Justin Dupre - Investing

33 replies
Tried my hand at CPA and did ok but just did not have enough time and did not feel comfortable at all just dropping my career to pursue it.

Anyhow has anyone here tried his investment opportunity? Yes I know about the risk so please don't tell me how I am an idiot... I just want to know if anyone has had a good/bad experience working with Justin?
#dupre #investing #justin
  • Profile picture of the author Emir Hayric

    Or does anyone have experience with his consulting?
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  • Profile picture of the author Valuable Solos
    I use his investment service, but the ROI is not that great and he doesn't send reports on time. I haven't seen him on Skype or received an email from him for over a week. I am considering ending the investment and getting my $xx,xxx back. I did receive some profits, about 3 payments since starting the investment arrangement in May/June last year.

    I am not saying it is a scam, but not receiving reports without having to chase him up 2-3 times each week, waiting 1 month after the investment is spent to get the payout and only getting a 30% ROI from PPC/Media Buying, then splitting it 50/50 is not the best use of my money in this industry. I will update this thread with my findings in a month or two. Has anyone else tried this service?
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  • Profile picture of the author lockch
    I joined his forum and after a few months he shut it down -no news from him after that! He should refund those who paid to join his forum but no such news nor any sort of compensation..
    I think it is better not to ever engage his services anymore...

    The best IM forum I ever joined and earning money from..

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  • Profile picture of the author Valuable Solos
    I noticed Justin hasn't replied to this thread in a while. I took him up on his offer for an investing service: Investing Services | Super Affiliate Consulting

    I invested $50,000USD. He was supposed to pay the profit from the last round of investing ($3000USD) 2 weeks ago but I have not heard from him in 10 days and I have not been paid. I have sent him many emails and he does not respond. His blog, Twitter, Facebook page etc have not been updated in a long time. The only page that has been updated is his Instagram: Instagram So I know that he is not dead and not too busy to pay me and reply to my emails.

    I see that a previous investor had a similar problem with him when I search Google for "Justin Dupre scam" I found this page: http://www.scambook.com/report/view/285091/Justin-Dupre-Complaint-285091-for-$10,000.00

    Does anyone here know where Justin Dupre is and why he isn't responding to me?
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  • Profile picture of the author Valuable Solos
    I finally heard back from Justin after giving him 24 hours before I was going to start legal action to recover my funds and got payment for the past round of profits via Paypal + extra to cover fees.
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    • Profile picture of the author Emir Hayric
      Sounds like while he is giving you the run around he is taking your profits and tying it up in something else hoping you will be patient.
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      • Profile picture of the author Valuable Solos
        Originally Posted by DreamTFK View Post

        Sounds like while he is giving you the run around he is taking your profits and tying it up in something else hoping you will be patient.
        It's possible. Since the agreement states that I don't get to audit the campaigns or see anything at all apart from an Excel sheet with numbers in certain fields I will never know the true performance. Maybe he is making $50,000 profit from the $50,000 but telling me its only $15,000 or something. I may never know.

        The thing is, if he is making multiple 6 figures per year why does he even need someone else's money? The offer never really made sense to me.
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        • Profile picture of the author crams
          not sure Have you seen others that made it work?

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        • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
          Originally Posted by bluemanhand View Post

          The offer never really made sense to me.
          Why would anyone drop $50K on an offer that doesn't make sense?
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          • Profile picture of the author Valuable Solos
            Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

            Why would anyone drop $50K on an offer that doesn't make sense?
            Because of his reputation and the prospect of making 10%+ ROI per month. I am just not sure why he doesn't test with $50,000USD of his own money. Anyway, I received the profit and got two reports and let's see if I get future profit payments and reports on time.

            I may just end the investment and get the $50,000USD back as it is not worth the risk of losing it. It's a lot of cash to me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jesus Perez
    From what I've read, Justin works primarily with CPA marketing. That is a cut-throat business where you need lots of money to test and find winning campaigns. Once you land a winning campaign, you need more money to scale it to earn back your expenses and get in the black.

    Sounds great, right? Unfortunately, competitors are pretty good at spying and catching these winning campaigns. Then you end up starting back at zero once your campaign becomes unprofitable do to the competition.

    That said, I hope you see your investment back. CPA marketing is a tough business.

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  • Profile picture of the author Compound
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    • Profile picture of the author Emir Hayric
      Glad I passed this guy over, sounds pretty dicey.
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      • Profile picture of the author Valuable Solos
        Justin was due to pay me $8300 USD today and he just sent me this email:

        I'm having an emergency family issue. I will catch up with you next week.

        Thanks for your patience,

        He owes me $50,000 for the initial investment, $8,300 for the profit for the previous round and over $5,000 profit from this round.
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        • Profile picture of the author Emir Hayric
          Glad I started this thread about Justin Dupre hopefully this thread will come up in Google searches for others. If you click on the Investing tab on his webpage you now get a 404 file not found error.
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        • Profile picture of the author heavysm
          Originally Posted by bluemanhand View Post

          Justin was due to pay me $8300 USD today and he just sent me this email:

          He owes me $50,000 for the initial investment, $8,300 for the profit for the previous round and over $5,000 profit from this round.
          I'm just curious...but how did you come up with that $50,000 to begin with?

          I seriously hope it's not from an emergency fund or anything mega important because that is a significant amount of money to play with on one of the sketchiest offers I've ever seen.
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  • Profile picture of the author Valuable Solos
    Now Justin has taken his websites down and doesn't answer the phone. Does anyone know how to get this thread into the #1 position in Google for "Justin Dupre"?
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  • Profile picture of the author Valuable Solos
    Anyone know how to contact him?
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  • Profile picture of the author Valuable Solos
    I have his Skype and email address. He doesn't reply. Were you an investor?
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    • Profile picture of the author bertviln
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      • Profile picture of the author Tom B
        It sounds like a Pyramid scheme. I hope you get your money back but I would start looking into FTC complaints. He may think he is safe in Thailand but doubtful.
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      • Profile picture of the author Emir Hayric
        Originally Posted by bertviln View Post

        No I am on his mailings lists, that's all.

