Social Post Lab - How is it going?

40 replies
For those of you who bought Social Post Lab, how is it working out for you?
Is it working well?
#lab #post #social
  • Profile picture of the author solae
    I bought it earlier this week but support is poor. I sent a support request about 3 days ago and apart from the initial acknowledgement, I have not heard anything back. I tried to set it up but got stuck so cannot comment on how good it is. There is a training section in the members area but no training videos or instructions.

    In my opinion, the vendors could do a better job. I will give it a few more days and if I get no response, I will request for a refund.

    Originally Posted by Jeannie Crabtree View Post

    For those of you who bought Social Post Lab, how is it working out for you?
    Is it working well?
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  • Profile picture of the author Carm
    Originally Posted by Jeannie Crabtree View Post

    For those of you who bought Social Post Lab, how is it working out for you?
    Is it working well?
    I purchased it yesterday and put in a support ticket about 15 hours ago. Had access to the members area yesterday and today none. Even from JVZoo to download the product again, takes to a "coming soon" page. I did get to download the plugin yesterday but cannot get it to work. The training videos are online only, no download.

    They have lots of problems with the members site and their support, have been going round in circles trying to update the ticket I put in yesterday. Nothing is working as it should.

    The concept of the product is what I was after, looked good and I hope they get it sorted soon.

    Not going to wait 3 days though.....very frustrating....


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    • Profile picture of the author Jacomara
      Originally Posted by Carm View Post

      I purchased it yesterday and put in a support ticket about 15 hours ago. Had access to the members area yesterday and today none. Even from JVZoo to download the product again, takes to a "coming soon" page. I did get to download the plugin yesterday but cannot get it to work. The training videos are online only, no download.

      They have lots of problems with the members site and their support, have been going round in circles trying to update the ticket I put in yesterday. Nothing is working as it should.

      The concept of the product is what I was after, looked good and I hope they get it sorted soon.

      Not going to wait 3 days though.....very frustrating....
      Sounds like a terrible program. Thanks for the heads up!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9649842].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author sambakker
        Originally Posted by Jacomara View Post

        Sounds like a terrible program. Thanks for the heads up!

        Did you even bother to read the rest of the thread? What is wrong with some people...

        Thanks everyone who responded to our offer and took the time to read through this. I know it has paid off, you have been rewarded opposed from people who jump to conclusions like this person.

        Sam B

        Create high quality sales funnels in minutes

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9649853].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author peterj
          Originally Posted by sambakker View Post


          Did you even bother to read the rest of the thread? What is wrong with some people...

          Thanks everyone who responded to our offer and took the time to read through this. I know it has paid off, you have been rewarded opposed from people who jump to conclusions like this person.

          Sam B
          Hi Sam,

          Yeah I got the offer, very generous. Thanks!

          Just sent you a pm.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jeannie Crabtree
    Thanks for the feedback. The concept looks good. I can make floating capture pages with Power Lead System, but the ability to put coupons up too was intriguing. Support is so important. I have had too many purchases that end up with little support if there is a problem.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9277962].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author solae
      As it stands, I definitely do not recommend anyone purchasing it because of a lack of support and instructions. As mentioned above, the members area is an example of poor workmanship (it has the default Wordpress content on some pages). It does not seem as if it should have been released. I also had a quick look at the code and although I am no "techie" it seems like a white label product (not 100% certain) that has been rebranded.

      Originally Posted by Jeannie Crabtree View Post

      Thanks for the feedback. The concept looks good. I can make floating capture pages with Power Lead System, but the ability to put coupons up too was intriguing. Support is so important. I have had too many purchases that end up with little support if there is a problem.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9278129].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author discovryj
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9278581].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Carm
          I did hear back from support, given new login details but apart from getting to the main page which is where I could get to before, everything else was the same. So I have asked for a refund which is something I have only done on a very odd occasion in the past.

          Shame as the concept is good and I hope they or someone else gets a plugin like this up and running...


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      • Profile picture of the author solae
        Support finally responded after I sent a follow up to my initial request or it may have been that they saw this thread (I don't think it is a coincidence that someone else from this thread got a response from support as well).

