Real User Review : Promote Me Pro - stay away

117 replies
I bought promotemepro yesterday.
Plug in everything, tested overnight and don't sleep to figure out where I made mistakes.

Unfortunately, not working, especially the scheduler.

I will attach the ticket I submitted and the reply I got.

My advice, at least for time being, stay away.
I'll wait for few days, and will update if it's working.
If it don't, I'll asked for refund.

Here my ticket ..
Confused : said working version 1.1, downloaded 1.0.4 + lot of hiccups

I've play around with this plugin for hours.
Things not working smoothly. Although the idea are really brilliant.
For example, when I authorize apps with my First Facebook account, the pages not triggered at all.
But when I authorize Second Facebook account, there's pages triggered.

Of course you will say, "ask facebook then".

Then, when I made a post, I can't posted to all fanpages and groups I have.

Another thing is, I am confused with scheduler. I might say, it's not working, eventhough I believe I have setup everything including the Cron very well. (using hostgator, like yourself).
What I did was, I run the cron file manually by myself, so that the post will come out.

Lastly, regarding the title, I am confused.
At the front page, it says,
Latest Version: 1.0.3 Released May 27, 2013

But, at, FAQ page, it says, Make sure you are on the latest version of PromoteMePro becuase we regularly make updates to add features and fix issues. The latest version is 1.1.

Making lot of confused, the version I'm installing right now is 1.0.4

hehe ... not a big deal, but was dreaming that version 1.1 must be the perfected version ever, where all the hiccups have been resolved.

Anyway, I'm writing this to update with you, what I experience so far. I really hope, this plugin will be fix very soon, where most likely I doubt it will happen, since you are really busy upgrading the previous plugin here,

Anyway, I really hope, I can use this genius plugin very soon;
Raja Kamil

Here the reply

Hi there!

1.0.4 is the correct version - Please update site accordingly

All The Best

#pro #promote #stay
  • Profile picture of the author smb111
    Thanks Raja, for the review
    I was considering it, and wondering how it compared to hootsuite. I checked the affiliate page and noticed it has a couple of upsells, so I guess the full version actually costs over $130
    Great support you got there! Think I will be giving it a miss.
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  • Profile picture of the author JennyLon
    re: promote me pro way to many upsells for me, to get a complete product (I I too saw the affiliate page) and seems in theory to be good in practice however, we need genuine folk who now use it and feedback like your goodself .....not affiliates trying to sell the idea - Of which wow hundreds!

    many thanks for heads up....
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  • Profile picture of the author seosoldier
    Thanks for the info re upsells. Is it really $130 for the complete software package?! Or is there some sort of training you pay for or other non-related stuff as OTO's?

    If it is indeed $130 with upsells that you really need to make it do everything it CAN do, then that sucks.

    Also I'd like to say right here that I am trying not to buy from anyone who sells their product through a sales page that does not allow a forum where people can ask questions, make comments and review the product. (WF must love me for saying this!)

    But it's true. So many times fellow Warriors (or that "other forum's" members) make comments or ask questions that lead to replies that make me realize the product is not for me, whether because it doesn't work as well as it should, bad customer service, or ridiculously priced upsells that are needed to make it do its thing as it was intended.

    So I am trying to never buy anything from people who purposely AVOID selling their stuff in forums where comments, reviews and questions are allowed! I hope others do too, so as to discourage this!

    Thanks to your post re the expensive upsells, and the inability to ask questions or read legit reviews, I will not buy this.
    > My Promise To You: I will never promote any offer I do not truly believe to be 100% worth buying and using!
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    • Profile picture of the author JennyLon
      Yep, makes you loose faith and too many people now full of hype on their product and let alone affiliate's lying and never really used the thing etc...anything to sell when in reality all the things you mentioned!:confused:

      Originally Posted by seosoldier View Post

      Thanks for the info re upsells. Is it really $130 for the complete software package?! Or is there some sort of training you pay for or other non-related stuff as OTO's?

      If it is indeed $130 with upsells that you really need to make it do everything it CAN do, then that sucks.

      Also I'd like to say right here that I am trying not to buy from anyone who sells their product through a sales page that does not allow a forum where people can ask questions, make comments and review the product. (WF must love me for saying this!)

      But it's true. So many times fellow Warriors (or that "other forum's" members) make comments or ask questions that lead to replies that make me realize the product is not for me, whether because it doesn't work as well as it should, bad customer service, or ridiculously priced upsells that are needed to make it do its thing as it was intended.

      So I am trying to never buy anything from people who purposely AVOID selling their stuff in forums where comments, reviews and questions are allowed! I hope others do too, so as to discourage this!

      Thanks to your post re the expensive upsells, and the inability to ask questions or read legit reviews, I will not buy this.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sean Donahoe
    Hi there,

    Just stopped by to comment. All upsells are optional but add to the package. The frontend plugin stands alone. Please take a look and you will see that the bundles we offer are worth many times more than the price of the upsell cost...

    Then, when I made a post, I can't posted to all fanpages and groups I have.
    That may be a conflict with another plugin. You should be able to select all the posts and pages connected that account. If needed disconnect and reconnect the account.

    I cannot offer support here but please do use our dedicated support center.

    All the best

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8120930].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Raja Kamil
      Originally Posted by Sean Donahoe View Post

      Hi there,

      Just stopped by to comment. All upsells are optional but add to the package. The frontend plugin stands alone. Please take a look and you will see that the bundles we offer are worth many times more than the price of the upsell cost...

      Then, when I made a post, I can't posted to all fanpages and groups I have.
      That may be a conflict with another plugin. You should be able to select all the posts and pages connected that account. If needed disconnect and reconnect the account.

      I cannot offer support here but please do use our dedicated support center.

      All the best

      Thanks Sean for stopping by.
      1. I contact your support, and you can see what the reply I got.
      2. that kind of reply don't help at all

      To let you know, I'm installing in brand new wordpress, with non other plugin except yours.

      Raja Kamil
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    • Profile picture of the author seosoldier
      Originally Posted by Sean Donahoe View Post

      Hi there,

      Just stopped by to comment. All upsells are optional but add to the package. The frontend plugin stands alone. Please take a look and you will see that the bundles we offer are worth many times more than the price of the upsell cost...
      Sean, thanks for the reply but it's still not clear to me.
      Of course the upsells are optional and of course they are a good value, I don't doubt that.

      What I want to know specifically is, what are the OTO's? how much are they?, and what does each one add to the functionality of the software? I really hate it when I buy a software for a low price only to find out that if I want the whole enchilada it will cost me 4 times what I paid for the basic plug in.

      I would rather know up front:
      a) what will the plug in do when "fully loaded" (i.e. what do are the add-on functions and what will they add to the software, specifically?)
      b) how much it costs to make the software do everything that it can do?
      > My Promise To You: I will never promote any offer I do not truly believe to be 100% worth buying and using!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8121010].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author JennyLon
        Totally agree- nicely explained and YES indeed, way too many folk hide this info and not transparent their ethics at times are awful...
        Originally Posted by seosoldier View Post

        Sean, thanks for the reply but it's still not clear to me.
        Of course the upsells are optional and of course they are a good value, I don't doubt that.

        What I want to know specifically is, what are the OTO's? how much are they?, and what does each one add to the functionality of the software? I really hate it when I buy a software for a low price only to find out that if I want the whole enchilada it will cost me 4 times what I paid for the basic plug in.

        I would rather know up front:
        a) what will the plug in do when "fully loaded" (i.e. what do are the add-on functions and what will they add to the software, specifically?)
        b) how much it costs to make the software do everything that it can do?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8122340].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kevin Phillips
      Hi Sean

      With all due respect your support for promote me pro is bad at best.

      I have sent 2 messages now with the same problem everyone is having ... 1 reply saying their will be an update soon ...

      No scheduler!!! (There is one in the training video) .. WHY?

      I bought this plugin and it looks great, but it is about as much use as a chocolate fireguard without the scheduler.

      You are not putting yourself in a good light here by not being honest and also getting this sorted. Or at the very least email everyone with an explanation. keeping people in the dark is not the way to go about this.

      At the end of the day "The Buck Stops With You"!

      So when are YOU going to intervene and sort it, or at the very least put your customers minds at ease.

      All the best


      Originally Posted by Sean Donahoe View Post

      Hi there,

      Just stopped by to comment. All upsells are optional but add to the package. The frontend plugin stands alone. Please take a look and you will see that the bundles we offer are worth many times more than the price of the upsell cost...

      Then, when I made a post, I can't posted to all fanpages and groups I have.
      That may be a conflict with another plugin. You should be able to select all the posts and pages connected that account. If needed disconnect and reconnect the account.

      I cannot offer support here but please do use our dedicated support center.

      All the best


      Enjoy Golf!? then check out my website at

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  • Profile picture of the author Sean Donahoe
    Please provide a screenshot to our support center and they can investigate further for you. 99% of the time issues are due to a plugin but on a virgin environment then it may be a bug or something else unforseen. If it is a bug please provide as much info as possible and our developers will investigate further and resolve

    We are here to help

    All the best

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8121013].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Sean Donahoe
    I would rather know up front:
    a) what will the plug in do when "fully loaded" (i.e. what do are the add-on functions and what will they add to the software, specifically?)
    b) how much it costs to make the software do everything that it can do?

    A) First upsell is Dev license + Bonus plugin, Second OTO are 2 extra plugins for even more traffic outside and inside of social media.

    B) $27 - The front end product does it all

    All The Best,

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8121022].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seosoldier
      Originally Posted by Sean Donahoe View Post

      I would rather know up front:
      a) what will the plug in do when "fully loaded" (i.e. what do are the add-on functions and what will they add to the software, specifically?)
      b) how much it costs to make the software do everything that it can do?

      A) First upsell is Dev license + Bonus plugin, Second OTO are 2 extra plugins for even more traffic outside and inside of social media.

      B) $27 - The front end product does it all

      All The Best,

      Sean, thanks for clarifying that. I appreciate it, and I appreciate your coming here to answer questions.

      I really don't need the Dev license so that's a relief.
      Just one more question or two and then I'll leave you alone:

      * the other 2 plug-ins offered - so they are NOT part of THIS plug in but rather completely different plug-ins?
      * Would you be willing to give a basic idea as to what the OTO's do and how much each one costs?

      > My Promise To You: I will never promote any offer I do not truly believe to be 100% worth buying and using!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8121181].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Raja Kamil
    Thanks Sean.
    I just got an update to my ticket.
    Will response accordingly.

    The idea is great, and hope it will be great when it works as advertised.
    For now, still not working for me.

    I'll update here soon.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8121080].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
    Grab this. Seriously, if you want to automate your social media, you don't really have a choice. I dreaded doing social media because it just looked like such a large, unmanageable task. Now, while there's still a bit of work involved, PMP takes the hard stuff and makes it push button easy. So long as you've got good content (and if you don't Sean has a fix for that as well), use this and you'll grow your presence. This is the kind of thing that big companies will wish they had. But WE do! Get this, take the time to understand how to use it, and profit.
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  • Profile picture of the author sprucehill
    Sean, the $27 price says it is for 10 personal websites. How much more does it cost for more websites?
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  • Profile picture of the author belgianguy
    I have been using nextscripts for this and it has worked flawlessly on multiple sites. It gets updated regularly, there are no bugs and does exactly what it is supposed to do. There is a free version but the paid version let's you schedule and post to multiple accounts on the same platform. I believe it's $49.
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    • Profile picture of the author thesuccesscoach
      I have to say the plugin is good but it can be tricky to configure

      however the support is not that great. There was an issue where i could not get the repeat function to show.

