61 replies
Has anyone tried this new traffic system? It suspiciously looks like another clone of clickbank demon, Traffic bot x and commission engine x. Wonder if the same group is behind this one.:confused:
#hyper #vsp
  • Profile picture of the author busterman
    I'm going to post the link so you guys can have a look at it . I haven't bought into it yet. Seems to good to be true. hypervsp.com
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    • Profile picture of the author successjr11
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      • Profile picture of the author sheilina22
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        • Profile picture of the author Makofire
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          • Profile picture of the author busterman
            I just want to make some Clickbank sales. What I don't like about all this is they show you the traffic but never show you sales conversions. I can get a ton of traffic using Safelists with the same result for free.:confused:
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    • Profile picture of the author rwallthesaints
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      • Profile picture of the author Evan H
        Originally Posted by rwallthesaints View Post

        A friend of mine has made 2 affiliate sales 1 from his efforts and 1 from the software so apparantley it works to some degree.
        Were these 2 affiliate sales for the Hyper VSP system/product itself?

        How many days had he has this?

        Quick Update: Today was kind of a wash...I got about 70 clicks to my clickbank links and received 0 sales and 0 "order form impressions"...I also received an additional 60 clicks to the Hyper VSP system itself with 0 sales...I have switched 2 of my clickbank links to a squeeze page I am using to see if I can get some leads and what the conversion rate for that will be...

        It will probably take a day or two for the system to update my links so I might not get much traffic for another day or so...anyways I have heard of other people making sales with this product so I am going to stay patient and keep testing different links...I'll keep everyone updated
        Powerful Blogging & SEO related content published weekly...Follow the journey here: EvanHoeflichMarketing.com
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  • Profile picture of the author Evan H
    Originally Posted by busterman View Post

    Has anyone tried this new traffic system? It suspiciously looks like another clone of clickbank demon, Traffic bot x and commission engine x. Wonder if the same group is behind this one.:confused:
    I have also bought the $49.95 a month plan...They also offer a $297 lifetime plan...IF I make any money I will upgrade to the life-time...Basically they give you 10 slots to plug in websites of your choice and generate traffic for those sites...You can put in aff links, squeeze pages, or the Hyper systems itself and they "claim" that the software creates unique content through social media, blogs etc. revolved around your sites.

    So far I have had it for a week...The first 3 days I received no traffic (they say it takes 2-3 days to start seeing results) and now I am getting lots of clicks on my links but haven't made any sales in about a 2 days. Some of the traffic looks like crap (which was expected) but I am staying open to this system and will give it an honest try for 1 month...I'll keep you posted on my results with this system
    Powerful Blogging & SEO related content published weekly...Follow the journey here: EvanHoeflichMarketing.com
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  • Profile picture of the author rwallthesaints
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    • Profile picture of the author cashtime34
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      • Profile picture of the author Evan H
        Quick Update:

        I have about 6 click bank affiliate links set up in my back office...They received 87 clicks today and I made 0 sales...I also am promoting the Hyper VSP system itself in 4 of the other slots and got 120 clicks but 0 sales...It is too early to tell if this is a waste of money or not which is why I will test it for at least 3 more weeks before getting a refund...

        My next strategy is to send the traffic to a squeeze page and if that converts, at least I know real people are actually opting into my list and reading my emails...I did have a few order form impressions on clickbank which means a very small percentage of the traffic at least looked at the "order form" to maybe see a price...

        Anyways I will keep everyone posted if I have any results...I am monitoring this daily
        Powerful Blogging & SEO related content published weekly...Follow the journey here: EvanHoeflichMarketing.com
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        • Profile picture of the author busterman
          The order form impressions are a very good sign. Unless they have a bot that goes to it every now and again to make it look real:confused:
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          • Profile picture of the author busterman
            Try sending all traffic to the same link and see what happens. The link in which you got the order form impressions. You should get 10 times the amount of traffic to that link. In 2 days we will know for sure if this program is bogus or not.
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            • Profile picture of the author Evan H
              Originally Posted by busterman View Post

