Any Help Desk Solutions?

6 replies
Hi Gang

I've been digging around here and elsewhere looking for a great Help Desk Solution for some of my Sites. Seems to be just some rather luke warm recommendations for the most part. Anyone have real experience with a Help Desk Api and can make a recommendation based upon experience I would really appreciate it. My criteria are simple enough":

1. Relatively Inexpensive
2. Easily Installed
3. Can track ticket submissions in a meaningful process
4. Can handle multiple sites without the need for multiple licensing.

Thank You
#desk #help desk #solutions #ticket submission
  • Profile picture of the author jasonl70
    have you looked into osTicket? I do not know much about it, but it's free, and part of fantistico.


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  • Profile picture of the author Lloyd Buchinski
    To my surprise I have found that one of the best places on the net to search for info is my docs. They have saved my bacon a couple of times lately when even google was just coming up with stuff slightly related that was going to take a loooong time to get through.

    So here are the help desks with the most positive comments from previous threads. Sorry but not all of them have the name of the original poster. They are mostly from this forum. I don't use one and don't have a recommendation myself. Mostly these were just posts copied on the topic.

    SupportCenter - Free HelpDesk Software, Trouble Ticket Software, Free Help desk software A new one that someone was excited about, looks interesting.

    Mike I've used perl desk and eticket in my day job along with some high end products like Remedy. I like eticket best, and as an open source product the price is right! and the community is pretty responsive. I'm getting ready to deploy eticket again for my day job to support folks in Australia, N. America and England (with 2 folks in Brazil to boot). And from prior experience I know it will handle things fine for me.

    the only installation issue I've ever had is dealing with the email subsystem to create tickets automatically - and that's always been an issue with the MTA rather than eTicket (and its parent osticket).

    FYI - its php based and I've only installed it on Unix and Linux.

    you can check it out at: eTicket

    hope this helps,

    I've tried a few and researched a bunch and
    the best by far in my experience is Kayako:
    fast, flexible, nice UI, feature full...

    Made my life a lot easier.

    If you talk to their live support before buying
    they can give you a 15% off coupon

    Amir Darwish

    If you are looking for a solution on a budget, I suggest Maian Support. It's free and works very well. It's not as feature rich as some of the others that have been mentioned, but it works well for my needs and I know that some well-known WF members use it as well. Maian Script World - Free PHP scripts for personal or commercial use! Photo Gallery, Greetings Card System, Recipe System & Other Free Scripts!

    Just in case it helps.

    Do something spectacular; be fulfilled. Then you can be your own hero. Prem Rawat

    The KimW WSO

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  • Profile picture of the author Vince Courtney
    Hey Paul

    I have been using the maian helpdesk for a couple years. It's easy to install - php script and have not had one speck of trouble with it.

    I haven't used it on multiple sites but it can have as many departments as you like so if you load it onto one site you can manage all your sites from one location.

    You can look at it here Ticket Desk Pro (not aff. link)

    Hope that helps
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    • Profile picture of the author Allen Lundy

      Vince beat me to it, but Ticket Desk Pro is an excellent program. I know many marketers that use it and swear by it.

      I use a different Help Desk, but, am planning on going to Ticket Desk here shortly.


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    • Profile picture of the author skydivedad
      Thanks a Ton Folks. Those are the kind of responses that make the Warrior Forum and Warriors Special. Really appreciate the responses and now I feel I have a much better pool for my research.
      Thank You
      All The Best

      Making Lemonaide... Skydivedad's Blog

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  • Profile picture of the author BenShaffer
    I use Hesk which is free and although not open source, you can edit most of the code. It is also actively developed and has a great support community. The only thing that it doesn't support which you may need is email piping.

    As far as I am aware, OSTicket is no longer developed.

    Perldesk was a total nightmare. I purchased it 3 times by different methods and never managed to get it to work.

    Ben Shaffer
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