by Melody
35 replies
Any reviews on the latest and greatest shiny new object to be blasted out - Cloud PBN?

On one hand - I have a lot of domains sitting there that I could certainly use to set up a network - but really don't want to spend a grand buying up high PR domains to set up a new network if that is the gist of this.

Any thoughts? I would think you would at least need separate IPs, different names on the registrations etc to make a PBN effective or is that wrong?

Has anyone built an EFFECTIVE PBN without making it look as though all sites are independent?

And any reviews on the Cloud PBN product itself?

Thanks -

#cloud #pbn #reviews
  • Profile picture of the author CageyVet
    CloudPBN is more of a PBN content uploading tool rather than a true PBN manager. IT does a have few neat features but overall, if you are truly wanting to build and manage a PBN there are much better tools on the market.
    I'm just an opinionated ******* Today!
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    • Profile picture of the author fredrock
      Originally Posted by CageyVet View Post

      ... if you are truly wanting to build and manage a PBN there are much better tools on the market.
      What do you recommend CageyVet?
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      • Profile picture of the author psresearch, FCSNetworker, (and probably RankWyz) will all work. Probably the best is ManageWP.
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        • Profile picture of the author heavysm
          Originally Posted by Paul Schlegel View Post

, FCSNetworker, (and probably RankWyz) will all work. Probably the best is ManageWP.
          See, all of these tools already exist and work pretty well for their primary purpose.

          Upon first looking at Cloud PBN i mistakenly thought it was a nice hosting outlet to diversify our sites with since, in my opinion, hosting can be one of the biggest pains when creating a larger sized PBN.

          In that case it could have been useful if it was well executed.

          But Cloud PBN appears to be a mere content what's the point?

          The tools mentioned above do the trick equally as well if not better.

          I really don't see any point in investing in it even if it does the job well (and it appears there are many problems with it as it is )
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    • Profile picture of the author deepimage
      What other better tools are you referring to?
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    • Profile picture of the author goneill
      Thanks for the headsup. Looks like a load of other people will loose some credibilty the way they have been promoting this product.

      George ONeill

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      • Profile picture of the author mrhamzie
        Originally Posted by goneill View Post

        Thanks for the headsup. Looks like a load of other people will loose some credibilty the way they have been promoting this product.
        Every so often you get all the Big 'Gurus' promoting the crap out of a product they know little about. I am disappointed as I bought this through one of the usual suspects who I respect. All that happens is they collect their affiliate commission and stay silent till the next big pay day.
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  • Profile picture of the author ahutton
    SOOOO, Can this problem be fixed? Does he plan on fixing it?

    I really liked the idea and bought it. I hate to ask for a refund if it is fixable.

    Amy Hutton

    SUCCESS through Group Social Bookmarking

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  • Profile picture of the author ahutton
    Message from CloudCpn just now

    Axel Dungog (Drip Apps)
    Sep 06 10:26

    Hey there!

    We've taken a huge precaution when it comes to footprints.

    First of all, the communication between Cloud and the slave plugin is 100% encrypted.

    We're also implementing a feature where the slave plugin will automatically disguise itself upon upload. This way Google can not see which sites its running on.

    Best regards,
    The Drip Apps Team

    Amy Hutton

    SUCCESS through Group Social Bookmarking

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  • Profile picture of the author star007
    Thanks for the info. The article was very informative and saved me a lot of money. Glad I looked (for info) before I leaped this time.
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  • Profile picture of the author winebaer
    I think, while this is still a viable SEO tactic, that as soon as there is enough of a pattern from this product that Google can recognize, that it will start ignoring these sites.

    So I would call this a short term solution.
    [FREE MINI COURSE] eCourse Launch Blueprint | Finally, Launch Your eCourse and Make Money FAST! You need a system to help you SELL your eCourse that everyone's been waiting for. Get the step-by-step eCourse launch system - for FREE!
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  • Profile picture of the author TimothyW
    Oh MAN... did I "step in it" ah-GAIN?!?!?!

    I bought this, and JUST NOW I noticed who the "other person" behind this is.......

    (FREEEEKIN') Devin Zander! (aka: Mr. Rent-a-SAP)

    My eyes are rolling so far back into my head right now, I'm afraid they won't go back.


    Now I gotta...

    1) Get a refund.

    2) Burn yet ANOTHER name into my mind (to AVOID) -- "Wyatt Jozwowski."

    I REFUSE to get taken TWICE in one year, by these guys!

    Peace out.
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  • Profile picture of the author writetale
    talk about breaking bad, the very best way to get me to unsubscribe from your list:

    promote a product that you know damn well you shouldn't be promoting or that you haven't checked out YOURSELF (or from a VERY reliable source)...... just another round of unsubscribes logged for those peddling this one....always gives me a reason to thin the herd.

    hit "unsubscribe" faster than usain bolt (love that name...a marketing field day)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9504347].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ahutton
      You know....I bought this then saw that video. Turned me off too.l But I went beyond that and contacted the folks who had posted testimonials on the Cloud Pbn page. I expressed my concern and those users that I could locate all came back to me with with VERY positive information.

