Clickbank University Review from Current Member

24 replies
ClickBank recently launched their "ClickBank University" (CBU) earlier this year. They have $1 for a 7-day trial, which can be worth it if you just want to find out what CBU has to offer in their dashboard. I signed up with them earlier this week out of curiosity for $97/month. If you attend their free seminar, you can get a "scholarship" that will save you about $300 for the year. The idea is that instead of paying $1164 for the course for the entire year ($97 x 12 months), they will give you $300 discount so you end up paying $700 something for the entire year. This is an annual plan. I didn't want to take any risk of me not liking the course, so I opted for paying $97/month.

CBU dashboard is easy to navigate. They have videos for every lesson, and most videos are about 5 minutes average for week 1. I thought the contents are good for beginners, but not a lot of new techniques or in-depth explanations for someone who has a background relating to CB affiliation and internet marketing. I'm a little disappointed that their content is rather minimal for my taste. It's geared towards newbies, so I understand their concepts somewhat.

What I dislike most is that CBU controls how many videos/lessons I can go through in a day. They break down their courses into weeks so the students can learn and apply their least I would like to believe that is their intention. But I can also see it as a way for students to stick around. So, if you paid for $1 trial, you'll only get to see lessons available up to week 1 anyway. One week of materials at CBU is not much at all. From what I see, you need about 8 weeks to finish all the courses they have so far.

One of the good things is that CBU just got their site builder up and running. This is one of their selling points. Basically, they allow their students to create their own websites using CB platforms. They provide hosting for free and you can create as many sites as you want. You still have to pay for your own domains though. Nothing fancy here. Kind of reminds me of Weebly.

If you want to cancel, you will have to email their support team. You won't find details on how to go about doing so any where on the website. Good thing is that their response time is rather fast. When I had a question and sent an email to their support team, I got a reply within 24 hours.

What CBU lacks the most is a community. Students haven't been encouraged to interact with each other. Their community is only consisted of several posts on their forum as of right now. Then again, CBU is new so building an interactive community will take time.

These are just my impressions of CBU so far. I intend to stay until I finish all of their courses and see how effective their site builders are. It seems like the lesson plans are geared a lot towards teaching the students on how to create their own products. I will attempt to follow CBU lessons step-by-step as if I were a beginner and see how this goes.

Feel free to ask me any question if you are not sure if you should enroll or not. Also, if you are a CBU member, I'd love to connect and hear your opinions as well.
#clickbank #current #member #review #university
  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9280068].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author nova320
      Originally Posted by tristatemedia View Post

      hi do you they teach how to rank the sites????
      Yes, they do. It is part of the lesson plan but I can't comment on it yet since that part is still "locked" for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author nova320
    Just wanted to update that CBU has weekly seminars for members. It is something that I appreciate. But the content feels like it is more intended for newbies. Have not heard notable new techniques yet. In addition to seminars, CBU also has "talks" for their students and brings in speakers with experience to run a webinar. That part I find most interesting so far.
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  • Profile picture of the author SittinPerty
    Interesting! I just joined Clickbank....I'm excited to launch my first few websites using clickbank Promotions. Hope it goes well. I have heard nothing but good things about Clickbank!
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  • Profile picture of the author arghya139
    I am just starting on CB should I go for it ?
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  • Profile picture of the author ysckyler
    Does the CB University cover for affiliate marketing?
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    • Profile picture of the author zendot
      Originally Posted by ysckyler View Post

      Does the CB University cover for affiliate marketing?
      Yes, they have several videos for it.
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  • Profile picture of the author zendot
    Many products on CB must have cost thousands and thousands of dollars to produce. However, I'm not willing to risk that much just to see if it works. But on the other hand, if you produce a "simple" product, do you think people will want to promote it? Just wondering.
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    • Profile picture of the author peterachutha
      I would be very careful with Click Bank. They used to be a good service.

