've unsubscribed from 98% of email marketers. Why? I've learned to discern.

      This is a relatively new product, right? Are you sure your own promoter has completed the program?

      Many are complaining about the two guys in the program, but they have at least done it and are making the money.

      Shouldn't we be more concerned about the integrity of the JV partnerships so prevalent in the IM marketplace and our "guru friends" promoting programs without having tried them?

      I've done amazon FBA.. yes, it works, and yes, it even works to the tune of those two guys if you know what to do. But why are all these people promoting this when they've NEVER done it? This is what we need to ask of ourselves first... the promoters are the "best in the industry" and they haven't done it, so why are they telling YOU & ME to give it a go... for $3,500???

      It's probably a good program (as I was able to make good money without the program) but that isn't the point!

      Feel a bit sad about this whole thing.

      Note: This is not to say that anyone is bad. But when I recommend something as little as a $2 cup of coffee, I do so after I've tried and only when I absolutely love it. Don't you? The same promoters will ironically sell you on "reputation management" next week!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7858355].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kona77
      You get the Hero of the day award. That is a fantastic video link.

      Originally Posted by georgearthur View Post

      If it sounds too good to be true then it is. Take a look at Scamworld: 'Get rich quick' mutates into an unstoppable monster

      Scamworld: 'Get rich quick' mutates into an unstoppable monster - YouTube

      I will not tell you whose face you will see if you watch the video, but you can probably guess. I will add some of these people have taken my money and I have nothing to show for it except a receipt. Wouldn't that be an interesting product!
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  • Profile picture of the author malia
    Also people buy products by brand, because of trust which is earned. If you check most categories in Amazon, you will see that most of the best sellers are branded products like Brita, Philips, Morphy Richards, etc etc. How do we compete against global players like these?
    It's easier to compete in categories where there's more brand diversification. You have to think: in what areas are people more likely to try a niche or unknown brand? In certain categories niche brands make up a sizable portion of the market share.

    Or in what categories will people give a chance to a less expensive alternative? Me personally (Philips) I have shelled out enough money on Sonicare and Clarisonic that I'd roll the dice on a less expensive competitor, if it was just as good.

    There are also categories where big brands don't dominate because the market is too small for them, but still big enough for a smaller company.

    This is where I think having general business experience really helps. if all you're into is internet marketing, you can develop tunnel vision. Go to a few trade shows for products and broaden your scope.
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  • Profile picture of the author kapo
    so they did a webinar and still no software demo? wow..
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  • Profile picture of the author jordanmalik
    I am a contributor to Jim Cockrum's PAC course.

    I also was approved to be a JV for the AmazingSellingMachine course (which I refused to sell, even though I have a list of 3,000+ tuned-in Amazon/ebay merchants and I could have made a small fortune from them).

    If you're interested, I did a full review here (there is not an affiliate link to that Selling Machines course in there, as I said I refused to sell it): You'll see why I didn't recommend it (the high price tag wasn't the only reason).

    Jim's PAC course ( is legit (and I'm one of his sometimes-critics, too. I'm also an affiliate of that course, but that's not my affiliate link.)

    Also legit (and $249) is the premium membership at (that's not my affiliate link, even though I am an affiliate of that course too).

    -Jordan Malik

    -Jordan 'J.B' Malik /
    > Learn Importing for FREE on our live webinar (We're giving away prizes)
    > FREE Private Label Workshop - LIVE

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7871700].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ScottLindsay
      Originally Posted by jordanmalik View Post

      I am a contributor to Jim Cockrum's PAC course.

      I also was approved to be a JV for the AmazingSellingMachine course (which I refused to sell, even though I have a list of 3,000+ tuned-in Amazon/ebay merchants and I could have made a small fortune from them).

      If you're interested, I did a full review here (there is not an affiliate link to that Selling Machines course in there, as I said I refused to sell it): Don't Do This (From Jordan) - YouTube
      You'll see why I didn't recommend it (the high price tag wasn't the only reason).

      Jim's PAC course (Proven Amazon Course - brought to you by Jim Cockrum of is legit (and I'm one of his sometimes-critics, too. I'm also an affiliate of that course, but that's not my affiliate link.)

      Also legit (and $249) is the premium membership at (that's not my affiliate link, even though I am an affiliate of that course too).

      -Jordan Malik
      I have never head of the Dewable course. Is it any good? Do they show you how to private label products?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7871765].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author jordanmalik
        They do not show you how to private label products. It is an excellent course, it teaches you exactly how to sell on Amazon, exactly how to source items online, and exactly how to automate (outsource) the grunt work so you can maximize your time.


        -Jordan 'J.B' Malik /
        > Learn Importing for FREE on our live webinar (We're giving away prizes)
        > FREE Private Label Workshop - LIVE

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7871870].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author BusyMum_2010
        Originally Posted by ScottLindsay View Post

        I have never head of the Dewable course. Is it any good? Do they show you how to private label products?
        You can ask directly the wholesale supplier if they can put your own brand or "Private Label" on the product. That's what I did when I asked one and they said yes depending on the quantity I will order.
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  • Profile picture of the author yohan
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    • Profile picture of the author Jassa
      Thanks, Yohan, for your input and yes, you are of course right. I don't really have a problem with that though because all marketers are doing that sort of research the whole time if they have the know-how ...aren't we?!! I don't begrudge them that because I do trust that they are basically 'ethical' guys and whatever they are learning I think will mostly be funnelled back into the strategies that they will be sharing with us.

      I bought their program last year and although it was very good I just did not have the ability to implement it then. Hopefully this time around I will be able to

      I know Jason from buying a product of his several years ago and he is a 'good guy' and Matt is definitely a brilliant entrepreneur

      "Life is a lot like jazz... it's best when you improvise" - George Gershwin
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    • Profile picture of the author alistair
      Originally Posted by yohan View Post

      Im suprised no-one is commenting on the real story here...

      The reason ASM is so expensive is the software which automates all your seo, backlinks, press releases e.t.c. to promote the product listing. This backend software is plugged right into your account.

      This means you are paying ASM for the training/software, but in return they have complete access to see what you are doing, your listings, your failures, what products rank and for what keywords e.t.c

      They have all your data and everyone elses in the program. When the hype has died down you can be assured they will use this data to rank their own new products. It will be a goldmine for them.
      I pretty much agree with this if what you say about them having all their members data etc is correct. I don't blame anybody for buying this course though as it sounds ok but peronally I would no way spend that kind of money on what really sounds like a lot of hype.

      I don't honestly believe that anybody with a real business on Amazon who is raking in the kind of money suggested would spend their time putting a course together like this and give away their secrets to any tom, dick or harry who can afford it. Wouldn't you just escalate what you've been doing if you're making so much money and hope to chr!st that it's a while before the inevitable happens and somebody else discovers your goldmine? But then again I might be completely wrong and wouldn't mind admitting it.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7873469].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
      Thanks for making that point.
      I don't think they will do that but I will certainly have an eye on that.

