22 replies
Chris Munch just launched this: SkyRanker.

It's about ranking press releases through his system. But Google penalized the press release sites with Panda 4.0 here: Did Google Panda 4.0 Go After Press Release Sites?

The sales copy does not mention this so I assume his PR's won't rank as he says.

Anyone have a different view?
#review #skyranker
  • Profile picture of the author TheAdsenseGuy
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    • Profile picture of the author Blazon1
      I purchased today but haven't had a chance to use it yet. The linked article is interesting, but not terribly conclusive as to whether PR sites were Panda-slapped. It wouldn't be surprising given some of the junky press releases floating around the web. As to whether Chris is simply cashing in with SkyRanker while he can, I have no idea.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Munch
    Originally Posted by TheAdsenseGuy View Post

    The sales copy does not mention this so I assume his PR's won't rank as he says.

    Anyone have a different view?
    You've raised a great point.

    To clarify the releases submitted via SkyRanker do rank well in Google. There are plenty of examples on the sales page where you can go to Google.com and verify (use Google.com as local country Search Engines will be different).

    The recent update from Google did punish some Press Release sites like PRWeb. Essentially Google's machine learning effort identified that generally people do not trust sites like PRWeb so much, for whatever reason that may be.

    However, our press releases also end up on mainstream news sites, and people do trust these news sites, which is why the content you submit ranks well. That's my theory anyway... the why's are open to debate... the fact is the content submitted ranks well in Google.

    Some people have messaged on Facebook and shared their results:

    Screenshot 1

    Screenshot 2

    Screenshot 3
    I rarely check my PMs here, if you need support, help or have a question please go to our support desk.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Kane
      I'm quite interested in Skyranker, but I have a question. The sales video shows 1st page rankings for keywords that have little to no searches. How is this beneficial other than getting a backlink? How does this generate instant traffic?

      I'm not trying to be negative here, as I'm very interested in this product. I look forward to your response.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9364017].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Daystar11
        If you watch the sales video (and I also take screenshots to review
        at my leisure) you will see 15 keyword searches displayed; 14 out
        of 15 show searches with 20,000ish to up to multi-millions. ONLY ONE
        had 2 searches. This is not even the glass half empty/full conundrum;
        it is 14/15ths full!!!

        Originally Posted by Jill Kane View Post

        I'm quite interested in Skyranker, but I have a question. The sales video shows 1st page rankings for keywords that have little to no searches. How is this beneficial other than getting a backlink? How does this generate instant traffic?

        I'm not trying to be negative here, as I'm very interested in this product. I look forward to your response.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9365887].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author TheAdsenseGuy
          Originally Posted by Daystar11 View Post

          If you watch the sales video (and I also take screenshots to review
          at my leisure) you will see 15 keyword searches displayed; 14 out
          of 15 show searches with 20,000ish to up to multi-millions. ONLY ONE
          had 2 searches. This is not even the glass half empty/full conundrum;
          it is 14/15ths full!!!

          You're getting search page results confused with monthly search volume.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9366076].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Chris Munch
        Originally Posted by Jill Kane View Post

        I'm quite interested in Skyranker, but I have a question. The sales video shows 1st page rankings for keywords that have little to no searches. How is this beneficial other than getting a backlink? How does this generate instant traffic?
        Hey Jill,

        That's a great question.

        There's a few points to note:

        1. Inaccurate Info from Google
        Google does not provide accurate info of traffic for a keyword, and they are especially inaccurate as traffic gets lower. If you have done SEO for a long time you might find that Google says 500 visitors per month, and you can only get 20. At the same time you might find a keyword that says zero searches per month, and get 100.

        2. Incentive to hide hidden gems
        As most SEOs use keyword tools, they cluster around keywords Google says have traffic. Spammers use the keyword tool to identify easy targets and put up spam when they identify low competition terms with traffic.