      I gave my usernames etc to support, i then try to log into my site and see a 500 internal server error - never happened before

      over 14 hours later and the site is still down and replies from support are minimal

      so much for getting social exposure.

      I don´t blame the plugin but who ever the tech guys. I can only assume it is the plugins fault or the support guys as everything was working perfectly and i never had errors before the plugin

      so 8 out 10 for the plugin
      but 1 out of 10 for the support

      i hope Sean can help restore my faith in him and his team

      A life and business coach
      Ready to help you make it happen, just ask!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8122274].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JuryDuty
      Originally Posted by belgianguy View Post

      I have been using nextscripts for this and it has worked flawlessly on multiple sites. It gets updated regularly, there are no bugs and does exactly what it is supposed to do. There is a free version but the paid version let's you schedule and post to multiple accounts on the same platform. I believe it's $49.
      I just looked Nextscripts up (NextScripts: Unique API/Automation Software for Social Networks Google+, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Etc..NextScripts) and the paid version is close to what PromoteMePro does EXCEPT it doesn't do recurring posts.

      That said, according to their blog, they're working on adding that feature in the next couple weeks: We are going into the "all hands" development mode for the next two weeksNextScripts

      I'm tempted to wait and see how the new NextScripts compares once it comes out before grabbing this one. Yes, it's double the price, but given that the support seems sketchy on this one, I'm tempted to wait...


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8127497].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ScrooG
        Originally Posted by JuryDuty View Post

        I just looked Nextscripts up (NextScripts: Unique API/Automation Software for Social Networks Google+, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Etc..NextScripts) and the paid version is close to what PromoteMePro does EXCEPT it doesn't do recurring posts.

        That said, according to their blog, they're working on adding that feature in the next couple weeks: We are going into the "all hands" development mode for the next two weeksNextScripts

        I'm tempted to wait and see how the new NextScripts compares once it comes out before grabbing this one. Yes, it's double the price, but given that the support seems sketchy on this one, I'm tempted to wait...
        Mike Johnson of Profit Marketer fame (he now has his own new site called WPSocial) is coming out with a similar tool within a week or two, he said, and my guess is that it will be better than this one, and similarly priced if not cheaper. And in the past he has given Warriors a special offer, so I'm waiting on that one before I invest in any of them.

        Frankly this one sounds like it has way too many problems and I don't like the fact that he is not selling it in a forum, (and that he is not answering all issues and questions in this thread, but just picking and choosing and now seems to have abandoned it altogether.)

        I'll wait, thank you very much. There seem to be possibly better alternatives without the secrecy and sales funnel b.s.. My guess is Mike will have a sales funnel but a) he'll tell you what it is if you ask, and b) it will be a good offering of his other products in a package and you can totally skip it without missing anything on the original plug-in. That's just speculation on my part based on his past wso's. YMMV.

        "Live and let live".

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8127559].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author JuryDuty
          Originally Posted by ScrooG View Post

          Mike Johnson of Profit Marketer fame (he now has his own new site called WPSocial) is coming out with a similar tool within a week or two, he said, and my guess is that it will be better than this one, and similarly priced if not cheaper. And in the past he has given Warriors a special offer, so I'm waiting on that one before I invest in any of them.
          Has he posted about this anywhere? I looked on his blog, but didn't see anything about it. I'm willing to wait if its coming soon, so I can compare, but otherwise I'm leaning toward Nextscripts or maybe even this one given the low price at this point...


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          • Profile picture of the author seosoldier
            Originally Posted by JuryDuty View Post

            Has he posted about this anywhere? I looked on his blog, but didn't see anything about it. I'm willing to wait if its coming soon, so I can compare, but otherwise I'm leaning toward Nextscripts or maybe even this one given the low price at this point...
            Hi, he sent an email to his list about some other stuff and mentioned this, just a day or two ago. He said that THIS software (Donahoe's) caused conflicts with his plug-ins or vice-versa but he is putting out his own.

            I tried to find the email but I had deleted it already. Your best bet is to write him, in fact I have contacted him before via the WF PM system and he has answered so you might try that. If not see if you can ask him via a contact message on his wpsocial site. (He no longer is part of Profit Marketer.)

            Hope this helps.
            > My Promise To You: I will never promote any offer I do not truly believe to be 100% worth buying and using!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8127939].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author JuryDuty
              Originally Posted by seosoldier View Post

              I think I misunderstood you. Let me see if I have it right:

              The "basic buy in" for the thing is $27 right now.
              And that includes the ability to install on 10 personal sites.

              Beyond that it's just developer's rights and other software, nothing that "upgrades" the software's functionality.

              Yes, that's it exactly.

              Originally Posted by seosoldier View Post

              Hi, he sent an email to his list about some other stuff and mentioned this, just a day or two ago. He said that THIS software (Donahoe's) caused conflicts with his plug-ins or vice-versa but he is putting out his own.

              I tried to find the email but I had deleted it already. Your best bet is to write him, in fact I have contacted him before via the WF PM system and he has answered so you might try that. If not see if you can ask him via a contact message on his wpsocial site. (He no longer is part of Profit Marketer.)

              Hope this helps.
              OK, I'll shoot him an email. I'll post if I hear anything.


              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8127948].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author mick535
              Originally Posted by seosoldier View Post

              Hi, he sent an email to his list about some other stuff and mentioned this, just a day or two ago. He said that THIS software (Donahoe's) caused conflicts with his plug-ins or vice-versa but he is putting out his own.

              I tried to find the email but I had deleted it already. Your best bet is to write him, in fact I have contacted him before via the WF PM system and he has answered so you might try that. If not see if you can ask him via a contact message on his wpsocial site. (He no longer is part of Profit Marketer.)

              Hope this helps.
              I was asked to chime in here about my soon to be released WP Social Poster plugin. This is not my plugin here:

              WP Social Poster | Just another WordPress site

              So please don't confuse it with mine.

              I am the co-owner of I run it with my Partner Daniel Waser and we have a suite of Social Media enhanced plugins for Wordpress which all receive continuous updates and upgrades. Some of our tools are on their 30th plus upgrade since being launched. We pride ourselves on creating tools which not only provide good (non-gimmick) functionality, but also integrate and work together.

              We have been working on the WP Social Poster for about 2 months now and it is very ironic that several of these type of plugins are getting released at the same time. I was able to get a Review copy of Promote Me Pro from Sean as a JV and I tested it on 2 of my sites. I had conflicts with the Social Media Authorizations from Promote Me Pro with the WP Social Plugins I already had installed on the blogs I was testing with.

              For a coder, these are fairly simple things to fix and conflicts with other tools which use Oauth or similar Social Media Connect API's can easily be coded out. I was frustrated by it right away and simply did not test the plugin further since I saw right away that it had some similar functions as my own plugin in development.

              I have a good relationship with Sean and I know he works hard to create good tools, so I have no doubt he will work hard to make this plugin work for his customers. I simply couldn't promote his product because it would have been a simple conflict of interest for me (due to the fact we are releasing a similar tool).

              Now, my plugin differs quite a bit in some respects because I don't think you should mass post across Social Networks because just like any links, it could ultimately be considered link spamming if you take it too far. Sean doesn't promote spamming with his plugin, but it is very capable of that if you use all the features and use it with a large number of Social Media Accounts for each Social Network.

              Just like anything which needs to be processed on your site, this can be very server intensive. If you have a site on shared hosting, running all the operations of a plugin like this could slow your site to a halt and even crash it, resulting in a nasty email from your host. This all depends on how you use it of course.

              My WP Social Poster plugin will post to all the same Social Networks as Promote Me Pro. The difference is we use one Custom Post Type called Social Posts where you can create Instant or Scheduled Posts for your Social Networks using whatever content you want for each. If you over load this, it will slow your server when it is processing as well. There is no way around it and this is why I recommend the slow and steady approach when using any tool like this.

              The plugin can then be used with each Page or Post you create on your site (including custom post types). This will allow you to create Custom Messages for each Post or Page you create for each Network you post to. This is an essential part of the process and by creating unique content for each network you post to, ultimately it will benefit you a lot more than auto posting via RSS for example.

              If you want to mass post to social networks and go crazy with it and think it is the best course of action, I suggest using a $5.99 per month Membership with Hootsuite. There you can auto post with your RSS Feeds, schedule posts, and use unlimited accounts and it won't hurt your site or server one bit.

              My main focus with the WP Social Poster on my sites is to be able to do all my Social Campaigns for each post or page I create right when I am doing it, but I am also only posting to 2 Facebook Fan Pages at most (with different content for each), 1 Twitter account, 1 Pinterest account, etc., etc.

              My focus being on my Fans and Followers and building up my site and these targeted social media accounts I own as well. This is my method and I am not saying anyone else's method is wrong. It is just how I do things now in the age of Google Panda and Penguin when you don't know what's going to happen on the next update.

              My plugin will be released shortly and we are not doing a big launch with it. We actually built the plugin as a Bonus for our current customers who have purchased more than 1 product from us and we are also giving everyone a chance to get it for Free before we start selling it on our site simply by giving us a few social shares on our site.

              The plugin is also being integrated with the WP Social SEO Booster as well in order to keep users from having to type in redundant content when posting.

              You can see everything we have to offer on our site here:

              WP Social - Premium Wordpress Social Media Plugins and Themes

              I hope this answers your questions.

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              • Profile picture of the author michaeljb
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                • Profile picture of the author mick535
                  Originally Posted by michaeljb View Post

                  Mike am very interested in your plugin WP Social Poster. Can you please tell me when this will be released ?

                  I actually purchased the developer license to Seans Promote Me Pro 4 days ago and it hasn't worked from the day i purchased it. All i get from support is appologies and assurances that they need another day to fix it.. I get the same old crap everyday. It amazes me how software that was clearly not working can actually be released and to rub salt in, i get his emails asking me to join his live webinars to how to promote yourself, clearly he wont be using his own software to do this.

                  Anyway, i will be requesting a refund today as i am sick of waiting. Please could you send me more info on your plugin and let me know when you plan to release it.

                  thanks so much


                  As I said in my response to your support ticket, we expect to release it in about a week or so, but it won't be released until we are done testing, etc. There is no formal release date or "launch" with this plugin as our focus has been strictly on creating it as a Bonus for our current customers. It could be 2 weeks or more if we find any significant bugs during testing. I already tested the first version and it worked fine so I don't see this happening, but you never know.

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8130101].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author JuryDuty
                    Originally Posted by mick535 View Post


                    As I said in my response to your support ticket, we expect to release it in about a week or so, but it won't be released until we are done testing, etc. There is no formal release date or "launch" with this plugin as our focus has been strictly on creating it as a Bonus for our current customers. It could be 2 weeks or more if we find any significant bugs during testing. I already tested the first version and it worked fine so I don't see this happening, but you never know.

                    This sounds excellent, Mike.

                    It sounds like it will allow for recurring posts, too, correct?