        They now have some training videos in the training section of the members area but still incomplete. One of the videos meant to be available has a note instead of the video that states "check back tomorrow for video." It is a shame that anyone will feel comfortable releasing a product without having the required instructions and support in place. I still haven't been able to get it to work properly but it may be that I am missing something and need to watch the remaining videos. I am willing to give it a try for now but if I do not make any headway in a day or two, I will also be requesting for a refund.

        Originally Posted by solae View Post

        As it stands, I definitely do not recommend anyone purchasing it because of a lack of support and instructions. As mentioned above, the members area is an example of poor workmanship (it has the default Wordpress content on some pages). It does not seem as if it should have been released. I also had a quick look at the code and although I am no "techie" it seems like a white label product (not 100% certain) that has been rebranded.
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        • Profile picture of the author niffybranco
          Might6 I ask what the upsells were and how much were they .
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        • Profile picture of the author RohitShah
          To everyone posting on this thread. I can handle your queries (you can PM me).

          Originally Posted by Jeannie Crabtree View Post

          Thanks for the feedback. The concept looks good. I can make floating capture pages with Power Lead System, but the ability to put coupons up too was intriguing. Support is so important. I have had too many purchases that end up with little support if there is a problem.
          Let me know if you still have queries! You can PM me.

          Originally Posted by discovryj View Post

          I bought it yesterday and set it up. Wasn't "push button" easy, that's for sure. For one thing, I'm on a very limited budget. That meant trying to set it up with a free autoresponder. I spent the time setting that up only to discover I couldn't find code anywhere to cut and paste into social lab post.

          Social Post Lab itself was an issue to install, but that was probably my fault for trying a free host/domain. The wordpress file was too large. So, I broke down and bought the next plan up. I was in luck, because it happened to be on sale. Domain name and hosting $9.99 for a whole year (usually over $50). Of course, my domain name ends in, but I don't care at this point. Issues didn't stop there. There upload setting were too small and the customer service people had to adjust the settings. I have to say though, the customer service at Business-Class FREE web hosting at - PHP, MySQL, No Ads was pretty fast. Finally got it to upload after a couple adjustments.

          As I stated above, the free autoresponder ( didn't pan out. So I looked at other options. I decided to use mailchimp because it's free if you have fewer than a certain number of subscribers and emails/month. I'm not sure if their paid service is a deal or not, but I'm the type who will stick with a service if I found it helpful from the get-go. Hopefully, one day soon, I'll HAVE to pay because I'll have too many subscribers.

          The software has a few things I don't like. For one thing, when you search to find a media related to your subject, you can't use exact words/phrases. For example, if I wanted photos of michael jackson, it might bring me back anyone named michael and anyone named jackson. I tried '+' and I tried quotes and neither worked. Hope they fix this.
          Also, once you set your time(s) that you want things posted, it's set and you can't go back and change it. It looks like you can when you go back in, but it doesn't "stick", so that the next time you look, it's configured the way you were trying to fix. I'm also wondering what the deal is with the rss feed media option. I tried to search for relevant items, but I got an error message no matter what I typed in.

          It seems I'm missing a thing or two, but you get the idea. Maybe it's me...maybe I'm doing something wrong. It seems to me that this software is in a Beta state and I hope bugs get worked out soon.

          Hope this helps you
          For RSS, as mentioned in the field, just enter any RSS URL which you want and it will pull all the feeds from that URL for you to select and schedule.

          As far as the image search goes, we are using Flickr to grab images and we can only show what flickr sends us. Try your query with quotes if you want to search for specific term, it should work fine.

          Regarding being able to edit the timer, you can do that by editing the campaign and going back to Step 4 which is where you had set your timer. You can simply modify it from there.

          If you have any further questions let me know.

          Originally Posted by geotargeted View Post

          The plugin doesn't work well at all. Great in theory, but poorly implemented. The main problem are:
          1. Page loads too damn slow, like 10 seconds slow.
          2. Popover loads too damn slow, add another 4 - 5 seconds
          3. When posting to Facebook it doesn't use the markup from the page you are sharing, so there is no custom image which drives clicks.

          Give this one a pass and put the developers on the do not buy list.
          Here are some clarifications for you, hope these will help,

          1) We tested the plugin pretty much everywhere. Can you tell me if this was not your host being slow and you think its only the pages from the plugin which are loading slow? If yes, shoot me your website URL and I will take a look at it.

          2) Same applies here.

