44 replies
Which hosting option is better? Hostgator or ipage?
#hostgator #ipage
  • Profile picture of the author Kingfish85
    Originally Posted by bckk222 View Post

    Which hosting option is better? Hostgator or ipage?
    How about giving some more details on your sites...

    Both are now owned & operated by the same company...do your research...

    |~| VeeroTech Hosting - sales @ veerotech.net
    |~| High Performance CloudLinux & LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting
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  • Profile picture of the author JRJWrites
    HG has excellent customer services.
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  • Profile picture of the author tdanz
    Hostgator is pretty good. realiable servers..always up and site speed is good.
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  • Profile picture of the author vaninder
    Hey Friend,
    That depends on many things.
    If money is a concern, then you should go with ipage.
    But hostgator seems to be more reliable.
    Also, I would like to mention one more thing, Hostgator user cpanel as the admin panel but ipage uses cPanel in VPS and Dedicated hosting servers but in Shared hosting, they use their own customized control panel powered by vDeck.
    Now, being a newbie, cpanel is easy to understand and good to work on.
    But this is not so with vDeck, though it is good for keyword research and seo etc., but difficult to work with as compared to cpanel.
    And talking about the other benefits, if you hail from US or canada, only then you can redeem the $100 adwords coupon availed by ipage and with hostgator, you need to spend $25 to redeem $100 adwords coupon.
    Hope that helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author himanuzo
    I am satisfied with Hostgator service, there are support 24/7 that available.
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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    They are both owned by the same company. I have HG and pay $300 per year. Please do not get me started on poor service. Also, I have the $1 per month I page. Well, so far so good, but we will see. Maybe people on this forum remember the old HG from years ago. They use to be in cypress creek near me. Fellows, those days are over.
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  • Profile picture of the author kbclickbank

    Both HostGator and iPage have been in the business of web hosting for some time, and both have an excellent reputation in the industry. In fact, it might be hard to choose one of these stellar companies over the other for your own web hosting needs. However, when it comes to closely examining the features and service that comes with each web hosting package, the differences become more clear. We will take a look at both HostGator and iPage to see which company might be best equipped to meet the unique needs of your company.

    Both iPage and HostGator provide green web hosting. HostGator has their customized version of cPanel as their interface and utilizes Fantastico to install applications, while iPage has their own control panel. HostGator's cPanel give you access to more options, but the iPage control panel seems to be more user-friendly.

    Performance-wise, HostGator offers a 99.9% uptime guarantee. On the other hand, for me personally, iPage seemed to provide better site load times. And while both web hosting companies provide good value, iPage will cost you much less than what you'll have to pay at HostGator to get the comparable features.

    Have a nice day
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    • Profile picture of the author Elvis Michael
      Originally Posted by kbclickbank View Post


      On the other hand, for me personally, iPage seemed to provide better site load times.
      Have a nice day
      Excellent comparison.
      I admit, though, this wasn't the case for me at all. I used iPage for over a year and my sites were generally slow. Then I switched to HG around May 2013 and continue to notice a good difference to this day. I know about the whole "both are owned by the same company" blah-blah-blah that's quite frankly becoming a cliche, but I'm only speaking from personal experience. Hope it helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author CyberAlien
    HostGator definitely has better customer service than iPage, but it depends on what you're looking for. What kind of website are you planning on hosting, what features do you need, how much traffic are you expecting, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author january14n
    Hostgator works for me and I think it should does the same with you too though I am not familiar with iPage so my answer could be bias at all.
    No Clicking Here - I Repeat No Clicking Here
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  • Profile picture of the author alrikvincent
    They are all owned by the same company so their quality should be the same. But however their service is not. To be honest, many people praise HostGator and recommend it because of the high affiliate commissions HostGator pays out. The same holds for Aweber. People promote it only for this reason, and over a period of time, because of a large number of people promoting it, these services get the reputation of being the best in the industry. This clearly is not the case.

    I would recommend you check out JustHost for shared hosting. They are owned by the same parent company as HostGator. They are cheaper and have a better cPanel than HostGator. Their support is also great.