              Try sending all traffic to the same link and see what happens. The link in which you got the order form impressions. You should get 10 times the amount of traffic to that link. In 2 days we will know for sure if this program is bogus or not.
              Well that's why I am planning on sending the traffic to a squeeze page...If people opt-in and actually open my emails and click on the links then at least I know it is real traffic...I'll let you know my results
              Powerful Blogging & SEO related content published weekly...Follow the journey here: EvanHoeflichMarketing.com
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  • Profile picture of the author iisgilbert
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    • Profile picture of the author moneytalks48
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      • Profile picture of the author iisgilbert
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        • Profile picture of the author busterman
          money talks any sales in Clickbank? My 10 affiliate links are geared towards Clickbank e-marketing products . Quite a few clicks but no order form impressions or sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author billybala
    Joined 2 days ago. Got around 10 click for each of the links and no sales or optin.
    Seems the results are similar to TWT and Submissionswork!
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    • Profile picture of the author busterman
      I got one order form impression on a product tonight Hoping more will come through and then hopefully a sale. Not getting my hopes up though as I too have been through the push button traffic money grab with the above mentioned products
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  • Profile picture of the author lalita
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    • Profile picture of the author busterman
      I am starting to get order form impressions but still no sales. If it can deliver enough traffic it just might work
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      • Profile picture of the author IMDealBox
        This sounds SOOOO familiar!

        I think the same "method" was used by at least 2 other services/products. People realized that they WONT make any sales after the first month! Which was too late for refunds.

        Every once in a while the owners would buy a product through your affiliate links just to push the hook deper in your mouth!

        So this one looks like the same thing!

        I'd get out of it while you got the refund guarantee!
        I.M Hound: Intelligent Business Solutions & I.M News
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  • Profile picture of the author Hartwell
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    • Profile picture of the author 3xfactor1
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      • Profile picture of the author busterman
        Just cancelled membership. 1 sale of the program in 1 month with tons of traffic and countless Clickbank links. The traffic just doesn't convert. It might with 50 times more of it but because we don't get that we will never know.
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  • Profile picture of the author Evan H
    The only people that "say" they are making money so far is by promoting the Hyper VSP system itself...

    Has anyone made any money promoting DIFFERENT products like clickbank, jvzoo anything besides the system itself???
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    • Profile picture of the author Hartwell
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      • Profile picture of the author Evan H
        Originally Posted by Hartwell View Post

        Yes. I am promoting Hyper VSP and yes, I am making money from it. My review was simply what I experienced. If it helps to sell the product, so be it. My review could have been the other way, if the product was terrible. . I don't know about how it does with programs other than itself just yet. -- Ed.
        Ed are you making money just letting the system do the work on autopilot, without any other promotion??

        How many times do you have your Hyper VSP link plugged into the system, 1 time, 5 times, 10 times??
        Powerful Blogging & SEO related content published weekly...Follow the journey here: EvanHoeflichMarketing.com
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        • Profile picture of the author Hartwell
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          • Profile picture of the author regibiz65
            My two cents:

            I don't normally make comments here at WF. Most times I read reviews and if I like the product I buy it. Mr. Hartwell seems to be sincere. He gave the good, the bad and the ugly about the software. His post seems to be devoid of hype IMHO. Anyway, since there is a money-back guarantee, I went ahead and bought the product. We'll see what happens.

            It's unfortunate that I had bought the software from someone else otherwise I would've bought it from him.


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  • Profile picture of the author billybala
    Just checked the tracking stats and found that the clicks are from: paypopup, clicksor & blogspot, etc.

    So far no sales & optin. 10 daily clicks per links.

    At least, they are real and not bot traffic.
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    • Profile picture of the author IMDealBox
      Originally Posted by billybala View Post

      Just checked the tracking stats and found that the clicks are from: paypopup, clicksor & blogspot, etc.

      So far no sales & optin. 10 daily clicks per links.

      At least, they are real and not bot traffic.
      Yeah...they get the clicks from Hitleap or other hits delivery services. This is done with some handy scripts you install on blogger. Then you send visitors to the blogger account which with the help of that script counts that visit to your URL as well. That is how people were able to deliver thousands of views to YT videos not long ago with the help of blogger.com

      So in other words...what such services are doing is: Buying cheap traffic to your offers and charging you a LOT of money. Ocassionally you could get a sale when the owners feel they are losing you. (hint - they most probably buy the product through ur aff links)!

