{NEED ADVICE} Should I Use SENuke ?

33 replies
Dear warriors ...

I can't sleep last night thinking about
whether using the SENuke Software or not.

I have seen the sales letter & the video
and reading people's review about SENuke.
Some of them pro and some cons.

However, I'd like to hear from you. Please tell me about this software,

It is a blackhat or a whitehat tool ?
Some people say that "Tools are never blackhat,
It is the people who use them that determine what hat they wear"

Honestly, I am affraid that Google Banned my sites&my account if I use the blackhat software because,
majority of my incomes comes from adsense.

If you agree with the statement "Tools are never blackhat..
It is the people who use them that determine what hat they wear"

Please tell me, how to use the SENuke as a white hat software ?

Thanks a lot for your advice.

#advice #senuke
  • Profile picture of the author Profolegy
    Depends on what level you internet marketing is
    This is a tool I haven't got only because I don't make a fulltime income on line, but I know someone who has this tool and swears by it and uses it all the time.
    So when the time comes I will be purchasing it.
    Hope this helps
    First 10 Modules for Free.
    Online Business Building Academy
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    • Profile picture of the author pixelcrafter
      Dear Profolegy,

      Thank you for your advice.
      I know things about getting traffic from social bookmarking,
      article marketing,spinner, directory submitting, niche researching.

      However, I don't get the idea about your statement
      "Depends on what level you internet marketing is"

      Is it answering the 1st or 2nd question?

      Thank you.

      Originally Posted by Profolegy View Post

      Depends on what level you internet marketing is
      This is a tool I haven't got only because I don't make a fulltime income on line, but I know someone who has this tool and swears by it and uses it all the time.
      So when the time comes I will be purchasing it.
      Hope this helps
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  • Profile picture of the author shorwood
    You asked me via PM to reply to this thread, so I will. I would just like to let everyone know that I am not associated with SEnuke in any way, and that I am just someone who has been using it for a little while and understands it well.

    1. It is neither. Some tools are blackhat, as they only perform actions that are considered spam or unethical. If you use SEnuke to put tons of crappy content on the web 2.0 sites, then that can be considered blackhat. However, if you distribute good quality content, then it is whitehat. You can use it to perform blackhat or whitehat actions, it is all up to you. The software is just a tool that automates tasks that you are already doing.

    2. Just submit quality content. Don't go distributing 50 word articles or a bunch of PLR articles that don't even make sense. Put out good quality content that will actually benefit people. Don't use it to spam, just use it to get more exposure for your good content.

    Just to let you know, some people find the software difficult to use. I personally picked it up very easily, and I have only been marketing online for a few months, and I am definitely not a techie. However, I do learn things very quickly, and it appears that many people have had difficulty using the software (I answer people's questions on the forum about how to use the software)

    So don't be surprised if it is difficult to use at first. Just keep working at it, and if you need help just use the forum or the help desk. The SEnuke support is excellent.

    @Fracekm, SEnuke is a software that automates tasks such as creating pages on social networking sites, bookmarking, submitting RSS feeds to RSS feed aggregators and video submissions. It also contains a niche research module.


    Need a sales letter? For the first time ever I'm taking on copywriting clients for a very low price.
    PM me if interested.

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    • Profile picture of the author pixelcrafter
      Dear Shorwood,

      I'm glad that you give me the comprehensive explanation about the SENuke.

      I see that the basic function of SENuke is
      to automate the process such as Social Bookmarking,
      article & video sumitting.

      However, I heard that the SENuke post the article in the
      hubpages and AS.Content which is considered
      as spamming both article directory?
      Is that right?

      The other poin is about the video submitting. (weapon #3)
      On the sales letter, it is said that
      ".... to trick Google into thinking they each video was submitted by a different person!"

      Is that a spamming effort or what?

      I presume that the SENuke is a black hat tool
      as it is tricking Google on that part.

      Please correct me if i'm wrong.

      Thank you for the share,

      It means a lot for me.

      Originally Posted by shorwood View Post

      You asked me via PM to reply to this thread, so I will. I would just like to let everyone know that I am not associated with SEnuke in any way, and that I am just someone who has been using it for a little while and understands it well.

      1. It is neither. Some tools are blackhat, as they only perform actions that are considered spam or unethical. If you use SEnuke to put tons of crappy content on the web 2.0 sites, then that can be considered blackhat. However, if you distribute good quality content, then it is whitehat. You can use it to perform blackhat or whitehat actions, it is all up to you. The software is just a tool that automates tasks that you are already doing.