          3) Not sure what you mean by this but you can use a custom image as well as text which you like to use to post on Facebook. Its totally customizable.

          Hope that helps, PM me if you still have any issues.

          Originally Posted by solae View Post

          Support finally responded after I sent a follow up to my initial request or it may have been that they saw this thread (I don't think it is a coincidence that someone else from this thread got a response from support as well).

          They now have some training videos in the training section of the members area but still incomplete. One of the videos meant to be available has a note instead of the video that states "check back tomorrow for video." It is a shame that anyone will feel comfortable releasing a product without having the required instructions and support in place. I still haven't been able to get it to work properly but it may be that I am missing something and need to watch the remaining videos. I am willing to give it a try for now but if I do not make any headway in a day or two, I will also be requesting for a refund.
          PM me if you have any issues and if were not able to figure it out. We tried to keep training videos as detailed as we can and if that is not helping I would make sure we update the training videos.

          As mentioned before, if any warrior has a issue with the plugin or problem with support PM me and I will sort it out for you quickly.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9287084].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Carm
            Originally Posted by RohitShah View Post

            PM me if you have any issues and if were not able to figure it out. We tried to keep training videos as detailed as we can and if that is not helping I would make sure we update the training videos.

            As mentioned before, if any warrior has a issue with the plugin or problem with support PM me and I will sort it out for you quickly.
            Hi RohitShah,
            I'm not sure what training videos you are referring to, I have been going around in circles with the membership site. After much backwards and forwards with your support, I did get in about three days ago, and there was one video with another two 'coming tomorrow'. (tomorrow is always coming). This is for the Social Post Lab, not the marketing stuff. I did learn a little from the one video, but still found the plugin to be bumpy so thought I would wait for the 'tomorrow' videos. I did ask for a refund but that has not happened. So to give you the benefit of the doubt I decided I would keep trying.

            I have just been through another round of trying to access the training videos. After much ado I got there, mind you this is at least two 'tomorrows' could be three,since the last time and guess what, there is still only one video and two coming tomorrow. So could you please either direct me to the videos you are talking about or pm me and I'll give you my details for a refund please. btw Your support already has those details.

            I did sign up for a webinar for 18th but after trying to get into the members area again and having the same issues plus a new one thrown in, I'm predicting not much from the webinar.

            I thank you for coming to the forum, your product may good but sorry I haven't found it that way. Seems to be more emphasis in the members area for on-selling the product than making sure things are working for members who may want to use it for their clients. Time as they say is money and I have wasted much money with this product.


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  • Profile picture of the author geotargeted
    The plugin doesn't work well at all. Great in theory, but poorly implemented. The main problem are:
    1. Page loads too damn slow, like 10 seconds slow.
    2. Popover loads too damn slow, add another 4 - 5 seconds
    3. When posting to Facebook it doesn't use the markup from the page you are sharing, so there is no custom image which drives clicks.

    Give this one a pass and put the developers on the do not buy list.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9278791].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author geotargeted
    Like I said, when clicking a link it TAKES FOREVER to pull the page. It's not my host, I have excellent page load time with my host, my wordpress sites load in less then a second. It's not that for sure.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9287612].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author RohitShah
      Originally Posted by Carm View Post

      Hi RohitShah,
      I'm not sure what training videos you are referring to, I have been going around in circles with the membership site. After much backwards and forwards with your support, I did get in about three days ago, and there was one video with another two 'coming tomorrow'. (tomorrow is always coming). This is for the Social Post Lab, not the marketing stuff. I did learn a little from the one video, but still found the plugin to be bumpy so thought I would wait for the 'tomorrow' videos. I did ask for a refund but that has not happened. So to give you the benefit of the doubt I decided I would keep trying.

      I have just been through another round of trying to access the training videos. After much ado I got there, mind you this is at least two 'tomorrows' could be three,since the last time and guess what, there is still only one video and two coming tomorrow. So could you please either direct me to the videos you are talking about or pm me and I'll give you my details for a refund please. btw Your support already has those details.

      I did sign up for a webinar for 18th but after trying to get into the members area again and having the same issues plus a new one thrown in, I'm predicting not much from the webinar.

