Alternative to LeadPages?

50 replies
Ive just found LeadPages and it looks very impressive but im turned off by subscription software - is there an alternative I can pay a one off fee and use on multiple sites?

I want to do some testing on some sites before I add Optimize Press 2.0 or DAP Digital Access Pass and create dip feed content
#alternative #leadpages
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  • Profile picture of the author JustineA
    Originally Posted by Steve Foulds View Post

    Ive just found LeadPages and it looks very impressive but im turned off by subscription software - is there an alternative I can pay a one off fee and use on multiple sites?

    I want to do some testing on some sites before I add Optimize Press 2.0 or DAP Digital Access Pass and create dip feed content
    Yes Steve the new version of OptimizePress 2.0 would be the closest that I've seen. It really depends on exactly what you're trying to test.

    If you want it all in one, then OptimizePress. If you want landing pages and/or membership, then InstaBuilder and InstaMember.

    (as an example, this is one of my simple InstaBuilder pages, just an example of what you can create, but options are endless, Justine Antoinette |

    I haven't purchased OptimizePress 2.0 yet, not sure if I will, but have seen it's layout and it's looking impressive. This new version is one I may actually use.

    I chose to stay with InstaMember for Memberships because of the added inbuilt affiliate setup along with the types of services it integrates.

    Your ultimate choice will be based on what you ultimately need, but I think it's worth checking out both.
    Justine Antoinette
    All-Round Cool Chick
    On and Offline Business Buff
    NLP Practitioner & LnB Profiler
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  • Profile picture of the author usfemail
    I use Optimize Press as there is no subscription fees involved.
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  • Profile picture of the author Clickthroo
    Well Optimize Press will allow you to build landing pages (slowly), but I guess it depends on what other landing page marketing features you need (split testing, reporting, segmentation, auto-optimization, dynamic content insertion, etc, etc), and how serious you really are about pushing profits
    Dave Bird (CEO): - Landing Page Marketing Solution for advertisers, agencies, and affiliates.

    Landing page builder, tracking platform, split-testing, traffic segmentation, auto-optimization, 100+ templates, 1000+ stock images, optional affiliate marketing module.
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    • Profile picture of the author geekspeak
      What about video lead capture? Where the video has the sign up form in it?
      Any ideas?
      - Toby
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      • Profile picture of the author Meharis
        Originally Posted by InBox Entrepreneur View Post

        You might want to take a look at LeadPlayer.



        LeadPlayer sales are closed.

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  • Profile picture of the author carlamae
    Oh, would somebody please answer that last Pleeeez....
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    I am not familiar with LeadPages or Optimized press. I usually make my own lead capture pages. However, if LeadPages works well, I don't see why I wouldn't want to pay the monthly fee.

    Things that offer real value and convenience do cost money.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dennisknows
      Originally Posted by actionplanbiz View Post

      you can also try funnelkit for $17 one time
      Thanks for sharing. Definitely a great alternative to both Leadpages and OP
      "May the optimism of your tomorrow fuel your drive for today"
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  • Profile picture of the author marckolius
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    • Profile picture of the author michaelromero63
      5th Feb 2014, 03:33 PM #10 marckolius
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      Re: Alternative to LeadPages?
      Honestly haven't tried this one out yet, but I want to be helpful to the community (I use leadpages but will check this out at some point: Free landing page software It actually looks really cool. This guy I met on facebook told me about it and he was converting higher using this software over leadpages!

      I tried it and it works great!
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  • Profile picture of the author Geri Richmond
    Hi Steve,

    LeadPages is awesome. I only use LeadPages. Yes, it does cost money, but in the long run it pays for itself. It has so many terrific features.

    Good luck with your decision on what system to use. :-)
    Geri Richmond
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    • Profile picture of the author markmolina
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      • Profile picture of the author yourreviewer
        Originally Posted by markmolina View Post