    VPS or dedicated hosting is better than shared hosting, but is more expensive if you buy from the big companies. If you want to go VPS then you can severely cut down on your hosting fee by picking an unmanaged hosting. This will mean you have no cPanel at all, but the cost of hosting will be $2/Month as opposed to $30/Month for managed VPS hosting in HostGator or JustHost. You can check out your unmanaged VPS hosting providers in lowendbox.com. They review the various vps hosting providers. But remember that unmanaged hosting will come at an additional learning curve. But it sure is worth it in the long run.
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  • Profile picture of the author jbthemummy
    Been using Hostgator for 7+ years. Sometimes have issues with them but they get resolved fast.
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
      Lots of competing consumer products are made by the same larger companies. But people still find ways to differentiate them in their own way of thinking. I have had some HG sites and they were OK, nothing special, but no big problems. I did not have any sites there when the hackers were targeting some time back, so i was glad bout that.

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  • Profile picture of the author RobinInTexas
    I came up with a short list of shared hosting providers that seem reasonable and don't get many bad reviews:
    Frog Host - Web Hosting
    Site5 Web Hosting

    I moved several of my sites to Glowhost, because they seemed to be the best deal for me. They handled the relocation of more than 20 sites without a glitch, no downtime.

    Hostgator, Hostmonster, Bluehost, Ipage, JustHost and FatCow are all heavily promoted hosts that are owned by EIG and are all hosted in the same datacenter owned by EIG and are quickly gaining a reputation for bad customer service and lousy performance.
    See a complete list of EIG sites [to stay away from] here:
    Endurance International Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    ...Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just set there.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Alan
      I have accounts with both of them. Performance is about the same on both accounts. The main difference between the two is iPage is cheaper , but doesn't come with Cpanel. You use their own control panel it isn't bad but if your wanting Cpanel your not going to get it
      Crazy Cheap Hosting Get Hosting for less than $2 per month + Free Domain Name Registration. Get Free SEO, Blogging and Internet Marketing Tips from the Solo Blogger.
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    • Profile picture of the author Nicholas H
      Originally Posted by RobinInTexas View Post

      I came up with a short list of shared hosting providers that seem reasonable and don't get many bad reviews:
      Frog Host - Web Hosting
      Site5 Web Hosting

      I moved several of my sites to Glowhost, because they seemed to be the best deal for me. They handled the relocation of more than 20 sites without a glitch, no downtime.

      Hostgator, Hostmonster, Bluehost, Ipage, JustHost and FatCow are all heavily promoted hosts that are owned by EIG and are all hosted in the same datacenter owned by EIG and are quickly gaining a reputation for bad customer service and lousy performance.
      See a complete list of EIG sites [to stay away from] here:
      Endurance International Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Site5 Is actually not bad, I used them for a little bit. Never had any Issues, and I'm pretty sure all their plans have free trials.
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  • Profile picture of the author PatrickX
    Get the "baby plan" on hostgator. Also, google for coupons. This way you can get hosting for $0.01 the first month :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author kpmedia
    Hostgator = iPage = same company. And they're terrible.

    This forum seems to be getting amnesia again. See my quote below. HG screwed THOUSANDS of customers since May 2013. Tens of thousands of sites are running slow, have errors, etc.

    The people who think HG is "fine" likely have no experience with better hosts. They think that support is excellent, when it ACTUALLY slow and unnecessary. Or that servers are "fast" when ACTUALLY they're slow. They've been bamboozled by too much BS, between the fake "top 10" affiliate sites, and EIG itself. Most NEVER test their sites, and just ASSUME all is well.

    Originally Posted by kpmedia View Post

    Don't use
    - Godaddy
    - Yahoo
    - 1&1
    - Dreamhost
    - the 50+ EIG brands, including Hostgator, Bluehost, Justhost, iPage, Fatcow, and a crapload others.

    Hostgator is garbage:
    - http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...-my-sites.html
    - http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...s-traffic.html
    - http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...-all-down.html

    I have no idea why people still suggest that in 2013. It's terrible. It's not even the same "Hostgator" anymore, not since summer 2012, and is nothing more than an EIG brand now. There are better hosts.
    There are many better hosts to choose from. Use one!
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Alan
      A good cheap deal if your primary concern is cost is iPage for less than $50 you get your hosting paid for two years plus a free year of domain name registration. Sometimes they run specials where it is around $25 for the same package. Their support is very good.

      Honestly, there aren't very many good shared account providers anymore as nobody thinks there is enough money in it. Plus if you put 10 or more low traffic sites on any of them you're going to get hit with inode problems. If you want something nice nowadays you have to step up to VPS.