      I thank you for coming to the forum, your product may good but sorry I haven't found it that way. Seems to be more emphasis in the members area for on-selling the product than making sure things are working for members who may want to use it for their clients. Time as they say is money and I have wasted much money with this product.
      Sorry to hear that. Please PM me your details. Also if you want you can directly ask me any doubts or question regarding the plugin via PM and I can explain it if the videos are not helping. Thanks!

      Originally Posted by denacat1008 View Post

      No one has replied to any of my tickets.
      -I'm unable to login to the member area that I once I had access to but all the videos weren't there when I did have access.
      - When I create a campaign my fanpages are not there to select from. I followed instructions on the video and it still doesn't work.
      - I also don't have access to login where i purchased the product any longer!

      How do I get a refund because it seems it doesn't work and I can't get help.
      You can simply go to our sales page and find login link at bottom. Else Click Here.

      Regarding FB list not appearing, did you authenticate the app with the Connect with Facebook button? Once you have given the permission it should show the list of fanpages. If you did that and still cannot see the fan page please PM me your wp details if you can and I can take a look. Hope that helps.

      Originally Posted by geotargeted View Post

      Like I said, when clicking a link it TAKES FOREVER to pull the page. It's not my host, I have excellent page load time with my host, my wordpress sites load in less then a second. It's not that for sure.
      Ok I see. Can you PM me your website URL? I will check out whats going wrong. Also I will PM you an example running on my site just to show you that the pages are loading quite normal on my server or the other servers which we tested. But I am sure this is something we can figure out once you send me the URL wherever you are testing this.

      Let me know!
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  • Profile picture of the author solae
    Hi RohitShah,

    Thanks for coming to this thread and taking the initiative to get things sorted. I haven't had the chance to play around with the plugin since I last wrote my post above but hope to get round to it sometime next week.

    You mentioned that you are one of the developers of the plugin. However, when I looked at the code, it seemed to be called something else which suggests to me that it is a white label product. If this is the case, I have nothing against you doing this as it is normal within the industry. However, for the sake of transparency, I would like to know,

    Feel free to pm me if you feel more comfortable responding that way.


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    • Profile picture of the author PolarWind
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      • Profile picture of the author RohitShah
        Originally Posted by solae View Post

        Hi RohitShah,

        Thanks for coming to this thread and taking the initiative to get things sorted. I haven't had the chance to play around with the plugin since I last wrote my post above but hope to get round to it sometime next week.

        You mentioned that you are one of the developers of the plugin. However, when I looked at the code, it seemed to be called something else which suggests to me that it is a white label product. If this is the case, I have nothing against you doing this as it is normal within the industry. However, for the sake of transparency, I would like to know,

        Feel free to pm me if you feel more comfortable responding that way.



        To clarify, no this is not some whitelabel software that we just bought and sold it. The entire plugin is coded from scratch. Regarding the name, we have changed the name of this plugin 3 times (fb jacker, fb infinite etc) and the main reason to change it to Social Post Lab in the end was because we thought its better not to use FB in our name to avoid any copyright issues. So that is why you might see different name in the code. But that shouldn't be a problem.

        Let me know if that helps!

        Originally Posted by PolarWind View Post

        @RohitShah : Thank you for participating in this thread. I bought the basic package and installed it on my domain etc... I followed the instructions from the plugin install video. So far so good. Next I followed the instructions from the second video for connecting to FB. HereI have a problem, and was hoping you could point me in the right direction.

        This is what I did:

        - in the plugin >> opened the screen "settings"
        - new tab logged on to
        - Created new app "Social Post Lab". Platform = website
        - entered URL http://mydomain (no www) + domain name (no www)
        - saved changes
        - copied App ID + App Secret to plugin settings
        - saved changes

        Next I see the authorization popup from Facebook (3 confirmations). Save changes So far so good. Now I click on "connect to facebook". I do not see the green text (like in the video) confirming that I am successfully connected to FB.

        The video on how to create a campaign is still missing. I tried to create one, and notice that my FB pages are not listing.

        Any idea what is going on?
        This seems like some other plugin is conflicting. If you can PM me your blog logins I will look that for you and let you know whats causing this.
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        • Profile picture of the author PolarWind
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9294183].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author solae
          Thanks for clarifying this for me. I did see FB jacker in the code but with your explanation below, it makes sense to me.