        I noticed a big activity in July before he shut down.

        I hope he'll explain and refunds when he comes back.
        I also received a lot of mailings from him about his Affguides. It now also seems down, it takes you to a blank directory so his main page is gone. Sounds like he took the money and ran!
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  • Profile picture of the author Valuable Solos
    Anyone who invested with Justin Dupre please send me a PM. Anyone who is in contact with Justin Dupre please send me a PM also.
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  • Profile picture of the author Valuable Solos
    Justin still has not responded to our emails, IM's and phone calls. Any suggestions about what to do now? We don't know where he is or how to contact him.
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    • Profile picture of the author Emir Hayric
      Originally Posted by bluemanhand View Post

      Justin still has not responded to our emails, IM's and phone calls. Any suggestions about what to do now? We don't know where he is or how to contact him.
      Sounds as if his campaign bombed or he just wanted the profits. I am guessing the former because I would not want to lose an investor if I was making money but who knows.

      JUSTIN DUPRE - Just wanted to get his name on here again for the search engines to find this thread! What a POS.
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      • Profile picture of the author Valuable Solos
        Originally Posted by DreamTFK View Post

        Sounds as if his campaign bombed or he just wanted the profits. I am guessing the former because I would not want to lose an investor if I was making money but who knows.

        JUSTIN DUPRE - Just wanted to get his name on here again for the search engines to find this thread! What a POS.
        Even if his campaigns bombed he surely wouldn't lose the whole $50,000 whilst sending reports that state that their was a profit, right?

        Building AffGuides.com then launching it and deleting it a few days after the launch does seem weird.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tom B
      Originally Posted by bluemanhand View Post

      Justin still has not responded to our emails, IM's and phone calls. Any suggestions about what to do now? We don't know where he is or how to contact him.
      I already posted my suggestion. Why are you bothering trying to contact him? It's obvious he lost your money or has no intention of paying it back.
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      • Profile picture of the author Valuable Solos
        Originally Posted by Thomas Belknap View Post

        I already posted my suggestion. Why are you bothering trying to contact him? It's obvious he lost your money or has no intention of paying it back.
        The FTC thing is a little complicated for me. I am not an American and I am not in the USA. I have a consumer protection organisation in my country (Australia) however.
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        • Profile picture of the author Tom B
          Originally Posted by bluemanhand View Post

          The FTC thing is a little complicated for me. I am not an American and I am not in the USA. I have a consumer protection organisation in my country (Australia) however.

          Sorry mate, I thought you were a USAian. I would get all your correspondence (emails, chat logs) with ip's and contact your agency that handles things like pyramid schemes.

          I would also start looking for other people who got scammed and contact them. Starting with the person that lodged that scam report posted in this thread.

          I remember seeing this dude on this and another forum. I think he lives in Thailand but is a Brit. If he is a Brit, I would also contact any British agencies that handle things like pyramid schemes. You never know, they may even revoke his passport. I know in the US they can do that if you broke major laws like pyramid schemes.

          I wouldn't allow him to get away with this. I'm not saying to spend your life going after him but I would spend some time consistently being a pain in his ass until he paid you back or landed in jail.
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  • Profile picture of the author hubertkoh
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    • Profile picture of the author Valuable Solos
      Originally Posted by hubertkoh View Post

      Hi all, please report him on scambook.com. Lets look at the total damages he caused. We can consider sueing him together. thanks
      Did you lose money with him as well?
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  • Profile picture of the author Valuable Solos
    Looks like this is adding up to over $100,000USD scammed from his victims.

    Justin Dupre, if you are reading this, I simply wish to get my capital and profits returned to me. There is no need for this to go to court. There is no need for a criminal investigation. People have gone to jail for a long time for scamming/steal a lot less money than this. Whatever your reason for avoiding us and refusing to return our money, it is simply not worth the possibility of jail time, surely?
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  • Profile picture of the author Valuable Solos
    I have made a complaint to the Australian Federal Police, ASIC and ACCC. They will each investigate Justin Dupre the scammer. We will find him, bring him to Australia, prosecute him and jail him.

    Justin Dupre, it is a good time to come forward and return our money. "Pretty boys" who "model" and "date models" in Thailand don't have an easy time in prison.
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    • Profile picture of the author Emir Hayric
      Originally Posted by bluemanhand View Post

      I have made a complaint to the Australian Federal Police, ASIC and ACCC. They will each investigate Justin Dupre the scammer. We will find him, bring him to Australia, prosecute him and jail him.

      Justin Dupre, it is a good time to come forward and return our money. "Pretty boys" who "model" and "date models" in Thailand don't have an easy time in prison.
      Good to hear. I wish you all the luck in finding this bum but posting the info here might not be the best idea in case he is following it.
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    • Profile picture of the author bertviln
      Originally Posted by bluemanhand View Post

      I have made a complaint to the Australian Federal Police, ASIC and ACCC. They will each investigate Justin Dupre the scammer. We will find him, bring him to Australia, prosecute him and jail him.

      Justin Dupre, it is a good time to come forward and return our money. "Pretty boys" who "model" and "date models" in Thailand don't have an easy time in prison.

      Why don't you file a complaint with the SEC and the FTC ? He used to display an address in the USA on his mails and website. There's also the BBB.
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  • Profile picture of the author n3o
    did u try contacting him at contact@justindupre.com ?
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