      Also after setting up my first money making products I will try to replicate that without using their software.


      P.S. Not every one out there is a Bad Apple

      Originally Posted by yohan View Post

      Im suprised no-one is commenting on the real story here...

      The reason ASM is so expensive is the software which automates all your seo, backlinks, press releases e.t.c. to promote the product listing. This backend software is plugged right into your account.

      This means you are paying ASM for the training/software, but in return they have complete access to see what you are doing, your listings, your failures, what products rank and for what keywords e.t.c

      They have all your data and everyone elses in the program. When the hype has died down you can be assured they will use this data to rank their own new products. It will be a goldmine for them.

      WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
      Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7873490].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author annaire
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      • Profile picture of the author yohan
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        • Profile picture of the author Phillip M King
          You don't even have to use the tools. There is a glossy "merit" badge program, and to qualify for each step (so far - products and suppliers), you have to give them the information that you have found to "prove" that you have done the work. So, whether they intend to use it or not, the ASM creators get access to research done by many hundreds of people. Now - as those people are mostly newbies - is their research of any value? That's another question.

          Originally Posted by yohan View Post

          Yes this is exactly what I'm getting at.

          This is not to say the ASM program is no good, or that they guys running it are unethical. But be aware they are getting very critical marketing data from all their members. And there is no doubt they will use this data to rank their own products in the future.

          If you buy into ASM I would learn from their program but not use any of the automated tools.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7955547].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Phillip M King
            I want to thank everyone who has posted on this thread. Reading through all these posts has been very cathartic for me, and has helped bring some of my thoughts and experiences into sharper focus. Perhaps I may return shortly to share some of those thoughts and experiences here.
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      • Profile picture of the author iTechSolutions
        Originally Posted by annaire View Post

        So what you are saying is that you have just paid to be their research lab. You will prove what is hot and what is not. They can then use their bigger machine to come in and undercut you.
        In 2001, the now-defunct electronics chain Circuit City began selling through Amazon's marketplace. But it severed ties in 2005 to concentrate on its own website.
        "As soon as we could get out of the deal, we did. The marketplace is an R&D facility for Amazon, where they look to see what's selling and then sell it directly," said former Circuit City executive Fiona Dias.

        Full story:

        If Amazon can do that, why not others?
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  • Profile picture of the author tiger1
    I am not an affiliate for this program and bought into it on Sunday after several days of being on the fence. Here are my reasons why:

    1. 30 day refund policy beginning from the first day of training which begins March 21. After asking Jason, the co-creator of the training a question about how long it takes to start selling product, his answer was that if I apply the techniques taught, within 4 weeks I should be selling product daily. If this happens, I should be able to get a realistic picture of what type of monthly net profits to expect from each product and determine if it warrants continuing and the investment of the training. If not, then I am within the 30 days and can get a refund. It would seem that after only 4 weeks, I should have a worst case scenario of what my monthly sales will be, as I should be able to vastly improve my results through more personal experience, adding more products and the advanced trainings during the final 4 weeks.

    2. It makes sense to me. I own two brick and mortar businesses in two small towns in Florida, not major cities. Our primary business is personal services but we also sell about $15,000 a month in retail products combined between the two locations. If I am targeting the entire U.S. with my product line instead of two small cities and my current client base, it makes sense that I should be able to make at least twice that per month and not have to pay the overhead I have to pay with my locations such as employee wages, rent, utilities, etc. It will be almost all profit.

    3. We carry some private label products in our locations now and the profit margin is much higher on those. With this strategy, we are creating our own brand and don't have to compete with other sellers carrying the same exact brand of product. Of course everything hinges on being able to get the products ranked in Amazon but after 4 weeks of training, I will see if it really does work.

    4. I have done some affiliate marketing on the side and the biggest obstacle has always been trying to compete with Amazon. It seems for most products they always come up first. So why not use that leverage and ranking power combined with some basic SEO and keyword research skills to sell my own products on Amazon and dominate the search engine listings. Why should I continue earning only 6% as an Amazon affiliate when I can make 25-50%?

    5. I spent over $200,000 per retail location to open my brick and mortar stores. If this works, $3500 is nothing. Any real business you try to start is going to have some type of investment. Yes, there is also the investment of product and even though I already knew this, they recommend starting with a small number of products to test the market first, so you don't go all in with a huge inventory of products that will take you months to sell.

    5. I have already used some of the methods that they taught in the initial videos that were free to everyone to identify product opportunities. I used a method that someone else taught me to see how much of that product is being sold daily. If I did half the volume that these products are doing, I will make back the investment in this course within 1 month.

    6. Although the doors are officially closed now to new members, I would imagine that once this first group has completed the training, they will open it up to a second round of new members. If the majority of us are not successful, we will certainly post that and it will hinder those who do their due diligence and research from buying in.

    As long as they truly honor their 30 day refund policy, it seems as though there is nothing to lose since after 4 weeks, I should be moving product daily if I have implemented the training correctly and can bow out if that doesn't happen.

    I can't say I'm not a little nervous dropping such a big chunk on a training program. I am used to buying $10 and $20 WSO's. But I also know that with most programs, people aren't successful because they didn't fully apply themselves or didn't stick with it long enough, if the training program wasn't junk. If they said it would take 60 days or longer to start selling product daily, I would never have purchased it knowing I would be outside of the refund period before I knew if it was successful. And as I mentioned earlier, if it works which it certainly makes sense to me that it will, $3500 is a drop in the bucket.

    I will post again after the 30 days to let you guys know how it went and if I stayed with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author malia
    I don't honestly believe that anybody with a real business on Amazon who is raking in the kind of money suggested would spend their time putting a course together like this and give away their secrets to any tom, dick or harry who can afford it. Wouldn't you just escalate what you've been doing if you're making so much money and hope to chr!st that it's a while before the inevitable happens and somebody else discovers your goldmine? But then again I might be completely wrong and wouldn't mind admitting it
    Well based on what some people have written, this is a multi million dollar launch and they seem to be positioned to clear at least seven figures after paying out affiliates. So yeah, cashing out that kind of money is a good motivator. Selling information doesn't have cost of goods sold like selling tangible products so I'd do it too!

    I agree with you on white labelling. It is a bit of a liability minefield. Easy to get wrong.
    It really depends on what you sell. Having said that, a lot of you are assuming you have ZERO liability in whatever you do. Just because you aren't aware of the liability of what you're doing doesn't mean you don't have liability. Product liability is a whole different beast, but there are product categories where liability is not that much of an issue, and there is insurance.