          Originally Posted by RohitShah View Post


          To clarify, no this is not some whitelabel software that we just bought and sold it. The entire plugin is coded from scratch and I may have used some open source code for certain functions but thats mainly for the that certain smaller part of the plugin. All the rest is coded from scratch. The plugin is a Unique idea in itself and there is no such plugin available in marketplace to offer white label rights for such a idea. So rest assured the plugin is coded from scratch by me and my team. Regarding the name, we have changed the name of this plugin 3 times (fb jacker, fb infinite etc) and the main reason to change it to Social Post Lab in the end was because we thought its better not to use FB in our name to avoid any copyright issues. So that is why you might see different name in the code. But that shouldn't be a problem.

          Let me know if that helps!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9294352].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cabenb
    Seems I saved another $20 by just reading these pages! Thanks to all fellow Warriors!
    Install our Brand New FREE Fast Discount Finder Chrome Extension It will find you the best discounts on Amazon on the fly!
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  • Profile picture of the author webtraf101
    It's good if you already know how to navigate but if you are newbie and have no idea how to start, better to avoid them and try others with the same concept which can provide you better support. SPL support sucks.
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    • Profile picture of the author JodyRossDeane
      I've had same access problems as others here. Have pm'd Rohit. Fingers crossed, otherwise I'll be pushing that REFUND button faster than you can say waste-of-money.
      I've been on this forum for a good few years...
      There is still time for them to redeem themselves, and I do understand that there are often teething problems for new products/launches.
      Trusting they will sort this out ASAP if they are serious about there business.

      Get Hyper-Targeted Instagram Followers and Start Banking Big!:-
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9296970].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author GlenH
        Originally Posted by JodyRossDeane View Post

        There is still time for them to redeem themselves, and I do understand that there are often teething problems for new products/launches.
        Really there is no excuse for the sort of issues that have been happening with this product.

        I've been developing my own software for 9 years, and we won't release any product onto the market until ALL systems and processes are thoroughly checked, and re-checked multiple times using many beta testers.

        But today, that doesn't seem to happen. Particularly where plugins are concerned.

        It seems some marketers are so anxious to get their products to market as quickly as possible to start pulling in the cash, they neglect what really matters, and so the rep. of their product quickly starts to get a bad name.
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  • Profile picture of the author PolarWind
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    • Profile picture of the author RohitShah
      Originally Posted by PolarWind View Post

      Also, I get a json error when searching for content. JSON.parse unexpected end of data at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data.
      Hey. Sorry I missed your question since I just came to this thread. Since you cannot send PM please send me email to innovationlover at gmail dot com and I'll get it sorted for you. I need to know your blog details so that I can look the issue for you.

      Originally Posted by JodyRossDeane View Post

      I've had same access problems as others here. Have pm'd Rohit. Fingers crossed, otherwise I'll be pushing that REFUND button faster than you can say waste-of-money.
      I've been on this forum for a good few years...
      There is still time for them to redeem themselves, and I do understand that there are often teething problems for new products/launches.
      Trusting they will sort this out ASAP if they are serious about there business.
      Replied to your PM. Hopefully this has sorted your issue. If not let me know.

      Originally Posted by PolarWind View Post

      @RohitShah : I have not heard from you since the last message here on this thread. Today is my last day for issuing a refund. I am awaiting your reply ASAP. I'll wait a few hours from now and I will activate my refund claim at PayPal if I don't hear from you.

      Please note that I can not send PMs (I have to little posts on this forum), but you can always reply at " h a r r y " [ a-t ] " a a s t e r u d " . " c o m ".
      Check my reply above.
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  • Profile picture of the author plantman
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  • Profile picture of the author Cecil Dee
    This plugin is definitely not ready for prime time. Setting up a lead capture popup is fairly straight forward but if the webpage is using framebuster scripts (many are) your pop up won't show. Best to use paid autoresponder not free. Also, I haven't been able to produce an image ad to successfully work. There's another software that's similar that appears to do most of the same stuff SPL does (HeroTower) but it allows to find content that's already proven viral which is awesome but I'm reading that it has alot of bugs too and support isn't up to par. I'm just playing the waiting game now until something comes out that actually does what it claims to do without major flaws. That's my 2 cents.
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    • Profile picture of the author worsin
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      • Profile picture of the author worsin
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        • Profile picture of the author icandi
          I AGREE !!

