Content Professor, The Best Spinner or AMR

4 replies
Hi Warriors,
I'm looking for the precise spinner which can give good results after spin. I'm done with writing articles and don't wanna hire people anymore. So, I thought article spinner would be a good choice... which one you recommend- AMR, Content spinner (free version available- using nowadays) or The best spinner.

#amr #article marketing robot #article spinner #content #content professor #professor #spinner
  • Profile picture of the author xclamation
    Try wordAI. Its better than all the software you mentioned.
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  • Profile picture of the author sanusense
    I never heard of that product, moreover I would like to pick among these 3 products only!

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    • Profile picture of the author rbates
      Originally Posted by sanusense View Post

      . . . I would like to pick among these 3 products only!

      Why just those three? Why turn down something that might
      be a better choice? Personally, I think that you should turn
      down ALL of the spinner options, but that's just me.

      I have never found an article spinner that was not a waste of time (for me).
      If you want to just make an article "Look" slightly different, then
      I suppose spinning may be an option. I'm not sure why anyone
      would want to do that when they can do something fresh and creative.

      I once tried to spin an article, just to see what they were about,
      I ended up pretty much re-writing most of the copy anyway.
      I wasted my time figuring out the spinner software.

      Before anyone comes back at me and tells me "You just didn't
      use the right spinner", and that may be true, but to re-state what
      I have already said, why would you not want to create something
      that is fresh and new? Spinning just does not make much sense
      to me. Again, just my opinion,
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by sanusense View Post

    I thought article spinner would be a good choice.
    No ... it's a bad choice, and there are reasons for that.

    In this case, perhaps first and foremost is the fact that taking "other people's articles" and putting them through a spinner, is breach of copyright (it's creating a "derivative work"), and can get you sued, and put into jeopardy the security of your website, hosting, domain-registration, ISP and so on.

    Spinning is nonsense, anyway, though - even if they're your own articles.

    It's based only on a fundamental misunderstanding.

    It's a "solution to a problem that doesn't actually exist".

    A solution of benefit only to people selling spinning software and services.

    "Spinning" is without value. It can damage your business, but it can't help you. The whole thing is based on a fallacy, and a misunderstanding about what "duplicate content" and "syndicated content" mean and what they signify.

    (It doesn't even help for SEO: the value of a backlink doesn't depend on whether the content to which it's attached is "unique" or "previously published": it depends on many other things, but that isn't one of them, and Google says so openly.)

    These five items explain much more about it, at greater length and in greater detail.
    • this post explains the alleged "benefits" of spinning
    • the first half (or so) of this thread contains a good discussion of what you can gain from spinning articles ("not a lot")
    • the advice on this subject given by so many people throughout most of this thread has been really helpful to many people here
    • on the meaning and significance of "duplicate content", in this context, this little post from expert article marketer Anne Pottinger includes direct quotations from Google's WebMaster Central Blog on the subject (not easy to find a more authoritative source than that!)
    • this little article is also a very useful and accurate explanation of the subject.
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