    Sale $18
    COGS 8

    Amazon referral fee (15%) $2.7
    Order Handling $1
    Pick and Pack $1
    Weight Handling $0.46
    30 day storage $0.02

    Total FBA Costs $5.18

    Net Profit $4.82
    Let's see... My experience is not in the categories they covered in their examples. My ecommerce experience is based off small, lightweight, expensive for it's size and weight. Therefore a tumbler would not be a product I would want to sell because it's heavy and inexpensive for it's size.

    I will tell you some things I sell on Amazon:

    I have 1 product that I buy for 0.50 landed from china (meaning shipping and everything factored in) that I clear $1.85 (after all fees and COGS). The ONLY reason I sell it is because it sells reliably and consistently and why not? it's an extra few hundred a month and it costs nothing. I would not go LOOKING for another product like this, but it was something I already knew about.

    It's not private label but it doesn't matter (for now).

    I have 5 products I private label that I manufacture (not label an existing design but are made to my spec) therefore they truly really are exclusive (because of the nature of the design are copyright protected-- registered). I pay $5 landed and sell for $20 on Amazon. They are consistent sellers and I will be back up after replenishing inventory.

    Fees are 5.42 including FBA.

    I think the key is, and always will be, finding the right product opportunity.

    These particular price points, though, are the lowest. My normal selling price on amazon ranges from $36-$140. I could only go into selling something with a low profit if the cost was really really low.


    When they sold the course last year, it had research software as part of it. Does this new course include that research software (it was adobe air based and called Amazon Money Finder)

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7879414].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tiger1

      Thanks for that info. It was helpful to get input from someone who is already actively selling on Amazon.

      As far as the software goes, we don't have access to the software yet as they don't want us jumping ahead of schedule and not using it when we are supposed to for its intended purpose.

      We won't have access until halfway through the training after we have already set up our store, picked a product to sell, found a supplier and have it in our inventory, so the product selection software is obviously not going to be one of the tools. They are teaching us how to do that manually. I almost bought in to Matt's program last year and I do remember that product selection tool. Not sure what happened to it but since everything hinges first on choosing the right product, doing it manually with their guidance and instruction is definitely the way to go.

      As far as the mention of them using their tools to steal your information and promote your products themselves, I don't see that happening. The reason is because their tools only allow you to promote a specific product on Amazon and get it ranked well. They have no idea if that product is actually selling well as that information is not recorded or tracked in the tools. They would be taking a huge risk by just randomly selecting products that are in the system being promoted not knowing if they are selling at all. It would be like throwing darts at a board of products. They obviously are doing well choosing their own products to promote.
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      • Profile picture of the author Mike Remer
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        • Profile picture of the author milla04
          Originally Posted by Mike Remer View Post

          I am tempted to get into this whole FBA thing, as I have access to some products that might be a good fit.

          I keep getting hung up all the sellercentral forum posts about people getting their accounts frozen, with all the inventory sitting in amazon, and amazon holding all their collected funds for 90 days in case of refunds.

          They have rules about ever contacting a "customer" about any kind of offer outside of Amazon. What is the point of gaining a customer that you can not contact for future sales?
          And if you try to do so are liable to get your account frozen.

          And, at least at Paypal there are human beings you can contact, at Amazon everything is done by emails, and mysterious appeal processes to try to regain your account.

          My fear is really succeeding in Amazon and then losing it all at a whim of one of their algorithms.

          Amazon sellers complain of tied-up payments, account shutdowns | Business & Technology | The Seattle Times
          Most of what you have said is far from the truth. I have UK and USA FBA account, and only last week I had a problem with an inventory sending in, I requested FBA to call me back and within 5sec I was called back. So I do not know what department you are trying to contact. If you require help your FBA account I recommend speaking with someone on the phone where you can access in your back office of your FBA account.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7883769].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author joolkano
    I saw the promotion for this too and was quite intrigued. But to ask $3,500 for just a few videos they presented, I found that to be ridiculous. So I went on Amazon and searched for a book that teaches FBA. I found 2 good books on kindle each costing under $5. One is "Amazing Amazon FBA Work From Home The Easy Way" and the other "Making a Great Living with Fulfillment by Amazon". The books are very informative and will give FBA a go.
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  • Profile picture of the author malia
    I keep getting hung up all the sellercentral forum posts about people getting their accounts frozen, with all the inventory sitting in amazon, and amazon holding all their collected funds for 90 days in case of refunds.
    This is true. My money wasn't held, but my account was suspended and I had inventory sitting in Amazon's warehouse. It took me from May until November of 2012 to sort it out.

    And it was all over a technicality not a violation (not submitting a data feed for product import because I had decided to just enter the products manually as over 90% of them were existing ASINs). Amazon's support is horrible. They do have phone support, mostly incompetent. I still sell on Amazon but it is not, and has never been, my only online sales channel.

    I still champion selling on Amazon, however caveat emptor
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  • Profile picture of the author benmuijaz
    This was an affiliate link by Jim Cockrum awhile back about this guy selling this course:



    Anyone has experience with this?
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    • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
      You are referring to Brett B. - one of our top students and now trainers! He has an entire outsourced operation going where he pays others to do extreme couponing for him and they send all the goods into Amazon FBA for insane profits virtually hands free.

      Google the phrase "brett $5000 bet jim cockrum interview" to find the interview I recently did with him on this topic. He actually won a $5,000 bet on my blog as well - it's a great story. I would give you the direct link to the interview, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to link to stuff off of WF or not so I won't. You'll hear our recorded interview and learn more about his course etc. once you look it up.

      Originally Posted by benmuijaz View Post

      Signature aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7907531].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Nick Sharp
    So does anyone have any idea if this does cover how to get your private label products ranked highly in Amazon to compete with well known brands in the same category? Otherwise it would be tough.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7914229].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author affmanager
      Originally Posted by Nick Sharp View Post

      So does anyone have any idea if this does cover how to get your private label products ranked highly in Amazon to compete with well known brands in the same category? Otherwise it would be tough.
      That is the main goal of the Amazing Selling Machine course: 1. finding product opportunities 2. working with suppliers to private label a product and 3. ranking high in Amazon
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Cheah
    To all,

    Looking through all the comments posted so far, I would chose to see things in a different perspective.

    If what Matt and Jadon offered is overpriced and not worth any investment at all, and suppose it does not work, why do we not see all the previously purchased members (with the exception of 1 or 2) posting their negative feedback here?

    My thoughts: maybe most of the members are accustomed to buying lesser value products in the forum here. Hence, when a better or high value ticket product come along, the tendency to judge or degrade the products become second nature.

    Anyway, I am in no way affiliated to Matt and Jason. Just like to point out, if you really do have a product, concept or idea that are proven to earn US$300k, how much do you think is a fair price to offer to the market?