      I found out the hard way that they will deduct all your money in your Click Bank account if you do not log into Click Bank on a regular basis. I had set up many Click Bank adverts on my site and when I my site was hacked I spent months try to sort it out and 'fix' the hacking. Click Bank was so thankful that I had not logged into my account in Click Bank, during that period, that they started deducting money from my account. Is that legal?

      Anyway they will deduct upto $50 at a time. I have stopped using Click Bank since then and removed all my Click Bank adverts from my site.
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      • Profile picture of the author celestmark
        Totally agree and same here! Their "maintenance" fees should be illegal and only an excuse to take profits that YOU worked for!

        Originally Posted by peterachutha View Post

        I would be very careful with Click Bank. They used to be a good service.

        I found out the hard way that they will deduct all your money in your Click Bank account if you do not log into Click Bank on a regular basis. I had set up many Click Bank adverts on my site and when I my site was hacked I spent months try to sort it out and 'fix' the hacking. Click Bank was so thankful that I had not logged into my account in Click Bank, during that period, that they started deducting money from my account. Is that legal?

        Anyway they will deduct upto $50 at a time. I have stopped using Click Bank since then and removed all my Click Bank adverts from my site.
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        • Profile picture of the author NetSensei
          Originally Posted by celestmark View Post

          Totally agree and same here! Their "maintenance" fees should be illegal and only an excuse to take profits that YOU worked for!
          I was considering going back to Clickbank as I have heard they have made a lot of changes. Are they still requiring that you must get sales from several different types of payment systems... ie... paypal, visa, mc, ae... etc?

          So if all your sales come from just paypal they hold your funds and if you do not get any sales from any of the others they start taking your funds until it is zero? Is this still happening?

          If so, how many different payment types do you need before you get paid?

          With the advent of JVzoo, Digital point, Zaxaa and others, Clickbank is not the only option. Still, many like CB a lot so while I find the others a convenient platform to sell from, I do sometimes think of going back to CB as an additional platform.

          Any thoughts?
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          • Profile picture of the author ClickBank
            Originally Posted by NetSensei View Post

            Are they still requiring that you must get sales from several different types of payment systems... ie... paypal, visa, mc, ae... etc?
            Hi NetSensei,

            Our Customer Distribution Requirement is still part of our client contract. To avoid having ClickBank withhold payment of your account balance, you must have at least 5 sales from 2 different payment methods including: American Express, Carte Bleue, Diners Club, Discover, ELV, JCB, Maestro, MasterCard, PayPal or Visa. More information is available from our client contract section on the accounting policy.

            Originally Posted by NetSensei View Post

            So if all your sales come from just paypal they hold your funds and if you do not get any sales from any of the others they start taking your funds until it is zero? Is this still happening?
            You are referring to our Dormant Account Policy. This policy, described as part of our client contract here, addresses accounts that have been abandoned, unused or otherwise dormant for an extended period of time. To keep an account current, it must generate a minimum of one sale every 90 days.

            The ClickBank Team
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            • Profile picture of the author NetSensei
              Originally Posted by ClickBank View Post

              Hi NetSensei,

              Our Customer Distribution Requirement is still part of our client contract. To avoid having ClickBank withhold payment of your account balance, you must have at least 5 sales from 2 different payment methods including: American Express, Carte Bleue, Diners Club, Discover, ELV, JCB, Maestro, MasterCard, PayPal or Visa. More information is available from our client contract section on the accounting policy.

              You are referring to our Dormant Account Policy. This policy, described as part of our client contract here, addresses accounts that have been abandoned, unused or otherwise dormant for an extended period of time. To keep an account current, it must generate a minimum of one sale every 90 days.

              The ClickBank Team
              I see. I thought it was 5 different payment methods. But 5 sales with only 2 different payment methods is reasonable. I have some products I will initially be offering as a wso, after the initial offering, I will be strongly considering bringing them to the Clickbank platform.
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      • Profile picture of the author hometutor
        Originally Posted by peterachutha View Post

        I would be very careful with Click Bank. They used to be a good service.

