13 replies
Has anyone had success with Anthony Morrison products.
#anthony #morrison
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    • Profile picture of the author PMSDaddy
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      • Profile picture of the author Kevin Phillips
        I just bought fast traffic sniper

        DO NOT BUY IT ......

        Had a problem straight away with one of the software on the members site.

        6 days later and it is still not resolved. The support is pathetic and a disgrace to paying customers. I have never received so many bad and unhelpful responses to a simple problem, or been kept waiting so long either.

        Once you are in, all you will receive from Anthony is daily emails trying to sell you more crap.

        I tried to get in touch with Anthony personally but received an email back just saying that customer support is dealing with the problem ?????

        I challenge AM personally to come on here and respond to my claims.

        I have all the correspondence saved and would gladly show him the terrible and unhelpful responses i have received from his "so called support staff"

        If i knew Anthony's warrior name i would PM him but can not find it. If anyone knows if he has a warrior account i would appreciate being told of it.

        I am utterly disgusted and need to show him what kind of letters his staff are sending out. From what i have read i don't think i will get the chance


        Kevin Phillips

        Originally Posted by PMSDaddy View Post

        How is this guy stayed in business for so long if he is scamming everyone since 2010???

        I see lots of complaints but I was wondering did anyone really put his stuff in full action?

        I bought lots of stuff but rarely put 100% effort so I can't complaint about it?

        I am tempted to buy his Fast Traffic Sniper software but still doing more research?

        Enjoy Golf!? then check out my website at kpgolfpro.com

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    • Profile picture of the author xxxJamesxxx
      Originally Posted by Clyde Dennis View Post

      He's building quite a portfolio there - surprised people keep buying his stuff with the amount of things being said about him.

      James Scholes
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      • Profile picture of the author Kevin Phillips
        Edited by moderator: If you want to write a negative review that's fine, but keep the personal attacks out of it. Read rule #1 on the main forum rules sticky.

        Enjoy Golf!? then check out my website at kpgolfpro.com

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        • Profile picture of the author Kevin Phillips
          Originally Posted by Kevin Phillips View Post

          Edited by moderator: If you want to write a negative review that's fine, but keep the personal attacks out of it. Read rule #1 on the main forum rules sticky.
          My post was not a personal attack!

          It was the truth .....

          His products are crap. Software does not work
          His Support is even worse
          And when you try and contact him personally he never bothers to reply

          Is it too much to ask to let other warriors know about another warrior selling products that do not work and you will get zero professional and courteous support?

          I don't think so. I had proof of how bad he is and it should have been left on this forum.


          Kevin Phillips

          Enjoy Golf!? then check out my website at kpgolfpro.com

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    • Profile picture of the author cabenb
      Wow that's rather impressive/disturbing......... I think maybe 1% people post such complaints. This means this Antony made his money by ripping of people. I bought some of his products and like many many other products they deliver only 5% of what they promise. So this guy is not the only one who is living his life scamming silly people like me. It's a shame, that's what it is...........
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  • Profile picture of the author ASGmarketer
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    • Profile picture of the author silversurefrnz
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  • I really appreciate this post! Seen his stuff around and thought it was crap but I have watched way too many IM videos to make me believe that it is true. Loving the honest feedback here. Would not be able to find it just on Google.

    Sophie Choung
    Solo Ad Queen

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  • Profile picture of the author sarah lee
    Hi all, when I was first looking into Internet Marketing, I did end up on a few of his email lists. I never actually brought anything from him, so I can't rate his products. However, I didn't feel that he would be the one that I followed. I did buy a something called Auto traffic conspiracy review, and I noticed he was doing the voice over, so I am not sure if that was his product or not. I do remember from that product getting calls from America, asking me to invest in further projects, even though I was totally new to it all. I am not sure if that was related to him, as the name Allen Stone was mentioned a few times. I am not saying anything bad about it, just sharing my experience.

    Sarah Lee

    "A newbies journey into the world of Internet Marketing"
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  • Profile picture of the author billlippold
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    • Profile picture of the author neilalan
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      • Profile picture of the author cabenb
        Originally Posted by neilalan View Post

        I just watched the very convincing video on auto traffic accelerator as well. The idea sounds very good (I've know of the technique of contacting YouTube video publishers who aren't marketers and forming partnerships). With software that can automatically find viral and going viral videos and contacting the uploaders for deals seems like a sound idea. However, I have been put off by all the negative publicity I have found on Morrison. If the software doesn't work and you can't get support, you are stuck.
        He even says he has a 365 day guarantee, but again, if no support..no refund, right?
        I bought it. The software is not working OK. The results show all videos on youtube. Not just the ones without a URL in the description. So a lot of manual work to do here. I contacted over 100 video publishers last week. Not one single reply. I used the templates that are suggested in the training and followed all their steps. No results so far at all. I've contacted support about the not working problem. They replied by telling me they have send my question to the programmer................ So, they really want me to believe I'm the first that has noticed this?

        Does anyone know about a similar product that does work? Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author anwar001
    I am glad I visited this thread. I was curious about this new product for which I am getting lots of emails from people promoting this.
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  • Profile picture of the author DamianGil
    Anthony Morrison is only good for extremely basic stuff which will leave you with a lot to figure out by yourself. If you want specific advise, look somewhere else.

    He basically talks about the value of the list and the basics in how to create one and email the people. It hardly contains copywriting tips. He just gives an outline of how stuff works and motivates you by saying "I've made a lot of money by using this..."

    I also was part of his weekly webinars and he had a strong focus on PPV advertising, which is one of the hardest and shadiest ways to make money online, especially for newbies. After that, most of his webinars were expensive JV promos and the in the "all content" webinars it was all generic like "10 ways to bring traffic to your site" or "10 ways to make money online".

    And all of this will give you at least the knowledge that some stuff exists, like solo ads, but as I said before, he will also leave you with a lot of figuring out to do. It's not good enough.
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  • Profile picture of the author ATAC
    His brother Adrian is even worse ...
    Sold millions of dollars in products that never helped a single person except him and his affiliates ...
    This all-in-one marketing platform saves me over $7,000 per year. See how:
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