Anyone work with Tristan Bull? $500 coaching WSO

5 replies

I will be investing in Tristan Bull's $500 coaching WSO soon but I'm just wondering if anyone has worked with him and how was it?
#$500 #bull #coaching #tristan #work #wso
  • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
    Originally Posted by Seemore25101 View Post


    I will be investing in Tristan Bull's $500 coaching WSO soon but I'm just wondering if anyone has worked with him and how was it?
    Hi Seemore25101

    I have been a past student with Tristan and he is one of the best teachers that has a WSO coaching listed, I joined up in 2010 and It was money well spent

    And within 1 month I was earning about 2K a month via my own software and video creation service I was providing and It came down to what he had tought and the mindset you need to be sucessful, I can say you will not go wrong and in no time start to make $$$ with Tristan

    Also If you go to the WSO he has up I am sure there is some info on a lady in Europe who made a killing on the WSO sub forum with her own product! anyway I hope this may help in your decision and good luck.

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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Trujillo
    Here is my review from his 10k/a month sales funnel. I personally don't recommend it .

    A lot of reasons but to keep it short I paid $500 for his coaching and the site is no longer available.

    It's really difficult to get a hold of the guy as he rarely replies back.
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    • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
      Originally Posted by Matthew J Trujillo View Post

      Here is my review from his 10k/a month sales funnel. I personally don't recommend it .

      A lot of reasons but to keep it short I paid $500 for his coaching and the site is no longer available.

      It's really difficult to get a hold of the guy as he rarely replies back.
      Sorry to hear that mate...the guy has always been upfront with all the students , I have not spoken to him for 2 years but will see if I have the old email he gave me and will PM you
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      • Profile picture of the author maz1207
        Originally Posted by Regional Warrior View Post

        Sorry to hear that mate...the guy has always been upfront with all the students , I have not spoken to him for 2 years but will see if I have the old email he gave me and will PM you
        I second Matthew statement. You can see Tristan's WSO and read his students comments. I am one of his student too and i am totally disappointed with Tristan Bull Coaching. The training website is no longer available, $500 gone just like that. So, i DON'T recommend Tristan Bull Coaching to anyone. If you manage to contact him, let us know what email he is reachable.

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