    Let's have an abundance mentality. Whether this product is overpriced or not, after the course of 8 weeks, believe all the purchased members will be the better people to judge. Till then, they will the best person to comment and leave any negative feedback here, if any.


    Richard Cheah
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    • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF

      I've got two PM's the last days about my progress and how the course is going.
      So here is my reply:

      The course is great so far. Both guys are great teachers and straight to the point.
      The community is really rocking. I've been with other great and paid for communities like the SEnuke Forum or the PPVplaybook Forum.
      This one is different and tops them all.
      They have system of giving Badges to us when we reach a certain milestone. Cool thing and really helps to keep everyone motivated.
      I can't really describe this and will let others chime in here.

      The Course:

      Week 1 was all about setting up the Amazon Account. It's very simple for US people to do but for the rest of us can be very tricky. They have a detailed video on how to setup up everything if you are from an non us country.

      Week 2 was all about "Picking your Profit-Making-Products".
      All 10 Videos are only 68 minutes to watch.
      They all have pretty good audio and are really making sense even for aliens like me.
      They suggest we go to the videos one by one, replicate what the show us and filter down to one product.
      That one product will be our main money maker. No need to pick 5, 10 or hundreds of products like other fba courses are teaching.

      Success and Motivation
      Here is a snippet from one thread I copied from the ASM Forum:

      ...I love reading Success Stories.
      They really inspire me and keep me motivated to getting things done.
      Regular people (often a lot younger than me) are crushing it.
      Here are a few Success Stories I found here in the forum.
      Mine is coming soon...

      03.25.2013-09.55.02 - ChristophK's library

      03.25.2013-10.01.37 - ChristophK's library

      03.25.2013-10.03.01 - ChristophK's library

      The thread has more success stories but I don't want to disclose them all here.


      If you missed the boat there may be a small chance to jump on board.
      I have a buddy who has done this a few days ago. Maybe it will work for you too.
      Goto the official site and send them an Mail that you missed the boat because of a vacation you had and had a huge backlog of mails to go through... yada yada

      WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
      Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

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      • Profile picture of the author TerrySilver
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        • Profile picture of the author scout99
          The testimonials certainly sound nice, but I know from experience that private labeling anything is not an inexpensive venture. Vitamin white labelers are a dime a dozen, and their heyday has passed (I'm not implying that that's all they are suggesting you private label, they are just the most commonplace).

          Buying other items direct from manufacturers in China? Possible, yes, but most have minimum orders and I've never had anything less than a couple thousand $. And they take about 30 days to reach you.

          Please continue to share as you deem appropriate.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7922905].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Nick Sharp
    Anyone know how to estimate sales if you get a product ranked in top 1k, top 100, top 10k, etc. for a category outside of books? Or anyone have any sample data? Thank you!
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    • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
      One Warrior contacted me via PM.

      Hi Chris,

      I know you must be receiving a lot of emails from people since you posted in the forum that you purchased Amazon Selling Machine. I hope you don't mind one more

      I would like to ask you, in your honest opinion, is the course worth it? Does it really spell things out for you and help you select the right kind of products to sell and tell you exactly how to rank them so they sell?

      Would you spend your last $3500 on it?

      I'm at my wits end with being broke and will have to pull some strings to afford the course but I am so worried that this is another course that gives you everything at surface value and doesn't really help you make the money they claim.

      Wondering if I'm better off figuring things out for myself rather and invest my last dollars in buying some products that I think might sell well and then go from there.

      Your opinion and advice is much appreciated.

      Thanks also for keeping the thread up to date with your posts on how it's going.

      xxx (deleted for privacy)

      Hi xxx

      >I would like to ask you, in your honest opinion, is the course worth it?

      Yes, but we are only at week 3 of 8.
      There are some questions left unanswered right now.

      >Does it really spell things out for you and help you select the right kind of products to
      >sell and tell you exactly how to rank them so they sell?

      I've picked a product. Now I've contacted a few suppliers and also ordered my labels. In a few weeks we will see how it goes.

      >Would you spend your last $3500 on it?
      Probably not. You need a few hundreds or even thousands more to buy products. My first batch will cost around 3000+ shipping + customs.

      >Wondering if I'm better off figuring things out for myself rather and invest my last
      >dollars in buying some products that I think might sell well and then go from there.

      That might be a better Idea. You can start with selling things like books on Amazon.
      There is a course called PAC = The Proven Amazon Course that explains how to source cheap books and other things and sell them with Amazon FBA.

      If you are from the US that might be a good/better start. You only need limited funds for that method.

      I know of a guy who even sourced that course from a blackhat site and paid for the course after going through it. The Quality is really good to get your feed wet.

      All the best

      Amazing Selling Machine Week 3

      In Module 3, you learn how to find suppliers for ANY product you want to create your own brand of. Then, you learn the key principles of label & packaging design that will set your product apart from your competition. Lastly, you do a quick setup of your Amazon product listing (you'll fully optimize it in Module 4) and you place your first small inventory order

      This week is pretty hard core stuff and the most difficult thing for me in this course til now.
      You have to source suppliers and then send an eMail to them. They are giving us no swipe file and for a foreigner like me it's not that easy to write a professional sounding contact letter.
      Anyway, done that with some helpful people from the ASM forum, contacted a few suppliers and 50% of them have already replied. Two of them send me really good Information.
      You can source via google search or my personal tip: Use A lot of the suppliers I've found with the google search are way easier to find on Alibaba.

      More next week.

      WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
      Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7954224].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
        Originally Posted by ChrisWF View Post

        One Warrior contacted me via PM.

        RE: "The Proven Amazon Course"

        If you are from the US that might be a good/better start. You only need limited funds for that method.

        I know of a guy who even sourced that course from a blackhat site and paid for the course after going through it. The Quality is really good to get your feed wet.

        All the best

        Thanks for the great laugh...I'll take that as the ultimate compliment that you know someone who illegally got a copy of my PAC course and then felt so bad that they PAID for it after the fact! That's fantastic on so many levels... Thanks for posting that.

        Signature aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7956098].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
          HI All

          There will be a paid upgrade for the Proven Amazon Course from Jim Cockrum.

          It's only for Members of the PAC and only available for a few days for a massive discount.
          If you ever thought of buying the PAC, then NOW is the time.

          Here is only one snippet of the promotion:

          You get access to:
          How to grow your selling on Amazon business from $5,000 a month to $50,000 a month - a complete system of outsourcing the work, finding profitable inventory & managing cash flow

          Looks like Jim has enhanced his course by adding some stuff out of what ASM teaches us.

          WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
          Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7962327].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kenwarrior
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7978416].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
      Originally Posted by kenwarrior View Post

      The ASM course sucks big time.... enough said!
      What an in-depth review.


      WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
      Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7978461].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author kenwarrior
        Originally Posted by ChrisWF View Post

        What an in-depth review.

