Mike Robinson's Dog PLR Article Package

10 replies
Unfortunately I'm a posting NooB so I can't post on the actual WSO thread and I hope it's ok to post here.

Earlier today I bought Mike Robinson's Dog PLR Package. Which is currently on offer in the WSO thread. [not allowed to post the link either ]

I'd like to say that the quality of the articles and reports I've looked at so far is excellent. Mike has obviously taken a lot of care writing them.

If you need articles that have anything to do with dogs you should grab this opportunity with both hands, you can't go wrong. It's well worth the money.
#article #dog #mike #package #plr #robinson
  • Profile picture of the author ibell
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[748818].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      I just posted in Mike's WSO thread asking him to check THIS thread - I'm sure he'll answer you soon.

      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeRob
    Originally Posted by Alle-Cat View Post

    Unfortunately I'm a posting NooB so I can't post on the actual WSO thread and I hope it's ok to post here.

    Earlier today I bought Mike Robinson's Dog PLR Package. Which currently on offer in the WSO thread. [not allowed to post the line either ]

    I'd like to say that the quality of the articles and reports I've looked at so far is excellent. Mike has obviously taken a lot of care writing them.

    If you need articles that have anything to do with dogs you should grab this opportunity with both hands, you can't go wrong. It's well worth the money.
    Hi Alle,

    Not sure what could of happened but we'll fix ya up.

    Send me an email at palmtreeink (at) gmail.com

    You can also send me a private message or even post on
    the actual WSO thread.


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    • Profile picture of the author Scot Standke
      I've known Mike for a number of years and have had access to several of his dog packages and I must say that they are the cream of the crop.

      Mike isn't like a lot of the other content providers who delve into 50 different topics and profess to be an expert in each of them, Mike knows dogs!

      Want some proof?

      I emailed Mike just last week because my dog was having a problem with diarrhea and it had been going on for too long. I followed Mike's advise and it cleared up in just two days

      That alone saved me a $150 visit to the vet, which was my next step.

      If you have a dog related product and need great content, this is a true no-brainer.


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    • Profile picture of the author Alle-Cat
      Originally Posted by MikeRob View Post

      Hi Alle,

      Not sure what could of happened but we'll fix ya up.

      Send me an email at palmtreeink (at) gmail.com

      You can also send me a private message or even post on
      the actual WSO thread.


      Errr... I think there's some confusion. It was ibell who didn't get the download link.

      I got my articles and love them. I was trying to tell everybody how wonderful they were... (not very successfully it seems)

      I'd like to add that since my last post I've read through more of the articles and they are all superb quality. One of the best value for money WSO's I've bought.
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      • Profile picture of the author ella2009

        I just bought Mike's dog PLR article package and the few articles I read so far look great. Moreover, the price for the large package is outstanding!

        Thanks Mike!
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        • Profile picture of the author kengorden
          I bought Mike's Dog PLR Article Package as well.

          Not only did the article quality exceed my expectations, but so does his customer service. I purchased Mike's Dog PLR Article Package late last night and Mike responded within a hour (on a Saturday night). I got my download link this morning.

          I've been reading through the articles and can say the package is excellent, zero fluff, just great content.

          I also purchased Mike's Golf PLR Article Package. I just wished all PLR content was of this quality.

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          • Profile picture of the author joemedina
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            • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
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              • Profile picture of the author herwi
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  • Profile picture of the author TimG
    I echo your comments about Mike's dog articles..........top quality stuff that can help anyone break into that market profitably or just read for their own personal knowledge.

    My family has been through some rough issues the last few months and we were looking at getting a dog for the family that is kid friendly. My wife was searching on the Internet for information while I was internally thinking about what articles Mike had on the subject of kid friendly dogs..............his stuff is that good!!!

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  • Profile picture of the author shaggard
    High quality and top notch stuff. I would certainly buy from him again.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adam Nolan
    I know I'm really late to the party, but I was wondering if anyone knew where I could buy the PLR articles now? I've been looking for them for a while and can't find them. Or if you have any other great resources for high quality dog PLR, I'd really appreciate it.

    Thanks a bunch.
    - Adam
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    wow - bumping a 2009 thread? I doubt if Mike PLR articles are still being sold - not sure I'd want articles that had such a wide distribution years ago.

    I did a google search for

    dog plr articles

    and found lots of results....I'd start there.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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