                    For those of us new to you and your products, is there a way we can be notified upon release or even purchase it when it's ready?

                    Or, would you mind even posting here so those of us following this thread can take advantage of it?

                    I truly appreciate your taking time out to post in such detail here.


                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8130732].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author mick535
                      Originally Posted by JuryDuty View Post

                      This sounds excellent, Mike.

                      It sounds like it will allow for recurring posts, too, correct?

                      For those of us new to you and your products, is there a way we can be notified upon release or even purchase it when it's ready?

                      Or, would you mind even posting here so those of us following this thread can take advantage of it?

                      I truly appreciate your taking time out to post in such detail here.
                      No problem.

                      I am not sure what you mean by recurring posts. Can you clarify?

                      Anyone who is on our Update list will be notified when the WP Social Poster plugin is released and if you are on the Update list you also will be able to get the plugin for Free just for giving us a few social shares.

                      You can Subscribe to our Update List via the "Signup" tab which is on the left hand side of every page on our site here:

                      WP Social - Premium Wordpress Social Media Plugins and Themes

                      *Note: You will receive Updates about all our Products from this mailing list subscription.

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                      • Profile picture of the author michaeljb
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                        • Profile picture of the author mick535
                          Originally Posted by michaeljb View Post


                          I think that he may mean that you can schedule posts to be resent on different days/times etc..
                          No, we do not have that functionality. You can do this with our plugin if you want to get technical about it, but you would have to schedule everything manually. There is no resend/ reschedule feature to do this automatically. I don't know that I would want to do that with Social Media anyway.

                          Pinging yes. Posting on Social Media probably not unless the posting was different from the first and/ or it was being posted on different accounts. It is easy to implement and very possible, I just don't know if it is something we will add. I don't like creating unnecessary server drag on Wordpress blogs due to the negative effect it has on Site Speed and SEO.

                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8130876].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author JuryDuty
                        Originally Posted by mick535 View Post

                        No problem.

                        I am not sure what you mean by recurring posts. Can you clarify?

                        Anyone who is on our Update list will be notified when the WP Social Poster plugin is released.
                        Cool, I signed up.

                        Yes, what I mean by recurring posts is the ability to create an initial post (for instance a a blog about dog training), and then set the scheduler to throw that post out to social media channels not only when the post is first published, but on regular intervals (such as every 6 months). This way, the story doesn't just disappear, and since the interval is long enough, it gets additional life without being spammy or too repetitive.

                        This was one of the main draws to me of PromoteMePro, and what NextScripts says they're putting into their next update in a couple weeks.

                        Maybe there's a reason not to do it, but it seemed like a way to get new life out of old articles to me, so long as you just had a couple FB pages, Twitter accounts, etc and weren't being belligerent about it.

                        For another example, we like posting a quote a week on Twitter. I'd love the ability to upload 52 quotes and have them post to Twitter once a week indefinitely, so it becomes automated. It's a nice value for our customers, and doesn't need to be a burden on us.

                        Does that make sense?


                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8131135].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author Gary Smith
                          I love the functionality of this plugin but I'm always concerned when installing plugins that were created by online marketers.

                          In many cases the plugins are written by cheap freelancers who have no regard to security and, due to the nature of freelancer contracts, fairly poor after sales support.

                          Anyway, that aside, I did purchase this plugin and found it unusable. When the plugin is enabled my blog experiences a 10-12 second delay on every page refresh - both frontend and backend. I tried it on two separate sites and on the second site I disabled all other plugins. With other plugins disabled the difference was only about 1.5 seconds, so there was still a delay of 8-10 seconds.

                          It's a pity because the plugin seems very promising. I think that in the rush to get it launched there probably wasn't a whole lot of beta testing done.

                          Gary Smith

                          PHP Developer and aging geek

                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8132265].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author bgray
                            Originally Posted by Gary Smith View Post

                            I love the functionality of this plugin but I'm always concerned when installing plugins that were created by online marketers.

                            In many cases the plugins are written by cheap freelancers who have no regard to security and, due to the nature of freelancer contracts, fairly poor after sales support.

                            Anyway, that aside, I did purchase this plugin and found it unusable. When the plugin is enabled my blog experiences a 10-12 second delay on every page refresh - both frontend and backend. I tried it on two separate sites and on the second site I disabled all other plugins. With other plugins disabled the difference was only about 1.5 seconds, so there was still a delay of 8-10 seconds.

                            It's a pity because the plugin seems very promising. I think that in the rush to get it launched there probably wasn't a whole lot of beta testing done.
                            I agree completely Gary. Besides the fact that social primers can't be scheduled due to no repeating option and the date scheduler doesn't work on the social posts the load time drag is the biggest concern for me.

                            It very much annoys me that the plugin was launched buggy, unfinished and missing features shown in the training but over time those can be corrected. Without a major overhaul of the code I'm not sure we'll see the load time drag go away. It would be cool but I'm not holding my breath.

                            The concept of this plugin is awesome but the execution was below par. It's a shame.

                            Hebrews 12:11

                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8132622].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author seosoldier
                            Originally Posted by Gary Smith View Post

                            I love the functionality of this plugin but I'm always concerned when installing plugins that were created by online marketers.

                            In many cases the plugins are written by cheap freelancers who have no regard to security and, due to the nature of freelancer contracts, fairly poor after sales support.

                            Anyway, that aside, I did purchase this plugin and found it unusable. When the plugin is enabled my blog experiences a 10-12 second delay on every page refresh - both frontend and backend. I tried it on two separate sites and on the second site I disabled all other plugins. With other plugins disabled the difference was only about 1.5 seconds, so there was still a delay of 8-10 seconds.

                            It's a pity because the plugin seems very promising. I think that in the rush to get it launched there probably wasn't a whole lot of beta testing done.
                            Yes, many vendors rush stuff out unfinished and even more rush stuff out and don't have proper tech support in place to handle the traffic. I can understand that it's hard to estimate how many they're going to sell and so sometimes they are caught with their pants down and not enough tech support to pull them up.

                            But if the plug-in or software had been thoroughly tested as it should be, there would really not be that much more need for tech support, would there?

                            But the important thing is the vendor sold a whole lot of them and made a bunch of money. And if they're lucky the people will forget and their next sales page will be so good, people will buy more of their junk.

                            This is not directed at Sean specifically, but at the whole WSO industry.
                            > My Promise To You: I will never promote any offer I do not truly believe to be 100% worth buying and using!
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8134248].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author mick535
                          Originally Posted by JuryDuty View Post

                          Cool, I signed up.

                          Yes, what I mean by recurring posts is the ability to create an initial post (for instance a a blog about dog training), and then set the scheduler to throw that post out to social media channels not only when the post is first published, but on regular intervals (such as every 6 months). This way, the story doesn't just disappear, and since the interval is long enough, it gets additional life without being spammy or too repetitive.

                          This was one of the main draws to me of PromoteMePro, and what NextScripts says they're putting into their next update in a couple weeks.

                          Maybe there's a reason not to do it, but it seemed like a way to get new life out of old articles to me, so long as you just had a couple FB pages, Twitter accounts, etc and weren't being belligerent about it.

                          For another example, we like posting a quote a week on Twitter. I'd love the ability to upload 52 quotes and have them post to Twitter once a week indefinitely, so it becomes automated. It's a nice value for our customers, and doesn't need to be a burden on us.

                          Does that make sense?
                          Yes it all makes perfect sense.

                          You will be able to schedule Twitter posts like that with the WP Social Poster and all the other Social Networks as well.

                          If you are using auto postings to refresh old content you also have to think about the context of that content when it is posted. If you are posting to Social Media accounts you really don't care about and they are simply link networks for you, then there is no harm in it and it might just work to your advantage for getting more likes to the pages, etc.

                          Every 6 months sounds like a good timeline too. The thing which can hurt your site versus help it is doing this a lot, like on a monthly basis, etc. Link spam is link spam. You have to be careful with it. Now, if you have a few targeted Social Media sites this is OK and you most likely wouldn't saturate them to the point where it would hurt you. There is a fine line in all of this between success and getting a slap from Google.

                          My main thing is, what is the end state? Social Media links carry weight a lot differently than normal backlinks. Google and Bing look at Social Media by virtue of how much something has been shared, liked, retweeted, etc. This does not mean how often you have posted it. Remember, you are posting direct links from your site, so managing this appropriately is no different that any other type of link management. You have to manage the line between good and valuable auto posting and link spam.

                          I have been doing this a long time. One of my main products was the Auto Blog Blueprint. I created 3 versions of the product and I own over 100 still productive auto blogs, many of which are over 5 years old. I used to have over 150 productive auto blogs, but through Google updates, I lost a few. I have learned more lessons by doing this and I wouldn't use hardly any of the gimmick techniques and plugins being peddled here on the Warrior Forum.

                          My motto is "work smarter, not harder". I test and test a lot and that is where the plugins you see from WP Social come from. You won't see any gimmicks coming from us. Only things I know will work and help your sites versus hurt it.

                          A good sales page doesn't mean a marketer has actually tested something beyond a few weeks. Definitely not long enough to feel the wrath of Google.

                          Social Media success comes from cultivating Fans and Followers who want to see your content, but also see it via a conversation versus mass posting RSS Feeds for instance. I have done this before and stopped.

                          Everyone can and will use these tools the way they want and that is ok. I am far from being a scrooge on that as I have done my fair share of "tests", but you also have to understand the environment and how to work it to your advantage versus disadvantage if you want to be successful.

                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8132781].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author seosoldier
                            Originally Posted by mick535 View Post

                            Yes it all makes perfect sense.

                            You will be able to schedule Twitter posts like that with the WP Social Poster and all the other Social Networks as well.

                            If you are using auto postings to refresh old content you also have to think about the context of that content when it is posted. If you are posting to Social Media accounts you really don't care about and they are simply link networks for you, then there is no harm in it and it might just work to your advantage for getting more likes to the pages, etc.

                            Every 6 months sounds like a good timeline too. The thing which can hurt your site versus help it is doing this a lot, like on a monthly basis, etc. Link spam is link spam. You have to be careful with it. Now, if you have a few targeted Social Media sites this is OK and you most likely wouldn't saturate them to the point where it would hurt you. There is a fine line in all of this between success and getting a slap from Google.

                            My main thing is, what is the end state? Social Media links carry weight a lot differently than normal backlinks. Google and Bing look at Social Media by virtue of how much something has been shared, liked, retweeted, etc. This does not mean how often you have posted it. Remember, you are posting direct links from your site, so managing this appropriately is no different that any other type of link management. You have to manage the line between good and valuable auto posting and link spam.

                            I have been doing this a long time. One of my main products was the Auto Blog Blueprint. I created 3 versions of the product and I own over 100 still productive auto blogs, many of which are over 5 years old. I used to have over 150 productive auto blogs, but through Google updates, I lost a few. I have learned more lessons by doing this and I wouldn't use hardly any of the gimmick techniques and plugins being peddled here on the Warrior Forum.

                            My motto is "work smarter, not harder". I test and test a lot and that is where the plugins you see from WP Social come from. You won't see any gimmicks coming from us. Only things I know will work and help your sites versus hurt it.

                            A good sales page doesn't mean a marketer has actually tested something beyond a few weeks. Definitely not long enough to feel the wrath of Google.