        I refunded from ASM this weekend, content was thin, I had a number of concerns about the course that I won't go into but I feel very glad that I refunded, I'm still going 100% on the business model but won't be paying $3497 for a course which does not even cover all the main points in detail
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7995110].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author l23bc
          Originally Posted by kenwarrior View Post

          I refunded from ASM this weekend, content was horrible, I had a number of concerns about the course that I won't go into but I feel very glad that I refunded, I'm still going 100% on the business model but won't be paying $3497 for a course which does not even cover all the main points in detail
          Have heard reviews of this system But to be fair there is a warrior member who has a ebook on amazon that has 5 times cheaper which has worked for me...I dont make 50k from amazon but on a good month a few 100 from sales of book sales, Think his name was Colin and it was the kindle lazer course, Would reccomend that then some system.

          hope that helps

          No Link here or Nothing to Promote Just a Old Happy Warrior User reading Topics

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7995152].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author BoJon
          Originally Posted by JamesBoyd View Post

          I refunded from ASM this weekend, content was thin, I had a number of concerns about the course that I won't go into but I feel very glad that I refunded, I'm still going 100% on the business model but won't be paying $3497 for a course which does not even cover all the main points in detail
          When you say "does not even cover all the main points in detail" I guess you refering to the video's and PDFs, but what about the Community and the Tools?

          Aren't they a valuable asset and increases the chance of success with this business model?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8605195].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author panorama
            Originally Posted by BoJon View Post

            When you say "does not even cover all the main points in detail" I guess you refering to the video's and PDFs, but what about the Community and the Tools?

            Aren't they a valuable asset and increases the chance of success with this business model?
            In my opinion, most of the value of the course was in the Community.
            Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
            Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
            Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8605581].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
            Originally Posted by BoJon View Post

            When you say "does not even cover all the main points in detail" I guess you refering to the video's and PDFs, but what about the Community and the Tools?

            Aren't they a valuable asset and increases the chance of success with this business model?
            Community - there's a few good people who provide substantially better support and answers than the founders, but is this why you paid $4,000 ?

            Tools and Software - I'd say that only 1 of the tools was worth bothering with, the rest were very spammy and out of date, or just plain time wasters
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8605761].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author panorama
              Originally Posted by JamesBoyd View Post

              Community - there's a few good people who provide substantially better support and answers than the founders, but is this why you paid $4,000 ?

              Tools and Software - I'd say that only 1 of the tools was worth bothering with, the rest were very spammy and out of date, or just plain time wasters
              No - the community isn't WHY I joined the course, but it's where I found the most value in the end. I didn't expect to learn so much from others, but it was absolutely worth the cost for me.

              Remember, Amazon is a HUGE marketplace - just a few good tips that improve your business can pay dividends worth well more than a few thousand dollars.
              Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
              Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
              Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8605800].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
                Originally Posted by panorama View Post

                No - the community isn't WHY I joined the course, but it's where I found the most value in the end. I didn't expect to learn so much from others, but it was absolutely worth the cost for me.

                Remember, Amazon is a HUGE marketplace - just a few good tips that improve your business can pay dividends worth well more than a few thousand dollars.

                well I guess we can debate this forever LOL

                in my opinion the bottom line is that you don't need to pay pay $4000 to learn the bits of useful info they provide in the course as it's hardly a sure thing, as many people have discovered
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8605815].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
              Originally Posted by JamesBoyd View Post

              Community - there's a few good people who provide substantially better support and answers than the founders, but is this why you paid $4,000 ?

              Tools and Software - I'd say that only 1 of the tools was worth bothering with, the rest were very spammy and out of date, or just plain time wasters
              Just out of curiosity, what are the tools that are offered?
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8605828].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author BoJon
                Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

                Just out of curiosity, what are the tools that are offered?
                That's a good question. This is something that I would like to know as well.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8606615].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
                Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

                Just out of curiosity, what are the tools that are offered?
                The Tools right now are

                Email - Sends kind of Autoresponder eMails to your Amazon Customers
                Tracking - Shows your Product Rankings
                Alliance - Get likes and links from different platforms. Very good.
                Promotion - Auto Backlink Tools for your Amazon Listings
                Press Release - Powerful PR Distribution System. Very good.
                Video - Powerful Video Upload Tool. Also very good.
                URL-Boost - Pinger? Tool for your Links and Backlinks
                Traffic Robot - Complete AutoBacklink System = Senukes little brother
                YouTube Mastery - Complete Course on how to do YouTube Videos and how to rank them

                They are always improving on these tools.
                For almost every Tool you can find something standalone that will do the same or maybe a better job, but you will have to pay for everything.
                The Alliance Tool isn't something that is available outside ASM.
                Overall it's very good compilation of useful Tools and they are all very good integrated.


                WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
                Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8606796].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
                  Originally Posted by ChrisWF View Post

                  The Tools right now are

                  Email - Sends kind of Autoresponder eMails to your Amazon Customers
                  Tracking - Shows your Product Rankings
                  Alliance - Get likes and links from different platforms. Very good.
                  Promotion - Auto Backlink Tools for your Amazon Listings
                  Press Release - Powerful PR Distribution System. Very good.
                  Video - Powerful Video Upload Tool. Also very good.
                  URL-Boost - Pinger? Tool for your Links and Backlinks
                  Traffic Robot - Complete AutoBacklink System = Senukes little brother
                  YouTube Mastery - Complete Course on how to do YouTube Videos and how to rank them

                  They are always improving on these tools.
                  For almost every Tool you can find something standalone that will do the same or maybe a better job, but you will have to pay for everything.
                  The Alliance Tool isn't something that is available outside ASM.
                  Overall it's very good compilation of useful Tools and they are all very good integrated.

                  Interesting....I would say the only vital thing out of that list is the auto-responded. I have a solution now that I use that is around $25/month or so depending on volume. Alliance sounds interesting, but the rest of the stuff sounds like filler and cheap SEO tools.

                  I just wonder if these product creators really give you EVERYTHING when they are doing their training. Amazon is such a lucrative opportunity and there is so much upside there that I'm surprised they would trade their competitive advantage for $3500/student.

                  I have some stuff that I would share here and there with people, but I have a handful of tips/tricks that I would never give away for any amount of money. Even if I collected a large sum of money upfront, it wouldn't be worth it if the tactics became more common knowledge.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8607198].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author BoJon
              Originally Posted by JamesBoyd View Post

              Community - there's a few good people who provide substantially better support and answers than the founders, but is this why you paid $4,000 ?