      Originally Posted by kpmedia View Post

      Hostgator = iPage = same company. And they're terrible.

      This forum seems to be getting amnesia again. See my quote below. HG screwed THOUSANDS of customers since May 2013. Tens of thousands of sites are running slow, have errors, etc.

      The people who think HG is "fine" likely have no experience with better hosts. They think that support is excellent, when it ACTUALLY slow and unnecessary. Or that servers are "fast" when ACTUALLY they're slow. They've been bamboozled by too much BS, between the fake "top 10" affiliate sites, and EIG itself. Most NEVER test their sites, and just ASSUME all is well.

      There are many better hosts to choose from. Use one!
      Crazy Cheap Hosting Get Hosting for less than $2 per month + Free Domain Name Registration. Get Free SEO, Blogging and Internet Marketing Tips from the Solo Blogger.
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      • Profile picture of the author Kingfish85
        Originally Posted by Mark Alan View Post

        Honestly, there aren't very many good shared account providers anymore as nobody thinks there is enough money in it.
        Sure there are:

        MDD Hosting
        Stream101 (recommended by KP)

        There's a few more I'm sure I could dig up, even all of them as direct competitors to my company, I'd recommend them.

        The problem here is that everyone wants ALL of the following + 24-7 "expert" support for a few pennies:

        cheap, fast, reliable.
        Unfortunately, you can only pick 2.


        Most people "claim" that their websites are their "life-lines" or "sources of income" however, most pay more for a cell phone bill or cable TV bill.

        If you want quality service that's reliable & stable, you need to step up out of the cheap budget world, or continue to have problems.

        If you think I'm just self promoting, or taking shots at the other "wanna-be's", stick around for a few years and see where they're at. 8 out of 10 will be gone, nowhere to be found. It's already and has been happening right on this very forum; clueless as to what's going on, how to manage things, abandoned threads, pissed off customers etc etc.

        Some people on this forum need to get outside of this forum for a bit.

        |~| VeeroTech Hosting - sales @ veerotech.net
        |~| High Performance CloudLinux & LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting
        |~| cPanel & WHM - Softaculous - Website Builder - R1Soft - SpamExperts
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        • Profile picture of the author sprucehill
          Originally Posted by Kingfish85 View Post

          Sure there are:

          MDD Hosting
          Stream101 (recommended by KP)

          There's a few more I'm sure I could dig up, even all of them as direct competitors to my company, I'd recommend them.
          I have had shared accounts with HawkHost and MDD Hosting both, for over a year and have had zero problems with either. The servers are fast, customer service is prompt if you have a question, and they do notify customers about any server updates, etc. I have never had any downtime with either host, that I'm aware of, and I check my sites daily.

          Apparently many of you have amnesia about the numerous threads in the past few months regarding Hostgator/EIG problems. Many people have had sites down for days, lost sites, etc. I suggest you just do a search for Hostgator on the forum and read some of the horror stories, there are several separate threads. I am very glad I did not have any hosting with them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Alan
    Kingfish - I had a bad experience with Arvixe, and honestly I have never heard of the rest of them which is a real risk too. It's no fun when your hosting company suddenly goes out of business taking your websites with them. That type of risk is low with the EIG hosts. If your looking for a non EIG host that has decent shared accounts I'd say www.certifiedhosting.com. I have been a customer for 7 years or more now and they also have cheap reseller packages starting at $20 a month.
    Crazy Cheap Hosting Get Hosting for less than $2 per month + Free Domain Name Registration. Get Free SEO, Blogging and Internet Marketing Tips from the Solo Blogger.
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    • Profile picture of the author rleejr
      I have been with Hostgator for 5 years I highly recommend their hosting services.
      "Get more leads and sales for your business"
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    • Profile picture of the author Kingfish85
      Originally Posted by Mark Alan View Post

      I had a bad experience with Arvixe, and honestly I have never heard of the rest of them. Which is a real risk too. It's no fun when your hosting company suddenly goes out of business taking your websites with them.
      I've never used Arvixe, only going off of those in the industry who have used them. As for the others, they're some of the best providers. Most likely, the reason a lot of people haven't heard of them is because they're not on the fake "top-10" lists pushing the high paying affiliate companies.

      I'm sorry to burst some people's bubbles, but most of the hosts I listed above, will blow all these mainstream hosts out of the water when it comes to reliability & performance.

