Your favorite software to send your lists

1 replies
Anybody doing well with any particular software that you're inboxing your lists? Maybe a good $47-97-197 product that converts well?

Any suggestions?

I'm talking mainly about the IM niche. List Building niche. Email Marketing Niche. Make Money Online niche. Cost Per Action.
#favorite #lists #send #software
  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Autrey
    Anything guys?

    If not software, what favorite things do you like to send to your lists in general? IM and MMO niche...

    The good thing about this business is that "People don't succeed cause they aim too high and miss, no, they aim too low... and hit. Most people don't aim at all." (Les Brown)

    Not us... Not marketers. We live far above mediocrity. Always keep this in mind at all times..

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