              Tools and Software - I'd say that only 1 of the tools was worth bothering with, the rest were very spammy and out of date, or just plain time wasters
              No, I'm not in this course. I just wanted to hear your thoughts about this so I could make a judgment on whether I missed something or not. It seems like it's possible to achieve some success even without this course.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8606609].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sharitchritin
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7999086].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF

      I don't have the AMM course.
      Matt says, that in the AMM he teaches a few strategies including Kindle ebooks.
      Now he concentrates on one successful strategy only. That new strategy has nothing (almost) to do with the Kindle anymore.

      Did you read this post:
      There is a link to Daniels Success story. Daniel is a former AMM Member and he just gave us an update on his story last Thursday.
      He has 11 products online now.
      He's selling around $10.000 a Day, the best Day last week was $12.000+
      His net is around 60% from that.


      P.S. I will not give you anymore updates in this thread in the next weeks.
      Have to work hard on my business

      Originally Posted by sharitchritin View Post

      Hi ChrisWF,

      Just read your comments about ASM with couple of testimonial links. It looks good.

      I already have AMM from Matt Clark. Do you think it is worth to get the ASM after having AMM? How much difference between AMM and ASM?


      WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
      Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7999111].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author tiger1
        Ok, so as promised, here is my review after 30 days in the program:

        The training, content and support have been outstanding in my opinion. They were very detailed and actually moved a little slower than I would have preferred, but I understand some people are brand new to business and need that.

        I have set up my store, chosen my first 3 products to launch, found a supplier and have placed my first inventory order for my first product. It honestly takes about a month to get to this point so it's not really feasible to say that the 30 day refund policy covers you long enough to see if it really is going to work for you. However, there have been a few students that have product in inventory and are already making daily sales on Amazon. But we have just started on the promotion and ranking sections of the training and won't see the fruits of those efforts for a few weeks most likely.

        With that said, I do see a lot of potential here based on the data and the facts that I have been able to obtain as well as my experience in retail and IM. The program just makes sense from a business standpoint and if you follow the training, your product listing is far superior to 95% of all the other products on Amazon, which in turn will be more attractive to the buyer and convert higher.

        I have been tracking the daily sales volume of the 3 products I will be selling on Amazon. Based on the volume they are selling, and I'm not using top ranked products, just average ones, if I just get them ranked equally as the final 30 days promises to show us, my projections have me profiting around $9000 per month. If I achieve a top ranking for each, this number would be significantly higher.

        The only catch so far is you do need some capital to really be successful at this. Not a fortune but I would say you need at least $1-2K on top of the training cost and I'm sure that leaves a lot of people out. The old saying that it takes money to make money really does apply here.

        Of course, all of this is mostly my opinion and speculation at this point so I'm not sure what that is worth, although I have been in retail for over 15 years. I will post again at the end of the 30 days and let you guys know how it worked out.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8001989].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sharitchritin
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8002113].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tiger1
      Originally Posted by sharitchritin View Post

      Hi Tiger1,

      Thanks for sharing. Do you drop shipping or private labeling?

      What I am concerned is whether the method can be saturated fast due to lots of people going out to source and promote products?
      I only do private labeling. I am sure there are many ways to make money on Amazon as well as some other fine courses as mentioned throughout this thread using other methods. However private labeling is the focus of this course.

      The market saturation issue was my primary concern for quite some time as well. But after seeing how many opportunities there are on Amazon, I can't see how it would ever be an issue. If you are in the top 1000-2000 in a product category, you are doing ok. So with dozens of categories, I don't see the market saturation issue coming into play.

      I would shy away from the product you mentioned. It sounds like it is difficult to ship, very fragile with a high potential for damage (hence customer complaints in the form of bad reviews) and there is no demand for it.

      Chris WF was spot on. Don't try to reinvent the wheel. It is a lot like IM or SEO, try to find something that already has demand and little competition and go after it. You have to spend some time looking but the product opportunities are definitely out there.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8003814].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author tiger1
        One more clarification on something I mentioned in my 30 day review. I said that in my opinion you need at least 1-2K on top of the cost of the course to really be successful.

        What I meant was to be successful quickly you need that kind of cash. You could probably get started with around $200-$300 and still make it work but it would just take you much longer because you would have to wait until the product sells, reinvest and keep doing that over and over until you had enough capital to carry a larger inventory that would make serious profits. But you would eventually get there. It would just take some time and patience.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8003863].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sharitchritin
    In fact, I have my own physical product. It is one of kind handcrafted art (not drawing, it is physical product). I just have 2 concerns:

    1. My product is unique. Don't have popular keywords associated the product. So keywords become issues to rank the product

    2. It need to be dedicate shipping. Just want to be shipped, then customers complain broken or twisted or whatever, then bad outcomes.

    Hope I can get over these concerns and start to sell my items in Amazon.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8002123].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF

      It's the one mistake a lot of people make, taking their product and try to rank and sell.

      Do it the other way around.

      Look what is selling well on Amazon, find a product with Private Label Potential.
      (Hint you can't clone the Kindle or iPhone but find your own yoga mat)
      Get that product under your own label and promote and sell that.



      WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
      Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8002984].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author TerrySilver
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8004325].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
          Originally Posted by TerrySilver View Post


          Did you go with domestic suppliers or overseas?

          Were they very difficult to find?
          I'm from Germany so for me it is all "overseas"

          Yup, you need more than 30 minutes to find a good one.


          WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
          Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8006933].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Oliver Williams
    Thanks to everyone who has contributed their reviews on this thread based on actual experience and verified facts.

    What I find is that all to often certain opportunities can become misrepresented on threads by (well meaning) people posting their personal opinions and beliefs about a new opportunity rather then posting what they actually know from their experience.
    Don't believe everything you think
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8030229].message }}
  • I've thought about trying this before but have had concerns about 'creating my own product' and the support / liability part of it with my own brand. I would probably try to pick products where liability was not as much of an issue but what about some type of warranty or is this a non issue for basic products?
    Signature - Money Making Tips, Tricks, and Case Studies
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8045902].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tiger1
      Ok, so as promised, here is my 60 day review. I will apologize in advance because this won't be very exciting as I am a few weeks behind.

      The product I decided to start with has many sellers on Amazon claiming to be organic but none are certified organic. I decided to get my product certified organic in order to be the only seller on Amazon with that certification. I believe it will give me an edge over all of them and will certainly give me a great unique selling point.

      Anyway, that process took me 4 weeks and I am just now sending my inventory to Amazon to start selling. I could have been selling weeks ago if I didn't go that route so it is my choice, not because of the program or anything else.

      I am launching a second product as well and Amazon flagged it for review for being a possible restricted or hazardous product. Kind of funny as it is a basic cosmetic product. I guess something in the description flagged them and it is standard procedure. However, that put me almost 2 weeks behind.

      So I have no product in inventory and it looks like it will be another week before I am up and running. I will go ahead and post another review in 30 days that should be more helpful with some real stats and figures, but here are a couple more things I have learned since the last review.