        Given that low traffic keywords often have low competition, Google's results could be filled up with spam if they suddenly revealed all these keywords with traffic. I;ve long suspected this is why Google's search volume counts show zero for keywords that do actually have traffic.

        Targeting keywords other people think have zero traffic is a very effective strategy to get traffic. Just apply some common sense.

        Or simply the resources to provide accurate numbers at low traffic volume is not worth it, so they just say zero.

        3. Multiple Rankings...
        The content ranks for multiple keywords (if you follow the training). While one keyword phrase might have low traffic (say 10 searches per month). When you take into account it is ranking for 5-20 different sets of keywords, that traffic can soon add up.

        4. Reality Check
        The front page rankings are for low to mid competition keywords. Typically high traffic keywords have huge competition, and there's no such thing as simple being able to 'hit submit' and rank for those keywords. It's going to take a lot more work and skill to do so.

        SkyRanker is for getting press and announcing News. The front page rankings it gets for low to mid competition keywords is just a nice side benefit. Also Press Releases have been shown to help the sites they link to rank higher... however, there is so much variation here.

        Normally to get on news sites like this it costs $369 via PRWeb. SkyRanker has the same distribution at a fraction of the price while we run this temporary discount.
        I rarely check my PMs here, if you need support, help or have a question please go to our support desk.
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        • Profile picture of the author Tryingto learn
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          • Profile picture of the author Chris Munch
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    • Profile picture of the author cabenb
      Hi Chris,
      In your sales video I see only examples of very low to zero search keywords (Google.com, English).

      If you cannot show results for high search keywords I cannot see any benefit buying this.

      Please explain. Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author ecdavis
    Hi. I'm also interested in this product. I've often used press releases to good effect and found that when properly written, some of the press release pages do rank well. However, I know how to write press releases, am familiar with the submission process, and have access to industry news sites that place press releases with real news organizations. Skyranker essentially sounds kind of like a press release service or platform. I'm wondering what I would get that would enhance my already existing skill set.

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  • Profile picture of the author jockauthor
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    • Profile picture of the author realdealseo
      Originally Posted by jockauthor View Post

      I too am seriously considering this, but lets be honest, the releases will not stay there indefinitely or probably not for a long time, so i am just wondering where does this fit in with just doing good seo and getting good back links to ensure longevity of your ranks. I would be interested to see if someone actually does well with this chasing a very competitive term rather than an easy one.
      You have about 2 to 3 weeks max to backlink them, and then they stick well in my experience. And they have to be actual news sites not the free press release spammed ones.


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      • Profile picture of the author SiteSpeculator
        What is cost on OTO - from sales page - looks like a subscription service of some sort?
        Guessing - more press releases on a per month basis?
        Anyone get the cost and or specifics on it?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9366991].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Daystar11
          Originally Posted by SiteSpeculator View Post

          What is cost on OTO - from sales page - looks like a subscription service of some sort?
          Guessing - more press releases on a per month basis?
          Anyone get the cost and or specifics on it?
          I was on the webinar, and it was a bit confusing; someone asked for
          specifics, and they said after purchase you will be given the option
          to have a monthly service, the same amount of press releases of
          whatever package you purchased initially, at whatever price that was-
          with that price locked in, every month.
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  • Profile picture of the author helices
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    • Profile picture of the author Daystar11
      Originally Posted by helices View Post

      Do your due diligence.

      MOST of the examples in Chris' examples no longer rank as in his examples. Regardless where they ranked for the screenshots, several weeks later most of them drift well off the 1st SERP.

      So, this product may fit well inside a bigger, broader SEO strategy; but, long term link building is not one of them ...
      Can you explain a bit-

      long term link building is not one of them ..