          I bought this through an affiliate and paid $47 for the "best" whitelabel" package. How could I possibly resell this as cannot even get it to work after 4 weeks of endless slow comms from the Zendesk.

          In summary I was concerned when the Training Videos weren't uploaded prior to purchase and to date are still not there (see screenshot) pathetic advising to check back tomorrow.
          The error message "Data empty or wrong API key" never resolved telling me to try using chrome or Firefox, of course made no difference. I've never had issues with FB Apps before this.

          The membership site is now not available (see attached)

          Originally Posted by worsin View Post

          I just tried to check my ticket that i posted and am unable to log into their support center...when using their forgot password feature it sends me an email that says its to create a password and login but it simply directs you to a login page which in no way will allow you to access your previously submitted ticket.

          I have even tried to follow the link i got back when i first submitted my ticket and it just takes me to the login page which i have no username or password for.

          They are using ZendDesk which im familiar with and even it is broken.

          This has to be the most unorganized completely jacked up offer ive ever seen on these forums and ive been around for quite a while.

          I will be getting a refund and will have to go through PayPal i guess since communicating with these people is virtually impossible.

          These people need to be banned from WF imo...offers like this are bad for WFs image as a legitimate source of marketing tools and information.

          EDIT: Just tried to log into my JVZoo Account (an account that had ONLY this product on it) and its not even found by JVZoo now. Its as if the seller has deleted my account completely now. I logged in fine yesterday when i submitted a ticket to the developers but now i dont even exist in their system.

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          • Profile picture of the author peterj
            Originally Posted by icandi View Post

            I AGREE !!

            I bought this through an affiliate and paid $47 for the "best" whitelabel" package. How could I possibly resell this as cannot even get it to work after 4 weeks of endless slow comms from the Zendesk.

            In summary I was concerned when the Training Videos weren't uploaded prior to purchase and to date are still not there (see screenshot) pathetic advising to check back tomorrow.
            The error message "Data empty or wrong API key" never resolved telling me to try using chrome or Firefox, of course made no difference. I've never had issues with FB Apps before this.

            The membership site is now not available (see attached)
            I also bought the white label and they still haven't delivered the complete sales material or training videos. There is no way you can sell this on knowing your not going to get much in the way of support from them.

            And in case you hadn't heard Sam is launching a new product tomorrow.

            I sent him an email telling him I wouldn't be buying as he hadn't even delivered what was promised on SPL.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9371511].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author icandi
              I would never have bought this except it was recommended by a trusted affiliate, I have written to them also as I really don't know what to think, except I've been conned. I also wrote to JV Zoo asking for refund procedure, this 1st time I've ever had to do that.
              Yes I am very aware of his new product(s) as bombarded daily with emails

              Originally Posted by peterj View Post

              I also bought the white label and they still haven't delivered the complete sales material or training videos. There is no way you can sell this on knowing your not going to get much in the way of support from them.

              And in case you hadn't heard Sam is launching a new product tomorrow.

              I sent him an email telling him I wouldn't be buying as he hadn't even delivered what was promised on SPL.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9371526].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author peterj
                Originally Posted by icandi View Post

                I would never have bought this except it was recommended by a trusted affiliate, I have written to them also as I really don't know what to think, except I've been conned. I also wrote to JV Zoo asking for refund procedure, this 1st time I've ever had to do that.
                Yes I am very aware of his new product(s) as bombarded daily with emails
                I think I may have missed my refund period.

                However, keep us updated here on how it goes for you. Keeping it in the public eye a bit longer might help others avoid this sort of Crap.
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  • Profile picture of the author brutecky
    The problem with this plugin is the problem with most software created by 'marketing gurus'. You see so many people who call themselves marketers want to cash in on the software industry. The problem is that they have no experience in development. So what do they do? They hire out development to a freelancer, who almost always comes from a county with a favorable exchange rate (so the cost to them is as low as possible). This freelancer spits out a software fast. There is no real beta testing phase, only basic in house testing. Then they get a bunch of their affiliate friend to mass email it to a lot of people.

    What do the people get? A software developed by a third party, at a low cost, often for a fixed price that is not properly tested and then sold by someone who has no technical experience themselves at a huge markup. Honestly people what do you expect will happen?
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  • Profile picture of the author brutecky
    Im going to admit that I promoted this software, not much, but I did do a test of the software and send out an email suggesting that people view the demo on the sales page and consider buying it. Now I feel bad about this making that mistaken recommendation.