      This is a lot of work and you must have a lot of patience but it does seem that most of the work is on the front end getting everything set up for the first time. After that, it is simply reordering.

      The liability issue is not that big of a deal. I got a commercial policy that covers me for liability issues for less than $1000 a year. I also read a post on the members forum that someone got a policy for $500 a year.

      I'll keep you updated sooner if things change before the 30 days.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8097683].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Penn86
        Originally Posted by tiger1 View Post

        So I have no product in inventory and it looks like it will be another week before I am up and running. I will go ahead and post another review in 30 days that should be more helpful with some real stats and figures, but here are a couple more things I have learned since the last review....I'll keep you updated sooner if things change before the 30 days.
        Wishing you great success Tiger1 in another product launch and looking forward to hearing about your results here. Are you doing relabeling or just reselling? Thanks.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8107936].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author zakizarifah
        Originally Posted by tiger1 View Post

        The liability issue is not that big of a deal. I got a commercial policy that covers me for liability issues for less than $1000 a year. I also read a post on the members forum that someone got a policy for $500 a year.
        Thank you for the tip. How do I get the liability policy from? :confused:

        Originally Posted by tiger1 View Post

        I'll keep you updated sooner if things change before the 30 days.
        Thanks you for the review.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8109215].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mcdc2000
    I don't recall where I heard about "rank higher" in the Amazon listing, if you used FBA (fulfillment-by-amazon) instead of self fulfillment.

    Is it true?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8057268].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kenwarrior
    There are so many red flags about this program it's like independence day in Moscow
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8058977].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mcdc2000
      Originally Posted by kenwarrior View Post

      There are so many red flags about this program it's like independence day in Moscow
      Can you elaborate on what the red flags about this program?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8059403].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author kenwarrior
        Originally Posted by mcdc2000 View Post

        Can you elaborate on what the red flags about this program?
        While the basic principals are sound these guys sold this like it was shooting fish in a barrel with an AK47, more like catching a 10ft shark with a 5ft fishing pole

        Don't expect to be successful doing this unless you are prepared to put a lot of time and effort into it, and you really need a couple of extra $thousand to have any real chance of getting started, although some have claimed they started with less and have done well

        In my opinion at least 75% of the real value in this course was given away in the free pre-sales material, a lot of the course was just fluff and filler and things you could pretty much work out for yourself with a little bit of effort
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8062011].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author yohan
    I think the real question we have to be asking is this..... not everyone is going to be lucky and rank a product on the first position or even page of amazon's results.

    So if you finally do the work and get your product into Amazons FBA system, what sort of sales can you expect?

    The ASM guys claimed in the webinars that even having one item way down the results list would equate to profits of around $70,000 per year.

    When you consider the average profit on these sorts of items is between $10-20 then by calculation you would have to be selling 15-20 items a day to make 70k.

    So the question is, how realistic is it to sell 15-20 items per day of a product that is way down the list in Amazon search results?

    We all know that being in position 30+ in Google means you are dead. Is it different with Amazon?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8068600].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author fatboyfat
    Had a few pm about selling my membership to asm thanks but no thanks. Yes the course is not very good and fails to exsplain extra costs ect but the reasen i wont sell is that the forum they have is fantastic way better than the 8 modules
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8075189].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kenwarrior
      Originally Posted by fatboyfat View Post

      the forum they have is fantastic
      The blind leading the blind for the most part
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8075297].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
        Some Info from the ASM course:

        - Over 1600 members signed up
        - 87% stayed til the end
        - First success stories coming in
        - Finally UPS is delivering my products to an Amazon Warehouse. Tracking says Today
        - There is a live event in two weeks. Only course members are allowed. 700+ will come

        This model works.
        Forget the negative People here in the forum. They are probably from the 13% refunders group.

        Back to work. Have some promotions to do.


        If you are from the US, then go with Jim Cockrums PAC (Proven Amazon Course) for now. You will learn the FBA part very well and will be ready when the ASM course (or a follow up) will come along in the future (next year?).

        WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
        Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8080191].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author milla04
        Originally Posted by kenwarrior View Post

        The blind leading the blind for the most part
        I tend to avoid negative people but on this occasion I wanted to say something. I dont know if you are dead against the business model or the course.

        One thing made me laugh though when you said "this is hard work." well, dur, any business worth making money from SHOULD BE HARD WORK.

        Unless you have found a push button method, if that were the case I am sure you would be rich selling it to everyone. (maybe you are):p

        The facts are, yes this business model is "HARD WORK" damn hard, that is why I love it, because the return is massive.

        Let me point out, when I say hard work, its the initial setting up process getting your products, either scouting or private labeling. Once that is completed, amazon will do everything for you.

        One last thing, its people like you who really gives this business model i.e FBA a bad name, which in my opinion and I am sure others say its a fantastic money earner.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8080588].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kenwarrior
    There's really not anything to talk about, if you think $3500 was good value for this course good for you, I did not, I took Jason's and Matt's advice which was try the course for 30 days and if you don't like it ask for a refund, which I did.

    Matt and Jason are fine fellows but quite frankly they have not been very upfront about a few things, I guess sooner or later you will figure it out for yourself

    Amazon FBA - great business model, as I have already posted!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8080801].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author panorama
      Originally Posted by kenwarrior View Post

      Matt and Jason are fine fellows but quite frankly they have not been very upfront about a few things, I guess sooner or later you will figure it out for yourself

      Amazon FBA - great business model, as I have already posted!
      I'm on the same page as you. Even though the business model is solid, you're right that they haven't been upfront about things.

      I'm in the loop with a couple of members and it's disappointing to see that Matt and Jason haven't been more forthcoming about what they are doing.

      It wasn't that hard to find their Amazon seller accounts and, although I could be wrong, it looks like they might both be in the process of cashing out right now.
      Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
      Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
      Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8080963].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kenwarrior
    Lets see where this turkey is by thanksgiving, it could soar like an eagle but for most people I think it will land in the oven
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  • Profile picture of the author klo2383
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8138323].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author benmuijaz
      Originally Posted by klo2383 View Post

      I have been following this post since the beginning. I feel like I made the right choice by staying away from this service. Thanks to everyone for their insight and advice.

      I have decided that buying low and selling high on amazon is the best way to go (for me at least). There are descent services that help you find products. I use FBAMyLife dot com, but FBAfinds is also good. These services find products for you to buy and resell (for a price of course). But they are helpful.

      Thanks again.

      Hey Kevin,

      Are you the same Kevin that is on FBA My Life - Home
      If so, you could have come out and said just that instead saying it like you are giving a testimonial.

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      • Profile picture of the author klo2383
        Originally Posted by benmuijaz View Post

        Hey Kevin,

        Are you the same Kevin that is on FBA My Life - Home
        If so, you could have come out and said just that instead saying it like you are giving a testimonial.