                            Social Media success comes from cultivating Fans and Followers who want to see your content, but also see it via a conversation versus mass posting RSS Feeds for instance. I have done this before and stopped.

                            Everyone can and will use these tools the way they want and that is ok. I am far from being a scrooge on that as I have done my fair share of "tests", but you also have to understand the environment and how to work it to your advantage versus disadvantage if you want to be successful.

                            Mike, when is yours coming out? will it be sold as a WSO here on the forum? and, will Profit Marketer Lifetime members get any special consideration?

                            I look forward to your product which I feel confident will blow this one away, and more than anything - will work well!
                            > My Promise To You: I will never promote any offer I do not truly believe to be 100% worth buying and using!
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8134252].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author seosoldier
                            Originally Posted by mick535 View Post

                            Yes it all makes perfect sense.

                            You will be able to schedule Twitter posts like that with the WP Social Poster and all the other Social Networks as well.

                            If you are using auto postings to refresh old content you also have to think about the context of that content when it is posted. If you are posting to Social Media accounts you really don't care about and they are simply link networks for you, then there is no harm in it and it might just work to your advantage for getting more likes to the pages, etc.

                            Every 6 months sounds like a good timeline too. The thing which can hurt your site versus help it is doing this a lot, like on a monthly basis, etc. Link spam is link spam. You have to be careful with it. Now, if you have a few targeted Social Media sites this is OK and you most likely wouldn't saturate them to the point where it would hurt you. There is a fine line in all of this between success and getting a slap from Google.

                            My main thing is, what is the end state? Social Media links carry weight a lot differently than normal backlinks. Google and Bing look at Social Media by virtue of how much something has been shared, liked, retweeted, etc. This does not mean how often you have posted it. Remember, you are posting direct links from your site, so managing this appropriately is no different that any other type of link management. You have to manage the line between good and valuable auto posting and link spam.

                            I have been doing this a long time. One of my main products was the Auto Blog Blueprint. I created 3 versions of the product and I own over 100 still productive auto blogs, many of which are over 5 years old. I used to have over 150 productive auto blogs, but through Google updates, I lost a few. I have learned more lessons by doing this and I wouldn't use hardly any of the gimmick techniques and plugins being peddled here on the Warrior Forum.

                            My motto is "work smarter, not harder". I test and test a lot and that is where the plugins you see from WP Social come from. You won't see any gimmicks coming from us. Only things I know will work and help your sites versus hurt it.

                            A good sales page doesn't mean a marketer has actually tested something beyond a few weeks. Definitely not long enough to feel the wrath of Google.

                            Social Media success comes from cultivating Fans and Followers who want to see your content, but also see it via a conversation versus mass posting RSS Feeds for instance. I have done this before and stopped.

                            Everyone can and will use these tools the way they want and that is ok. I am far from being a scrooge on that as I have done my fair share of "tests", but you also have to understand the environment and how to work it to your advantage versus disadvantage if you want to be successful.

                            Mike, when is your WPSocial social plug in coming out? will it be sold as a WSO here on the forum? and, will Profit Marketer Lifetime members get any special consideration?

                            I look forward to your product which I feel confident will blow this one away, and more than anything - will work well!
                            > My Promise To You: I will never promote any offer I do not truly believe to be 100% worth buying and using!
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8134253].message }}
                            • Profile picture of the author mick535
                              Originally Posted by seosoldier View Post

                              Mike, when is your WPSocial social plug in coming out? will it be sold as a WSO here on the forum? and, will Profit Marketer Lifetime members get any special consideration?

                              I look forward to your product which I feel confident will blow this one away, and more than anything - will work well!
                              The WP Social Poster will be released in about a week, maybe 2 weeks at most. Those who are PM Life Members and WP Social product owners who have purchased more than 1 product from us will get the Social Poster for Free.

                              Everyone who is on our mailing list at will also be able to get the Plugin for Free simply by giving us a few Social Shares.

                              We created the plugin as a Bonus for our current customers and we are currently fine tuning and testing the plugin before we release it. It will integrate and work seamlessly with all the other plugins and themes from as well.


                              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8135360].message }}
                              • Profile picture of the author seosoldier
                                Mike, that's awesome! Can't wait to plug it in!
                                > My Promise To You: I will never promote any offer I do not truly believe to be 100% worth buying and using!
                                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8136492].message }}
                              • Profile picture of the author OliverRealize
                                I Deleted this comment because I jumped the gun. Sorry Mike. Please let me know when your product comes out.

                                Realize Internet Marketing
                                San Diego SEO Company

                                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8142948].message }}
                                • Profile picture of the author mick535
                                  Originally Posted by OliverRealize View Post

                                  Mike, your product is a lie. It doesn't schedule or post to pinterest unless poor saps shell out another $50. But the basic $9 version doesn't even post to facebook right. Come on people.
                                  I said it in 2 posts here now. That is not my product.

                                  I guess I have to change the name now since I don't want my poster to get confused with this trash.

                                  Once again, the product listed here:

                                  WP Social Poster | Just another WordPress site

                                  IS NOT from, Mike Johnson, or Daniel Waser. Our product has not even been released yet to anyone.

                                  Now I am off to come up with a new name....

                                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8142972].message }}
                                  • Profile picture of the author OliverRealize
                                    Originally Posted by mick535 View Post

                                    I said it in 2 posts here now. That is not my product.

                                    I guess I have to change the name now since I don't want my poster to get confused with this trash.

                                    Once again, the product listed here:

                                    WP Social Poster | Just another WordPress site

                                    IS NOT from, Mike Johnson, or Daniel Waser. Our product has not even been released yet to anyone.

                                    Now I am off to come up with a new name....

                                    I deleted my comment. Sorry. It's been a rough day with all tech issues.

                                    Realize Internet Marketing
                                    San Diego SEO Company

                                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8143262].message }}
                                  • Profile picture of the author seosoldier
                                    Originally Posted by mick535 View Post

                                    I said it in 2 posts here now. That is not my product.

                                    I guess I have to change the name now since I don't want my poster to get confused with this trash.

                                    Once again, the product listed here:

                                    WP Social Poster | Just another WordPress site

                                    IS NOT from, Mike Johnson, or Daniel Waser. Our product has not even been released yet to anyone.

                                    Now I am off to come up with a new name....

                                    That link goes to a blank page so either it's a wrong link or they've deleted the page/site.
                                    In any case I'm waiting for the real plug in that is similar to the one this thread is about to come out. Apparently this one was not thoroughly tested enough to prevent it from having many problems on installation on actual sites.

                                    Refunds on Promote Me Pro are up to 1.81% and I'd expect them to keep rising based on this thread. I'd call it "not ready for prime time" based on this thread. I am now unsubscribing to this thread so if anyone has any comments for me they'll have to pm me. I'm waiting for Mike Johnson's product to come out.
                                    > My Promise To You: I will never promote any offer I do not truly believe to be 100% worth buying and using!
                                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8147569].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author thesuccesscoach
    as i said not a bad word to say about plugin but the damn support well that´s another story

    A life and business coach
    Ready to help you make it happen, just ask!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8122358].message }}
  • Hi everyone.

    I've been sent affiliate links from marketers about this for the last couple of days. I'm not here to say anything bad about this plugin. I haven't bought it, but if it floats your particular boat and you think it will help you then that's fine.

    If people are already complaining about not getting great support from the developers, it could be that because they've just launched this product, they've just got bogged down.

    New software and plugins often have glitches that need ironing out. So as frustrating as it might be, it seems only fair to give Sean, the developer, a chance to sort things out at his end before people start posting negative comments.

    I feel it's best in these circumstances to hold fire on buying a product until there are a few more positive comments. Yes, the price might have increased by next week but at least you'll have more information to help you make the decision whether to buy or not.

    But as for the people on this thread who are saying how wonderful it is and how you should learn to use it and've only had the plugin for a couple of days. So I'm presuming you don't have the results from your social media "campaigns" or any profits yet to back your comments up.

    Secondly, setting up campaigns on autopilot is great. I love anything that makes life simple.

    But no matter how good or bad this plugin turns out to be, it's of no use to you if you're just going to use it to throw post after post at how ever many FB pages you might have.

    Backlinks from FB are no follow. So anything you post on your FB pages has no SEO Benefit to you what -so -ever.

    The value you get from FB is from the amount of people who share your content, it's not about how much content you can throw at your pages.

    So maybe you should reconsider buying any sort of auto pilot plugin for Social Media and concentrate on creating some excellent content first

    I hope the plugin issues sort themselves out.

    Thanks for reading
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8123211].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author skylink
      Originally Posted by Debbie Kennedy-Crook View Post

      Hi everyone.

      I've been sent affiliate links from marketers about this for the last couple of days. I'm not here to say anything bad about this plugin. I haven't bought it, but if it floats your particular boat and you think it will help you then that's fine.

      If people are already complaining about not getting great support from the developers, it could be that because they've just launched this product, they've just got bogged down.

      New software and plugins often have glitches that need ironing out. So as frustrating as it might be, it seems only fair to give Sean, the developer, a chance to sort things out at his end before people start posting negative comments.

      I feel it's best in these circumstances to hold fire on buying a product until there are a few more positive comments. Yes, the price might have increased by next week but at least you'll have more information to help you make the decision whether to buy or not.

      But as for the people on this thread who are saying how wonderful it is and how you should learn to use it and've only had the plugin for a couple of days. So I'm presuming you don't have the results from your social media "campaigns" or any profits yet to back your comments up.

      Secondly, setting up campaigns on autopilot is great. I love anything that makes life simple.

      But no matter how good or bad this plugin turns out to be, it's of no use to you if you're just going to use it to throw post after post at how ever many FB pages you might have.

      Backlinks from FB are no follow. So anything you post on your FB pages has no SEO Benefit to you what -so -ever.

      The value you get from FB is from the amount of people who share your content, it's not about how much content you can throw at your pages.

      So maybe you should reconsider buying any sort of auto pilot plugin for Social Media and concentrate on creating some excellent content first

      I hope the plugin issues sort themselves out.

      Thanks for reading
      I also received affiliate link from other marketers, nearly jumped in, and after reading other comments about bug issues and your comment especially, it's best to wait until the bugs are sorted. Thanks for sharing.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8123363].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Sean Donahoe
      Originally Posted by Debbie Kennedy-Crook View Post

      Hi everyone.

      I've been sent affiliate links from marketers about this for the last couple of days. I'm not here to say anything bad about this plugin. I haven't bought it, but if it floats your particular boat and you think it will help you then that's fine.

      If people are already complaining about not getting great support from the developers, it could be that because they've just launched this product, they've just got bogged down.

      New software and plugins often have glitches that need ironing out. So as frustrating as it might be, it seems only fair to give Sean, the developer, a chance to sort things out at his end before people start posting negative comments.

      I feel it's best in these circumstances to hold fire on buying a product until there are a few more positive comments. Yes, the price might have increased by next week but at least you'll have more information to help you make the decision whether to buy or not.

      But as for the people on this thread who are saying how wonderful it is and how you should learn to use it and've only had the plugin for a couple of days. So I'm presuming you don't have the results from your social media "campaigns" or any profits yet to back your comments up.

      Secondly, setting up campaigns on autopilot is great. I love anything that makes life simple.