    Here is the thing the affiliates can not get you a refund. They did not get your money. In fact the commission they got did not even come from your money. As far as PayPal was concerned you paid Sam, then Sam paid them. So if they refunded the payment they would just be sending money to Sam.

    I will say this: My promise is that I will NEVER make this same mistake again with Sam. I will NEVER promote another product of his again. He fooled me (and my trusted subscribers once) and he wont get a second chance to do it to us again.

    While any affiliate is human (just like me) and can make a mistake there is no reason to not learn from that mistake. I would suggest that any affiliate that continues to promote products by Sam after this deserves to be unsubscribed from. I for one will not risk my relationship with my subscribers by giving Sam a second chance.
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  • Profile picture of the author icandi
    I finally got a reply and was promised a refund directly from Sam as I was over 60 days (because of the hopeless Support and him not replying for 6 weeks!!!) but that never happened, I sent screenshots of all the support tickets and dialogue, a screenshot of the page with the missing "key" training videos, which still not there, just a message stating return tomorrow, just a joke but how many others have lost $47 - it's just not right and yet many ppl still promoting his latest products..
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  • Profile picture of the author sambakker
    Hey guys,

    I wanted to post here – I saw this threat about 2 weeks ago and I was very surprised that no one sent me a link to it letting me know you were having these problems so I could respond. Hear me out.

    You are right – Social Post Lab was a mess. There were a number of reasons for that, partners launching the product with me backing out days before launch because of personal reasons, the support team I was paying at the time completely dropping the ball and the software itself has issues I should have foreseen but didn’t.

    This launch was a big wake up call for me and I should have been better I'm sorry.

    The month after the Social Post Lab launch we switched up our support team and our 30 day rating as you can see improved to 94% with a very good response time we’ve refunded EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE who requested a refund and worked with everyone we possibly could to help with this software.

    My reason for not updating you on everything when I first saw this is that we ‘ve been working
    our butts off to create a new much more stable and user friendly version of this software for you.

    It’s a software we are going to re-launch but every Social Post Lab customer
    (who kept the software or refunded) is getting it free.

    I am very sorry that many of you went through the hassles you went through with the software
    and support and we’re committed to making sure that every one of you leaves happy.

    Here is a preview of the new software:

    It has the same content generation features as well as popup posts and
    even a few more additions such as pop-under posts and a calendar to make it all easy.

    The software is a web based dashboard and its not built on Wordpress so no installation is required (Solving a ton of server headaches we had).

    To request your free copy please send a ticket to our support desk with the subject
    “Social Post Lab Customer” with your receipt and we will issue everyone login details on the 14th of October (To give me time to alert everyone who purchased Social Post Lab of this upgrade)

    If there is anything else I can help you out with or any additional requests or tickets you want me to look at you can get ahold of me at

    I am here now and will respond to anyone who has any further questions or concerns.

    Thanks for reading,

    Sam B

    Create high quality sales funnels in minutes

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9568365].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author peterj
      Hey Sam,

      Is this offer still good?

      This seems to be web based software, so obviously there wouldn't be plr for those of us that purchased the plr upgrade to SPL?!



      Originally Posted by sambakker View Post

      Hey guys,

      I wanted to post here - I saw this threat about 2 weeks ago and I was very surprised that no one sent me a link to it letting me know you were having these problems so I could respond. Hear me out.

      You are right - Social Post Lab was a mess. There were a number of reasons for that, partners launching the product with me backing out days before launch because of personal reasons, the support team I was paying at the time completely dropping the ball and the software itself has issues I should have foreseen but didn't.

      This launch was a big wake up call for me and I should have been better I'm sorry.

      The month after the Social Post Lab launch we switched up our support team and our 30 day rating as you can see improved to 94% with a very good response time we've refunded EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE who requested a refund and worked with everyone we possibly could to help with this software.

      My reason for not updating you on everything when I first saw this is that we 've been working
      our butts off to create a new much more stable and user friendly version of this software for you.

      It's a software we are going to re-launch but every Social Post Lab customer
      (who kept the software or refunded) is getting it free.