      2. Just submit quality content. Don't go distributing 50 word articles or a bunch of PLR articles that don't even make sense. Put out good quality content that will actually benefit people. Don't use it to spam, just use it to get more exposure for your good content.

      Just to let you know, some people find the software difficult to use. I personally picked it up very easily, and I have only been marketing online for a few months, and I am definitely not a techie. However, I do learn things very quickly, and it appears that many people have had difficulty using the software (I answer people's questions on the forum about how to use the software)

      So don't be surprised if it is difficult to use at first. Just keep working at it, and if you need help just use the forum or the help desk. The SEnuke support is excellent.

      @Fracekm, SEnuke is a software that automates tasks such as creating pages on social networking sites, bookmarking, submitting RSS feeds to RSS feed aggregators and video submissions. It also contains a niche research module.

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      • Profile picture of the author queenofdreamers
        I also have Senuke. It does take a little learning, but can do some great things. I find that I am not using the spinner much as I prefer higher quality submissions. Senuke offers a 7 day free trial period for those who want to experiment with it. There are also videos and a manual to show you how it works. I have found the support to be very helpful as well.....
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        • Profile picture of the author uwa223
          I believe that this software will be around for the long term. The support is great and they are always constantly working on the software to keep up with the web 2.0 sites when changes are made to them.
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    • Profile picture of the author AtaArticles
      Originally Posted by shorwood View Post

      You asked me via PM to reply to this thread, so I will. I would just like to let everyone know that I am not associated with SEnuke in any way, and that I am just someone who has been using it for a little while and understands it well.

      1. It is neither. Some tools are BlueFart, as they only perform actions that are considered spam or unethical. If you use SEnuke to put tons of crappy content on the web 2.0 sites, then that can be considered BlueFart. However, if you distribute good quality content, then it is whitehat. You can use it to perform BlueFart or whitehat actions, it is all up to you. The software is just a tool that automates tasks that you are already doing.

      2. Just submit quality content. Don't go distributing 50 word articles or a bunch of PLR articles that don't even make sense. Put out good quality content that will actually benefit people. Don't use it to spam, just use it to get more exposure for your good content.

      Just to let you know, some people find the software difficult to use. I personally picked it up very easily, and I have only been marketing online for a few months, and I am definitely not a techie. However, I do learn things very quickly, and it appears that many people have had difficulty using the software (I answer people's questions on the forum about how to use the software)

      So don't be surprised if it is difficult to use at first. Just keep working at it, and if you need help just use the forum or the help desk. The SEnuke support is excellent.

      @Fracekm, SEnuke is a software that automates tasks such as creating pages on social networking sites, bookmarking, submitting RSS feeds to RSS feed aggregators and video submissions. It also contains a niche research module.

      Wouldn't you consider it blackhat if the software creator of Senuke showed in his video tutorial how he can spin an article from ezinearticle to make it unique? Where is the ethics in that if the creator seems to think it's ok to use other author's articles?
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      • Profile picture of the author jabro
        Originally Posted by AtaArticles View Post

        Wouldn't you consider it BlueFart if the software creator of Senuke showed in his video tutorial how he can spin an article from ezinearticle to make it unique? Where is the ethics in that if the creator seems to think it's ok to use other author's articles?

        You are telling me when you had a report due in school you didn't just take what the encyclopedia said and reworded it? Congrats, you spun the encyclopedia.
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  • Profile picture of the author barefootsusan
    I have been wondering the same thing about SENuke. The only reviews I seem to find online are from people who are promoting it as an affiliate. Not that you shouldn't write a review if you're an affiliate, but I find it hard to fully trust someone whom I know will make some $$ if I click on their link...KWIM?

    I appreciate the honest feedback given so far. But for those who have it, it is worth the $? Have you gotten a return on your investment that you know came from using it?

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  • Profile picture of the author shorwood
    I made $100 during my free trial from a campaign that I only used SEnuke on, so I know those sales came from SEnuke. I now use SEnuke all the time and have outsourcers using it for me. I use it as the sole promotional methods for campaigns that have made me hundreds of dollars, and I have only been using it for I think 2 months.


    Need a sales letter? For the first time ever I'm taking on copywriting clients for a very low price.
    PM me if interested.

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  • Profile picture of the author kkchoon
    SENuke is absolutely a gold mine! But you must be good at web 2.0 techniques to benefit from it...