      That is what i feel this and other similar products are.
      I.M Hound: Intelligent Business Solutions & I.M News
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  • Profile picture of the author IMDealBox
    LOL...common guys...enough with these hidden praise - promotions. We're not all newbies here!
    I.M Hound: Intelligent Business Solutions & I.M News
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  • Profile picture of the author James Tang
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  • Profile picture of the author lalita
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    • Profile picture of the author busterman
      Okay folks you are absolutely right it is a numbers game. Just using 10 different links for 10 different products isn't going to cut it. I have a weightloss product I'm promoting to all 10 slots. so far today 75 hits 2 order form impressions and 0 sales. At least I'm on the right track as 2 people pondered the purchase by getting to the order form. YOU MUST play the Hyper vsp game his way if you hope to generate a sale.
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      • Profile picture of the author busterman
        This is very weak traffic so you need lots of it.
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      • Profile picture of the author Evan H
        Originally Posted by busterman View Post

        Okay folks you are absolutely right it is a numbers game. Just using 10 different links for 10 different products isn't going to cut it. I have a weightloss product I'm promoting to all 10 slots. so far today 75 hits 2 order form impressions and 0 sales. At least I'm on the right track as 2 people pondered the purchase by getting to the order form. YOU MUST play the Hyper vsp game his way if you hope to generate a sale.

        I think you're on the right track...Here is my quick update:

        I've been in the system for just under 2 weeks and haven't made any sales...Here are my stats as of today:

        -832 hits on my Hyper VSP link- 0 Sales
        -343 hops for clickbank- 8 order form impression- 0 sales
        - 50 hits on my squeeze page - 0 opt-ins (apparently squeeze pages don't work well with this system)

        Although my results look discouraging, I think I am getting closer to earning commissions...I have been testing different links in the system and haven't really had a consistent week where I just kept my links to marinate in the system...

        If you keep changing your links, the system has to keep updating the information you provide it...So far the longer I have left my links in, the more traffic I seem to revive...

        All in all I am going to give Hyper VSP another month before I refund but with more clickbank "order form impression" lately...I think I'm on the right path

        All the best

        Powerful Blogging & SEO related content published weekly...Follow the journey here: EvanHoeflichMarketing.com
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        • Profile picture of the author busterman
          I agree with you Evan I'm going to at least give my product a week with all 10 slots focused on it. I have so far 290 clicks to the product with 10 order form impressions. All total you and I have 18 order form impressions and not one sale to show for it. A betting man would say that its not going to happen. I will know after a week if this is fake traffic. With order form impressions like these one of us will hit a sale if its real.:confused:
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          • Profile picture of the author Evan H
            Originally Posted by busterman View Post

            I agree with you Evan I'm going to at least give my product a week with all 10 slots focused on it. I have so far 290 clicks to the product with 10 order form impressions. All total you and I have 18 order form impressions and not one sale to show for it. A betting man would say that its not going to happen. I will know after a week if this is fake traffic. With order form impressions like these one of us will hit a sale if its real.:confused:
            Exactly, I am very open to the fact that it may be fake traffic, but I have heard of other people making money with it so we will see...My last and final strategy will be to put my Hyper VSP links in all 10 slots and see what happens...

            Thank god for this warrior thread so we can at least discuss ideas and results (or lack of) with each other...
            Powerful Blogging & SEO related content published weekly...Follow the journey here: EvanHoeflichMarketing.com
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  • Profile picture of the author Evan H
    Also, I just started to get Google + followers as of today (took 2 weeks) so we will see if that helps anything...

    Support had told me that the longer I have this system the more traffic and results I will get because the more "content" will be generated...but so far I haven't seen any of my traffic come from the so called "content" they are creating...

    That's why I think it is too soon to label this system a bust and will give it much more time so I can help anyone on the fence
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    • Profile picture of the author busterman
      I made a hyper vsp commission tonight. Not through the system but through my own efforts. Got to love these dribs and drabs commissionsI get . Every time I get one either through Clickbank or another source I say to my self that's great now how do I multiply that X100
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      • Profile picture of the author moneytalks48
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        • Profile picture of the author Henzen
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          • Profile picture of the author Evan H
            Originally Posted by Henzen View Post

            Has anyone been paid there HYPER VSP commisions recently
            Iam having to wait as they say they are processing the comms
            I got paid a $300 commission 2 weeks or so ago...haven't made anything since then though
            Powerful Blogging & SEO related content published weekly...Follow the journey here: EvanHoeflichMarketing.com
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      • Profile picture of the author busterman
        I really don't think our traffic is being sent based on articles and such as our traffic s wouldn't just shut down. We are all on a rotator and being sent traffic. It doesn't matter to me if that's the way things are as long as results are apparent. I sent in a question about lack of traffic to support back at 8 am pst. Still no response.
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        • Profile picture of the author busterman
          traffic has resumed
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          • Profile picture of the author busterman
            Please correct me if I'm wrong but the monthly subscription of $49.95 that we sell also reoccurs for us mo9nthly at $24.95?
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  • Profile picture of the author Olu Joseph
    Now the question i want to ask all affiliate marketers is this;

    Is it ethical to promote and earn money from what you know is not working?

