Wealthy Affiliate - Looking for feedback

by manuor
1 replies
I have been using wealthy affiliate for a couple of months, it has been great in my opinion, lots of training and lots of people willing to help. I have earn good money thanks to them, so I would recommend it to anyone interested in affiliate marketing.
Although it has it's cons, the owners are constantly trying to puss you into their other products, especially Street article, wich is quite useless I have lost quite some time writting articles for this site and it is worthless.

Now I think I have gotten out of if all it can provide and I was looking for something else. So do you guys know of any other product or platform that could help me take my affiliate marketing bussiness forward.

I would be interested especially in products that are in spanish seeing as i am trying to develop my bussiness in Spain

Thank you
#affiliate #feedback #wealthy
  • Profile picture of the author Brantley
    Don't know about Spanish, but, you ought to check out Mike Long and Greg Morrison of OMG Machines. Over the top training with unheard of customer support directly from two millionaire marketers that genuinely care about peoples success. They are AWESOME !!!

    Another is Kelly Felix of Bring The Fresh. Mike and Kelly used to be partners at BTF. That's when I joined, 3 years ago and made my first dollar online and I haven't looked anywhere else since. I'm a member of BTF and OMG. Kelly (formally the Rich Jerk) is Awesome as well.

    Those are the two greatest IM platforms online in my humble opinion, and I've been around the IM world since 2005. Yes, there are a FEW other good training platforms out there but I prefer BTF and OMG. I've seen just about everything, but am far from knowing everything :-) Hope this helps !!!
    Keeping It Real ><>
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