      But no matter how good or bad this plugin turns out to be, it's of no use to you if you're just going to use it to throw post after post at how ever many FB pages you might have.

      Backlinks from FB are no follow. So anything you post on your FB pages has no SEO Benefit to you what -so -ever.

      The value you get from FB is from the amount of people who share your content, it's not about how much content you can throw at your pages.

      So maybe you should reconsider buying any sort of auto pilot plugin for Social Media and concentrate on creating some excellent content first

      I hope the plugin issues sort themselves out.

      Thanks for reading

      Debbie, you are absolutely right and I appreciate your feedback. It does not matter how many beta tests you have, once it goes into the wild you always find and hear of things that you can never anticipate. We have given our developers a laundry list of minor tweaks and issues we want to cover and an update will be released shortly.

      1 point I want to raise though is that yes, links from Facebook are no follow. However, they do count towards SEO as Social Signals are very important as a measure of your brand / sites popularity. So, the viral nature of your activity leaves a huge Social Footprint as I call it and that can have a great influence on your authority in Google's eyes, especially with Google+ in the mix

      All the best

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8123538].message }}
      • Hi Sean

        When I refer to SEO I mean in the 'old fashioned' backlinking terms when Google placed importance on them to measure the quality of a website.

        But of course, Social Signals are now an important factor when it comes to Google recognising quality and authority.

        It was for that reason I mentioned the importance of quality content as opposed quantity. It's easy to either get drowned out on FB by the Big Guys or to just get lost amongst all the other same old stuff that gets posted on there.

        Particularly if you're in the IM niche, it's not always easy to come up with a different angle or something a bit unique that people want to share.

        But thank you for responding to my post. I hope you get these little glitches sorted and I'm sure that your plugin will then be very beneficial to many people.

        Good luck
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8123628].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seosoldier
      Originally Posted by Debbie Kennedy-Crook View Post

      Hi everyone.

      I've been sent affiliate links from marketers about this for the last couple of days. I'm not here to say anything bad about this plugin. I haven't bought it, but if it floats your particular boat and you think it will help you then that's fine.

      If people are already complaining about not getting great support from the developers, it could be that because they've just launched this product, they've just got bogged down.

      New software and plugins often have glitches that need ironing out. So as frustrating as it might be, it seems only fair to give Sean, the developer, a chance to sort things out at his end before people start posting negative comments.

      I feel it's best in these circumstances to hold fire on buying a product until there are a few more positive comments. Yes, the price might have increased by next week but at least you'll have more information to help you make the decision whether to buy or not.
      Here is something you need to keep in mind about new IM products being offered:

      ** A large percentage of affiliates who offer a product are only offering it for the $$ they can earn. Many of them have never used it and never will. Some have "heard" it's good from a fellow trusted IMer who maybe saw a demo but have not really used it on their own sites. So 80-90% of all the positive reviews and recommendations are based on... HEARSAY and/or GREED. These are not exactly reliable "reviews" or endorsements.

      This is not to disparage Mr. Donahoe's plug-in at all, as I have not tried it.

      I was going to buy it but this is the only place I know of where one can ask questions, and while Mr. Donahoe addressed my original question he has seemingly purposely avoided answering my 2nd question which is:

      How much does each OTO cost and what does each OTO do exactly?

      [Why do vendors of "WSO's" insist on being so secretive about the OTO's and what they do? I know the answer, it's because they know you'll be more likely to buy once you get "into the sales funnel" and THEN see the OTO. Unfortunately this is human psychology so I get it. But nevertheless it's frustrating for so many of us who insist on knowing before we buy. I would ask that Mr. Donahoe PM me with the answers if he doesn't want to tell everyone and I will respect that by not posting that info here.]

      Originally Posted by Debbie Kennedy-Crook View Post

      But as for the people on this thread who are saying how wonderful it is and how you should learn to use it and've only had the plugin for a couple of days. So I'm presuming you don't have the results from your social media "campaigns" or any profits yet to back your comments up.

      Secondly, setting up campaigns on autopilot is great. I love anything that makes life simple.

      But no matter how good or bad this plugin turns out to be, it's of no use to you if you're just going to use it to throw post after post at how ever many FB pages you might have.

      Backlinks from FB are no follow. So anything you post on your FB pages has no SEO Benefit to you what -so -ever.

      The value you get from FB is from the amount of people who share your content, it's not about how much content you can throw at your pages.

      So maybe you should reconsider buying any sort of auto pilot plugin for Social Media and concentrate on creating some excellent content first

      I hope the plugin issues sort themselves out.

      Thanks for reading
      Good points.

      When I first read the email I got about this plug in I was excited about it as, like you say, automation is a good thing, especially if it's doing so within Google's guidelines, which I think this is. (ie; it's not creating web spam, at least not if YOU post good content, so this is really a manual/auto type tool which is the way it should be.)

      However the reports of problems with this tool are discouraging, and the less than stellar reviews of support. In this case it's a crap shoot. Do we trust that Mr. Donahoe will straighten everyone's problems with it out? or will we waste our time buying, and setting it up, only to find that we/they can't get it to work for us based on the conflicting plug-ins and themes we use, or whatever?

      They say "There's no risk, you can refund it", but the reality is:

      a) especially with JVZoo you can get Blacklisted for refunding too often ("too" being the operative word. I was blacklisted once for having refunded 4 or so in six months, but that was after having bought like 40 that I didn't refund. So apparently 4 is too many refunds. Keep that in mind as you buy from JVZoo. Also ANY ONE jvzoo vendor can blacklist you based on his whims, maybe he just doesn't like your complaints about his plug-in not working or your not getting tech support in a timely manner...]

      b) it's a hassle to set up a plug-in, only to find it doesn't work, or that you have to jump through hoops with your host or something to get the cron job (which this plug-in requires) to work, or whatever the case may be; figuring out which plug-in it is conflicting with etc. If it works, great! If it doesn't you have just wasted a LOT of time! I have a ranking plug in I bought the dev license on at a pretty penny, and I am having many problems with it due to the cron job not working right.

      c) sometimes it's time consuming and frustrating dealing with tech support, and so far the reviews here on tech support are not very encouraging.

      Like I say, I do give some slack to Mr. Donahoe in that he has probably sold a ton more of these than expected and/or people are having more problems than beta-testing predicted... So yeah, as long as the problems get worked out in a reasonable amount of time, that's cool, and I hope they do.

      This is why I find it important to ask questions FIRST, before buying.

      more and more vendors are not willing to put their products in the WSO forum (or even that "other" forum) simply because they don't want to answer questions and receive reviews/comments/complaints in a public forum. If the plug-in or WSO and tech support is "ready for prime time" then this shouldn't be a problem, the forum comments should actually HELP you.

      It's nice that Mr. Donahoe came here to answer at least some of the issues/comments. But I still don't have the answer re the OTO's and won't buy unless I get them.

      Can someone who's been through THE FUNNEL please tell me how much are each OTO and what each OTO is purported to do? Thanks.

      One very good thing about a thread like this is it does give a sense of whether or not people are happy with the product and support of the product. So far the reviews here are "mixed". However, we have to consider that since the product is not being sold HERE, the only people coming here are those with questions and those with problems, and so we're not getting a balanced view, as most buyers are not coming back here to review it. There is in fact nowhere anyone is likely to go, to review it, because the vendor chose not to offer it in a public forum environment.
      > My Promise To You: I will never promote any offer I do not truly believe to be 100% worth buying and using!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8124129].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author thesuccesscoach
    Well guys

    I understand that it's busy when you launch etc, however what gets to me is that people send out emails saying we are slamming it on the servers, we are offering mega prizes if you sell more etc.

    Invest some of that money to support your customers more during launch.

    The support I got was pretty much useless I have to say, to the point of after waiting over 12 hours I got message saying sorry we can't log into your site it's down.

    I had already explained that in the ticket, so that type of reply is useless and knowing that it will take X hours to get another supply

    Sean has created a great plugin, I have just reinstalled it. I like it, it works, and all was well until I asked support to look at something on my site

    Sean does need to either hire more support people on his launch, or train them better. I am disappointed that he made no response here on the thread to my comments

    Any my comments are not negative in anyway towards the software or developer and are only truthful towards the support or lack there of!

    A life and business coach
    Ready to help you make it happen, just ask!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8124865].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JuryDuty
    Stumbled across this thread while searching for some real-life reviews of this plugin.

    Here's what I'm wondering: Can anyone show what the posts actually look like when they hit FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, G+ and Pinterest? Do they look completely native, or do they look like they've been posted from WP?

    There's a great video of the backend, but anyone have any links of how it looks in actual use on the frontend?


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8126022].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thesuccesscoach
      It can say what every you wish as you create an app access on facebook or twitter

      so i have one that says it was posted from lifecoachbcn, another that says posted from richard butler

      so it's pretty cool
      Originally Posted by JuryDuty View Post

      Stumbled across this thread while searching for some real-life reviews of this plugin.

      Here's what I'm wondering: Can anyone show what the posts actually look like when they hit FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, G+ and Pinterest? Do they look completely native, or do they look like they've been posted from WP?

      There's a great video of the backend, but anyone have any links of how it looks in actual use on the frontend?

      A life and business coach
      Ready to help you make it happen, just ask!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8127505].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JuryDuty
    OK, so I did a little googling and someone listed the funnel. First of all, it appears this plugin DOES work in full without any of the OTOs, just as Sean stated, but the OTOs do add value. It works like this:

    $27 for PMPro - 10 personal licenses
    If you say no, they offer a single site license for $17.

    Next, you can add unlimited dev licenses (including client websites) + his Instant Cash Magnet plugin for $47.
    If you say no to that, you can add only 50 dev licenses (including client websites) for $27.

    Next, you can add two plugins--PingFresh and Syndication Rockstar--for $67.
    If you say no to that, you can get just Syndication Rockstar for $37.

    All the OTOs are actually very good incentives if you're interested in them as the prices can't seem to be beat on them as stand-alones. I think it's misleading to say that "to get the full package it's $130." That's just not true. The plugin stands on its own. It's only if you want the bonuses at great prices that you could drop a lot more.

    Hope Sean is ok with me listing that. As I said, I found it with a simple google search. I can delete if it's against the rules or anything.

    That said, the only thing holding me back is my question above: How does this plugin display on the social websites? Does it look native? Can we see screenshots or actual use of each one somewhere?

    I'm ready to pull the trigger, but I want to see that first...


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8126249].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ScrooG
      Originally Posted by JuryDuty View Post

      OK, so I did a little googling and someone listed the funnel. First of all, it appears this plugin DOES work in full without any of the OTOs, just as Sean stated, but the OTOs do add value. It works like this:

      $27 for PMPro - 10 personal licenses
      If you say no, they offer a single site license for $17.

      Next, you can add unlimited dev licenses (including client websites) + his Instant Cash Magnet plugin for $47.
      If you say no to that, you can add only 50 dev licenses (including client websites) for $27.

      Next, you can add two plugins--PingFresh and Syndication Rockstar--for $67.
      If you say no to that, you can get just Syndication Rockstar for $37.

      All the OTOs are actually very good incentives if you're interested in them as the prices can't seem to be beat on them as stand-alones. I think it's misleading to say that "to get the full package it's $130." That's just not true. The plugin stands on its own. It's only if you want the bonuses at great prices that you could drop a lot more.