    Powerful Indexer That Makes Your Backlinks Count ==> Nuclear Link Indexer

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    • Profile picture of the author Tyrone3340
      Originally Posted by kkchoon View Post

      SENuke is absolutely a gold mine! But you must be good at web 2.0 techniques to benefit from it...
      what is meant by web 2.0 techniques?
      Get your free website today
      Complete setup with your choice of premium themes
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  • Profile picture of the author articlemaster
    Hello Guys can you please tell me about SENuke? I am very much Interested to know about this and I have searched about it In google and visited the site and there I found Only splash Page like Niche Marketing sites and there I found one download link also but its not working except the front page no other pages are working so I have not read all about it as the site is not working properly.
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  • Profile picture of the author sandraartox
    Yes and No...

    If you know web 2.0 marketing, then yes, else no.

    Web 2.0 is a great way to attract traffic and sale, and SENuke just automate all the tedious stuff for you...

    Get Awesome professional Banner Ad Design for Just $27! -> Pro Banner Ad Design

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  • SENuke is a comprehensive marketing tool for any Internet marketer ... a great time saver for promoting your website/money page ...

    However you need to be aware of the monthly cost of the software and make sure you maximize the usage by having sufficient websites/money pages to promote each month ... otherwise you will find the software not paying for itself ...

    my 2 cents ...
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    • Profile picture of the author JeremyShawaf
      Awesome tool for article submission, just rember to use their email creation tools and not use your own email.....LOL dont ask me how I know, lol.

      Yeah, it's a great tool, I use it for one of my CPA offers and my landing page and it's definitely helped, plus it helps you get a ton of backlinks too!

      The only thing I dont like about it, this is really not a big deal, but the damn thing will take it upon itself to close some of my running application windows if it sees fit for doing so, lol again no big deal, just, Fing annoying, lol.

      I would def say that it isnt black HAT if your using it submitting 550+ word articles Goodluck!


      Oh and if you want to learn a little bit about the tool, Jeremy Kelsall, (not me) has some great video reviews where he goes over how to make a campaign and submit articles. Alright, Hope it all works out for you, awesome tool, I just wish it didnt close my damn applications, lol

      -Jeremy Shawaf

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  • Profile picture of the author Natlex
    I started using senuke extensively this month, it's defintiely very popular but I'm not 100% sure on the results yet instead of using similar one time fee software that usually do a better job on their specific tasks (AMR --> article syndication, BMD ---> social bookmarking)
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    • Profile picture of the author Netafile
      You can go to Fiverr.com and search for SENuke X and you'll find plenty of people who will submit your content thru the software for $5.

      At $147/mo to be a purchaser, you'd have to have over 30 sites/urls to post to make being an owner cost effective.

      Save yourself time and money. Don't buy it, use Fiverr.com. Test the results. No commitment.

      **NOTE: You may want to specify the kinds of linking profile you want performed, or have someone create a diagram for you that you can submit to others to do the run, or just go with what they have found effective.

      Hope that helps!

      Howard "OutSourcerer" Tiano -OutsourceOuttakes.com
      FREE video e-zine on Outsourcing - Video tips from the "Gurus"

      http://www.UltimateOutsourceDirectory.com - Multiply Your Profits - Leverage the Resources of Others!

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  • Profile picture of the author xxxJamesxxx
    Me personally I just outsource it like Netafile said.

    You really have to know how to use it then you have to use it everyday to get your "monthly" investment back.

    James Scholes
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  • Personally, after I get SENUKE X when the few days I step in IM world, it's simply a great tools for the newbies to play and master it. By simply NUKE on the whole internet channel of Web 2.0, you will be amaze on 100 times faster on doing the promotion using just the software itself.

    Keep on NUKE-ing everyday, and your money site will be have some good stuff soon. LOL

    Visit my site at www.alancwl.com
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  • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
    A better option in my opinion is Magic Submitter. Does similar but (a) allows you to edit sites as they change their login/sinup procedures via point and click (b) allows you to add not only new sites that you find but entirely new services. (c) the support and the training is incredible. Alex is always on Skype (though there is a time difference), and they continually have live training both for the software and for changes withing IM and Google.
    and (oh yeah) the price: $67 a month. For me at least I liked the flexibility it gave me versus SENX. There's even one training where they show you (over around 90 minutes or so) how to set it up on Amazon's web services and how to minimize the cost.