    Best Part Time Home Based Business Ever!!!

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  • Profile picture of the author Evan H

    So I have changed my links around 1 final time and will test this system for another 2 weeks before I get a refund. I am now promoting 1 product on clickbank 4 times and the Hyper VSP system 6 times.

    Here are my stats so far:

    1,008 hits to my Hyper VSP link with 0 salea

    467 clickbank hits with 0 sales but 10 order form impressions

    135 hits to my squeeze page but 0 opt-ins (which does not seem right at all) normally converts at 25%

    I am getting a little discouraged with this system but will give it some more time before I call it quits. I would love to hear how other people are doing preferably promoting systems other than Hyper VSP itself.
    Powerful Blogging & SEO related content published weekly...Follow the journey here: EvanHoeflichMarketing.com
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  • Profile picture of the author lalita
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    • Profile picture of the author busterman
      Lalita did you change keywords or anything to get the sales? do you have it set to fast or moderate?:confused:
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      • Profile picture of the author busterman
        Evan I think the lack of positive responses speaks for itself
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  • Profile picture of the author Evan H

    So things have turned around a little bit since my last post. Even though my traffic has been a little inconsistent, I have definitely been getting more traffic as of late. I think the longer you keep your links in the system (without changing them) the better. Here are my results so far:

    1,069 hits to my Hyper VSP link and 2 sales: $300 total in commissions

    522 hits to my clicbank links and 0 sales

    Yesterday I got two email confirmations from Hyper VSP that I made a commission and quite frankly I was shocked. Then to log into my account and see that I made $300 I was pretty blown away. Realize that it took me over two weeks to even make a sale. Hopefully these type of results keep up because this can be some great extra money if they do...

    PS: I am promoting the Hyper VSP system 4 times and a clicbank product 6 times...I am still open to testing different links in the future

    All the best and be patient with this system!

    Powerful Blogging & SEO related content published weekly...Follow the journey here: EvanHoeflichMarketing.com
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    • Profile picture of the author busterman
      Congrats Evan! I also have all 10 slots filled with the Hyper link. No sales to declare yet. You can now hold onto the system a little longer. You made 6 months of membership. If this works well I definitely will get another account. I guess switching usernames for the second account corrects the confusion the system has.
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      • Profile picture of the author Evan H
        Originally Posted by busterman View Post

        Congrats Evan! I also have all 10 slots filled with the Hyper link. No sales to declare yet. You can now hold onto the system a little longer. You made 6 months of membership. If this works well I definitely will get another account. I guess switching usernames for the second account corrects the confusion the system has.
        Thanks man...Yeah I actually just upgraded to the lifetime membership ($197)...Figured it was a no brainer...I still want to make clickbank sales, so I will be patient with that...

        I am just hoping this system doesn't eventually flop and that it stays consistent...But I have already made $50 profit on my $250 investment so I can't complain...
        Powerful Blogging & SEO related content published weekly...Follow the journey here: EvanHoeflichMarketing.com
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        • Profile picture of the author busterman
          Is anyone getting 0 traffic right now?:confused:
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  • Profile picture of the author lalita
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    • Profile picture of the author James Tang
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      • Profile picture of the author successjr11
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        • Profile picture of the author Evan H
          Originally Posted by successjr11 View Post

          You have described my experience almost to a T. Their last response was they are behind with admin stuff due to the recent launch. Mine is only $49 but it's the point of being honest and decent.

          I'll give them a few more days before I start turning up the heat and spreading the word.

          By the way...over 650 "hits" and not one sale of their affiliate program. Um...yeah...sure.
          Understandable...I was very skeptical at first as well and very close to getting a refund after 1,000 hits to the Hyper VSP system and 0 sales. And then all of a sudden at 1,168 hits I made 2 affiliate commissions ($300) and was pretty surprised as I thought I was getting bogus traffic.

          Will this last? I don't know but now that I was able to buy a lifetime membership because of those affiliate sales I can at least test this system for as long as it is available.