      Hope Sean is ok with me listing that. As I said, I found it with a simple google search. I can delete if it's against the rules or anything.

      That said, the only thing holding me back is my question above: How does this plugin display on the social websites? Does it look native? Can we see screenshots or actual use of each one somewhere?

      I'm ready to pull the trigger, but I want to see that first...
      So why the hell can't Sean (and so many other vendors) just SAY it? Jheez, it's like they want to keep it a secret as long as humanly possible to squeeze every last extra dime out of the funnel process - which works better if people don't know about it until they get into the sales funnel.

      But at what price? The price is that it makes them appear sleazy and less than upfront and honest; sneaky.

      Thanks for telling us about the upsells. It seems that the price for full functionality on multiple sites then is an extra $27.
      But you didn't explain exactly what the first $27 upsell does. Could you elaborate on that?

      "Live and let live".

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8127539].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author JuryDuty
        Originally Posted by ScrooG View Post

        But you didn't explain exactly what the first $27 upsell does. Could you elaborate on that?
        You mean a specific plugin? Or the differences between the licenses?


        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8127553].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author seosoldier
          Originally Posted by JuryDuty View Post

          You mean a specific plugin? Or the differences between the licenses?
          I think I misunderstood you. Let me see if I have it right:

          The "basic buy in" for the thing is $27 right now.
          And that includes the ability to install on 10 personal sites.

          Beyond that it's just developer's rights and other software, nothing that "upgrades" the software's functionality.

          > My Promise To You: I will never promote any offer I do not truly believe to be 100% worth buying and using!

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8127933].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Raja Kamil
    Still not working for me .....
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8127086].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Edward Aw
    The social primer part doesn't work at all. It doesn't have the "repeating" check box that is so clearly there in the video.

    I emailed tech support. Emily got back to me really fast (30 minutes)

    However, the response was a bit confusing

    The Programmers are working on that issue at this time and will issue a update to the plugin.
    Warm Regards,

    What? was what we saw in the video a mock up and now they are scrambling like crazy to make it work?


    The documentation is very sparse and you have to figure out things yourself.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8127447].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thesuccesscoach
      Very true Edward

      that's where my problems started, tech support asked for my account details and then my site went down

      Not sure what we say but it's different to the plugin

      btw support does seem fast at the moment, but one of the people gave me a wrong answer on a question i had.

      Again i think with such a launch they should be trained in how the plugin works

      apart from all that it is a good plugin
      Originally Posted by Edward Aw View Post

      The social primer part doesn't work at all. It doesn't have the "repeating" check box that is so clearly there in the video.

      I emailed tech support. Emily got back to me really fast (30 minutes)

      However, the response was a bit confusing

      The Programmers are working on that issue at this time and will issue a update to the plugin.
      Warm Regards,

      What? was what we saw in the video a mock up and now they are scrambling like crazy to make it work?


      The documentation is very sparse and you have to figure out things yourself.

      A life and business coach
      Ready to help you make it happen, just ask!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8127501].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Edward Aw
    Just an update.

    I replied to the support ticket and Emily got back to me in 4 minutes! That's fast.

    However, her response was not very encouraging and made me wonder if what we were seeing on the video was just a mock up since Sean never really showed it working..

    The developers are still working on the plugin when the update is available, I will send you a message and let you know.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8127471].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Raja Kamil
    At last ...
    After gave a last try few days before, I gave up !!!
    I schedule the post for like every 1 hour, but it failed to do so.

    Besides, some tech support, email me, that there will gonna be update on Friday, but nothing. Well, I may took his word literally. Perhaps I should give some extra time, like 2 months before the plugin update.

    I just request a refund, and will see, how long it will take.

    I'm sorry, I expect this plugin will do what it says the moment I paid for it.
    It just like, you want to buy a can of Coke. Will you wait for months before you can drink it?
    Or just pay and just drink it?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8132145].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Raja Kamil
    UPDATE : I just got my money back.
    I am leaving this thread, and wish anyone read this thread, good luck !!!

    Sean too ..... you are really nice and awesome, it might be your not so lucky day because have to work with incompetence people.

    ps : brilliant ideas by the way ....
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8132154].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
    Kevin, you may want to contact Sean on Skype. He's very approachable and helpful one on one.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8132939].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Edward Aw

    I asked for a refund yesterday and this is what they said

    Hi there,

    That feature is coming back today the programmers been working on it all week trying to get it fixed. If it is not fixed by sunday please then if you wish we will refund your money.

    All the best!

    What? What part of refund did they not understand.

    Sorry Sean, you really need to up your game.

    Oh and I really DO want a refund! I wasn't joking.

    We'll see what they do
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8133779].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author geotargeted
    I too bought the plugin and because I was so frustrated with it, I had to refund.

    I am really surprised how half baked the plugin is and that it is taking so long to correct. It like they don't care how much of your time they waste by releasing something that clearly doesn't work at all. Multiple issues with this plugin, not worth keeping.

    I had the same experience with their support, completely worthless. Finally I gave up and asked for a refund, after a few back and forth replies, I never got a refund or a response. So I had to file a paypal complaint. Guess what, I all of a sudden got my refund in like 10 minutes.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8136071].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jakefish
      Social Network Auto Poster (SNAP) does just about everything this plugin does, plus it post to way more social networks sites, it's been around for awhile, it gets updated regularly, it post to Google+, it also post to multiply accounts, plus you can use it on unlimited domains. The best part is it's only $49 with no upsells, no hype, and it works. You can even get a free version that post to only singe social sites and not to Google+.

      Save your self the headache and avoid all the BS and hype. I'm so tired of over hyped WSO's that under deliver. Then OTO's and then all the bugs and problems. I must have gotten 35 emails promoting this. What a joke, I bet none of the affiliates promoting it even use it. It's only about the money.

      Like I said, invest $49 in SNAP, they have a money back guarantee, and you'll be a lot happier if you do.


      PS I would be interested in Mikes new plugin, I have bought products from him before and have always been satisfied. His customer service is excellent. If your looking into a social posting plugin, you may want to wait for Mikes plugin to come out, my guess it will be as good if not better than SNAP and at a better price. I would steer clear of Promote ME Pro WSO though. Just my 2 cents.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8136263].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author seosoldier
        Originally Posted by jakefish View Post

        ... I'm so tired of over hyped WSO's that under deliver. Then OTO's and then all the bugs and problems. I must have gotten 35 emails promoting this. What a joke, I bet none of the affiliates promoting it even use it. It's only about the money. ...

        ^^^ This! ^^^
        I've bought way too many WSO's over the past 2 years or so and am now to the point where I am very very skeptical and critical because I've just seen so much CRAP, and so many products that are not tested well, so many that don't receive good support months later when you need it, and products where the sales page describes one thing but then you realize you need to buy the much-higher priced OTO to make it really worthwhile... etc. ad nauseum.

        And those with email lists promote product after product that are crap. Occasionally I'll write the person whose list it is and say something like, Do you know how many terrible reviews this thing has gotten? And yet you are still endorsing it?? And inevitably they then admit they haven't really used it but they were TOLD by someone that it's good.
        > My Promise To You: I will never promote any offer I do not truly believe to be 100% worth buying and using!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8136513].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Gary Smith
        Originally Posted by jakefish View Post

        Social Network Auto Poster (SNAP) does just about everything this plugin does, plus it post to way more social networks sites, it's been around for awhile, it gets updated regularly, it post to Google+, it also post to multiply accounts, plus you can use it on unlimited domains. The best part is it's only $49 with no upsells, no hype, and it works. You can even get a free version that post to only singe social sites and not to Google+.

        Save your self the headache and avoid all the BS and hype. I'm so tired of over hyped WSO's that under deliver. Then OTO's and then all the bugs and problems. I must have gotten 35 emails promoting this. What a joke, I bet none of the affiliates promoting it even use it. It's only about the money.

        Like I said, invest $49 in SNAP, they have a money back guarantee, and you'll be a lot happier if you do.


        PS I would be interested in Mikes new plugin, I have bought products from him before and have always been satisfied. His customer service is excellent. If your looking into a social posting plugin, you may want to wait for Mikes plugin to come out, my guess it will be as good if not better than SNAP and at a better price. I would steer clear of Promote ME Pro WSO though. Just my 2 cents.
        I'd also give Mike a thumbs up as a previous customer. I think the main difference is that he prioritises customers before JV partners.

        Also, kudos to the WF mods for allowing members the latitude to give honest opinions on products. This section of the forums has been so very useful and valuable since it was created. These days my first port of call is often to Google "Warrior Forum **product name** review" before purchasing.

        Gary Smith

        PHP Developer and aging geek

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8136979].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JennyLon
      Wow- terrible way this chap is doing things eh..and his product issues /customer support big lack of....Hmm, how you do one thing is how you do everything in my book, I for one will not buy anything he has from now ...gosh seems way to many folk saying same thing and experience -thanks for heads up!

      Originally Posted by geotargeted View Post

      I too bought the plugin and because I was so frustrated with it, I had to refund.

      I am really surprised how half baked the plugin is and that it is taking so long to correct. It like they don't care how much of your time they waste by releasing something that clearly doesn't work at all. Multiple issues with this plugin, not worth keeping.

      I had the same experience with their support, completely worthless. Finally I gave up and asked for a refund, after a few back and forth replies, I never got a refund or a response. So I had to file a paypal complaint. Guess what, I all of a sudden got my refund in like 10 minutes.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8136654].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author seosoldier
        Originally Posted by JennyLon View Post

        Wow- terrible way this chap is doing things eh..and his product issues /customer support big lack of....Hmm, how you do one thing is how you do everything in my book, I for one will not buy anything he has from now ...gosh seems way to many folk saying same thing and experience -thanks for heads up!
        Interestingly enough the people here on this thread must be in the small minority. I just checked JVZoo and I see that Mr. Donahoe has sold 2000 of these and a less than 1% refund rate.

        I can only assume that refund rate will go way up in days to come, but if it's as bad as the reports here indicate, I am blown away by these sales/refund figures that JVZoo reports.

        Just goes to show... you don't have to have a great product nor great customer service/support to make a mint in IM! (unfortunately)
        > My Promise To You: I will never promote any offer I do not truly believe to be 100% worth buying and using!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8136758].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Edward Aw
          Originally Posted by seosoldier View Post

          Interestingly enough the people here on this thread must be in the small minority. I just checked JVZoo and I see that Mr. Donahoe has sold 2000 of these and a less than 1% refund rate.

          I can only assume that refund rate will go way up in days to come, but if it's as bad as the reports here indicate, I am blown away by these sales/refund figures that JVZoo reports.

          Just goes to show... you don't have to have a great product nor great customer service/support to make a mint in IM! (unfortunately)
          Could be that they are HOLDING refund requests (like mine)...
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8136773].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Edward Aw
    SO the saga continues...

    In my last post (

    I told Sean, and YES, your support people are you. They do what you tell them to. If they don't fire them.

    So, I told Sean that I wanted the refund.

    So what do they do?

    They ask for my full paypal information which they already had!

    I gave it to them and instead of giving a refund, they sent me this email this morning (sunday)..

    Please login to your sites Dashboard as the plugin has been updated.
    All the best!

    No mention of refund at all.