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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
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    • Profile picture of the author IM_MERLIN
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  • Profile picture of the author JGK
    4 word long tail keywords are def low to med search traffic which is what Chris says he is targeting. I tend to agree with his comment on search volume as I reckon Google plays games with search numbers in the Keyword tool (which in Adwords pushes you toward more expensive KWs= shocker! higher profit for them). As a short term traffic boost $45 for one submission maybe worth a test ....but not sure why I'd buy 10 up front...unless I had a test budget...which I don't.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9374432].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author IM_MERLIN
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      • Profile picture of the author Chris Munch
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        • Profile picture of the author Red Eagle
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          • Profile picture of the author Chris Munch
            Originally Posted by Red Eagle View Post

            Your prices are no longer 90% less than PR Web. Your prices just went up 50% and your site says you'll be closing your service COMPLETELY in two days. I would have taken advantage of your offer in a big way, but there just wasn't time to test it out properly.
            Sorry you missed it. We were open for a week and the price rise was well advertised.

            Given it only takes about 2 days to get results the week long launch was enough time for testing. I've had plenty of people reach out to me via support or Facebook who have done campaigns and got the results advertised.

            There are of course those that didn't, but they did not follow the training. An extreme example is someone trying to rank for a keyword, without even including it in the headline/title.

            When they follow the training, or have previous experience, it is getting the advertised results.

            We've also held prices in the members area for customer only for a few more days while people who came in late do more testing.

            It's still a massive discount right now.

            We can cancel our subscription at any time, right? Didn't see that in your site's FAQ.
            Yes of course. Credits never expire.

            I've bought your products in the past and always found you offer good products at a fair price. Best of luck.
            Thanks - appreciate the kind comments
            I rarely check my PMs here, if you need support, help or have a question please go to our support desk.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9380183].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author kj1010
              Originally Posted by Chris Munch View Post

              Sorry you missed it. We were open for a week and the price rise was well advertised.

              Given it only takes about 2 days to get results the week long launch was enough time for testing. I've had plenty of people reach out to me via support or Facebook who have done campaigns and got the results advertised.

              There are of course those that didn't, but they did not follow the training. An extreme example is someone trying to rank for a keyword, without even including it in the headline/title.

              When they follow the training, or have previous experience, it is getting the advertised results.

              We've also held prices in the members area for customer only for a few more days while people who came in late do more testing.

              It's still a massive discount right now.

              Yes of course. Credits never expire.

              Thanks - appreciate the kind comments
              I used sky ranker 4 days ago and after the release was approved 2 days ago I have received over 80 new visitors to my website and 14 to the affiliate product sales page I am promoting.

              I will see how long this lasts and how many new visitors I get from it but so far I am very pleased with the results, especially for the price.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrei F
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  • Profile picture of the author rrielly
    When is it going to open again?
    Bob Rielly
    Xtreme Internet Marketing

    Follow Us on Facebook
    Skype: XtremeIM
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  • Profile picture of the author bj3377
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    • Profile picture of the author rrielly
      Originally Posted by bj3377 View Post

      I don't care for the "buy it now before the price goes up" and only having it available for a few days method of marketing this product. Am also not clear if there is a monthly fee for this.

      Its not open dude!
      Bob Rielly
      Xtreme Internet Marketing

      Follow Us on Facebook
      Skype: XtremeIM
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      • Profile picture of the author bj3377
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9619541].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author rrielly
          Originally Posted by bj3377 View Post

          It was as of Saturday, October 18, 2014 through Paul Clifford - "Dude".

          From: - Paul Clifford -
          Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2014 12:05 PM
          Subject: [CLOSING TOMORROW] Page 1 Rankings using Skyranker...
          well I must be going to the wrong link..... because the link I got is closed do you got a link to website????????
          Bob Rielly
          Xtreme Internet Marketing

          Follow Us on Facebook
          Skype: XtremeIM
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  • Profile picture of the author cabenb
    I've bought it and submitted my first press release and I'm waiting for approval now.........
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  • Profile picture of the author Piero
    I just received an email promoting SkyRanker- Is this thing still alive?
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  • Profile picture of the author RobertStone
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