        The only thing that bugs me about LeadPages is that the optins are not realtime. Updates every hour.
        Is this true? I didn't know this. Have they given an explanation as to why the optins are not real time? Can anyone else confirm this?
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  • Profile picture of the author absolutelee
    I've used OptimizePress for a couple of years. Love it. Having said that, there are something that I want that LeadPages can do and OP can't. So, I'm going to be diving into LeadPages, too.
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  • Profile picture of the author vuedoolor
    If you plan to do upsells, downsells, etc with a more complex sales funnel then don't use OP 2.0 cause it wasn't built for that. But I'm sure if you're more technical then you'll be able to customize it to work even with a complex sales funnel. But right out the box it wasn't built to create complex sales funnel unless you have some html and css skills
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  • Profile picture of the author r0dvan
    LeadPages doesnt accept Paypal.
    Signature - Lead Generation Search Engine from any Network and many useful tools. FREE trial.
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  • Profile picture of the author md emran
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  • Profile picture of the author chall
    I think I will try fb fan pages.Can someone give me advice on how to set a a fb fanpage to promote my blog?
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  • Profile picture of the author jgant
    I use both LeadPages and OP 2.0. Both have their advantages and disadvantages.

    LeadPages Advantages:
    • Very fast to create landing pages
    • Dead-simple conversion tracking - this is a great feature.
    • Super simple and fast to post landing page to a Facebook page.
    • 2-step opt in process with leadboxes (while LeadPages claims this results in higher conversion, I've found it doesn't so I display the opt in form
    • Good variety of default templates.
    • You can direct opt in traffic to any page with each campaign.
    • A/B testing is super fast and simple. You can create many different landing pages very quickly and assign the percentage each is displayed.
    • Single opt in is possible
    • Easily post landing pages to your WordPress website via the LP plugin.

    LeadPages Disadvantages
    • Doesn't include a drag and drop page builder. You need to submit a custom template and hope it's approved. I've not done this so I have no idea how much is involved. I use the templates.
    • Costs money every month

    OP 2.0 Advantages
    • Great templates.
    • It's a theme and plugin so you can add it to existing WordPress sites.
    • One-time cost
    • Decent drag and drop custom page builder

    OP 2.0 Disadvantages
    • With AWeber, I could not get single opt in to work. My understanding is that because it connects via AWeber API, that AWeber forces single opt in. I also use GetResponse for which you can apply for single opt in API set up. Some people have suggested to embed opt in forms using the HTML field, but that didn't work for me. If anyone has a solution, I'd love to hear it.
    • Fairly slow to build custom landing pages (but at least you can).

    If LeadPages included a drag and drop page builder, it would be the best landing page software available (of the many I've used).
    How I hit $10,000+ per month very fast w/ 1 niche blog - Click Here to learn more (no opt-in).
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  • Profile picture of the author inboxtrail
    Alternatively you can use Hybridconnect which is the most feature packed wp plugin for optin pages I have seen. Its easy and yuo can customize everything.

    I use both leadpages and hybridconnect.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sean DeSilva
    There's a big problem with Leadpages: the most valuable pages on your site, the optin and sales pages, are under the ownership and control of an outside company. if that doesn't make you a captive client (ie price insensitive) I don't know what does!

    For that reason I use optimize press, since it is a theme that I host on my own website and retain all ownership of the pages on.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicolasmd2112
    optimize press is the best, no wrong can be done there...
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  • Profile picture of the author Kris79
    You can start with fee plugin like this one:
    WordPress › WordPress Landing Pages « WordPress Plugins
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    I like and recommend Optimize Press to people i talk to. I've seen an example of LeadPages in action.... looks good. I'm just too lazy to learn how to use it. Just take a look at my own glamorous squeeze page.
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  • Profile picture of the author KevinW
    Here is an alternative to LeadPages and other "squeeze page resources": Squeeze Page Marketing | Resources
    FREE Squeeze Page Guide: - A How To Guide Including Setup, Resources, & Google Adwords

    Squeeze Page Software & Hosting - Instantly setup effective & unlimited pages.

    Discount Travel Search Engine - Bookmark this site & save big on your travel.
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  • Profile picture of the author Malteaser
    Lead Capture offers high converting Leadpages but as people already mentioned, OptimizePress works really well!
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  • Profile picture of the author jamescanz
    Epic Squeeze has worked very well for me.

    I just create a new squeeze for every new source (no monthly fees).
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  • Profile picture of the author tyronne78
    I like Russell Brunson's new funnel builder called Click Funnels.
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    • Profile picture of the author Wynter Jones
      Originally Posted by tyronne78 View Post

      I like Russell Brunson's new funnel builder called Click Funnels.
      Awesome, I was just about to add ClickFunnels to the list of landing page services.
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  • Profile picture of the author Badassbro
    Megaphone & Unbounce.
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  • Profile picture of the author themichaelcook
    I myself LOVE Instabuilder as it is very simple to understand and you honestly don't need to watch the training videos to get the hang of it. I got used to it in about half an hour. They also make beautiful pages, which are responsive as well.