      I then went further and contacted support. I have NEVER had such excellent support! They answered all my concerns and every time I had another question another support person would just as carefully help me.

      They even, without my requesting it, had the creator of the product contact me. He was more than helpful.

      SOMETIMES BAD STUFF POSTED ABOUT A PRODUCT IS WRONG! I think sometimes big name SEO people just want to get their name out there. Did he even contact the Cloud PBN team? No.


      Amy Hutton

      SUCCESS through Group Social Bookmarking

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  • Profile picture of the author CageyVet
    Tools similar to this for content and WP management are..

    These all take care of the plugins, the content and management of sites for both a PBN AND money sites.
    I'm just an opinionated ******* Today!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9506167].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TimothyW
      Originally Posted by CageyVet View Post

      Tools similar to this for content and WP management are..

      These all take care of the plugins, the content and management of sites for both a PBN AND money sites.
      The sales page definitely leads one to believe Cloud PBN *BUILDS* the entire PBN for you "on auto pilot." (not just manages the content)

      So, you're saying it doesn't build the network(s) too?

      -- TW
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9506672].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
        Originally Posted by TimothyW View Post

        The sales page definitely leads one to believe Cloud PBN *BUILDS* the entire PBN for you "on auto pilot." (not just manages the content)

        So, you're saying it doesn't build the network(s) too?

        -- TW

        Nope its just a wordpress management tool masquerading as something more

        Mainwp is free people. buy a couple plugins and you are done. Furthermore mainwp has an open plugin architecture so new features are being added to it all the time

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  • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
    This will help shed some light. I wouldn't touch this with a 10 foot pole:
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    • Profile picture of the author NetMan
      Originally Posted by cypherslock View Post

      This will help shed some light. I wouldn't touch this with a 10 foot pole:
      I cannot agree more!

      Moreover, one MUST be VERY careful in the methods used to build a PBN as there are many things to take into consideration, it must be carefully crafted with specific techniques, and this is a rather complex setup, a real PBN it is a science, period. Unless you want to put a lot of money, time and efforts and have your entire network of site put into oblivion in a snap by big G!

      Service offers in the like are full of it as to what it pretends to accomplish, it is clearly and obviously targeting and sold to the mass of unawares who are getting into very hot water of risks, using this as a "PBN management" tool.

      Want to be aware of how so called "PBNs" in the like can be easily discovered and unlisted by big G? Make just a small search about "open graph protocol" and see what knowledge and work is required and what must taken into consideration to build a REAL "PBN"!

      Best regards,

      Andre Foisy

      IGNORANCE is not an excuse anymore, all you need is Automate Kit!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9507017].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author goneill
        Hi Andre
        I took your advice and had a look at some of the sites related to the "open graph protocol",
        OMG, I just wanted to build a simple PBN obviously without Big G giving me the Big Boot.

        Do you have any suggestions as to where or what to read on building a PBN in more laymans form so I can digest the info in a more digestible form.

        Would greatly appreciate any advice or pointers you may have and would be much appreciated


        George ONeill

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        • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
          Originally Posted by goneill View Post

          Hi Andre
          I took your advice and had a look at some of the sites related to the "open graph protocol",
          OMG, I just wanted to build a simple PBN obviously without Big G giving me the Big Boot.

          Do you have any suggestions as to where or what to read on building a PBN in more laymans form so I can digest the info in a more digestible form.

          Would greatly appreciate any advice or pointers you may have and would be much appreciated

          Bring The Fresh is one place that goes step by step through this with pdf and video. There's also Alex Becker's SourceWave
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9508150].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author goneill
            Originally Posted by cypherslock View Post

            Bring The Fresh is one place that goes step by step through this with pdf and video. There's also Alex Becker's SourceWave
            I have had a look at Bring the Fresh, it is a membership and general marketing programme and seems to have good testimonials. It is more than what I would want to pay and is not specifically focussed on PBN.

            I am going through some of Alex Becker's free stuff and he does have a focuss on PBN.

            I bought the cloudPBN and I must be truthfull here, it was only after reading the input from other Warriors that I became aware of the shortfall in this software. I bought through it through P Garety which appears to me to have a good bonus in that he adds to and develops the PBN. So at the moment I will wait for this training and at the same time keep in mind what has been said here.

            Thanks again much appreciated.

            George ONeill

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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Then
    It seems to me the CloubPBN is more of a blog network management software and not a cloud hosting service.

    For once I thought someone has found this secret but once again the secret of cloud-base blog network is hidden again.
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  • Profile picture of the author NetMan
    Of course, we all know that day dreamers prefer the sound of the music that goes along with what they've been brought to believe, which makes "authority" for them, and in so what they look for and WANT TO HEAR, OVER the marketing technologies experts and their so cold, dull and not "shiny" warnings and advice. Especially once they've already catch the bait and bought the "product". Classical!

    Left to determine exactly WHAT is considered as "VERY positive information" against real world facts from experts who logically know that a PBN cannot be built and bring in such RELEVANT "very positive information" that would bring to conclusion of a definitive success, in just a few hours or days!

