Instant payday network

13 replies
what do you guys think about this. does anyone recommend this for a newbie?
#instant #network #payday
  • Profile picture of the author wgempire
    Yes it works if you put in the work.

    Highly recommend, will not be enough to retire but will definitely be a great additional revenue stream.
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  • Profile picture of the author sarah lee
    Hi There,
    I did look at this and I was going to try it. However as I was working through it, the offers for the UK ( well when I looked) were not as varied. If they were, I would have really given it ago.

    Best wishes Sarah lee

    "A newbies journey into the world of Internet Marketing"
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    • Originally Posted by sarah lee View Post

      Hi There,
      I did look at this and I was going to try it. However as I was working through it, the offers for the UK ( well when I looked) were not as varied. If they were, I would have really given it ago.

      Best wishes Sarah lee
      It's true that there are very few offers for the UK, but still it's not hard to complete them, most of them arent free but if you want to make money just think about it as an investment into your business that can generate you passive income. I myself spent like $15, on Express I deposited and played some casino games and on Double I completed MyBackupPc offer, that's it. Well I had my doubts at first but they all vanished after my referral completed offers and I got paid $25 Btw there is now new system out there that you can use to promote Express MCF and Double MCF with.. It's called Online Profit For Dummies and is actualy easier for newbies to learn and implement plus it has a lot less competition than IPN. Check my 'Contact info' tab in my profile section and go to my website from there to find out more !
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      • Profile picture of the author raywarrior1978
        It does work. I joined 5 days ago, i got my g/f to sign up and i got 1 lead CL and I got paid $83 dollars in total, in which the money is being transfer to my bank through paypal right now.

        How much did I spend? $0 I completed all of the free offers trials and 2 days later I call them to cancel the trials. Is that simple!

        And people call it a scam, lol. Is better people think like that because that is less competition for me.

        People in here give up so easily and take no action and look for any little thing to stop them from succeeding. Then when it doesn't work for them right away, they get mad and say is a scam, lol. People are so ignorant and don't do any research.

        Affiliate Links are not allowed!

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  • Profile picture of the author rj_smith747
    I tried joining this program back in March after hearing so many people saying 100% FREE to join. NOT TRUE! At least not for us Canucks.

    You have to go through Step 1 My Cash Freebies and Step 2 My Cash Freebies. There are supposed to be multiple offers in each of these, several FREE, which they say you CAN choose. You have to choose ONE from each of these. In the first My Cash Freebies, I got a whopping 3 Offers. Two things for ladies, of NO value to me & the 3rd choice was playing games at a Casino. It was supposed to be 10 bucks. When I put my card through, this casino scam charged my visa 20, not 10.

    When I tried going thru My Cash Freebies the second time for my second offer 'to qualify', I got TWO OFFERS, one being this same casino scam & the second, some Skin for Women, again of NO value to me. So, I stopped there and didn't make it thru.

    In the Sales Video they show a bunch of Offers in both My Cash Freebies, along with some FREE ones. This guy Jeff definitely didn't set this up to be Friendly globally, only for U.S. residents from what I'm seeing and reading. I may check it out again just to see if the Offers have improved any for us Canucks. I have to admit, I haven't found Any negative reviews yet. I seriously doubt the big income claims are true though. Just my opinion. Best of luck to anyone here that is in this program.

    Highly Recommended. One Of The Best Online Programs... Yes a Program That Actually 'Works'! How To Blog dot com

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    • Profile picture of the author hourstoincome
      I have been trying this system for a little while now and have had great results! I made a $100 so far and already have more opt-ins. You do have to put out the effort to market this program but its not to much for what you get. I've been using Craigslist so far and I've just added it to my website.

      I've heard it's kind of tough for folks living in Canada because there are not many offers but for anyone lving in th U.S. there are a good bunch of options and I say go for it!
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  • Profile picture of the author mrcarefull38
    I have signed up to it and I have to say its been 7 days and I have got 2 leads so far but I find that if I post on Craigslist I get a few results not gonna hold much hope yet but you guys are right you have to put the work and time in...

    I love to give Reviews on up and coming Internet / Affiliate Products and give a square to the point answer as to weather to purchase or not have a look if your not bus.

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  • Profile picture of the author Redmonds
    I am in the process of completing my freebies setup with Instant Payday Network. I haven't gotten any "credits" yet and notice that some signups only give you .70% of one credit so it is taking longer than I thought.

    Did anyone have problems with cancelling any of these offers? I notice that many of them indicate that if you cancel you lose your credit.

    I signed up for a mycashfreebies, discover card, and pcbackup something or other. It took me several hours to sign up and take notes, etc.

    I only signed up last night but none of my credits are showing up on the admin page.

    Any advice or tips?

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  • Profile picture of the author ThomasOwen
    Same as rj_smith, it claims to be a FREE program to make money but its not, there is no intial fee to join but the majority of offers to earn credits which enable you to promote the program do cost, ranging from $5 to well to unlimited! I have seen an offer of purchasing something daft like how not to snore apparatus for $100+. These type of things are definitely to be approached with caution, if your getting leads and sign ups saying its a free program or free way to make money then your lieing and your going to annoy your lead or sign up. My opinion is to stay clear of these so called FREE programs.
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  • Profile picture of the author forumdude65amg
    I see the trial cost as an investment
    But I need to find a way to put this on autopilot so that the cash flow is consistent and regular

    Pm me if you value a lucrative opportunity

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    • Profile picture of the author nickgoodwin
      Instant Payday Network is indeed a good way to start making money.
      It does take a little while to get it going, yes, but when you do it is well worth it.
      When I started I payed a total of $9.90 (2x $4.95) for the trial offers. I cancelled those, got set up with the back office and started making money.

      If you can remember to cancel the trials, then this is a very easy, and lost cost program to get started with.

      Plus I got a free knife from one of the offers and sold it on Craigslist.

      Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author goshorty34
    Hello everyone, I was reading your posts and just wanted to share another program that is better for newbies, its called feedermatrix and you only need to pay a one time fee of $1.75 which in turn could earn you a potential income of $99,447. If your interested let me know.
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  • Profile picture of the author melodeas
    The program does work. I use ZNZ but it is the same type of company! That was the first money i made online. I am still getting a few signups here and there. I started out with craigslist and it worked for a while until they started the war on affiliate links. I would concentrate on social media because it gives people a chance to ask questions so you can guide them through the sign up process
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  • Profile picture of the author shawn28341
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