    I also love FunnelKit as you can make some of the most gorgeous squeeze pages.
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  • Profile picture of the author tyronne78
    Big fan of Lead Pages as well but I think Optimize Press is perfect for beginners.
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    • Profile picture of the author nitro37
      With leadpages once you stop paying. All your squeeze pages or landing pages go bye bye.
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      • Profile picture of the author niles
        Originally Posted by nitro37 View Post

        With leadpages once you stop paying. All your squeeze pages or landing pages go bye bye.
        This is a good reason not to use them. It seems like a lot of the sales pages that I see lately are made with leadpages. You can spot them in about 1 second.

        Originally Posted by tyronne78 View Post

        Big fan of Lead Pages as well but I think Optimize Press is perfect for beginners.
        I use Optimize Press 2 but I think Lead Pages looks easier to use.

        I really like Optimize Press 2. Profits Theme look good as well.

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  • Profile picture of the author Terrance01
    Optimize Press Bro!!
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  • Profile picture of the author humbledmarket
    Originally Posted by Steve Foulds View Post

    Ive just found LeadPages and it looks very impressive but im turned off by subscription software - is there an alternative I can pay a one off fee and use on multiple sites?

    I want to do some testing on some sites before I add Optimize Press 2.0 or DAP Digital Access Pass and create dip feed content
    Using InstaPages and it's good. Similar to LeadPages and support is helpful.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve L
      Originally Posted by humbledmarket View Post

      Using InstaPages and it's good. Similar to LeadPages and support is helpful.
      Came here to post about Instapages. There's also KickOffLabs.
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  • Profile picture of the author FreedomBlogger
    Here is a cool site I recommend for powerful lead capture pages:
    Fast Capture Pages

    It is a one time fee!


    At the beginning, I thought making money online with a blog was super super hard. Not anymore. Learn the art of making money online blogging - step by step - HERE.
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    If your using wordpress you can search for a plugin and get some templates that are good for testing headlines and content.
    Working to achieve higher results...
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    • Profile picture of the author ElGuapo
      OP: I'm no fan of the subscription either, and feel a burn in my pocket whenever the monthly fee is deducted.

      But... LeadPages is awfully good. It's hard to think that anything could be comparable. They have templates for just about every eventuality, whether ebook launch, webinars, 404s, about-the-author/site, sales pages, video courses. etc. All can be sorted by the conversion rate marketers have enjoyed with them. That's padded out by an affordable marketplace with more templates. And it is just so damn easy to use - you can edit a template in the browser, and quickly whack it onto your Wordpress site.

      I don't mean to make a sales pitch for LP, but rather emphasise that most other options don't have the ease, efficiency or pre-testing. Other than hosting, it's my most important monthly IM expense.
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  • Profile picture of the author carlamae
    MitsPages has a free option and is very good.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Bradley
    Funnelkit looks awesome and it's WAY less inexpensive than LeadPages. Think I will give Funnelkit a try.
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  • I use optimize press 2.0 (I use to have version 1 before that)

    Join Next Live Mastermind Zoominar 100% Real World Secrets to Get Up And Running. Are you Stuck? Don’t miss it
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve L
    Also, ThriveThemes has a content builder plugin that works pretty well.
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  • Profile picture of the author ns17
    Here is an article that has some alternatives to Lead Pages

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  • Profile picture of the author razorz18
    Should choose ThriveThemes, its far more flexible as the creator is keep updating their product.
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  • Profile picture of the author webgenco
    I have used both LeadPages and more recently, ClickFunnels (free 14 day trial) - both are good, but are costly if you are just testing some concepts.

    If you want a free option that is really pretty good MITS Pages is my recommendation. There is a paid option, but the free one (has their company branding) has pretty much all the functionality of the paid.
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  • Profile picture of the author tyronne78
    I like Optimize Press as an alternative to Lead Pages. Probably the best $97 I've ever spent on my internet marketing business.

    If you want something really robust where you can build out entire funnels go with Click Funnels.
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  • Profile picture of the author serekesh
    I use WP Sales Copy plugin for high converting
    sales funnel, lead capture pages...
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