    I emailed back and asked what part of refund they didn't understand.

    Will wait until tomorrow to file dispute with paypal.

    Then will try to make sure there is a post everytime why people shouldn't buy from Sean Donohoe.

    You need to man up Sean.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8136723].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author OliverRealize
    I'm having issues with promote me pro too. Just updated to 1.1 and it crashed my site.

    I looked into Social Network Auto Poster (SNAP) and it doesn't look like it has the ability to schedule posts, it only auto posts newly published posts. Tell me if I'm wrong...

    Realize Internet Marketing
    San Diego SEO Company

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8136834].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Edward Aw
      Originally Posted by OliverRealize View Post

      I'm having issues with promote me pro too. Just updated to 1.1 and it crashed my site.

      I looked into Social Network Auto Poster (SNAP) and it doesn't look like it has the ability to schedule posts, it only auto posts newly published posts. Tell me if I'm wrong...
      So their new update crashed your site! Ouch. Run.

      Take a look into Mike's upcoming release. See above somewhere. It's not coming out for a couple of weeks. But hey, are any of these ever life and death that we need to have it NOW?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8136851].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jakefish
      Originally Posted by OliverRealize View Post

      I'm having issues with promote me pro too. Just updated to 1.1 and it crashed my site.

      I looked into Social Network Auto Poster (SNAP) and it doesn't look like it has the ability to schedule posts, it only auto posts newly published posts. Tell me if I'm wrong...
      They are supposed to include this feature in a future update. It might be worth waiting a couple of weeks for Mike's plugin. He always releases quality products and has great customer service.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8136874].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Gary Smith
    Yep - the update is broken. If I were Sean I'd get an email out post haste or he will have a bit of a tech support nightmare. This break can only be fixed by deleting the plugin directory:

    Fatal error: Class 'TwitterOAuth' not found in /home/topsecret/public_html/wp-content/plugins/promotemepro/includes/promotemepro.php on line 636

    Gary Smith

    PHP Developer and aging geek

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8136867].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
      Originally Posted by Gary Smith View Post

      Yep - the update is broken. If I were Sean I'd get an email out post haste or he will have a bit of a tech support nightmare. This break can only be fixed by deleting the plugin directory:

      Fatal error: Class 'TwitterOAuth' not found in /home/topsecret/public_html/wp-content/plugins/promotemepro/includes/promotemepro.php on line 636
      Gary, not sure if you know, but you can just log into FTP or your cPanel and manually delete it and all will be well. If you do, awesome, if not, PM me and I'll do a quick video in the morning. Cypher Sleep Now.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8136931].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Gary Smith
        Originally Posted by cypherslock View Post

        Gary, not sure if you know, but you can just log into FTP or your cPanel and manually delete it and all will be well. If you do, awesome, if not, PM me and I'll do a quick video in the morning. Cypher Sleep Now.
        Thanks, I've got that covered. I've been programming since 1980 (does anyone remember DRDOS or OS/2? ), using (and abusing) Linux since beta (early 90's) and an ISP since around 1995

        Gary Smith

        PHP Developer and aging geek

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8136951].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author hitsintoprofits
      Originally Posted by Gary Smith View Post

      Yep - the update is broken. If I were Sean I'd get an email out post haste or he will have a bit of a tech support nightmare. This break can only be fixed by deleting the plugin directory:

      Fatal error: Class 'TwitterOAuth' not found in /home/topsecret/public_html/wp-content/plugins/promotemepro/includes/promotemepro.php on line 636
      Same for me here. I already sent 2 email to support. no word so far... its almost a day now...

      I guess the refund rate is low, because people are waiting for a solution. I think the plugin would be great, if working.

      I will give it until tonight before getting a refund.

      @Sean: It is incredible that you have time to send out emails and have webinars and shit... while your damn plugin destroys peoples sites! This sucks!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8138361].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author edman
    Still waiting for a few more days to see what happens. I tested the new version.. it sent one update to facebook , but then it went quiet


    just got it tested on some demo facebook pages

    It seems to post, but not every hours as I set it and I don't think it took the custom link into consideration as it shows the url of the demo site
    Don't Google it... ASK Edward
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8139410].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author basse
    Well I will save my money on this one, thanks for your review!

    ==> I am back!:

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8139670].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author thesuccesscoach
    Seriously though it's a bad show. I see the affiliate emails coming in offering 500$ cash bonuses etc, all well and good but look after your customers!

    A life and business coach
    Ready to help you make it happen, just ask!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8139711].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Edward Aw
    I am now submitting a paypal dispute.

    It was interesting how when they were trying to convince me to keep the product, the contact was relatively fast.

    When I was firm in wanting the refund, all communication went silent.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8140469].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author edman
    it's all gone quiet with support... plugin has a mind of its own... never experienced so much of a let down with a product in ages
    Don't Google it... ASK Edward
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8141763].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Edward Aw
      Originally Posted by edman View Post

      it's all gone quiet with support... plugin has a mind of its own... never experienced so much of a let down with a product in ages
      Probably too busy processing refunds!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8142150].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author edman
    I sent an email asking how to upgrade.. I got an answer

    I sent through another message saying that it seems there are many cases opening against the company so looks like I will need to open a paypal case... they quickly replied asking what cases.. we are here to help

    I asked about the issue with plugin etc.. no reply lol
    Don't Google it... ASK Edward
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8142560].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Edward Aw
      Just to prepare some of you for what may happen...

      All this was on the same ticket.

      31 May 2013 09:17 AM -- I requested immediate refund. Gave all information required.
      31 May 2013 09:27 AM -- By accident, I submitted refund request again!
      31 May 2013 12:31 PM -- Response from Edward H. saying if not fixed by sunday ask for refund. Did he not understand immediately?
      01 June 2013 01:45 PM -- I reply. Refund immediately.
      01 June 2013 03:33 PM -- Edward H. Asks for full paypal info. Did he not read the entire thread where I gave it to him? Then he states again to wait and then ask for refund?!?!?
      01 June 2013 08:51 PM -- I give full paypal information again.
      02 June 2013 01:24 PM -- Edward H. Tells me to log into my WP dashboard and update the plugin! No mention of refund.
      02 June 2013 02:55 PM -- I tell him I asked for refund and what part he didn't understand.
      04 June 2013 08:24 AM -- Asked where is my refund.

      So no answer since June 2 AND the previous answers weren't even about the refund request.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8142608].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Edward Aw
    Guess what?

    I just tried to use their 800 number that they have listed on Paypal as the support number and it goes to someone else's business! The poor guys said he is getting several calls a week from people who are upset with (sean) and trying to get money back!

    Sean, what do you have to say?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8142627].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author OliverRealize
    So I got my refund. The support was awful. I had to repeat myself 3-4 times.

    Realize Internet Marketing
    San Diego SEO Company

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  • Profile picture of the author OliverRealize
    I Deleted this comment because I jumped the gun

    Realize Internet Marketing
    San Diego SEO Company

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  • Profile picture of the author Edward Aw
    Amazing. After opening up a dispute with paypal, I quickly got an email that a refund was issued!
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  • Profile picture of the author Sean Donahoe
    Hi Guys,

    I heard there are some customers that are not happy and that is something we need to change here . My team is working on some reported issues and we have multiple updates being released as we address them. We are seeing a few conflicts with some off-the-wall plugins and addressing them as we go.

    As you will see on my posts here you have DIRECT access to my Skype if you need to talk to me directly. We also just doubled our support team and hired an awesome company inside the US for improving our support. I will be the first to admit our support has not been as awesome as we would like and expect and we have had some technical issues with the system we have been using. That is all being ripped apart right now and being rebuilt

    Someone did mention the 800 number and that was our old number and we have a new number that we will update on the site shortly. However, the 800 number is never used for support and only for contacting our corporate office. All support is handled through our customer care center.

    Please note, you do have questions or concerns you do have my personal Skype and if you do have a pressing concern or issue you can contact me directly.

    All the best

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    • Profile picture of the author Sean Donahoe
      Originally Posted by OliverRealize View Post

      Oh yeah and to get it to work. They said I had to pay another $50 on top of the $9. What a rip off.
      I think this is in reference to a different product other than ours as our base price is $27...

      Originally Posted by Edward Aw View Post

      Amazing. After opening up a dispute with paypal, I quickly got an email that a refund was issued!
      Thats because I personally took care of it Though these do get processed more often via our Customer Care center.

      All the best

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8143067].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author OliverRealize
        Originally Posted by Sean Donahoe View Post

        I think this is in reference to a different product other than ours as our base price is $27...

        Thats because I personally took care of it Though these do get processed more often via our Customer Care center.

        All the best

        Thanks for answering here. And yes my comment was for a different product.

        Realize Internet Marketing
        San Diego SEO Company

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8143282].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Edward Aw
        Originally Posted by Sean Donahoe View Post

        Originally Posted by Edward Aw
        Amazing. After opening up a dispute with paypal, I quickly got an email that a refund was issued!

        Thats because I personally took care of it Though these do get processed more often via our Customer Care center.

        All the best

        While I appreciate the "personal" processing, why did it have to go to a dispute before anything happened. Wasted my time and energy.

        Your customer support should have processed this the FIRST time I asked for the refund not stringing me along hoping I would change my mind or something.
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        • Profile picture of the author johnro
          I wish I investigated a little more in this plugin. My guess is Sean Donahoe invested more on the promotions than on the plugin itself. It would be great if it would work. But it is just an idea and not a plugin.:rolleyes:

          My recommendation: Don't buy it, you will waste your time

          I wasted 1 whole day
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          • Profile picture of the author sciguy40
            Originally Posted by johnro View Post

            I wish I investigated a little more in this plugin. My guess is Sean Donahoe invested more on the promotions than on the plugin itself. It would be great if it would work. But it is just an idea and not a plugin.:rolleyes:

            My recommendation: Don't buy it, you will waste your time

            I wasted 1 whole day
            I bought this plugin about 3 days ago and have wasted tons of time trying to get it to work.

            Don't buy this unless you enjoy pulling your hair out ....
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            • Profile picture of the author homebizoutlook
              Sorry to see others are seeing the same problems I am.

              Sean, when can we expect to see the plugin fixed? I'm not concerned about the $27, but based on your pre-sales hype I was planning to use PMP in a big way in my marketing activities. But now I guess I will have to look for another alternative.

              And btw, why have a support desk if there are never any responses. Very disappointing ...
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    • Profile picture of the author iwebresults
      Hi Sean, As a customer of the plugin I have high hopes for using it, but obviously can't spend time "beta" testing it. After reading this thread if would seem a good idea to either open a facebook group for the plugin so we can communicate directly with other users or give updates here on this thread as to the actual status of the plugin. Is it time to start using it? has the scheduler been added? will it post as you demonstrate in the demo? If not please advise us here so we don't waste out time trying to get a broken system to work! No offense intended, but I don't have time to pay to be testing a plugin. thanks!!
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    • Profile picture of the author Edward Aw
      Originally Posted by Sean Donahoe View Post

      Someone did mention the 800 number and that was our old number and we have a new number that we will update on the site shortly. However, the 800 number is never used for support and only for contacting our corporate office. All support is handled through our customer care center.
      That would be me.

      The issue is what you have listed in Paypal when the Paypal receipt is sent to the customer.