    Ultimately, it depends on what kind of person you are and how you work. I will say that you should have some idea of SEO and already be making a bit of money before you invest in either.
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  • Profile picture of the author matthewfermin
    For me, Senuke works best if you just use it properly.
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  • Profile picture of the author asimbawany
    you need to decide based on how much you think you'll use it...

    what a lot of people dont realize is that in order to use senuke effectively, you need good content. which is a commitment, either in terms of time or money. So if you hope to make any money using senuke, you either have to write at least a couple articles everyday to promote different campaigns OR outsource the writing. Of course, you can only do this IF you have a lot of sites.

    So the real cost of using SEnuke is not only the monthly fee but time/money to write content and perhaps the use of a VPS if you want to run it round the clock.

    Re: it being whitehat/blackhat... Its how you use it...
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  • Profile picture of the author sekhar203
    Originally Posted by pixelcrafter View Post

    Dear warriors ...

    I can't sleep last night thinking about
    whether using the SENuke Software or not.

    I have seen the sales letter & the video
    and reading people's review about SENuke.
    Some of them pro and some cons.

    However, I'd like to hear from you. Please tell me about this software,

    It is a BlueFart or a whitehat tool ?
    Some people say that "Tools are never BlueFart,
    It is the people who use them that determine what hat they wear"

    Honestly, I am affraid that Google Banned my sites&my account if I use the BlueFart software because,
    majority of my incomes comes from adsense.

    If you agree with the statement "Tools are never BlueFart..
    It is the people who use them that determine what hat they wear"

    Please tell me, how to use the SENuke as a white hat software ?

    Thanks a lot for your advice.

    im using it and found very valuable...its a excellent software loaded with various features..instant social bookmarking, Instant RSS feed submission, Instant video submission, keyword analysis a lot..really it make things very easy...i love dominating search engines through this sw...

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  • Profile picture of the author aeroturner
    SE Nuke is a completely white hat software but ensure u use it wisely without spamming !! SE Nuke by its default operation would not be banned for the procees done by it !! so do not worry !! SE Nuke is really cool !! cheers !!
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  • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
    I'd recommend looking at Magic Submitter. Does what SEN does and quite a bit more and is less than half the monthly cost.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rock Solid Links
      I've used Senuke X for the past few months and cannot recommend it. If you want to spend hours upon hours upon hours getting thousands of PR0 links that most likely won't even count toward your site, go for it. Once I turned off Senuke and started using a variety of article networks, my rankings shot to the first page. Almost overnight.

      In my opinion, the best way to make money with Senuke X is to sell your services to people that believe Senuke is going to help their site. See: Nuke4me.

      Furthermore, if you think your $147 monthly license is the total of your investment... think again. My costs for the following tools were around $300 per month (no results).

      private proxies
      training membership
      Ultra Spinnable Articles

      Your mileage may vary, but my site was broken down until I completely changed my strategy. By the way, my monthly IM costs now? $50 (great results).

      Senuke X drained my wallet and my energy for months. I would encourage people just starting out to try a few different methods before considering Senuke.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
        Originally Posted by samson_is_furry View Post

        I've used Senuke X for the past few months and cannot recommend it. If you want to spend hours upon hours upon hours getting thousands of PR0 links that most likely won't even count toward your site, go for it. Once I turned off Senuke and started using a variety of article networks, my rankings shot to the first page. Almost overnight.

        In my opinion, the best way to make money with Senuke X is to sell your services to people that believe Senuke is going to help their site. See: Nuke4me.

        Furthermore, if you think your $147 monthly license is the total of your investment... think again. My costs for the following tools were around $300 per month (no results).

        private proxies
        training membership
        Ultra Spinnable Articles

        Your mileage may vary, but my site was broken down until I completely changed my strategy. By the way, my monthly IM costs now? $50 (great results).

        Senuke X drained my wallet and my energy for months. I would encourage people just starting out to try a few different methods before considering Senuke.
        I've been using it since it came out (april, for senuke x) and am quite happy with it. What are you now using for $50 a month?

        Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

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  • Profile picture of the author Rock Solid Links
    A variety of article networks in addition to a small network that I put together myself. So far the experience has been less time, less money, better results. Of course this is just my experience and may not work for everyone.
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  • Profile picture of the author Scott Skinner
    If you are going to use it, build a link pyramid and drive the traffic to the 2-3 tiers down. Never use it to drive traffic to your main money site. Just my opinion.
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