Gravity Forms Worth It?

by pvijeh
3 replies
i am considering buying a Business license for Gravity forms ($99 bucks) --

I am wondering, is it worth the money? I am currently using the custom contact forms plugin- how much of an upgrade are Gravity forms?

The main reason I am interested in them is that they integrate with Aweber- but not really sure if I am ready to pay for that.

Anyone have experience with this plugin that can chime in?

#forms #gravity #worth
  • Profile picture of the author Radium
    Gravity Forms is definitely worth it and that's probably the only form plugin you'll ever need. I've used it for offline event signups and it's been invaluable for me since I switched from coding PHP over to WordPress.

    However, basic contact forms and Aweber are fairly easy to set up in WordPress so I don't see the need to use Gravity Forms for that purpose only. But if you want a simple solution and can pay for it, why not.
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  • Profile picture of the author BestSEO
    SO VERY WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!
    Lead Gadget &
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    Where you use THE ATM and suck leads in like no other APP has ever done!
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  • Profile picture of the author geotargeted
    It is worth it, but there are others now that are more user friendly. Gravity Forms is easy to use and setup, but not easy to style. You need to know CSS to be able to make the forms look nice unfortunately.

    Take a look at ninjaforms, and there are a few others.
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