      The gentleman who DOES own the 800 is not very happy receiving all your customer support calls. From my conversation with him, it seems like this has been going on for some time.

      It would do you good to call him and apologize. Will you do it?
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  • Profile picture of the author JuryDuty
    Just a heads-up for those wanting to beta test the similar product from NextScripts that should be out soon, they've got some beta slots open:
    Version 3 will be released once we finish beta testing and work out all bugs.
    Beta number 4 will be sent out next week. We will be taking more people for it. If you recently requested to become a beta tester, you should get it. If not you can still request it here: Version 3 Beta Request - - NextScriptsNextScripts


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  • Profile picture of the author iwebresults
    It looks like very poor customer support, I am not encouraged to spend any time on this plugin and of course, by necessity would need to request a refund. I have waited 2 full days for a response to my request for a public update on the useability of the plugin. Sean, are you reading the thread? Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author joaovares
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    • Profile picture of the author Michaelgs
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      • Profile picture of the author Kevin Phillips
        I too bought pmp and was not happy as it never auto submitted.

        However, the support has been fine.

        I received a refund within 1 hour of requesting it.


        Originally Posted by Michaelgs View Post

        absolute trash and you cannot get your money back either.
        their man, Edward Haberthur, talks a good game, but nothing works, period.
        I rquested a refund ans was told to provide the original receipt. That I did a while ago and I still have not gotten the refund.
        I wished these software programmers would test their software properly.
        I lost a couple of days of work and a lot of respect.

        Enjoy Golf!? then check out my website at

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        • Profile picture of the author pfunk
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          • Profile picture of the author homebizoutlook
            Well after upgrading on 6/22, I spent considerable time over a two day period trying to get PMP to work. I hate to say it, but the software is crap. And customer service is worse.

            Sean, if you want to have any credibility you need to take care of the problems man. Have someone respond to open ticket requests and get the problems fixed.
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  • Profile picture of the author James_Harkin
    It is a shame, this piece of software looked like a great opportunity. Are the problems related to cron jobs? If the creators of this software would actually enlighten us to the status of the system it would be appreciated. I think they should stop selling it until the bugs are fixed, if it really is that bad.


    "My First Joint Venture Generated Us OVER $633,451.64 PROFIT! How Would You Like Access To The TOP 1250 Internet Marketers Who Can Help You Do The Same?". PM Me About How They Can Help You Explode Your Business.
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  • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
    You said your host doesn't support ioncube...the problem is your host. Go with HostGator. Problem solved.
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    • Profile picture of the author sfllc
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      • Profile picture of the author homebizoutlook
        Another update was released on 6/28 - same results. I am really disappointed because this seemed like such a great product.

        And I agree with the post above, not sure I can trust Sean with any other product releases until he makes this right.

        Sean ... we are waiting ...
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        • Profile picture of the author jnice
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          • Profile picture of the author huskieswin
            Unfortunately I would view everything this team puts out with skepticism. I have had similar issues with produts from these guys.

            I am beginning to think, the IMers at this level don't really care about us just starting out. Promote a product, bank on the fact that NOT everyone will refund it and move onto the next.

            Let's see. I have been into this for almost 2 years now. When I first started, there was some big Donahue product coming out. Shortly after I think Syndication Rockstar came out which looked promising. It auto posted to your social networks. I never purchased it, I was too green then. But that thread looked a whole lot like this one. A lot of things that didn't work as promised.

            Here is one of the threads:

            Later I did buy Adsense Firestorm from Donahue which promised to I think triple your adsense income, almost all on autopilot after you got it set up. Same as with this one, it never worked properly. NEVER. It would mess up image alignment, put ads as like the first thing on your page. As you can see from the thread link, that plug in was a bomb as well. I got a refund on this one.

            Here is that thread:

            But with firestorm is where he offered rockstar as an oto. I bought it at this time. I tried to use it and I must say from reading this current thread on promotemepro,


            It had a scheduler, kron jobs, ioncube, blah blah blah. Never worked. Refunded that as well. Every update it came out with, you had to like uninstall the previous version and then download the new. The first couple did not retain your setting to your social networks so you had to set them up all over again.

            I hope this promotemepro isn't an attempt to rebrand syndication rockstar. After those 2 products and now seeing this thread about this one, I probably will never be able to buy from Donahue or IMSCtv ever again.
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  • Profile picture of the author homebizoutlook
    Checking back in 5 days later after my last post. Got the latest update installed and quickly ran two tests, they both failed. And for the most part they were the same exact problems that I had previously.

    I sent a detailed support ticket and finally heard back from them 3 days later with an apology and a promise that the next update will fix the problems. Just like the last update.

    I'm hoping someone a lot smarter than me will steal this idea and develop a product that works. Conceptually, promotemepro is a grand slam and I would love to have that for my web promotion.

    Have to agree with the posted above, Sean your reputation is getting trashed. Many people on WF have a very long memory ...
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  • Profile picture of the author Jock312
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    • Profile picture of the author JustinYoung
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      • Profile picture of the author homebizoutlook
        Received email from PMP yesterday, it says:

        "I just talked to the developer, and he said the he is expecting the update to be released within the coming week."

        Hurry up and wait I guess ...
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        • Profile picture of the author infodoc
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  • Profile picture of the author prroger
    PromoteMe Pro is worthless. It does not even install properly. I can echo everything said above by Jock312 & InfoDoc and others above them. What hasn't been mentioned is that while Sean Donahoe goes out of his way to mention that wpcron is not used by PMP it obviously does use wpcron as it produces massive MBs of error logs. It produced such huge error logs that my site crashed. I have even disabled wp-cron.php in the config file and it continues to churn out massive error logs. The only way to stop the error logs is to disable the plugin, remove it and then dig thru the DB for the instances that call wp-cron. Then the error logs stop.

    IMSC customer service is also worthless. They keep promising a "new version next week" that will correct all of the problems. Never happens.

    It took them 10 days to respond to to this when I tried to load version 1.1.2 (still the current version.)


    Christina /Max:

    Have installed version 1.1.2 - nothing has changed from my two previous posts - 25 June 2013 08:18 PM and 25 June 2013 09:33 PM are still the same.

    Error log: this error is repeated over and over:

    [29-Jun-2013 23:45:00 UTC] WordPress database error Table 'mmwblogs_mmblgs.wpmny_promotemepro_activity' doesn't exist for query SELECT title,description,url,dateprocessed FROM `wpmny_promotemepro_activity` ORDER BY dateprocessed DESC LIMIT 20 made by require('wp-blog-header.php'), require_once('wp-includes/template-loader.php'), do_action('template_redirect'), call_user_func_array, imscssfunctions->promotemeprofeed

    It hasn't been an hour and there are 36 error log entries - all looking for PMP table called "promotemepro_activity"

    THERE IS NO TABLE CALLED promotemepro_activity !!!!! There are 7 other PMP tables now in WP database.

    I have once again set-up a Twitter Primer Campaign

    I have an authorized Twitter app. It displays when clicking the Twitter icon.

    Checking "Recurring Campaign" no drop down appears to adjust times for recurring. (See PMPScheduler.jpg and SchedulerFromVideo.jpg attached to the June 25 post) No dropdown appears to adjust the schedule - "Every 4 hours / every day" etc.


    And guess what? As soon as you ask for a refund they stop responding at all.

    Like many of you I wasted $27. Sean Donahoe produces some very creative promotional sites with ideas that sound great. But that's all they are -- very creative sales videos. He is a super salesman. But the product has never worked as promised. It would not even install properly. PromoteMe Pro has never worked. IMSC "customer service" sucks. Warriors: Beware.
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  • Profile picture of the author affiliatedude
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  • Profile picture of the author dawebhost
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    • Profile picture of the author Raja Kamil
      Originally Posted by dawebhost View Post

      Same errors as above:

      [29-Jun-2013 23:45:00 UTC] WordPress database error Table 'mmwblogs_mmblgs.wpmny_promotemepro_activity' doesn't exist for query SELECT title,description,url,dateprocessed FROM `wpmny_promotemepro_activity` ORDER BY dateprocessed DESC LIMIT 20 made by require('wp-blog-header.php'), require_once('wp-includes/template-loader.php'), do_action('template_redirect'), call_user_func_array, imscssfunctions->promotemeprofeed

      I had hopes of using this plugin, however the scheduled posting of items for any network does not work. The fact that this plugin is ioncube'd makes it impossible to even attempt to fix it. Give me the source for it (You would think a developer version would offer that...) and I'll fix it myself.
      IMO, don't waste your time.
      Ask for refund and start a paypal dispute if they don't get you within 1 day.

      Don't wait for their update, it'll never work.

      ps : found another plugin that will do the what this plugin can't....
      I got my developer license, will install for you with small fee. Just PM me ...
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    • Profile picture of the author Mary Greene
      Writing and maintaining good code, takes time, effort, and money. Let's get used to paying for that time and effort if we want it all.

      Mike Johnson has dedicated years to maintaining and updating his programs. I'm betting on WP Social. I hope my bet pays off.

      Mary Greene

      Mary Greene

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  • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
    I thought it was out? Been waiting for it...
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  • Profile picture of the author James_Harkin
    Basically forget about scripts that don't work, here's a free one that virtually does the same and it works...:

    WordPress › NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster « WordPress Plugins



    "My First Joint Venture Generated Us OVER $633,451.64 PROFIT! How Would You Like Access To The TOP 1250 Internet Marketers Who Can Help You Do The Same?". PM Me About How They Can Help You Explode Your Business.
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  • Profile picture of the author ScrooG
    He just released a product called Rapid Mailer which looks really good but I am VERY WARY of buying it once I realized it was offered by the same person who made the p.o.s. that is advertised in THIS thread, which proves how bad the customer service is... Hmmm. Now I don't know: Buy a product from this guy, or not???

    "Live and let live".

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  • Profile picture of the author fdth
    i have promote me pro which has never worked well and i bought rapidmailer which was a total waste of money. See the 5 page ( so far ) thread on this forum and all of the complaints about it.
    i have bought 4 or 5 different products from sean and for the most part not one of them worked without problems or came close to the promise he promoted them as. Almost everyone had conflicts with other plugins or themes. His products have been the most consistently problematic I have ever experienced.
    Save your money. I'm going to ask for a refund.
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    • Profile picture of the author NetMan
      Originally Posted by fdth View Post

      i have promote me pro which has never worked well and i bought rapidmailer which was a total waste of money. See the 5 page ( so far ) thread on this forum and all of the complaints about it.
      i have bought 4 or 5 different products from sean and for the most part not one of them worked without problems or came close to the promise he promoted them as. Almost everyone had conflicts with other plugins or themes. His products have been the most consistently problematic I have ever experienced.
      Save your money. I'm going to ask for a refund.
      And now it is even WORSE as he's completely vanished the PROMOTEMEPRO.COM website and redirects to his im success center (yeah right), how do I know? The plugin which is encrypted with Ioncube has become useless as it unregistered itself and is now IMPOSSIBLE to register back because it cannot verify the license as the server is shut down. And so that whoever bought this is now fully screwed up, lost their cash and ALL the work and THE TIME spent to set things up.

      Thanks Sean Donohoe, you're such a great marketer and care so much for those who spend their money with you...

      @All, be aware...
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