      It's no fun when your hosting company suddenly goes out of business taking your websites with them.
      What about when the company you're hosting with is sold out from under you, doesn't tell you, forces you to move to jam packed servers & lies to you about an "upgrade"?

      Having been in this industry for say, 10-12 years or so, most people today have no clue about what really goes on behind some of these companies.

      You're also talking about a company that just filed for IPO - maximizing profits at the customers expense (poor service & support) is already the MO; now shareholders interests in driving more profits will only make the situation worse.

      I'd suggest everyone reading this start doing a little more research.

      |~| VeeroTech Hosting - sales @ veerotech.net
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    • Profile picture of the author heavysm
      Hosting is the backbone of your business but if you're looking for a budget oriented option here you go:


      Those are all quality and budget oriented options with decent customer service. From personal experience I would NOT choose an EIG company but you already knew not to, right?

      The marker of good hosting is the lack of downtime and good/fast customer service, both of which equate to minimal headaches for you when things go wrong, whether its your fault or not.

      Choosing a host that's slowly lowering it's quality standards is like building your business on quicksand. The warning signs are everywhere, but will you abide by them?
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  • Profile picture of the author goozleology
    I've been using Hostgator practically since they started and haven't had many problems plus their tech support is fast.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Alan
    What about when the company you're hosting with is sold out from under you, doesn't tell you, forces you to move to jam packed servers & lies to you about an "upgrade"?
    Then you simply move your site somewhere else which is a much better situation than your sites being suddenly turned off and never coming back up.

    But the overall point I am trying to make is that a $25 account at iPage will buy you 2 years of hosting plus one year of domain name registration fees. The service will be no better or no worse than any of the other EIG hosts or any of the other non EIG mass market hosts. Their tech support is good and toll free. For someone starting out it is a good deal. However, once you reach the point where your making some money you need to upgrade to VPS somewhere to get better performance and a better user experience.
    Crazy Cheap Hosting Get Hosting for less than $2 per month + Free Domain Name Registration. Get Free SEO, Blogging and Internet Marketing Tips from the Solo Blogger.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kingfish85
      Originally Posted by Mark Alan View Post

      Then you simply move your site somewhere else which is a much better situation where your sites are suddenly turned off and never come back up.

      But the overall point I am trying to make is that a $25 account at iPage will buy you 2 years of hosting plus one year of domain name registration fees. The service will be no better or no worse than any of the other EIG hosts or any of the other non EIG mass market hosts. Their tech support is good and toll free. For someone starting out it is a good deal. However, once you reach the point where your making some money you need to upgrade to VPS somewhere to get better performance and a better user experience.
      chances are, without researching first, you'll end up with the same company, just under a different brand. People can tell you all day that most EIG companies are "different" until they're blue in the face.....we all found out how different they were when they took down the Provo datacenter during an "upgrade" :rolleyes: - they were really migrating HostGator into their already jam-packed datacenter.

      The service will be no better or no worse than any of the other EIG hosts or any of the other non EIG mass market hosts.
      The problem with this analogy, is that half of those users don't know any better and are already accustomed to poor support. Monitor your sites with them on "minute" intervals, then report back after a few weeks..

      |~| VeeroTech Hosting - sales @ veerotech.net
      |~| High Performance CloudLinux & LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting
      |~| cPanel & WHM - Softaculous - Website Builder - R1Soft - SpamExperts
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      • Profile picture of the author Mark Alan
        One of my offline clients wanted her own blog and I recommend iPage to her. She is very happy with it. She even sent me an email telling me she had to call customer service because she lost her password and she was going on and on about how good and professional they were. So it worked out good for me because I made $105 for doing nothing and good for her because she got a low cost service that meets her needs with phone support.

        I can also tell you I have a personal rep at iPage to help me with my clients and I am very impressed.

        Originally Posted by Kingfish85 View Post

        chances are, without researching first, you'll end up with the same company, just under a different brand. People can tell you all day that most EIG companies are "different" until they're blue in the face.....we all found out how different they were when they took down the Provo datacenter during an "upgrade" :rolleyes: - they were really migrating HostGator into their already jam-packed datacenter.

