Wealthy Affiliate Review - Is it worth it?

1 replies
WA is a business community that teaches people how to create a website and make money online, however they will not allow you to promote your own websites within that community.

For that reason I do not feel WA is worth the monthly fee, you are better off getting a hosting plan of your own and building up a following on facebook, other social networking sites and forums.

I would not recommend WA
#affiliate #internet marketing #make money #wealthy #wealthy affiliate #worth #worth it
  • Profile picture of the author SlfMastery
    Hi "soulvalin":

    Just saw your post...

    Wealthy Affiliate teaches totally white hat stuff.

    As far as self-promotion, they do NOT tolerate you promoting any affiliate links, but you CAN ask people to check out your website/webpage for feedback. You can also put all your websites (links) in your profile area.

    Unless your site is about internet marketing, the WA members are not really your target market anyway.

    Because you will get different answers from different "gurus," think of the monthly membership as getting immediate access to coaches. If you don't need that, then WA is not for you.

    Another thing that I've found really helpful is when my sites went down, or plugins stopped working, or some other technical issue went wrong with my sites, I could just contact their tech support and tell them my problems. They are REALLY good at responding within 24 hours, (often within a few hours) and solving the issue.

    Value is determined by each individual.

    But, with their free Starter Plan, there is absolutely NO risk to get inside and see how much you get for FREE. I got in when they had the $1 7??-day trial and felt rushed. Now, it's free indefinitely so it's a NO BRAINER for anyone to get in and see what they teach. If you don't like it, you can just stop signing in to the members area. Simple as that.

    Wish you the best, and hope you found what you're looking for.

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