        I found out the hard way that they will deduct all your money in your Click Bank account if you do not log into Click Bank on a regular basis. I had set up many Click Bank adverts on my site and when I my site was hacked I spent months try to sort it out and 'fix' the hacking. Click Bank was so thankful that I had not logged into my account in Click Bank, during that period, that they started deducting money from my account. Is that legal?

        Anyway they will deduct upto $50 at a time. I have stopped using Click Bank since then and removed all my Click Bank adverts from my site.
        Combine that with the world's most insane return policy and you know why I don't bother any longer. I can't wait for a class action suite forcing them to provide DMR since they approve 100% of return requests.
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  • Profile picture of the author zendot
    I think they only deduct money when you're not making any sales and the money just lies there on the account. It happened to me before.
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  • Profile picture of the author zendot
    Hi marms, I had a few sales so far, but I didn't really do anything strategically. I don't have a newsletter or a website. I just put two links in two different apps and I had a few sales from there. BUT, this is not the way to go. "Cold" traffic converts extremely hard as I found out. I think having a newsletter on a small niche website is the best way to go.
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  • Profile picture of the author IMDealBox
    There is nothing CBU can teach you that is not already freely available on the INTERNETs!


    If they wont be promoting other people's courses...that COULD be golden.

    You know...the old..."pay me to teach you how to access the real training" type of courses! Loads of it on well!

    ALSO (for some people above that asked)

    Clickbank is an online marketplace. It can NOT help you make money. All they do is host/make available products created by vendors (third parties). CB takes care of affiliate cookies and of commission payments. They also take a cut in the process.

    Asking if CB helps one make money is like asking if ...uhm...DealGuardian/Zaxaa/JVZoo/WarriorPlus/InfusionSoft/XDspot/others help you make money!
    I.M Hound: Intelligent Business Solutions & I.M News
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  • Profile picture of the author nova320
    So I actually cancelled my membership with Clickbank university after a month. It's probably great for newbies who like to follow a plan. But it was kind of slow for me since I couldn't do all modules at once. You get only couple of lessons you can through per week. CBU just wasn't for me. I hope others have better experience. Bottom line, I agree with what most members have said. I learn more being here at WF.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ian Jackson
      The bottom line is that like most shiny objects, the products that are suffixed "university" exist to make money for themselves, not the majority their fee-paying students.

      Which is fair enough really, that's marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author dbsmitty
    I appreciate this post and thread. I had kind of been wondering about CBU. This was helpful.

    One thing that made me a little hesitant about it is that I suspected (and now after reading, even more so) that CBU was put together in order to try to regain footing. CB was big for a while, but now they're kind of losing the battle to other platforms like JV Zoo.
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  • Profile picture of the author awledd
    This product seems to be for newbies. If it starts from scratch then it has to be for beginners. But I believe since it is from Clickbank, you can get some info on conversion and optimization ... to help you earn more. The other day, I bought Clickbank conversion data from CB and it has some good info.
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  • Profile picture of the author concerro
    I won't be looking into Clickbank University if they are forcing me to go slow with the modules right now. I am not an expert, but I have made some money some I am not a newbie either, and I really don't have the time to waste watching videos on things I already know. I also heard that Clickbank University is more about teaching you how to make your own product rather than promote already made products. Is that true?
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    • Profile picture of the author PhilCarson
      Yes. The stuff about being an affiliate can be learned just about anywhere, but the vendor lessons are the only reason why I'm keeping my subscription.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andymwb77
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  • Profile picture of the author buisao
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    • Profile picture of the author PhilCarson
      If you're interested, I've just started a new Facebook group called "CBU Talk". The link below takes you straight to the Facebook page, and has no affiliate linking whatsoever. It's just what it says it is - a place for people to talk about CBU related stuff.

      Hope to see you there!
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