        The problem with this analogy, is that half of those users don't know any better and are already accustomed to poor support. Monitor your sites with them on "minute" intervals, then report back after a few weeks..
        Crazy Cheap Hosting Get Hosting for less than $2 per month + Free Domain Name Registration. Get Free SEO, Blogging and Internet Marketing Tips from the Solo Blogger.
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  • Profile picture of the author nross128
    Hostgator is definitely better. I have used hostgator for a number of years and from my experiences hostgator is a great host. There servers are top notch so I have never had one of my sites go down or lose up time. I haven't personally used ipage before but have heard that it can be a little unreliable when its comes to overworking your servers.

    Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

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    • Profile picture of the author kpmedia
      Originally Posted by nross128 View Post

      Hostgator is definitely better. I have used hostgator for a number of years and from my experiences hostgator is a great host. There servers are top notch so I have never had one of my sites go down or lose up time. I haven't personally used ipage before but have heard that it can be a little unreliable when its comes to overworking your servers.
      Congratulations ... you've been had.
      iPage and Hostgator are part of the same company -- EIG -- along with 50+ other brands.

      Feel silly now?
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  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    I think Both Ipage and Hostgator is under one parent company i.e EIG. So, Both are now same.
    Bloggershook.com- Blogging, and Digital Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    I gotta go with Hostgator. The tools they give you to get setup and running are awesome. Plus many marketers prefer Hostgator, and design products and video trainings using it.
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  • Profile picture of the author onegoodman
    Over the last 2 days my site on hostgator went in migration. It went up and down 9 times in less than 24 hours ( According to my website monitoring service )
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  • Profile picture of the author Geri Richmond

    I used HostGator and never had any problems. Easy CPanel system. If you have never used a CPanel before, it won't take you long to get it!

    Geri Richmond
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  • Profile picture of the author Jesse Helms
    I use froghost.com I know silly name, but they're great, support is really good too, im not affiliated with them, just a happy customer, they got a sale right now now too, im paying like $7 a month, for month-to-month hosting,
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  • Profile picture of the author misshang
    I might be the only one to shift from HG to ipage. Well, when HG gets problems, you are still helpless as other hostings. I conclude that we can't be too trusted with hostings, and need to take care of our business ourselves like backup, put money sites in different hosting, etc. I got business plan on HG, and when point domain there, and the speed of loading sits, HG is actually slower.

    For cpanel, well, I am not an expert in cpanel, but vdeck is not hard to understand. and it's easier to point to directories than upload files to other directories if you have a site that is big and you are hardworking at revamping it. If you believe in take care of your business yourself, for $1 a month, I can't blame anything and I don't like add-on domains, it messes me up. In ipage, you just point your domain there and point to your folder. it's not perfect, but for 1, it is far worth than it. For Customer service, well, I have waited 2 hours in HG, so far ipage hasn't surpassed the record.......

    And I am not techie, so I don't need so many codes and scripts, I focus on marketing and making money, so it's enough for me. BTW, I get hawkhost and another HG account as well. if you are a simple marketer like me, ipage is enough for you to start out. if you really get tons of traffic or hide your origin (mostly for CPA I guess), then you need vps and dedicated server, shared hosting, is shared and it does the job for $1. It's not perfect, but paying less itself makes me happy.

    Join or use my translation group! All languages!

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  • Profile picture of the author poojaseo
    Hostgator is good as compare to ipage.
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  • Profile picture of the author duplication
    I use host gator and three others. The three I use all have videos for you to view so as to make a good decision of the host right for you. see below
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  • Profile picture of the author craigslist
    hostgator is definitely better-been with both actually
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  • Profile picture of the author Luis Vaugier
    I'm looking for alternatives but I can tell you this, Hostgator USED to be good, now it is awful! today I found out that the deleted 2 of my sites and they have no clue of what happened! before this I had many problems like they suspended my sites until I install a plugin that later they ask me to remove so my sites can run correctly, my sites where down, then slow, then having 500 errors...
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  • Profile picture of the author Dustin Kendall
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    • Profile picture of the author heavysm
      Originally Posted by Dustin Kendall View Post

      I have both and they both suck.....

      Either you're telling 100% truth or just bashing to bash.

      I will applaud you for the former if that's the case.

      It's hard for me to recommend another host since I've already posted. But I will just say that anyone looking for hosting options should browse around webhostingtalk to see what's going on over there.

      That's how you find out the true stuff behind the hosting, and rather than a hyperbole filled salespage hosts are also users and they typically have to defend any comments against their companies.

      It's pretty cool IMO since I'd rather see a good company put up a good defense to criticism than bad companies get repped up since others simply don't know better.

      To each his own, i suppose
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