WPLegalPages.com vs LegalFormsGenerator.com - Which is Best?

5 replies

I know, paying a lawyer to write the legal pages is best, but the price is multiple thousand dollars.

But as a beginner, it's not easy to pay 10,000 USD to get these pages written.

I wonder, which is best to use for a beginner?

WPLegalPages.com or LegalFormsGenerator.com
#legalformsgeneratorcom #wplegalpagescom
  • Profile picture of the author gurugrimmer
    Don't know what anyone else thinks... I have never used WPLegalPages.com.... LegalFormsGenerator.com is really good, and easy to use! You enter in a few details and bam, it spews out all the forms done, and ready to go!

    The other option is AutoWebLaw Pro... lots of people use them, but I will say, AWL pro is a bit restrictive if you live outside the US as the wording of a lot of the dox applies to US.

    If you;ve got the cash, WLFG is the best I would say!

    After 2 years 3 months of research... I found alternative's for essential tools (like gotowebinar, camtasia, survey monkey and many more) that are just as good as the ones you've heard about, but cost a ton less! So good even Guru's like Mike Filsaime have used and recommended them. Click here to find out what most insiders know but don't tell...

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  • Profile picture of the author gurugrimmer
    BTW you can see them in action here if you like...

    Rapid Home Business » Legal Documents

    After 2 years 3 months of research... I found alternative's for essential tools (like gotowebinar, camtasia, survey monkey and many more) that are just as good as the ones you've heard about, but cost a ton less! So good even Guru's like Mike Filsaime have used and recommended them. Click here to find out what most insiders know but don't tell...

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  • Profile picture of the author AbdullahKaragoz
    I think both are easy to use

    But I wonder which is best in terms of security,

    I mean which has the best legal text inside?
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  • Profile picture of the author enterpryzman
    I am in need of legal terms for a non WP site, what options are you aware of other than hiring an attorney to privately handle the project. This website enables a person to become a member and post an ad on my site as a member. Obviously need to restrict liability and keep it with those making the ad and not me. Does anyone offer a package for such needs ?

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    • Profile picture of the author AbdullahKaragoz
      Originally Posted by enterpryzman View Post

      I am in need of legal terms for a non WP site, what options are you aware of other than hiring an attorney to privately handle the project. This website enables a person to become a member and post an ad on my site as a member. Obviously need to restrict liability and keep it with those making the ad and not me. Does anyone offer a package for such needs ?

      Take a look at this:

      SaaS Agreement | Website Legal Forms | SaaS Contract
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