      I am very sorry that many of you went through the hassles you went through with the software
      and support and we're committed to making sure that every one of you leaves happy.

      Here is a preview of the new software:

      It has the same content generation features as well as popup posts and
      even a few more additions such as pop-under posts and a calendar to make it all easy.

      The software is a web based dashboard and its not built on Wordpress so no installation is required (Solving a ton of server headaches we had).

      To request your free copy please send a ticket to our support desk with the subject
      "Social Post Lab Customer" with your receipt and we will issue everyone login details on the 14th of October (To give me time to alert everyone who purchased Social Post Lab of this upgrade)

      If there is anything else I can help you out with or any additional requests or tickets you want me to look at you can get ahold of me at

      I am here now and will respond to anyone who has any further questions or concerns.

      Thanks for reading,

      Sam B
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9624112].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sambakker
    Yes it is just send a request to and ill help you out

    We can't offer resell rights for you with this one but we will make up for it by giving you the OTO for free which is selling for $97 right now

    Create high quality sales funnels in minutes

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  • Profile picture of the author sambakker
    Hey guys, just letting you know Social Post Manager is about to finish its launch. If you got Social Post Lab please email support on this address to get free access to the unlimited version of it: Also we have achieved a 100% support rating which is quite a big deal for us. It's been our goal all year to hit that number off a launch and Social Post Manager has done that. A huge amount of positive feedback has come in which is testament to the new team we have compiled (Screenshot from support as of now).

    Create high quality sales funnels in minutes

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  • Profile picture of the author sambakker
    Hi Trixxxi,

    Thanks for your message. I did email my list - with email there is no way to guarantee everyone will see it but I 100% did.

    Here is one of the emails I sent on the 18th of October

    [Free Gift] Social Post Manager - Social Post Lab Customers ONLY


    If you purchased Social Post Lab
    I have some very good news for you!

    We're looking for Beta testers for a
    new software called Social Post Manager.

    It's an incredible Social Media Management
    software we know you are going to LOVE!

    And it's free for you because you purchased
    Social Post Lab and we wanted to express
    how much we appreciated your business
    and value your opinion.

    If you would like to check out this software
    take a look at the screenshot here:


    If you would like to get free access to Social Post
    Manager please send in your receipt to
    before the 20th of October and we will issue you a
    free test account to try out and let us know
    what you think.

    Thanks again
    Sam Bakker

    P.S. This software will retail for between $37
    and $97. Don't waste this chance to get it
    for free. Send in your receipt to support

    Sorry you did not see this - please search your email account and have a look.

    Also email my support and explain the situation. We will send you a refund and give you the package
    for free. I will do this within 60 days for anyone who has purchased both products before seeing the message above.

    Sam B

    Create high quality sales funnels in minutes

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9642675].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sambakker
    Hey Ace,

    No worries yes it is a software that wasn't ready. I am glad we launched it though - it has opened my eyes to the fact I need to be more careful about what I launch and our support needs to be better prepared. It also didn't help that I only saw this thread weeks after the time it was posted lol seems like a few people prefer to fuel the fire instead of actually reaching out to notify me of the problem so I can fix it.

    Pm me your ticket number - ill get the girls to setup your account right away

    Sam B

    Create high quality sales funnels in minutes

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    • Profile picture of the author KWeist
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9951201].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author sambakker
        Hey not a problem. The offer still stands give my support an email and they will help you out and send you access to the new system

        Create high quality sales funnels in minutes

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9951206].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author swriviera
          Originally Posted by sambakker View Post

          Hey not a problem. The offer still stands give my support an email and they will help you out and send you access to the new system
          I had some computer problems and I can't find my access info anymore.

          Inside JVZoo the support address takes me to socialbusinessaccelerator and here you give the link for assistace (thank you for giving that link). I will send a new support request to this link.

          Strange how any version of the domain (for example: or just shows a white page. Strange. Not even server error or page not found or .... is this a problem with a caching program (like cloudflare)??? Just guessing.

          I'm hoping this does work ... we'll see.

          Have a great day,

          Sandra Walsh

          P.S. I see that the link redirects to thebusinessaccelerator zen desk.
          Now I am hoping you can help me out. I DID MISS your October email to get an exchange for the new system. We'll see what we can do today????
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  • Profile picture of the author KWeist
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