        Sorry to make it sound like that. I am the same Kevin but I do use my own service, and I think it is great. And I did get turned on to it because of this thread.

        Sorry if I offended anyone.

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  • Profile picture of the author vbox
    Here's my reply to someone in another thread, thought I'd post it here too...


    As someone lived in China and quite familiar with samping and shipping processes, I'd like to chim in a little,

    1. Sampling does have cost, at least for first time customers who orders smaller quantity and cares 'minimum quantity' a lot. But in most cases, it's not big cost because all suppliers willing to sample for you expect to make money on the following orders, not the sample itself.

    2. As for shipping. Courier is mostly used for samples, both for time reason and difficulty you will get yourself into to ship anything less then 1 cubic meter by sea, let alone all the custom clearence documents you need to cover. It's simply not worthwhile to ship sample by sea, or any smaller quantity products(considerring AMS covers mostly smaller products, 1 cubic meter could be thousands).

    3. I'd recommend everyone consider the shipping factor in sourcing products. Personally I would strongly tend to look into smallest and lightest products which could still make a profit by courier shipping, it'll save tons of trouble to everything.

    Lastly, since I'm very much interested in this program and I have missed the time to join, if anyone in the course is interested in JV with me, feel free to let me know. Since I'm in China, I could get you anything in a better term as a local. I could even do it free, if you let me understand how you sell it well throgh AMS so we help each other to succeed.

    PM me if anyone is interested.
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
    Less than 2 weeks after their course has ended I can't believe these guys are now promoting a big ticket drop shipping course to their members after telling them at the start of ASM that drop shipping was a stupid idea, it's quite hard to believe anything these guys say
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    • Profile picture of the author fatboyfat
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  • Profile picture of the author sagbee
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    • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
      Originally Posted by sagbee View Post

      can you show me where you see this ?
      You are obviously not on any of their mailing lists or you would have been hit several times by now

      If you want to see what is being promoted just Google something like

      big brown box Ezra Firestone
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      • Profile picture of the author perswealth
        Well these guru types do that a lot. They take a stand on a certain issue/strategy, then do a complete 360 when it suits them (product launch, selling an affiliate product, etc.,). It's almost like they forget what they tell there readers, or think they won't remember.

        Remember Ryan Deiss with the SEO thing? Bashes it to the hilt, then comes out with his own SEO product (i forget the name of it). I can name 4 others right off the top of my head that did the same thing, but you get the point. I don't hate them when i see them do it, I just think it's funny.
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        • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
          Originally Posted by perswealth View Post

          Remember Ryan Deiss with the SEO thing?
          This guy would try and sell a big ticket course on how to suck eggs to his grandmother if he though he could get away with it, he's the king of the u turn, I agree you have to laugh!
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    • Profile picture of the author jimzimm
      Originally Posted by sagbee View Post

      seriously ?? Now that was a turning point.... I thought Matt was a serious guy... can you show me where you see this ?
      Here is the email I received:

      Matt Clark via
      6:00 AM (1 hour ago)

      to me
      Wow! The webinar we're doing with Ezra Firestone
      about his Brown Box Formula program is about 93%
      full already.

      Today (Wednesday), you'll likely start getting
      hammered by people promoting Ezra's course.

      Trust me, you want to WAIT until you hear what we
      have to say (and offer) on the webinar first.

      Remember, I just sold an ecommerce business
      for 6 figures a few months ago.

      I know what it takes to get results FAST with this model.

      I HIGHLY recommend you go register for it right now...

      ==> Click here to secure your spot

      Don't worry, if the Thursday at 6PM EST time doesn't
      work for you, we'll mail you out a replay.

      To Your Success,

      Matt Clark & Jason Katzenback
      Amazing Selling Machine

      P.S. You don't want to miss this opportunity to tap into
      three minds that are all doing this REAL business model

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      • Profile picture of the author notimetoulouse
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        • Profile picture of the author Mike Parkin
          It may well have been overpriced but did anyone follow their plan and get a private label product ranking and selling in reasonable volume?
          Rockin' in the free world
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          • Profile picture of the author morphers
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            • Profile picture of the author panorama
              Originally Posted by morphers View Post


              I am in many nitches and only followed partially what Matt and Jason preached in the ASM Course. I quit my day job and sell on Amazon full time. I started with Retail Arbitrage and wholesale to get into the game SUPER FAST. Now I am slowing selling off most of this stuff and replacing it with Private Label and New Wholesale Products as this is alot less work in the long run, and I control my products/listings. My most successful and profitable products are Private Label and some Wholesale. There is SOO much information in the course that I haven't even done half of it, or used their tools yet. I'm still working up to that while still managing my inventory.

              These guys don't just teach how to sell on Amazon, but want you to expand and grow outside of Amazon and build huge empires from brands you create all over the internet.

              Side note, they are opening the doors again in October, visit the Facebook Launch Event @ to keep up to date on the latest re-launch of the Amazing Selling Machine Course.

              I know these guys are going to fine-tune it more and more as the current group learns more and more and shares it with everyone!
              Morphers, is that your Facebook event and are you using it to promote the course as an an affiliate when it relaunches?
              Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
              Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
              Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
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            • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
              Originally Posted by morphers View Post

              Side note, they are opening the doors again in October
              That's all we need, another 1500 people selling spatulas and garcinia cambogia
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  • Profile picture of the author milla04
    I have to admit it, I was one of those people who shouted and said this method/system would not work, in fact I wanted to prove a point, I bought this course to actually compare it to Proven amazon course (I am a current member of.) The problem I saw with PAC is the leg work that is required, trust me. I went out early hrs in the morning scouting and buy 20 items a day. This should not be a one man show, this is what was lacking in the course at the time, I believe it has been updated now.

    Anyhow, I test run ASM for 30 days, I even spent $840 on inventory which is 160 items, and priced it at $14 ish more than my competitors, however my margin was only 28%, this was killing me (I wanted more money). So I decided to increase my price to $25. Now, I want to make this very clear, my competitors are pricing their products at $8 - $10.

    I am in fact double their price. This works 2013-06-19_0151 - DarrenJM's library, as you can see within 30 days I have made my money back (well not the course money, but inventory.) I am big enough to say I was wrong. I know their are haters here, hating on this course. Well all I can say is, you keep hating, this method works and will only get better, I have been adding my own methods to really explode this.

    Yes there is a lot of work to do, like write PRs, articles or create videos. But you would have to do that anyways, this is no different. In fact marketing an amazon list is much easier because you can be so aggressive on ones url. I am already ranking on two google search keywords, which is all in the course.

    The only reason I am posting this here is (not to promote... But), a lot of people on WF are pure negative people, all they say are negative things. Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith and run with it AND believe in yourself.

    Admittedly, I bought this course to create a review "NOT TO BUY