    It's true that sometimes "bad stuff posted about a product is wrong" (here again, we still need to consider WHO takes WHAT as something "wrong" or being "bad stuff"), but one might start cool down and look at WHO is whistling and why. Unless that one wants to get into what I explained above...

    Take care!

    IGNORANCE is not an excuse anymore, all you need is Automate Kit!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9507307].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author chocobo244
    So conclusion is PBN good or bad to be bought, i have mixed reviews seen here and some jargons are quite technical. Apologies.
    Check out my converting solo ads for IM/MMO offers here. 60% subscribers from premium countries.

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  • Profile picture of the author CageyVet
    IF you want a tool that will add content to a Wordpress Blog, do a bit of randomization and build tier 2 Youtube Video links, then CloudPBN is not a "bad" tool.

    But this is a lot different than "Building a PBN"...
    I'm just an opinionated ******* Today!
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  • Profile picture of the author tyronne78
    Cloud PBN isn't a "done-4-you" service that creates you a PBN,it's more like a PBN manager. There are additional steps you have to take to have a fully functional Private Blog Network.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9510715].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NetMan
      Originally Posted by tyronne78 View Post

      Cloud PBN ... ,it's more like a PBN manager. There are additional steps you have to take to have a fully functional Private Blog Network.
      Not even close, the level of expertise and technical knowledge required to build a PBN, I mean a real one by definition, is far from being an asset of the great majority of so called "marketers" and even web developers... So, the "additional steps" you mention that one has to take are more like HUGE Deployment Steps just to build it, after that there's still a high learning curve just to operate it adequately, once it is build and put into place. In comparison, what CPBN is offering is ridiculous buzzwords (by definition a PBN can't be anywhere else than in the "cloud", moreover the term normally used for "cloud" doesn't really apply what a PBN is meant to), that gives the unaware the impression to have a wonderful SEO tool, while in fact you have nothing even close to a PBN. Sad, very sad...

      IGNORANCE is not an excuse anymore, all you need is Automate Kit!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9530135].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author IM Mozie
    I have used FCS Networker for building a PBN and I have found it to be pretty neat. I almost bought Cloud PBN but after reading too many mixed reviews, I decided to let it pass.

    By the way, How do you use "different names on the registrations", isn't that against most domain registrar rules? I normally register them on my own name and get private whois for the domains.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9530057].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NetMan
      Originally Posted by IM Mozie View Post

      I have used FCS Networker for building a PBN and I have found it to be pretty neat. I almost bought Cloud PBN but after reading too many mixed reviews, I decided to let it pass.

      By the way, How do you use "different names on the registrations", isn't that against most domain registrar rules? I normally register them on my own name and get private whois for the domains.
      Mmm, I'm not too sure of how you use FCS Network to "building a PBN" as this web-based submission service has absolutely nothing to do with PBNs at all.

      Needless to say, that those who've bought into CPBN are clueless about PBNs as well.



      Andre Foisy

      IGNORANCE is not an excuse anymore, all you need is Automate Kit!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9530095].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author IM Mozie
    It allows you to build a network of web 2.0 and social sites. But yeah you're right, it's not a proper self hosted SEO PBN.
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    • Profile picture of the author NetMan
      Originally Posted by IM Mozie View Post

      It allows you to build a network of web 2.0 and social sites. But yeah you're right, it's not a proper self hosted SEO PBN.
      Exactly, "Build & Control Your Own Link Networks!"

      That is a tool to build Link Networks, on PUBLIC networks, on which you have NO control on top of that, and can very easily be spotted by G.

      While there may be a few similarities, in some functions, very few, it is very far from being even comparable

      IGNORANCE is not an excuse anymore, all you need is Automate Kit!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9530366].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author contentment1st
    It's not as advertised. Would not recommend.

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    • Profile picture of the author jredmond
      I purchased the "4-Part Rank, Rent, Profit action map" from you. The forth step in the program was not instructions and directions but I sign up for a webinar? I waited and watched the webinar thinking it would be the forth step in the program I purchased. Not only was the webinar not the forth step it was simply a re-recorded sales pitch for your membership program?????
      How do I get the forth step?
      There must have been some sort of mistake. I can't imagine that you would sell someone something, not provided it to them and try to sell them something else?
      Please let me know how to get the forth step of the program I purchased and correct your funnel so you don't piss off more of your customers.
      Thank you, Jim R
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10074369].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author NetMan
        Originally Posted by jredmond View Post

        I purchased the "4-Part Rank, Rent, Profit action map" from you. The forth step in the program was not instructions and directions but I sign up for a webinar? I waited and watched the webinar thinking it would be the forth step in the program I purchased. Not only was the webinar not the forth step it was simply a re-recorded sales pitch for your membership program?????
        How do I get the forth step?
        There must have been some sort of mistake. I can't imagine that you would sell someone something, not provided it to them and try to sell them something else?
        Please let me know how to get the forth step of the program I purchased and correct your funnel so you don't piss off more of your customers.
        Thank you, Jim R
        If I was you, I'd rather go to the author directly, instead of complaining in a thread he's VERY unlikely to see..
        (btw, why am I not suprised by this outcome?)

        IGNORANCE is not an excuse anymore, all you need is Automate Kit!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10074477].message }}

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