          I have been burned by many products in the past but this is one of the only ones where I have made money and that alone is pretty powerful. Others that have posted on this thread are also making money. Some are having better results than others but at least we know this is working for myself as well as others. If my results last and stay consistent I will have no problem recommending this product but it is sill too early to tell.
          Powerful Blogging & SEO related content published weekly...Follow the journey here: EvanHoeflichMarketing.com
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          • Profile picture of the author busterman
            I really think this system would work fantastic if it was able to send 200 visitors per link everyday. So 10 links would be 2000 visitors a aday. Othwerwise we cant have 10 different links in the system as it will take forever to reach one sale.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hazell
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    • Profile picture of the author Evan H
      Originally Posted by Hazell View Post

      Evan and Lalita, have you been sending traffic to a landing ?
      For about about a week I sent traffic to a squeeze page with no results. I am now promoting the Hyper VSP system itself and a clickbank product.


      Today I haven't received as much traffic as I normally do but still got a decent amount. No more sales as of today but I did get 2 "order form impressions" on 16 clicks to my clicbank link which is the best ratio I have seen so far.

      If I start making clickbank sales I will really be impressed with this system as I have already made $300 in Hyper VSP commissions letting the system do the work for me. I really think patience is important with this software and once you find what you want to promote, let the links sit for at least a week before you change them...
      Powerful Blogging & SEO related content published weekly...Follow the journey here: EvanHoeflichMarketing.com
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  • Profile picture of the author lalita
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    • Profile picture of the author Evan H
      Originally Posted by lalita View Post

      One of friend i was talking with him. He is same about one week and he aswell getting sales. Yesterday he got two sales. the System need time and if we change the links and key words it takes 2-4 days to again give traffic. its giving traffic. but now like i am getting traffic only evening after 5:30 to morning 7:30 uk time. i think its work. i am giving more time to see the system.
      That's good to hear and important that other people are seeing results as well as I am...

      Although today my traffic is nonexistent...sometimes this system is inconsistent with your traffic but when you do get traffic, it's a lot of it
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  • Profile picture of the author lalita
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    • Profile picture of the author busterman
      looking at this further if I need 1000 or more hits for a single sale then this sucker needs to send me traffic 24/7 7 days a week. I'm averaging 200 hits a day to 1 link. one sale every 5 days? Hardly call that a successful campaign. That's with one link in the system repeated 10 times.
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      • Profile picture of the author busterman
        Send me 2000 hits a day with 2 sales a day on average then we have a winner!
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        • Profile picture of the author 3xfactor1
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          • Profile picture of the author Evan H
            Originally Posted by 3xfactor1 View Post

            I have yet to get this product, and from the looks of all the posts I've read here, the expectations of a one time $297 payment which is tax deductible for us in the US is way over the top. If you pay for advertising then you know there's NO GUARANTEE of sales. No Marketing or Advertising platform will give you guarantee sales, so to think this different is foolish.
            I started with the $49 a month version and then upgraded to the lifetime which was discounted at $197 and made $300 with the system already...So the price really isn't that absurd and I already made a $50 profit...Yeah $297 is a little steep but that's why they give you the monthly option as well...

            Oh yeah and I got 3 more "order form impressions" with my clickbank product I'm promoting yesterday off of 40 hits...So I think I am getting closer to a sale with clickbank...We shall see!
            Powerful Blogging & SEO related content published weekly...Follow the journey here: EvanHoeflichMarketing.com
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  • Profile picture of the author Hazell
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  • Profile picture of the author busterman
    1489 hits for the Hyper Vsp system all directed at the affiliate link and not 1 sale. I hate to say it folks but once again this looks like a dud.
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  • Profile picture of the author iisgilbert
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  • Profile picture of the author mecaruba
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  • Profile picture of the author Evan H
    Unfortunately after making those 2 sales my traffic has been pretty slow...Kind of expected this to happen...Disappointing that these launches many times turn into flops
    Powerful Blogging & SEO related content published weekly...Follow the journey here: EvanHoeflichMarketing.com
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    • Profile picture of the author busterman
      I got one sale tonight through the system. The fact that it rebills monthly is a good thing as I made one other on my own so I get $49.96 coming in monthly. This will cover my memebership cost so I will stay in the program.
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      • Profile picture of the author Evan H
        Originally Posted by busterman View Post

        I got one sale tonight through the system. The fact that it rebills monthly is a good thing as I made one other on my own so I get $49.96 coming in monthly. This will cover my memebership cost so I will stay in the program.
        How many clicks did it take to make that sale??
        Powerful Blogging & SEO related content published weekly...Follow the journey here: EvanHoeflichMarketing.com
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  • Profile picture of the author Wealth Mentor
    Those of you who made sales of the system itself...have any of you been paid your affiliate commissions? I spoke to someone who supposedly sold a number of the systems, but they say they haven't gotten paid their affiliate commissions.

    I have no proof one way or the other. Just trying to verify through additional sources.
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    • Profile picture of the author busterman
      1600 CLICKS to reach the sale. Evan did you receive your commissions yet through Paypal?
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      • Profile picture of the author Evan H
        Originally Posted by busterman View Post

        1600 CLICKS to reach the sale. Evan did you receive your commissions yet through Paypal?
        Yes I have gotten paid through pay pal...$291 to be exact after paypal deducted their fees...I think next time if I make more commissions I will get paid by check to save that hard earned $9 lol...So this is real money if that's what people are wondering...like I said I made 2 $150 commissions although my results have slowed down since...I am a lifetime member so I will keep ya'll updated

        Congrats on the sale btw Buster I bet you couldn't believe it when you saw it!
        Powerful Blogging & SEO related content published weekly...Follow the journey here: EvanHoeflichMarketing.com
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        • Profile picture of the author busterman
          Was it automatically paid on Friday straight into Paypal?
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          • Profile picture of the author Evan H
            Originally Posted by busterman View Post

            Was it automatically paid on Friday straight into Paypal?
            Yes it was
            Powerful Blogging & SEO related content published weekly...Follow the journey here: EvanHoeflichMarketing.com
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          • Profile picture of the author mecaruba
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  • Profile picture of the author Evan H
    James how much did you have in commissions?
    Powerful Blogging & SEO related content published weekly...Follow the journey here: EvanHoeflichMarketing.com
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    • Profile picture of the author James Tang
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      • Profile picture of the author Evan H
        I have seen an increase in traffic the past couple of days...no additional sales as of yet...
        Powerful Blogging & SEO related content published weekly...Follow the journey here: EvanHoeflichMarketing.com
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  • Profile picture of the author terry0419
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    • Profile picture of the author busterman
      I just don't see the benefit of bringing out crappy products. I guess if they hit everyone up for one month then they've made a fantastic amount of money. I think the true merit of a product is if it gives a $1 trial for the month.
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  • Profile picture of the author affilliate-script
    Originally Posted by lalita View Post

    there is new product coming checkout Join P1 Traffic Machine Early-Bird LIVE Webinar

    There's a thread on this forum about that - it's crap, and people are asking for refunds

    Automatic WordPress Silo Site Plugin and Theme Packages (siloplugin.com)

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  • Profile picture of the author mecaruba
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    • Profile picture of the author earlcash
      Originally Posted by mecaruba View Post

      Hi guys,
      I finally received my full refund from Hyper Vsp. It took a while but at least they refund it. With others you can kiss your money goodbye. I also want to thank those that trusted my link and checked out the new company I'm dealing with. They really connect with you and you can just checkout their group here on Facebook: https://hoverson.infusionsoft.com/go...nity/iln35847/
      These guys are willing to pay you back $100 in cash if you don't make profit within a month and I made profit within a month. Listen to their story here:
      Wishing you guys success with your business. I'm happy now.
      is this the kind of marketing they teach? If so very spammy It should not be mentioned in this thread.
      Stop being a follower and learn to market the right way
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  • Profile picture of the author James Tang
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  • Profile picture of the author synerjed
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    • Profile picture of the author Evan H
      Originally Posted by synerjed View Post

      I did not have such luck with this system I purchased the full membership for 297.00 I referred a personal friend of mine to sign in and after he did, the commission went to some one else, they told me that he sign in under the wrong ID...how could that be? it was the link they sent me their response was well we will give you the next sale. I was not happy with the answer and request it my funds back and for around 2weeks they keep refusing to return my funds. They are not warranting their supposedly 30 days money back. I have come across other members that said they have not made any money or sales, they too have request it their funds back If I was you I would stay away from this company they don't seem to be legitimate.
      Unfortunately, Hyper VSP started off strong for me but everything came to a crashing halt...Very disappointing and to not honor your 30 day money back guarantee is unethical...There are way better opportunities out there that I am exploring now and Hyper VSP is not one of them...I kind of knew it would fizzle out really quick but still went through with it...You live and learn I guess
      Powerful Blogging & SEO related content published weekly...Follow the journey here: EvanHoeflichMarketing.com
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